Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.Some free resources: as well check the archives and active /ic/ threads for references: thread >>7313526
2 minute gestures
>>7354288Any help?
Tried applying Christopher Young method to coloring from grayscale to colorizing with blending modes, kinda satisfied with the results, it's so much quicker than painting directly with color.
>>7354564Now imma do this one, i'm motivated
>>7354452thank you 4 using my drawings as the OP that's pretty cool
>>7354458what do i do and learn to get as good as you
>>7354649At this point I think he needs to add a description in every post lol
>>7354652i'm sure it's annoying, but i'd also ask the same question to other posters.i'm past the point of being embarrassed at asking people what they like to focus on, what masters they like to study, how they personally approach figure drawing, etc. i just want to improve
>>7354655I'm sure you can just browse the previous threads where he talks about that, he even says which brushes he uses.
>>7354649Define "forms" as the parts of the body.Define "gesture" as the connection between those "forms". Use only simple forms that are characteristic of the body, then connect those forms with gesture. The goal isn't to draw the body itself but rather your idea of the body. For me, the simplest yet most characteristic forms are a tube and a box, those are my forms, connected by gesture. Also, watch Steve Huston.>>7354652>>7354655>>7354658Lol, honestly, it’s simple enough to explain, so I don’t mind at all. I’m always happy to chat about art
>>7354638Doesn't really answer my question
>>7354677very nice work, but it's the "connected by gesture" that I have the most trouble with.
What am I missing here, exactly?
>>7355278NTA, but try not to overthink it. Think of it as just connecting energy, which is what a gesture is trying to communicate
>>7355476Too stiff, check out some Vilppu to loosen your gestures and change your thinking a bit
>>7355278try reading hampton, he has some good examples of connections in his book>>7354677i will absorb your powers thank you
so i want to do x amount of figure studies this week, but i'm not sure how long these figure studies should be to prove actually effective. i'll have about ~2 hours after work to draw, provided work this week isn't too crazy. maybe 20 3 minute figures per day?
>>7356327take as much time as you need to be accurate. You're here to learn from the figure and improve your visual library, not to dick around with gesture lines, of course. Disney artists could get away with focusing only on gesture, because they are already professional artists and need to improving their acting for animation and storyboarding. Beginners and intermediates and pretty much everyone else should be focused on 10+ minute figures, imo, at the very least.
r8>>7355476patience IMO. if you look at the male's right calf, the tibial head is too long/low. Look how the muscle doesn't match the left calf. You've got similar problems all over, just work on left/right consistency. Also, probably sit down and spend some time on hands/faces/feet so you're not abbreviating them so much.
Also a quick 10 from ref
>>7356327This is a meaningless question if you don't state your goals. Your training priorities will be different based on that.With that said, as long as you are not a total beginner rushing to draw as many lines as possible within the time limit, short and long studies will both help you in different ways. If you find yourself rushing and feeling overwhelmed by the clock or if your lines are not deliberate, then increase your time limit. If you've spent 3-4 hours rendering out a figure on a big sheet of paper with charcoal and realized at the end that you had messed up the drawing already in the first hour and then you were just polishing a turd, then switch to practicing "the first hour", whatever that is in your own process.
>>7354452Looking for advice, I can draw and paint things from life or with a direct reference fairly well (ie I can copy thing), but I very much struggle with the constructive approach like in OP’s image. Pic rel are paintings and some drawings I did, you can see my attempts at drawing underlining forms and shapes and how it just doesn’t work. I can do things like Bargue plates (drawing outlines and dividing them proportionally) but I struggle with not copying things. Any practical guides for simple constructive form drawings ? >>7354631Do you have any guides or tutorials you’d recommend ? I’m struggling with getting shape and forms to fit
>>7357304nta, but in the last thread he recommended Vilppu. You can read and check for yourslef
>>7357324>nta, but in the last thread he recommended VilppuI’ve tried vilppu before, went through most of his beginning exercises (Couldn’t get myself to stick with it), I’ve tried reading loomis, and have tried bridgeman, but with both I felt they seemed to skip over the actual process to getting good constructive drawings and just show what good constructive drawings look like. I’ve drawn those “hooded” loomis mannequins over and over but can never actually get much out of them or have them fit together. With vilppu its seems much more gestural and more of a loose process which is definitely is useful, but it seems like a way of drawing more from life then ( I might be totally off, again I had a hard time getting past the beginning chapters) pic rel though is one of the drawings I did while reading vilppu
>>7354458I really like your stuff>>7354631You've got good landmarks and gesture but I think your proportions make everything look a little off (head size, shoulder and arm size, leg length, etc)>>7355476Don't draw what you see, see the figure, and draw a similar figure in your page. Your drawing has to make sense in the page, if you try to copy the model without understanding why it makes sense it'll look very weird. Leave out the particular details of each model for now, focus on drawing a good generic mannequin>>7356623You've got good shapes and nice lines, proportions look absurd and really hurt the expression and vibe of everything else going on>>7357304Easy tip, change your pencil grip, overhand or underhand are good options. Your lines are really holding you back, your eye clearly knows when something looks good but your hand can't keep up. Stop erasing completely and learn to modulate your lines and tones. Always draw the largest and most simple line you can. Think of every line before you draw it and draw the largest lines first before moving on to smaller and more delicate sections. When starting a drawing draw as lightly as possible, only do hard marks when it won't get refined further
>>7358318i really like this, thank you for putting the artist in the file namewho or what did you study for your anatomy besides tintoretto?
