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Post portraits here, digital and trad both welcome as long as they are portraits.
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Lovely work, love the use of colored pens. Though I'm cutios do you sketch in pencil first or do you draw with pens from the getgo
pens from the get-go. forces me to live with my mistakes and improvise
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Draw this owl much?
oof self own
post the reference?
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damn. why can’t i draw this well?
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do it look good?
konnichiwa, dude
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during a boring lecture.
supposed to be Eva green.
it's not a tutorial, more of a "here's why blocking out values is important" reminder

i like it
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will be grinding faces again soon, this is my last (old) portrait, what should I work on? Some anon said hatching for volume, but I'm not sure how to resolve it.

As for resources for the general, I think these artists need to be mentioned:
Steve Huston, Nathan Fowkes, Loomis, Reilly, John Singer Sargent.

really great stuff, any suggestion of where to put hatching in my work?

the nose ridge looks really flat as if it is sinking into the skull

Face too big or hand too small, nice work.

good, the lower eyelids make me think he is kind of a psycho if thats your intention amazing.

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>konnichiwa, dude
i'm no expert but the forms on her nose ridge and lips seem slightly off, maybe study skull forms? that's what i'm doing myself
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Mike Thyson

These are all great. Wonderful use of color and pen

Good values and expression. Work on the head shape, neck muscles, and clothing forms

Looks very good, clean up those lines and strokes though

I like this style a lotttt, but clean up your lines. You can keep the sketchy look but also have cleaner lines so they look more professional intentional

Study the skull. The frontal bone (forehead) on your drawing is much shorter than the ref, and the hair is falling atop the head incorrectly because of her incorrectly proportioned skull.try to take a more fundamental approach to the cheeks to for example, all you did was draw lines for them but a sphere with lines following that form would have accomplished a lot more, plus you have to figure out what value best corresponds to red, probably something closer to black than what you’ve drawn, or more grey. I think her features are pretty good, except the lips.steve Huston described the lips as having 5 elements/shapes , 3 at the top, 2 at the bottom. Divide the lip into those simple shapes because it’ll be much easier to draw as opposed to drawing contours . Lastly, I’d say work on how to use appeal in toned paper. Those whites should really pop, like the highlights on her nose, lips, hair, and ears, and the whites of her eyes, if you emphasize those it’ll look good because toned paper is made for those highlights and darks to coexist in a beautiful way that places emphasis on the white of the highlight, so you have to use that to your advantage when using this type of rendering
yeah my lines are usually cleaner i just went in raw with the pen so i had to live with my mistakes (alot of them)
Very interesting, I can tell it was her. BONUS for multiple views.
>copy the skull shapes from anatomy for artists
>nice for first try
>now have to do it 3 million more times to internalize it
>along with literally everything else
uh oh
If you clean your shit up and get an actual paper and pen that isn't cheap fucking ballpoint you can go places.
>Expert, but the shapes on her nose ridge and lips seem slightly off.
Thanks, always expressing your opinion with just that makes me aware of things I didn't pay that much attention to.

Thanks for taking the time to be so precise, I have been working with écorchés for figure drawing this week and they have been really useful, but when it comes to the head are there muscles (or fat areas) that help characterize the shape? I'm thinking of the masseter, temporalis or risotorious?

will focus on skulls then.
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>really great stuff, any suggestion of where to put hatching in my work?

thank you. i apply hatching as an expression of shadow/contour/color. essentially i use my pen as a very skinny marker. i did a quick mockup of your initial reference but if were to have gone all the way i would have applied a lot more orange vertical lines to establish a base skin tone and then added more depending on where it felt appropriate.

