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>formerly the webtoon making general
All formats of webcomics are welcome. PYW and show us what you got.

>Why would I make one?
Webcomic creation is a fun way to hone your skills while building endurance. It will force you out of your comfort zone and is a great medium to practice visual storytelling.


https://www.lezhinus.com/en/ (Application only)
previous thread
Wouldn't it be better to just combine this with manga making general?
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I'm making this webcomic inspired by Helltaker. It's the only page so far tho.
does it matter? most of the threads in the catalogue are shitposts anyway. and not everyone associates with manga.
not bad. its high level compared to most webcomics I've seen
/co/fag are better off making there own general than poisoning another general with there shitslop.
I made a comic for fun a couple years ago and have been itching to get a print of it for personal enjoyment lately- major problem is that I am a complete amateur and made it far too small (pages are 3" x 4"). Anyone have a clue on what to do? Resizing the pages themselves ruins the quality as well, I know I learned my lesson on drawing on a small canvas.
Either redraw them properly or market them as a mini-comic/zine
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I've settled with making it a mini, just completely clueless how to get something like it printed since I've never done it before. I'm trying to figure out how the saddle stitching junk works on photoshop or whatever, I can't print it from home and do it myself since the colors won't play nice with my printer. Any advice would be appreciated
NGMI hands typed this
Lmao. This is like the classic comics that would be super popular on twitter with normies but for lolicons, so it won't.
Good stuff though.
Wait, so if I gibe her tits and post it on twitter it would be popular you believe? hmmm
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Okay I will post it later, lets see if you are right (I hope)
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Been making a comic as part of a collab anthology. Mostly done.
Looks neat dude.

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