>>7358319Michelangelo and Vilppu of course :) I am taking Vilpuu courses. He's a great teacher but his old man voice can be very drowsing.
Super noob question: what is a good way to decide where the hips begin? In males is way below the navel, in hot women is above, but is there any natural or artistic convention about it?
>>7357768Wanted to check my proportions real quick, other than the hand, wrist and neck I think I did okay. room for improvement for sure though.>>7357519>>7357304based on my work you can take my advice or leave it, but I'd recommend you really go in and learn each muscle and the 3d shapes of each muscle. get some clay and sculpt them or if you have a tablet sculpt them in blender. It will take forever, but I think it helps a lot.
>>7358538lol nvm I i didn't see how crazy thin I made the thigh and thick the shoulder.
I wonder if a volume based approach works better for me here
There are some serious diminishing returns between 5 and 10 minutes. The fact that I can do shading and a bit of anatomy means jack shit here.
>>7358798somtimes i wonder whether practicing gesture is a noob trap
>>7358864I wouldn't call it a complete trap, you should be able to show action without form
I want to get better at sketching, I want something between gesture and structure.>>7354459you are proficient with so little time, good job>>7356604feels stiff and weightless, width doesn't look consistent I'm struggling with this one too.>>7358320that left leg is gorgeous >>7358798You don't feel in control of your pen, I would work on that. Maybe some of these exercises will help, I've done them from time to time.>>7358855The one in the middle is really good.
>>7359121Thanks! ALso keep going bro, very good clean lines.
>>7358361the obliques attach to the illiac crest and there will be a dip where they attach in developed physiques. You can use that. For the back-view, there is a bony landmark above the glutes
>>7358855>>7358798Focus on what happens at the joints
>>7358538gave the figure a shot
>>7359121>>7359412I'll try it. It might be hard to think of both CSI and "being free", though.
>>7359513Nice, cool to see the process. How long for line sketch, and then for rendering?
Spent today with vilppu. Finished his first video on gesture. Read the chapter too in the vilppu drawing manual. I think the concepts themselves clicked, I just need to keep practicing them. Right now it takes me 3-4 tries sometimes until I can say "I have captured the action". Pic is a super difficult pose I think, it's harder to work out a gesture when either the upper or lower body are obscured by one another. I'll just leave it at this attempt for today, maybe I'll come back to the image a bit later and see if I have gathered a better vision as to how to best capture a pose like this.
Hey guys, recently returned to drawing stuff after a long time. What do you guys think, and main flaws in proportions/anatomy?
>>7359735About 15 minutes, sketch is about half of that
Asuka anon and Japanon (the one who has all his file names in Japanese) haven't posted in this thread yet. Nor has the anon who drew really exaggerated female bodybuilders. They need to fix this now and grace this thread. Once again, not worthy yet to post here yet, just trying to herald some of the /fig/ pantheon. Always have to post an image though. >>7354458Very jealous of your fluidity. I am always afraid to try and use long lines to capture the body, but I've started doing it lately as part of early stages. Feelan the form.>>7354459Always love seeing your posts. I can see a lot of my own difficulties in your work and how you deal with them (although you're definitely better than I,) which is inspiring. Your figures always have a lot of story to them, which I wish I could capture. >>7354631I love your blend of weeb and classics. Goes without saying your skill is really high. Great shapes and hatching. Very aware of the forms of the body. >>7359735The angular lines are so sharp. All of your figures are breathtaking. You're at the level that I am aspiring to reach now, definitely better, but somewhere within reach I hope. Were these rotations from imagination or reference? >>7359855Take this with a grain of salt, cause you're better at both of those than I.The arms are too long, elbow is far past rib cage and wrist is probably at midthigh. Also the forearm is a lot shorter than the upper arm. She also has weird muscles on her arms, the bicep is very pronounced, but then no other muscles; just bone. Her clavicle is upside down, it bends the opposite way. The head seems a little big too, but I think that's a style thing. Her traps are very underdeveloped or her delts are quite overdeveloped.Her boobs are going straight to her shoulder with no pec attaching to the arm. This is about all I can type cause of the character limit, but that's also pretty much all of the critique.It's a good job for such a long break.