but take this with a grain of salt, i'm still learning how to apply new shit all the time.
I can’t say much about the muscles, but those are honestly secondary. Thorough knowledge of the skull is how you make your portraits look consistent. Look at any stylized cartoon
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Didn’t finish this ,my bad. But look at any stylized cartoon and you’ll see that the skull is present even in a highly simplified form, even if muscles aren’t. Pic rel is an example. Once u get the skull you can exaggerate caricatures realistically by changing the skull in interesting ways and not just making the lips droopy or the eyes big, etc. Lots of value in studying the skull.
Idk that looks more Like Eva Blue to me
I curse you by drawing you as a basedjack
Wtf my text keeps changing into based jack instead of woah jack
Fuckin janny
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Welcome to 4chan
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Because you only draw boxes and anime.
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ballpoint pen is just as good as any other implement. the key is knowing how to use it. Rembert Montald is one of the current greats and he draws stuff in ballpoint all the time!
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A quick plaster study. Mistakes but who cares?
Emil Ferris is also a beast with ballpoint pen.
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How the fuck do.my faces degrade within 3 days
Day one
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Do fictional characters count
To me yes, Vergil?
Great work, buddy. The best resource for head anatomy I've found is Scott Eaton's Portraiture and Facial anatomy video course. It explains bones, muscles and fat pads, all crucial for what you want. I'm sure you can find it online (check the video general), if not hit me up and I'll try to share it for you.

hell no, and fuck you.

but really, portraiture is about attempting to capture something about the human condition, not a fictional character. that’s not a portrait, that’s fan art. please don’t post in here again. not even to reply to this.
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If you don't want to trigger portrait sperg kun, you could always draw his model. But I think it counts.
por·trait ˈpȯr-trət -ˌtrāt
1 : picture
especially : a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face
2 : a sculptured figure : bust
3 : a graphic portrayal in words
i love your art so muchh
thanks ily
Oh yeah, I didn't know they were available for free. Not sure that's the complete course but yeah, looks complete enough. Go for it, anon!
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how the fuck do I draw lips when i'm not going to fully render it because I suck dick at rendering by the way
Keep it subtle and lines as soft as possible think of how the planes are turning.

Also look at charcoal portraits by John Singer Sargent or Ramon Casas or other artists that mastered portraiture, look at their drawings, study their markmaking and copy their work.
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i'ma keep it real with you chief, i really don't think so. to me, a huge component of portraiture is accuracy coupled with your ability to observe and express nuance in someone's appearance. is that really possible with a fictional character? especially so when it comes to anime which routinely depicts people with stylized features?

it's like asking to write a journalistic novel about a lucid dream that someone else had. but do what you do. weird internet people ruin everything eventually.
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Feel like I ruined her face with the shading. How could I have done it better?
Here's the reference pic
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there's a lot of detail and nuance that you're not capturing. for example, the model's nose is casting a shadow that falls over her philtrum (the groove between the bottom of the nose and the top of the lip) but you didn't accurately capture that in either version that you posted. the proportions and angle are also off. every little thing you leave out takes away from the portrait's effectiveness.
I see... But what if i was just trying to get the face to look good even if it doesn't look the same as the reference? Of course, it wouldn't be a portrait anymore, but I'd be satisfied with it.
if i were you i would ask myself what it is i'm really trying to accomplish. you're saying that you're just trying to get the face to look good, but what is "good"? what iii think is good might be different than what you consider good.

when i look at the photograph and compare it to what you've drawn all mistakes and missing information are very obvious. there's tons of volume and shadow that you haven't captured, because you haven't trained your eye to look at those things, or there are several gaps in your understanding of how to apply shadow, or knowledge of the structure of the skull, or your ability to flatten an image in your mind and contemplate the spatial relationships between different landmarks on the face.

you have a long way to go. i recommend you step away from a digital format, sit down with a pencil and paper and start knocking out as many portraits as possible with self-imposed time limits to really discover where the gaps in your understanding are. how much do you accomplish in three minutes? five? ten?
>Mistakes but who cares
you should.
the elongation is the most important one to fix
anyway keep at it, you and everyone in this thread
and also the way too small cranium (or oversized face)
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quick and dirty
I feel you, I have a lot of trouble with lips :(
Tbh I would use a diff picture, the photo is kind of ugly. If you want to make your drawing to look attractive use a conventionally attractive model
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i don't think it's a bad picture if you're looking for something that demonstrates contrast between light and shadow, but i don't think it would be a good photo for a beginner. the logo in the bottom right indicates that this photo is from a larger softcore porno set, so that's the point where i'm like "what are we really trying to accomplish here?"

