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This is a thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

>"Are there other brush sets aside from the CSP ones?" / "Has this brush set been uploaded before?"
Check the archive. Chances are if it's popular some anon has uploaded it already.

Previous: >>7272681

(Brush in the OP is in the CSP assets rentry.)
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>Suspicious encoded link:

Full of viruses (real).
Hey any idea where I can get opne of those expensive 3D anatomy models?
Requesting this Mixed Media Brush Pack for Procreate. And all the extras that comes with it (18 brushes, 3 color palettes, 2 paper texture brushes).


seconding this. i'd love a posable 3d model with realistic and detailed muscular/skeletal anatomy (particularly female anatomy). recs would be much appreciated!
Has anyone had issues trying to dl from catbox in the past several hours? I've tried to grab some of the links posted in the last thread and it's giving me errors




requesting these, very odd request i know. but could be useful for some.
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Looking for this bloody brush. Is the one missing from the artist's collection

https:// assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2110269
Anyone got this one?
Sorry if I am supposed to drop a code I don't use these threads often.
You can find it in the rentry csp paid materials link in OP
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Does anyone know a brush that'll let me draw something like pic attached? Honestly, I've been trying to improve for so long and I think once I've got a brush that I feel really comfortable with then I can put in 1000% of my effort and "get gud" as they say.
Look for G pen brushes.
Has anyone tried to replicate Gege Akutami's pen?
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>Gege Akutami did an inteview with Tite Kubo, Author of "Bleach". I remember reading it a while ago and found the article again. He says he can't even create his own custom brushes and just gives everything a go until he finds something he likes.

So is either real G pen or https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1686820
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If I want to make comic/manga, are there presets speech bubbles in CSP or do I need to download some pack?
As usual, matter of taste. I think nothing I find meets my needs so I just use the bubble pen to draw my own bubbles. Most of the time I just draw them with a normal bubble brush though, more layers just get in the way.
Both. There's a generic speech bubble, but you can download ones from asses according to your taste.
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Sharing this really cool deleted brush that I got a bit ago and it's honestly so fun to color with!

im looking for paper textures if anyone has any.

There's also TGTS, Daub, Lane, etc... texture packs in the external rentry.
thank you!
What's your favorite brush to sketch with, anons? Personally I prefer thicker brushes that emulate a Sumi-E style.
any pencil brush
Kyle's china box.

Pencil style mixed with white (白混じりペンシル風) https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2086488

REAGANS2 Pen https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1715553
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Has anyone ever made a 5 or 5.5 head model based on girls like Ranma and Urusei Yatsura? Those body types are peak for drawing
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I have a very weird question...

You know like "most of us" are sketching with a pen, and basically making a contour of a character(for example), and then properly line it, and then color.

But I saw some dudes do a shape thingy that remotely resembles a figure, and then go from there, forming every part separately, adding shade and features, and even if they do lineart - they would add it on top.

I don't know how to even search for it.
What that technique called? Can you recommend something related to that?
that's called blocking
Did anyone get these 3D things during the limited period and is willing to share them, or get them for me?
I would really appreciate it if so!

yeah blocking-in or silhouette
Anyone know good impasto brushes with heavy texture for CSP?
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Looking for a specific kind of brush if you have time.

I'm looking for a very specific kind of brush compatible with CSP. One that can mimic a .07 led pencil. Pic is an example of a brief little sketch i did with one.

i want it to have that same texture to it, that light grain, but most importantly of all, i want it to only be dark if the pen pressure calls for it. What i've noticed with a lot of pencil brushes i have is that they start off at a very dark shade. a real pencil wouldn't start black, it starts off a few shades lighter at a dark grey, going lighter grey or darker, dependent on the amount of pressure applied to it. Another BIG thing, i didn't want the brush to overlap. If i draw a line with little pressure, and draw another line over it, i don't want to be able to see the 2 lines overlapping, if that makes sense. I want every line to appear solid, so i don't want it to rely on low opacity to mimic the different shades and tones of grey you can capture with a real pencil and applied pressure.

TLDR: want a realistic pencil brush with similar texture to picrel, draws at a lighter shade than the one selected, and reacts to pen pressure, allowing you to make it darker if you apply more pressure. i don't want something that relies on opacity to achieve this look though.
Alternatively, what settings can i change to make an existing brush draw lighter tints of the selected color, lighten/darken based on applied pressure, and not have an obvious visual overlap of lines due to opacity?
I want to say, play with the value (and Saturation) of the color jitter setting for existing brushes. That might help a lot. It doesn't affect the opacity, only the color that comes out. Might need to play around with it for awhile to achieve what you want but that's the best way I know that doesn't touch the opacity
What I have noticed is that there is a trend from 6.5 heads to 7. The animes I've seen that use 6 are to give a moe look like kill la kill or precure.
i’ve always loved kuzuine’s rendering style. anyone know what brush she’s using/a similar brush?
She works in opencanvas https://www.youtube.com/@kuzuvine/ you can try watercolour brushes.
would anyone have these brushes?
my brother in christ, it's $1.50 for the full set.
i'm well aware of that but have you stopped to think i may not be american or able to buy it at the moment? just wanted to know if anyone has it, if you don't there's no reason to reply.

Does anyone have anything for rendering forest backgrounds or anything for nature they'd be willing to post? Thank you very much in advance.
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anyone happen to know the brush this guy uses for lineart?
hard round brush with opacity
thank you
This >>7311095
>play with the value (and Saturation) of the color jitter setting for existing brushes
fixes the color from coming out fully black, but it doesn't seem to darken more if i press harder. that's what i'm lacking.

i need something that will start out as a lighter hue of the color (in this case, the color is black, so the color should be a dark grey) and then reacts to pressure sensitivity by making the color come out darker (black) or lighter (a lighter grey) depending on how faintly or hard you are pressing on the pen.

If anyone knows any solutions, theories, or brushes, i would like to hear.

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