>>7359855Biggest flaw here is the drawing of the muscles and the drawing of the skeleton. Look at more anatomy diagrams to see what these actually look like and break them down more, because as of now this looks strongly symbol drawn . Try to get a better idea of how these anatomical elements look
>>7361126>Were these rotations from imagination or reference?thx man. Rotationns from ref. I can draw without, but much less detailed. I think i'm in a phase where I finally have broad anatomy memorized, now I gotta draw from ref a fuckton to internalize a vocabulary of details.
How does this look as a dynamic pose? Good? Feel free to ask any additional questions
>>7362171Fuck 4chan’s rendering issues
Could I get some criticism on these please? I'm going through Steve Huston's figure drawing course.
>>7362198It looks fine to me, if anything, the asses may need reshaping
>>7362198>CriticismYep, they're pretty gay. If they're quick gestures I get it if not calm down on the harry lines. I'm sure he goes over how he does it, have you copied his attempt?
>>7361126Thank you for your kind words, anon.
>>7362329Do you have any refs for any of these? It seems as though you're doing a lot of guessing at points like with the stomach folds. The problem with that is that your guesses are only as good as what you know and how proficient you've gotten. You're going to have to learn to observe accurately if you want to progress. the techniques discussed in these videos and do a couple studies of an artists' whose work you like that is also simple. The simpler it is, the less things there are to distract you from the proportions.
These timed reference sites use the worst references.
I tried drawing with the water brush like Vilppu does in some of his videos. I found it hard to control the wetness and I ran out of paint super fast.I realized I should just use my regular brushes if I'm at home.There's also the issue of paper: I don't wanna use my expensive 100% cotton stuff for quick sketching. Right now my solution is to use all the cellulose watercolor paper I have around
>>7354568Good referenceI often forget how fun drawing figs can be
>>7362380The ones you redrew are from imagination so I do guess sometimes haha, I still do master studies and mostly use references but I also DO want to get better at drawing from imagination which is why I practice it.And I don't measure, I HATE measuring, it pretty much destroys all fun. My bros Vilppu and Huston don't measure as well. It just makes you a slave to your references. I see you're better than me but it's one of the things I don't want to do.
>>7358538can you please post the original photo?
>>7362650Just use cardstock or mixed media bro, you aren't gonna do wet on wet for this shit
>>7354677more fun>>7355278check out steve huston>>7355522absorb asap>>7357768>I really like your stuffthank you, im glad you enjoy it>>7361126>Very jealous of your fluidity. I am always afraid to try and use long lines to capture the body, but I've started doing it lately as part of early stages. Feelan the form.looking good, to increase fluidity you can limit yourself to only straits and curves, similar to CSi marks, you will eventually just get used to using a particular shape language
master study
>>7362873>It just makes you a slave to your referencesNot necessarily, knowing how to measure and make accurate observations allows you to know how you're deviating from a subject, it empowers you with choice and knowing your options. If you're really that adamant about measuring techniques, I got maybe 2 pieces of advice. Slow down during your drawing and ask yourself questions during the process. Proportional questions are pretty easy. Do you think you've made something too tall/short or too thin/wide? Is the angle too vertical or is it closer to a horizontal? You can suit the answer to what or how you want to draw a given thing to evoke the feeling that you would prefer the drawing to have. Remember drawing is an act of thinking, the logic or rather how much you know determines how you go about making any given piece.On the subject of drawing from imagination, remember that you are relying on knowledge. It'd do you good to ensure that your information is accurate. Your drawings from imagination will only be as good as how much you're able to remember.If you're looking for any good reads, I recommend The Science and Practice of Drawing by Harold Speed and The Art Spirit by Robert Henri. Henri has a pretty interesting conception of how he'd run an art school which he outlines in one of the text that I think is applicable to drawing from imagination. The school would have rooms for the models, where you can do as many studies as you wish and to your hearts content; another set of rooms where you'd go make art. You'd not be able to bring any of the studies into the art making room, you'd only bring what you know. It has a big emphasis on creating work rather than just study. I think most of us fall into that trap, just studying and never making anything out of it. The book isn't very traditional though, it's mostly an assortment of excerpts from Henri over his life. Anyway, keep plugging away anon.