for someone learning portraiture i would want a straight-on head shot and focus more on getting proportions right than anything else.
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>the logo in the bottom right indicates that this photo is from a larger softcore porno set
HAHAHA I never realized that was there when I downloaded the picture. But it's true. It's from a porn site. You ask about my goal. Well I'm currently trying to work on a manga. But my drawings lack texture and shading as I never worked with those things before. I picked that reference just to practice those things. My intention wasn't rely to do a portrait. Your piece is looking great, I'll stick around to see it finished and maybe learn from it
She looks very pretty to me. You should see her naked.
where do I /beg/in drawing proper realistic portraits? everything I stumble upon is for anime and cartoon stuff, but I really like the mostly realistic style of the stuff in this thread.
i like these. you put far, far more effort into the hair than i do, that's for damn sure. if you're also a ballpoint pen aficionado i would try softly laying down a 'base layer' that you can add to as shadows intensify. for POC specifically this will include a little extra mental planning to identify the areas on the face where light is falling the strongest so that you leave those areas "blank". little easier to do with pencil or a white gel pen, depending on the kind of paper you're working on.
Meg from Dead by Daylight
this is where i'm going to stop. making hair look good takes time and i got things to be doing. i hope this has been instructive
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>i hope this has been instructive
It was. Thank you
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Didn't draw the hair and ears because I haven't learned that yet (but still wanted to do a full face anyway).
damn that resolution is fucking garbage.
Here's the model already, gonna repost the drawing
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Drew a bunch of quick heads. How do you handle the looking up angles or that slightly off a full front one?
i'm not the OP but i am this guy >>7329447
and regardless of whether you're drawing heads from photos, a live model, or imagination, you'll need a strong understanding of the skull in perspective or 3d space.

from looking at your drawings it looks like you're applying the Loomis for establishing curvature and landmarks, and that's a great start, but it doesn't look like you're really seeing the skull in perspective yet.

i know that the Loomis method tells us that there's even distance from the hairline to the eyebrow to the bottom of the nose to the chin, but these distances get compressed the more extreme the angle above or below is.

practice drawing skulls and boxes (haters will say that boxes are dumb, because the haters are dumb)

if you're drawing from photos, it's especially important to flatten the image in your mind and triangulate the relationship of shapes and angles to each other to make sure that everything fits together the same as it does in the photo.

draw this one until you get it right.
>start drawing this girl for figures
>two other people start drawing/posting her
wtf, hivemind
i also happen to be the same person who shamed perverts in a "reference pack" thread and posted a zip of Rachel Bradley's paid content Expressions to stem the tide of softcore porno and challenged other artists to challenge themselves. i'm delighted to see that someone really took that to heart and downloaded the pack i provided, although it seems that they >>7333097 turned the original jpeg into greyscale to simplify the portraiture process.

would Rachel be mad at me for doing this? maybe. would this post be Exhibit A if she ever found out who i was and decided to sue me? definitely. could i turn her into the patron saint of /ic/ over time and subtle machination? who knows.
Oh foreshortening! you are right, I completely forgot it. Will practice this head later thanks for the crit and nice work with the pens.
lads from these model which would you feel is the most valuable to use as a reference?

I also happen to be the same guy who posted that "dynamic sketch" thing, so it seems there are only like 7 people on this board who draw.
Anyway, your pack was probably the best thing ever posted in a reference thread. If you got more like that (portraits and expressions), kindly do share, king.

