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Previous episode: >>7296916

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon
I made this one today and tried to experiment a bit with the eyes and hair to make it easier and faster to make for the webcomic, but I'm not sure I like how both of those parts turned out
I prefer the old eyes, they are more expressive.
What are your guys' thoughts on having a deviantART account? I'm thinking of starting mine in a few months. There's some talented artists still on the platform, and there's people into loli/shota on there, as well.
I've been using DA since 2008/2009 on and off and it's not the same anymore. It's fine to dump your work on there but don't expect much.
It was already dying, but as soon as they not allowed AI art, but promoted it, it died completely. Your feed was just entirely AI slop.
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Now brazilian jc miku
Shitty pozzed western art site. Full of furfags & faggots & toxic art community. Doesn't allow lolis either.
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bad place for posting lolis,
>people into loli/shota on there, as well.
yeah.... some guy wanted me to draw him a 1000lbs version of peni parker

>Doesn't allow lolis either.
that's true, my sfw loli artwork was deleted there
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is anyone here going to make a lolitober prompt list or should we use this one?
If we use this one does it have to be this character? I have no interest in vtubers kek
that's a fucking troon behind that character
and I mean it, in an unironic legitimate way
lily is a troony btw
Grats on her for living her best life. Wish I was as brave as she was.
Wtf is "devilyhops"?
just replace it with succubus/demon
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You already asked your followers. Do you not have enough followers?
>hilda, sex, nude
man we just got this
>mabel pines is winning over anya and fucking gwen tennyson
What the fuck? Is she really that popular right now? I make fanarts based on the most popular characters for clout so this info is gold.
from imagination
And how does that affect you personally?
So I assume this implies you should do one drawing in two days? Just curious
>Please don't advertise your loli accounts in the loli thread.
Wtf are devilyhops?
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>2 problems with every loli thread
>>People keep replying to the same stale bait over and over again, this is why we use to tell newfags to lurk moar, why did we stop?
>>Artists keep drawing the same stale characters over and over again, if you are drawing a character from a syndicated show, just insert the pen into your eye.
Advanced meta bait but I'll bite. Janny would rather delete posts that are in line with his personal vendettas rather than the thread's well being. Baiting niggers like you love it here because they're constantly being rewarded with (you)s like what I'm doing right now. If you hate that other people are creating things you don't like, then the best course of action you can take as an artist is to draw what you believe is interesting/not stale, to show em what's up. That is, assuming you're an artist. Lol.
>h-heh - i know you're bait b-but i'm gonna reply anyway, but i'm doing it ironically because i have to remind you three times that i know that you're baiting me but i'll still reply


why is he not banned yet?
It's not bait, it's the fact that I can go on exhentai and look at western art from 2004 and see that it hasn't changed 1 iota in 20 years
Also lurk moar faggot
lurk moar
I have no idea, especially considering how that annoying "child gf" guy was banned despite not posting explicit loli content on his Twitter.
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I don’t think there weren’t much western cartoons with memorable characters, especially loli, within the last couple of years. So people retreat to the usual crop of girls like what’s in here >>7310840. And then, well, nobody here keeps up with anime; so any new loli gets flown under the radar.
>last couple of years
last 20-30 years. The problem isn't the lack of new characters that creatively bankrupt retards are drawing for drooling parasocial children and man children. It's that they are doing it in the first place.
Rule 34 is the cancer that has killed western erotic art. Because you are all a bunch of useless fucktards you NEED a business man to hold your hand, create a publisher, hire you and make you work a 9-5 drawing and designing, get this, YOUR OWN IP!
Go on exhentai and find a gallery with an original loli doujin, simple
Go on exhentai and find a western loli gallery without being spammed with your neurotic fetish for some ugly ass character or animal from a shitty cartoon: NEIGH IMPOSSIBLE, go through 2 a month at most.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of western erotic artists, at least on the internet, are not artists, but drawers, some good drawers with their own style, many are poor drawers. But there are few artists. Far too few creative souls drawing erotic little girls in the west.
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i keep an eye on shows every season, but the only loli i care about this season (who is an actual loli) is overshadowed by the shota.
>drawing erotic little girls in the west.
is a myth

>Rule 34 is the cancer that has killed western erotic art.
neo marxists
Made Hilda sleeping, thoughts?
the drop of shade below her right nip sticks out a bit imo, but beside that this is very uohhh-worthy
good job
>the drop of shade below her right nip sticks out a bit
But without it her chest looks completely flat instead of a delicious flatchest that is just started its process of developtment aka a delicious titty bud
eh, maybe you're right
there is a window in thid scene, but it's not the lightsource
Did you really put 30 minutes?
in my defense it was supposed to be 3 days
How is this drawing related?
sketching before bed
what even is this
wow she's flexible, censor the dick or draw it better
Is this a true giveaway or a "can only read it for a limited time" kind of deal?
Night doodling
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I like the play of light and shade
Not bad
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Portrait doodle (accidentally posted in dedthred)
Do we have a calendar for lolitober?
Like what to draw each day?
I'll use it to force myself to not procrastinate.
I think I need to make a secret account where I can post lolicon... I mean hardcore NSFW. A lot of artists who start to draw +18 art make this mistake, myself included. You always need to cut all the connections you have and start from scratch.

Probably lolicon is the only way to get money nowadays, this is crazy...Am I right?
You can't hide your draw style
do you mind sharing your lineart brush?
I can. I've been developing some styles, I can use a new set of tools. The most important thing is to cut off everything, I need to make a new personality.

You're going to desert your former pseudonym just to draw the exact same things and like the same things and follow the same people on another pseudonym in an already small community of artists.
I won't draw the same thing, because I will start to draw lolis. Are you joking? I can't post lolis now on my current accounts. People won't find out, because they don't see real lolicon.

If that’s the case then nobody is going to find out, style swap or not. You’re not that important my guy.
No, they can, if you just change your nickname like andava for example, he still draws common NSFW, but people know about his lolicon accounts. And it affects him now.
I dont recommend using it but sure, I'll be home in a few hours and post it
Random stuff that comes out of my mind.
sure, i just wanna try it out for chibi shit since its thick and textured which is nice.

Personally I'll be using this one

Can I get feedback with this one please? I'm specially not sure about the face:
Probably one of your best faces, a lot less western, I like it
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I get what you meant by posting that image but I had the shading in mind to give form to the cunny, and I think I achieved it nicely in the colored/shaded version I made
what the fuck is "mesugaki"
Were you living under a rock?

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