Couldn't find this online so I scanned it, hope it helps someone
Hey /fig/ haven't been doing as many figures as I'd like lately (mostly just scratch paper imagination sketches), but going to try and get back into dailies. Hard to get back into it when you break the habit!I still keep this thread on auto update so I can see all the awesome figs come through.>>7364141looks great, what's that line hanging off his elbow?>>7364129breddy gud breakdowns, I also have trouble getting the cranium big enough at times.>>7362873nice dedication bro!>>7363880your stuff is looking nice as always, what are you studying lately?>>7362773having fun is half the battle! clean your eraser shavings lol.>>7362650cool experiment, very gestural.>>7362642triangle man>>7362380I'm digging the style of that blue one>>7359513this looks great
>>7364561The return! I give to thee figure tribute, may your figure coffers grow ever fatter. Dude, I've brought it up before, but your figures are my #1 inspiration, at least as far figures go. Pretty much the main reason I fight everyday with figures is to try and reach this level. Incredibly inspirational. Normally hate posting here, especially after having doneso so recently, but I gotta commemorate the occasion. >>7364539The types of lines: C lines, S lines, and straight lines>>7364129I wish I could be this clean. I've got to get cleaner lines and practice more line restricted figures. Really nice stuff. >>7363880Thanks for the tip, I'm definitely trying to use more simple lines, but as I'm learning anatomy I'm being pulled towards all the llittle bumps lol.>>7362873Love your stuff, reminds me of some animator sketchbooks. >>7362773Very jealous, it looks magical. >>7362642Hate this guy too
I can’t get good line control unless I zoom in. What to do about this?
>>7364685Digital's biggest difference to trad is a lack of friction which causes issues with line control, main ways to solve it are>Zoom it, as you said>Train your hand to be as steady as a surgeon's>Use stabilisers (no shame in this for polishing lineart, simulates a brush)>Carve and adjust lines with the eraser toolThat said if you're just doing figure studies the lines don't have to be perfect as long as your feeling ze form and internalising the anatomy. Studying with trad and saving digital for polished work is a good way to go too
>>7364702Ok, I thought it was either my tablet or my dexterity. It gives me hand/wrist/arm pain if I don’t pace myself.
>>7363031it should be in the femme fatale photo set
life fig from friday, using carbothello black on newsprint.
>>7365351cool job, 10 minutes is your best, after that it feels a little lost.
>>7365364Yeah, I had no idea what to do after 10 minutes.
>>7365375What I do in longer times is that I start extra soft and loose, it helps me to be more accurate and in the end that softness builds tone.
>Pass the controller, bro
A few more mostly imaginary sketches.>>7364257Thank you for your reply, anon. When it comes to drawing from imagination I think I don't even utilize things I know properly because of my own imperfections and stupid choices. Slowing down is very good advice, but for some reason I start rushing more and more because it feels like death is approaching and I need to draw as much as I can since I already wasted too many years. Ehh, I guess I need to try more.I'll keep the books in mind, thanks! Oh and I do make finished pieces, usually with lots of references. My backgrounds are probably my biggest issue haha.>>7364561Welcome back, bro!>>7364626Thank you a lot, anon, it really helps. Have you read Bridgman? I think it will work pretty well with what you have.
>>7365821>death is approaching and I need to draw as much as I can since I already wasted too many years.How old are you?>>7365699Nice>>7365351Disagree with other anon, i like top middle & right best>>7364626>wish I could be this cleanDo you time every figure? I think cleanliness is a byproduct of a few things, but primarily decisiveness. That connects to prior knowledge & method, but in the moment is most connected to time limit.Like time limit > how much detail do I use? > what is minimum for chosen detail > how much measuring will I do > ...Etc.
>>736600433 now, haha...
Might as well start posting here. I've been drawing for about 9-10 months(I stopped drawing early on and regreted it a lot) and most of my time has been spent doing figure drawing and basic studies of anything that catches my eye. Honestly I'm enjoying myself a lot, I think drawing is super fun and I enjoy the learning process. I feel how the way I look at things change, how I try to break down everything around me and how I'm starting to think in a different way. Main reason why I stick with 2 min drawings is because Itis really easy for me to get a nice amount of drawings every day, sometimes I do longer sesions but 90% of the time I just stick with 2 minutes. I don't know if this is the correct thread to ask for advice but I'm a little lost on how to move forwards, I don't mind sticking with what I've been doing but I think it's time I start to think about my practice a bit more deeply and try to challenge myself a bit harder. Right now I want to work on heads/skull, legs and hips and to draw more poses from my head in different angles to train my brain more. But there's so much I want to learn it feels a bit overwhelming.My main goal is to be able to draw cute anime girls but honestly I think I really love drawing in general and want to try everything.Sorry for the bible.