As someone that finds your portraits very pleasing to the eye may I ask how did you acquire this particular style? What is your process and how would someone go about learning this?
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Something I did quickly last night.
thank you for the kind words. i’m not really sure how to address the idea of “style” because these drawing represent my level of knowledge and technical ability. essentially, i have put a lot of work into understanding anatomy, the human skull, light and shadow, and combine all of those things together to attempt an effective portrait. i use ballpoint pen because it forces me to live with mistakes and to prevent myself from getting overly concerned with detail. none of these sketches took me longer than 30 minutes or so in aggregate. were i to make a commissioned portrait of someone or make an important project, i would take the planning and execution far more seriously.
Glad you like it anon. Black hair is really fun to draw thanks to variety in strokes so I couldn’t help but really detail it. I really like the idea of a base layer, and it’s something I’ll incorporate into my next piece, as I think I could do a lot of interesting things with it. Thanks for the advice!
Really appreciate the response, I was thinking about drawing with pencils then trying to switch to colored pencils but full blown realism isn't really my aim. As mentioned before, your particular style encapsulate that extent of realism I seek but also creates this sense of portrait being drawn and not just "photocopied" which in my point of view stimulates viewer and draws his attention to details. Again great work, thanks.
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Whoops had forgotten to do this head, here's my attempt, will grind more boxes and try again
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hey anyone got like a collection of references for portraiture? google seems largely unusable for images lately
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I need tips to get better bros, I need to draw my comic before I inevitably die out of a stroke out of stress
Draw from memory and master copies imo
focus on proportion. If you can nail down the proportion you will get the likeness correct. Look at your Slippin' Jimmy for example. Do you think you got the proper proportions of him?
A smorgasbord for you
mostly, eyes are too far apart and too low, I think
Good, you see it. Next time map out the proportions first then draw them.
beat me to it kek
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Day 1 of the skulls saw some interesting proportions, construction methods and I'm realising that I need to tame the zygomatic and mastoid bones, too many muscles attach in those places, kinda like the iliac crest. will do more 3/4 tomorrow.

measure everything

Cool, it looks deformed without looking overworked, I like it.
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thank you but why are they all ugly
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fun exercise, I think I'm placing the nasal aperture too low and that is distorting the jaw?

too angular and stylized to qualify as good portraiture, in my opinion. it almost appears as if they have been stretched or distorted in order to conceal errors or deficiencies in understanding or technique. let's see you try doing one where you dial back the gimmicks and focus down on accuracy.
Thanks for criticism, I tend to actually draw things closer to what they actually look like first more or less which I don't really have a problem doing usually. After that I start to warp/rotate things after simply because I love doing it and it's really fun to do and looks cool to me. I'm not a big fan of making things look exactly like the reference i'm using personally and I just find it boring to do so maybe you're right my art may not belong here my bad.
you could join us over on /alt/ :)

portrait anon, do you have any tips for getting better at portraits other than doing more portraits? do bargue plates help?
something in the water
you're drawing the skull on the surface of the skin and you don't know skull anatomy and generally you're being stupid
feel out the skull on your head and compare where you've put the landmarks
eyesocket, teeth, mandible and zygomatic process are the biggest offenders
I don't even know if you've actually looked at a skull, but you've certainly put zero critical thinking into assessing the drawing
>portrait anon, do you have any tips for getting better at portraits other than doing more portraits? do bargue plates help?

ask friends or family to pose for you and see how much you can get down in a specific timeframe. if there are figure drawing sessions in your locality, attend those and get a handle on getting your measurements down.

i think i'm doing alright portrait-wise, but there's always more to learn. i have not used bargue plates but i think if you're drawing from photographs you're still developing the same observational skills, so long as you're not trying to achieve photorealism, which in my opinion is one of the worst things an artist can do for themselves.
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Kinda old
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second try, now being more careful with the position of the nasal aperture and eye sockets, found some notes and using the canine is useful landmark for the curvature of the maxilla. Happy with the results, many things to improve.

snide comment disguised as criticism, sad, you can do better without taunting.

Really nice, the dark value outside her right nostril makes it look vertical instead of tilted.
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Push it in more, remove the volume of the hair, earhole in the skull is deeper than the earhole in the ear.
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from Sunday
Thanks anon really helpful, couldn't see past the hair, I'll move on to shaved/bald references for now, it would be easier that way.
does anyone have advice for proper proportion measurements?

I have one of those proportional art dividers but it feels like it doesnt translate well from the ref on a computer screen to a smaller sketch book
Proportional dividers are typically used to scale/transfer smaller references/drawings to larger surfaces (measure with small end, place with larger end). If you used it the other way, I don't see why you couldn't scale it down for a smaller sketchbook. Another option is using it as a regular divider, shown here:
Around 8 minutes she uses it to check a finished portrait but you can use it as you go or after a light block-in. I would suggest the latter so you exercise more of your own sense of proportion.
>Really nice, the dark value outside her right nostril makes it look vertical instead of tilted.
Youre right, thanks for poitning that out
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working on this
The angle on the face is wrong. You should draw a straight line from scalp to chin before laying out the details.
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like this?
Doubt, m8.
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I love your style

