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1: Post a brief backstory if your OC has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Lewds and porn is okay.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artist Only. No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous Thread:>>7280323
Legacy Thread:>>6854980
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>Check the previous thread
>Every single redraw is a generic ecchi anime girl
These threads are just an excuse for creativity block gooner artists to get new material aren't they
I could post something else to appease your schizoid ass, but nah.
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Generic ecchi latina
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Here i leave the ones that i made in previous thread in case the owners of this oc's didn't see them

My OC here : >>7298704
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>I like the vibes he's giving off in this one; very charming!
I can understand, but i doesn't feel at the same way about that piece. The only thing that i still like it's how i draw his face

>if you spent more time on it, it'd probably look more appealing
True. I'll deliver the second one on this week or so. I'm a kinda busy with irl stuff and doesn't draw too much lately

>but other than that, I have nothing to add
I appreciate your feedback

>Let me know if you have an oc
Pic related (Milo, Michelle, Kate and Markus. Only just noticed but Milo shorts should be black)
I also can answer at any questions about them if you'll got some

(I thinking about do something like google doc with all kind of my characters info since i got a lot of stuff happening at my head)
I also got this one and planning to draw her/them both more often.
It's Rachel, she's local prankster/troublemaker with sarcastic and a bit arrogant personally. Character next to her name is Russell that being shy/fearful and mute all the time. Rachel has some kind of friendship with him, playing more harmless jokes and openly show/says that she's "likes him" time at the time.

(Both of characters are rats btw)
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Russell ref if need to
You're not suffering because of what other anons posted, you're suffering because you're a hopeless eternal nodraw.
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Making an anchor post in case the guy who made this for me replies
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didnt join the last one, so this should be fun. Here is my oc, she's a sandpirate cap'n
Are you new? It’s been that way for years
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can someone draw my oc? Her name is Mika
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Here's mine. Her name is Lichihara. She's a mechanic/technician working as a mercenary in a futuristic setting. All I have is her head for now, sorry about that heh. I didn't draw other anons' OC on the last thread, but I'll try this time when I come back from work
Allowing lewds was a mistake
Ignore coomers then they rarely do arttrades anyway.
Presumptuous assholes. Mika didn't do anything to deserve this from you.
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Here's you gal anon. It's a little simplistic because I'm doing in a hurry.
You gave her big boobs? Thank you anon. She'll appreciate the gift
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Look at that subtle canvas-like texture. The tasteful simplicity of it. Oh my god, it even follows the golden ratio.
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Cute rats anon
I'd hang this in my bathroom.
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I really liked this one. I wish I could put more effort into it but I gotta sleep. This was fun.
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Here's my OC Jiyo. I just scribble on Photoshop.
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I hate rats, but I like RATT
if someone has amputee characters, reply this with a reference!
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He got made fun of by the other scientists for his inventions. few years later he made a factory for his robots before an incident happened which destroyed his robots and factory, he was in pain from the explosion before an shadowy entity with green and pink eyes showed up within the flames. the professor made a deal with the green and pink eyed devil and became who he is today. an evil scientist who builds weapons for crooks/villains and evil robots.
one of his hands were replaced with a robotic claw that can form into any weapon of choice.
new mona lisa, ngl
Make your worthless ass useful and draw something ITT.
My OC? Is Lichihara >>7310338
Thank you! Drop ur OC plz!
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This is Mora. She is a young gardener who has a morbid curiosity. She spends her time taking care of creepy and dangerous plants in her garden
wow. glad your still around. i got a something for you i had since december. i'll have to post it tomorrow when i get back home though.
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He has a very fun design for doodling

Oh wow that is a long time, make sure to give me your oc so I can draw you something back!
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Idk dude here draw this
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>1: Post a brief backstory if your OC has one.
I disagree, not only it's meaningless it encourages lore dumping retards
I like this so I can get a feel for the character and insert cool details about their character into the drawing. Also rule 4 counteracts loredumps: "No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering."
>t. adopt characters fan
Thank you both! Feel free to share your characters for me to draw in return! :D
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Thought of using this to practice some shading. So here it is
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you did so fucking good drawing my big lady, also your shikigami raccoon is very cute and I might lewd her when I get bored
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alien girl, I don't have much lore on her other than she's weirdly obsessed with humans and enjoys studying them
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I like your guy. He was difficult to draw, but I liked his design too much not to try.
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I did it!
Hell yeah i love it. You nailed the color palette and his general vibe. Love the hip spikes.
Do you have an OC?
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I'm assuming she's an athletic rogue of sorts. Cool design!
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This is my fat, forest-dwelling dwarf mage, Hilda. She creates potions and loves food
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Ta but this is nice!
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Nta I mean
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Here you go.

In a choice between dying and awakening his latent mutation, John chose the latter. Now he's stuck with a power he can't control, sworn to taking revenge against his friend's killer(s) whilst fighting his own inner demons-- inner demons that manifest as violent urges from his lizard half.

(Also anyone else who decides to draw him/wants to draw him, I cannot guarantee a return since I had a bit of something pop up IRL, but I'll still try to draw here if I have energy).(Also anyone else who decides to draw him/wants to draw him, I cannot guarantee a return since I had a bit of something pop up IRL, but I'll still try to draw here if I have energy).
shit... I'm not retarded I just copied the same thing twice :c
>I cannot guarantee a return since I had a bit of something pop up IRL,
Hey, totally respect this preamble. No need to name names, but the last thread people just dumped OC got plenty of fills and didn't even bother to drop a single (You), they just ghosted.
I don't draw furfags, but I appreciate you telling people the score ahead of time
Yeah I feel bad if I don't make returns and people draw for me, but thank you for the kind words, anon.

He is a human with shapeshifting powers ;-;
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made some mistakes, but was quick with this one.
It's nice. Specially the fangs hehe.Thank you.
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peter parker as spider-man
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Cute. Ty anon.
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nta, but looks great anon, thanks for putting some older pokemon so us oldheads can understand
aww last thread got so many deliveries and such... are we so back OC redraw thread friends?

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