>>7366587These are excellent and you've got a winning attitude.I'd recommend the old 30s > 1m > 2m > 5m > 10m study method ending with one 30m study, just because it's a lot of fun and helps you exercise different artist muscles. Think of the 30s sketches as cardio and the final 30m study as high-impact weight training, it all feeds into each other.In terms of what you should focus on, the best rule of thumb is isolate the fundamental that you struggle the most with and focus on that.It can be easy to feel overwhelmed but you can learn everything you need to know from three basic areas:>Life studies (lighting, form)>Artist studies (polish, appeal)>Imagination studies (creativity, visualisation)and within each of those>Characters (anatomy, gesture)>Environments (perspective, texture)>Props (draftsmanship)If you keep those in balance you'll progress swiftly. Godspeed.
>>7366587- buy a cast and go through darren rousar's sight size book two or three times- study the shit out of bridgeman's constructive anatomy-cross referenc last one with complete anatomy app. You should know the locations of all origins and insertions (not the names but be able to draw bones & indicate origins & insertions- maybe get some clay and wire and do an ecorche sculptureDo all this and you will have a strong foundation and know where you want to go next
Are fat people easier to draw? I've somehow reached a point in the 10 minute drawing where my ability to hatch and draw faces hurt the drawing, which is a good thing since I only practiced figure drawing.
>>7366357I'm 32, nbd man. I burned all the opportunities in my life to be sort of okay at drawing. But I can almost feel the form now, so it's worth it.
>>7366784Forgot the picture. What you're probably going to think is that the 10 minute is still crap, but it sure beats my last attempt.
>>7366788Draw some boxes from different angles man. You gotta work on how line relationships convey form.
>>7366790I think you want me to try drawing box and cylinder people, focusing mostly on perspective? I'll see what I can do tommorrow.
>>7364561drew a little quicker today>>7364626Thanks again for the kind words anon! It's strange hearing my stuff is inspirational, cause I feel like I'm just learning along with everyone else :)I think you should post more often, your stuff is looking good.>>7365351I like the line weight variations.>>7365699are you studying anyone for your hatching technique, or are you just going for it? it might help to see how others describe the forms. Keep it up!>>7365821>>7366357I like the expressions, watch how far you tweak the neck, the top left lady is a tad broken. That pose might have worked a little cleaner if you pushed her head towards the direction of the tilt.>>7366004lookin' good>>7366587what's your end goal? looking real solid for 9-10 months!>>7366788the 2min laying down pose is pretty good. learning to get the basic shapes in 3D will go a long way in helping understand form. Try to mix some of that into your studies.
>>7366834Danke! Haven't sat down and studied any hatching in particular, but I'm a big fan of R Crumb and the japanese feller who made Vagabond. I just zoom in and marvel at their technique sometimes, picked up a little through that
>>7366774>>7366783>>7366834Thank you everyone, starting this has been a super enjoyable experience I want to continue for a long time. I've been looking at Bridgeman's for a while I plan on getting a physical copy pretty soon. The main reason why I started drawing was because I really wanted to draw a particular character(and still is), but my end goal I guess would be being able to do my own playmat/deskmat/arcade stick character art.
>>7365351I want to go to a live session, but I'm so lazy. How different does it feel from drawing from pictures?>>7365699Badass, super cool. I really like the hatching and it's clear you know your forms. How long did this take?>>7366004Yeah I usually time myself. In this image, almost everything was timed at 10 minutes, only exceptions being the portraits, the entirety of the bottom right page, and the butte in the bottom left one. >>7366357Better late than never. It's a seriously true statement. I did so many things late cause I was afraid to take the plunge and commit. >>7366587A fellow beginner! I've been at it for 7 months at this point and one of the best pieces of advice I got was from Asuka anon here. I was the exact same as you (although my figures were worse.) I just grinded out 2 minute poses because I think it was just long enough that I could make it look kinda nice, but still short so I could do pages of them. I experienced a lot of improvement when I started doing longer figures, like 5 and 10 minute. I still do 2 minute figures, just not near as many.Book wise, I would recommend Michael Hampton. >Sorry for the bible.If you wrote that book, you have a lot more on your plate than just /fig/ lol.>>7366834I just love the way you draw figures, I don't know really how to describe it. But form wise, I like all the bone protrusions and sag. I think it also shines through that you usually have fun while drawing in the sketchbook. I'll post here more often only so long as you return to /fig/!
hi /fig/
>>7366790>>7366834Just to make sure, you mean this, right?
>>7367668Anon start from step 1 and relearn how to draw boxes. You’re moving too quickly
>>7367672I can draw more exact boxes if you want.
>>7367688>>7367668No i mean just boxes. Boxes from all angles. Make them look solid. There is no correct number, just go until people here say your boxes look solid. Then start making your boxes intersect like red and blue in picrel. Do all sorts of combinations. Forget figures and anatomy for a while.Pay attention to what makes them look solid and what doesn't. It's how the angles and lengths of the lines relate.