this is a portrait I did as my dad, it looks off but I'm getting better
I think I see where it might be throwing the face off, I made the forehead too angled when it's straight up
It's looking nice! Just check your nose and mouth, they're slightly too big. The bottom plane of the chin also looks slightly big.
looks like kitboga
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working on a portrait from a picture, the idea is to not copy the pic as is, but use it as a rough guide. I want to make a loose drawing, see what I can get out of it, find some sort of composition. Which one looks best? It's supposed to be a guy with a bandage on his head.
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somehow don't have a lot of male heads saved
>The angle on the face is wrong
which angle? faces have lots of angles
>intentionally ignoring the detailed explanation after that sentence
ngmi you nodraw permabeg troll faggot
B and C are good. I especially like how the plane changes are emphasized in B. A is a bit bumpy and the lighting keeps moving around, and D lacks a distinct brow ridge (which is fine for drawing females, not so much for general use).
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I have to have this finished by tomorrow morning, I'm so fucked, tips needed to speed this up
notice the subtle values in the digastric and shoulders, lower a bit the darkness of the background enough to make the hair readable in the thumbnail
i spent a long time painting a portrait yesterday and looking at it now notice all the mistakes but it helped me determine areas i need to work on, primarily that i make the side of the face way too wide and eyes look like a flat plane. i also did it digitally i imagine if i painted it trad it would have taken 2x as long
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stylized portraits welcome?
You made the nose and chin way too sharp. They look a bit more curved.
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not portraiture, not figure drawing, but a secret third thing
if you got a portrait, we got space. and yours looks nice as well, so all the better.
love the way you work the terminator
thanks big dawg
bit of a practice portrait just fuckin around with new brushes

Why the deadline?
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This is supposed to be Carl Jung
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Anybody have resources for diff skull sizes? I'm having trouble understanding how high/pronounced vs low/flat cheekbones look on the skull
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slowly getting more accurate

top tier. rendering such subtle tones without that coreshadow terminator thing takes so much skill
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another one
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genuinely looks great

beautiful i'm in love with the hatching
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Loomis heads, do they look alright?
is the intent to study the Loomis method of drawing heads, or to perform a study of Andrew Loomis' style? they certainly look like you approximated his specific aesthetic, but i wonder if you're focusing on the wrong thing here.
With the other anon. You’ve got the aesthetic down to a t. Just further Focus on having a stronger foundation with the method so that the features and head look less flat
Good question, I want to draw better heads in general, what do you think I should do to make features look more 3d
You’ll get there eventually, Loomis goes in depth about the features, but just try to use basic forms more before constructing them and try to consistently employ loomis’ methods with the ball. Make sure to study from life, even your own features, to make them look lifelike as well
study the skull from multiple angles and grind boxes. develop an innate sense of perspective. this will take a long time and a lot of practice before it starts to feel natural and intuitive. attend figure drawing sessions if you can.

an important note here is that if you're going to study from photo references, keep your studies to quick sketches, do NOT try to attempt realism or a high degree of accuracy from photography if you're still studying because it becomes less an exercise in learning the structures of the head and more an exercise in triangulation or flattening.
Will do, my biggest issue I feel is making eyes look 3d and mouths in general so I'll focus on that. Thanks for the tips

When grinding boxes should you do them free handed or with an horizon line or both?
>attend figure drawing sessions if you can.
This don't exist in my country I think.
>what do you think I should do to make features look more 3d
Forget all this line work Loomis shit. If you wanna make your portraits look good and 3d, you need to focus on values.
Thanks anon

For anyone interested, I have uploaded 2 skulls to an online 3d viewer available here:

It's a challenge for the JakeDontDraw Discord.
ngl I wonder what people can do if they dont have figure drawing near them. Until i get good I would feel extremely awkward just drawing randoms in public because I'd worry people would get curious and just see my deformed little heads.