>>7367694>>7367688>>7367668imagine there's a floor and all your boxes are on it. Once you can combine boxes like the 3d pic, and have them be consistent with the same floor, try stacking them. Draw a stack of boxes, a pile of boxes, a pyramid of boxes. Right now you're doing "boxes" and "tubes" with no regard to how they relate to each other or the floor, or even themselves. Many of your boxes are self-inconsistent.
See how these all relate to the floor plane?
>>7367725Better. Try to make your lines straight instead of letting that sloppy curve in. Think of exactly where the line will start, where it will end, and what lines it needs to be parallel (or perpendicular, 45 dgrees etc) to. Practice doesnt make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.
do I have potential?
>>7367852see if you can do it without the grid. and see how picrel is a ribcage box from many angles? it's like the artist is just exploring and practicing. Try this, but just boxes. Try making a circle of them that's just sitting together on the ground. Imagine that 'ground' plane is made out of glass and yo're 10 degrees below it. Then try 30 degrees below, 80 etc. and then above it too.and then also the 'boolean combinations' like I said. don't post it here yet, do like a shitload over the next week. Then do one and post it and we'll see if you're better. Doing like three or four is not going to make you fluent. You need box-fluency.oh also the lazy curving looks much better on this one, your lines are not as sloppy. But look at the grid, lines that should be parallel aren't. That's what I mean by self-consistency. You gotta be able to manage that without guidelines, just be able to nail that consistency from your head.if this seems lame and abstract, it leads directly into anatomy because your figures won't look good just with correct anatomy. You have to express that anatomy as 'forms' (complex blocks) that are consistent in their relationships to each other and the space that they exist in.
when painting a reference, do y'all bother on drawing a good base before going to shading?my process is just draw some poorly drawn lines to indicate overall proportions and perspective, then i straight up go to blocking the overall values of the reference and gradually refine / add detailsso, i just finished this painting and the initial sketch was this abomination, but in my mind, it's enough to work... i have this fear that i should be putting more effort on the initial sketchings/drawings, cuz it feels like it's degrading my drawing skillsidk, any feedback on this would be appreciated, it feels good being good at painting, but i don't know if i'm just inherently bad at drawing or just lack of practice
>>7366834>>7367869sure thing bossand thanks
>>7367902you should try to do the initial sketch as best as you can. there is some worth in doing just painting, like value studies, but you'll benefit the most from doing the sketch well
>>7368031that's what i was thinking... it's not like i can't draw at all, it just that i never prioritize doing it since i mainly just do paintings
>>7367857>haha im so bad at drawing guys :)
alright boys let's talk/draw about what's goin on with the forms in this girl's abdomen
>>7368420bridgeman for reference
>>7368420my attempt, added contrast a bit to show lines better>>7366834lol intersecting glutes
>>7368420there are women with longer torsos, which can make it kinda weird when you draw it.her ab also looks kinda fake, the division between each ab is almost perfect and it looks very similar to each otherand lastly her boobs, it shouldn't be fake, but it kinda looks fakeanother example, this one looks even more extreme, drawing these types of body kinda messes with your proportion and perspective knowledge, cuz it's different
>>7368420Looks normal to me just not idealized proportions, longish ribcage/pelvis/neck with short/normal arms. Landmarks are all visible
>>7368420>what's goin on with the forms in this girl's abdomenWhats your question? Its a set with good light, you can study the form from all angels.Her torso is long, with low fat percentage. You can see the anatomy very well, but you will need additional experience, to make her look soft and feminine in a drawing.
>>7363880more simple yet characteristic shapes vs drawing the figure>>7364539check out michael hamptons explanation on CSI lines for more info about it, where you break down complex shapes into a series of simplified lines consisting primarily of "C" curves, "S" curves, and straight lines ("I") to quickly capture the form and structure of an object>>7364561>your stuff is looking nice as always, what are you studying lately?thank you, your stuff looks amazing and fun as always! for my studying, always the figure and how to connect it simply, or at least hope to do so>>7364626Thanks for the tip, I'm definitely trying to use more simple lines, but as I'm learning anatomy I'm being pulled towards all the little bumps lol.nice stuff! yea, anatomy can end up tearing apart your beautiful gesture, when you can, play with the idea of throwing anatomy out of the window if it harms your aesthetic design
>>7368420She looks way above average in a photo, but shes hard to draw, without making her look like s trany.