I guess you could draw your friends/family or yourself in the mirror. Though I feel like it'd be hard to draw a friend because they'd have to be willing to sit still for a period of time, even if only for 10 minutes, since it's not their job like the figure model. Drawing somebody taking a nap or doing something still like playing video games would probably be the easiest for long sessions
What kind of pens and paper do you use?

ballpoint pen on newsprint
I meant what brand, sorry. They look great.
thanks. just regular Bic pens you can buy at Target.


the newsprint is Strathmore. i don't think that the brand really matters though. i like the newsprint because it's a little softer and has a nice feel when making penstrokes, and it reminds me that the practice sketches don't matter and to not take any one drawing too seriously.
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when I'm I supposed to get good at this?
that's the wrong question. not when, but how.
Very nice
i would focus more on construction, if you're trying to learn faces i would draw people not masks/monster prosthetics
When you study the skull
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practice makes perfect. keep going. it's important to not shy away from the depiction of shadow and shape. it's important to train your mind into a change from relying on what your brain tells you you're observing into drawing what's actually there.
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painting drapery is kinda intuitive, i need to practice it more

digital, painted on photoshop
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I am a total beginner and I know it sucks ass but I am still impressed that it looks like a face in the first place, a very deformed face don't get me wrong but still a face nonetheless
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Just passing by
If you want to get better at drawing heads you need to understand the planes of the head and as anons already said skulls.
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>try to draw frontal portrait
>think it looks decent
>flip it
>nothing is aligned and its just fucked up like pic related
Even if i draw helplines first they are fucking wrong
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soul and gmi.
Fucking mad that some people simply start out good. Talent is real.
I’m trying so hard to become good at sketching portraits by quickly shading the most defined planes, but taking the anatomy, perspective, proportions into account is so damn hard
this is awesome. you're awesome. keep going. but don't do any more batmans. ily. thanks! there goes my hero.
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the bottom right one is amazing. Has a very GCA feel to it, maybe because of how you work your terminator. You're on the right track, buddy.

Pic related is a student from the Repin Academy, just posting for inspiration.
Thank you both for your words of encouragement! I will stop trying to draw batman and keep working hard to reach the level of that student
Yo any good loomis alternatives?
No problem if i have to force myself to learn to get good but i struggle with loomis head
I used it in first attempt
Anyways looking for some hybrid method between loomis and blocking in
I go fast and start messy and build it up as i go by and use really robust method of just forcing myself yo draw each attempt until it looks better
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If only I had decent workflow...
therefore let there be practice

Visions of batman...
by the way likely promising

Ahh, relatable...
try mileage

Try Chris Legaspi
by the way be wary of cropped references
Well done!
so to speak keep it up
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Very nice looking stuff, I think I've seen you post before. Do you have a blog ? And where do you find your refs if I may ask ?
yes officer, this post right here
It means you need to keep practicing
...where did you get those refs?
no blog sorry
google kristina pakarina
That's pretty good, but what the fuck is that size. Go bigger, it'll look better and will be easier
Anon, is it really easier? whenever I drew bigger in the past it just amplified my mistakes and ended up looking horrendous. Maybe I should try it again since I’ve improved a bit, will post
onions jak
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Welcome to 4chan, newfag :^)
at 1cm scale, a mistake of 1mm is 10%
at 30cm scale, a mistake of 1mm is 0.003%
not to mention that it's easier to correct at bigger sizes instead of trying to move a line a fraction of a millimeter
Just go from big shapes first down to small ones, use your visual measuring and plumb lines to make sure everything is lined up. Most important is general to specific, big ideas first and details last. This is usually what fucks people up with large drawings and paintings.
You guys make such good points honestly, ill do what you’ve suggested and see what happens
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i need to be more organized about how i'm going to apply shading and the terminator and just stick with one thing
Love your stuff, but I feel the cast shadow under the boobs is a bit off. it wouldn't fall to the sides if it's coming straight from above, right? Shouldn't it just fall straight down? Following the shape of the stomach a bit, yeah, so a slight deviation to the sides, but not that much. Great work anyways, keep it up man!
best book for begginers: "famous artist lessons (1954)":
And then you go to do what would be a quick bit of rendering and the regret sets in.
i think it's important to not get too precious about any one drawing though. for every one sketch that i show anyone, there's 30 behind it that no one else sees, where i'm just practicing or experimenting.

if it doesn't come out perfect it doesn't come out perfect, but you still gain from the experience and the time you put in. and hopefully the next one will be better.

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