>>7366834too much work lately, but we will get our practice in!>>7366875nice, it's good to find inspo>>7367321right on! I think some of those silly warm up exercises could help you with your line confidence. I still do those from time to time.>>7367554good energy>>7367857everyone has potential, anon>>7367902I think a solid base would always be helpful. the tilt on your ref is more extreme on the ribcage. the box that would contain the ribcage would be more tilted back, and down.>>7368420perspective>>7368424her S curve on her gesture could be pushed a bit more>>7368611>>7368723I like the expressions. I should do some more iterative work.
>>7367554Really nice stuff, the perspective on the bottom left one is so awesome. Really good work. >>7368420Awesome model, do you have a link to the pack? Also didn't do a great job on her lol. >>7368424That's great, the forms in this are all so clean and tight. You've captured her eyes really well too for how small they must be. Amazing as expcted. >>7368723Those are all amazing. I really like the one in the middle where her ribcage is jutting out, it's so expressive. Your faces are all great, highly expressive and consistent. I'm pretty far from "aesthetic design," just a xerox machine right now. I think I'm actually gonna go more primitive for a while to try and refine some basics. >>7368964Amazing as always. Capturing all those hard edges always makes the drawing as a whole stand out so much more. Her hair looks so dynamic here too, you captured it so well despite it being kinda complex. Don't worry I do plenty of line confidence exercises; never stopped. It's mostly a mental thing, I have a tendency to rush and am not very smart, so I put down too many lines. Also, sorry, but I'm immediately going to break that pact lol. As I've expressed in the past, I just don't have the skill to post here; it just looks so wrong to see all the other posts and then mine. I'll still post intermittently, namely if you go missing again. But there is a general here that more properly befits me and so that's where I'll mainly post.
>>7366786Same, bro, same.>>7366834Thanks, nice figs as usual.>>7367321At this point drawing is the only thing that keeps me going. Oh and alcohol, lol.
Does anybody have any tips on using digital charcoal brushes? The tilt/grip fuck me up, I feel like I can't get good thin, defined lines for more detailed contours/
>>7369823>>7369257do you draw proper gesture below the figure drawing? or is it constructed without gesture? I don't really get the main action line thing. It never quite works.
>>7370227The diagrams, Mason. What do they mean?Either way these are ultra slick, saving for reference
>>7370254>>7370325>Either way these are ultra slick, saving for referencethank you>The diagrams, Mason. What do they mean?I was watching a video about zachtronics games and the guy started talking about transistor and I wanted to see if I could explain to myself how transistors worked to see if I remembered from highschool
>>7370253I think you can see my gesture lines in most of my quicker figures. I don't fully erase them.
>>7370381>Zachtronics gamesBased god. My ass thought it was some 200 IQ method of internalising perspective/form/flow using circuit science hehe
>>7370227Nice, maybe a bit stiff>>7369823I think you would do well from going more granular on some anatomy study; really learn the bones and muscle origins+instertions.
Started using a charcoal pencil so my drawings show up better
>>7370227I wanted to say something nice about your drawing, but then i saw the anime noses and now i want to call you a fucking retard.
>>7370978it's just a nose man chill out, the japs do it for a good reason
>>7370735>all the anatomy I studied and keep studying is not noticeable It's over.
>>7368723ur drawings are so cute
3 hour long pose, took my glasses off to keep things pretty fuzzy. I wish I had an extra hour to tighten and clean some things up.
>>7368964Sunday is for figs! >>7369257your stuff is good enough to post here for sure. absolute beginners are the only ones that probably won't gain much posting here since they really need to focus on the basics. >>7369823>>7371114that's allotta figs! I can definitely see your improvement anon. I think >>7370735 is talking about break-out detail studies.>>7370227nice body structure, my biggest crit would be your head structure could use some work. the eyes don't fall in the middle of your circle, usually the brow line does, so you're kind of missing some cranium. (unless you're going for a style)>>7370735>>7370963based angle enjoyer>>7371002nice shnoze, the crosshatching works really well. Something about the hatches on the bottom plane of your cube feels like it flattens that plane out. I think it's because the spacing of the hatches stays consistent, even though that plane is going back in space a bit. dunno. nice work tho.>>7371175don't see much paint around these parts. pretty cool! was she wearing crocs?
I am very curious what does "Gesture" means to you all? I know there is the general consensus of what constitutes as gesture (flow, dynamism, spirit, soul ect). I'm really interested in what you think it means. My idea and framing has changed over the 20 years I've been doing art. Wasn't until about last week I completely retooled my thinking on what it means to me. I don't think there is a wrong answer so.When I first started I thought it was pretty much what the general consensus was, flow lines and dynamics. Now I really believe it's just clarity and intent with your design. Good shape language imo should be there from the very beginning with the clarity of what you're trying to convey (this could be counted as “dynamic” but then again reclining poses can have very good gesture too). This could be why so many people feel AI is "soulless" or some people's art feels soulless because the intent is either nonexistent or is a paint by numbers type of art piece. The design should be there from the first few starting lines of the drawing, the rest of the time you're deliberately trying to strengthen that statement. This is just my views though, nothing more. Curious as to how each artist feels about it.
>>7371197She was wearing leopard print slippers to match her shirt. If you have the opportunity to go do live sessions, def do it. Drawing from photos sucks to rely on.
>>7371197round 2!>>7371198I think of gesture as a tool to counter our tendencies to stiffen out a pose, that's at least how I use that "phase" of a drawing.>>7371200I've been to a few way back in the day when I was in school, I would prolly get more out of it now that I'm a little more advanced.
didn’t really do much with the left arm/leg,,
>>7371344Clothes are REALLY bad for anatomy studies
>>7371344Less text more bones
>>7371198Imo animators (real, not calarts ones) have the best gestures. To me gesture is about drawing quickly & loosely so a sense of natural momentum & rhythm builds in your lines BUT to be successful they must convey volume and solidity of form.Picrel is 3 minutes per figure. Basically my goals for gesture & figure drawing.
Fuck, forgot pic
>>7371578Agreed, I need to study more animators
>>7354452Just wanted to say thanks to whoever did the drawings in the OP. I'm gonna try hatching like this and see how it goes.
>>7371334round 3!>>7371344good job putting in the effort. maybe try to work on that teardrop shape of the quads. >
A couple drawings. I wanted to try doing super simple sports/baseball poses, whenever I see someone doing a pitching drawing I always think it looks super cool. And a couple pinterest pictures I wanted to draw. I want to work on my legs(in general, really) anatomy/knowledge and start doing longer drawings instead of super short ones(2 min). I also think I should be drawing a bit bigger too.
>>7371770sounds like you're on the right track. Like I recommended for other anon, maybe focus in on the bones and how muscles insert on them*. You're really relying on circles for the joints and you should just be starting with a knowledge of what's there, like the gestures here: >>7371579>>7371730I'm aiming for something less stylistic, but I hope I get to your level of form-grasp soon. all your posts are good work.>>7369257thank you. and your work isn't bad, you can post in here. (anyone can, but maybe we will make fun of them). IMO, try less shading, stick to just lines. What can you communicate about forms with just lines? This is a main thing I ask myself that I am struggling with.>>7371197>>7371114>that's allotta figs! I can definitely see your improvement anon. I think >>7370735 is talking about break-out detail studies.yeah this is exactly what I meant. I've done a lot of that lately (like, the 10 months or so) and it really feels like I've 'leveled up'. all of my drawings now are coming out as what I would have considered 'success' before, and I'm realizing that the 'unsuccessful' drawings were just me getting lost not knowing forms for what I'm looking at. OFC with a long-pose drawing I could just copy exactly what I see, but that's no good for drawing quickly.*I need to work on this as well, however I've done some of it and it seems like it has definitely helped my drawings.
>>7371840>all of my drawings now are coming out as what I would have considered 'success' beforeThis said I am now unsatisfied with all my drawings. "Why can't I just draw like Bridgman? What's stopping me?"
is this good for 5ish minutes or did i focus too much on the contour?
>>7371840>Like I recommended for other anon, maybe focus in on the bones and how muscles insert on them*Thank you, I plan on focusing a bit more on proper anatomy knowledge, I have a couple things I want to work on. Outside of super basic stuff(mainly neck, chest and shoulder) I don't really know how muscles attach to bones.
>>7371854Her right tricep should go to the ulna, not inner condyle. But yeah, pretty good for 5 min
Figure practice
>>7372147close. you need to study perspective more. and try and practice anatomy.
>>7372157Lmao what is this redline?
Owari da>>7371731A good channel>>7371197>>7371840I believe most of my figures need more gesture instead of anatomy for now. They really feel robotic and not fluid at all.
>>7371730quickies>>7371770looking real good to me, the size seems fine for the stuff you did on pg 2, but when you start doing anatomy, yeah it would benefit you to draw a bit bigger.>>7371840nice overlapping shapes>>7371843I think that just comes with leveling up, but the good news is your eye has developed. now it's just milage, iteration, knowledge.>>7371854yep, keep it up!>>7372147finding a tried and true figure drawing method might help you develop faster, you can figure it out on your own, but it might take you longer.>>7372341>gesture needs workwork on gesture. find someone's method that works for you, and grind it out, but don't rush. I still think detail studies would help you greatly, Hands, feet, and head structure are your weak points. I promise it won't be regression to practice all these things.
>>7371731>still wearing shorts on the muscle cutaway version???
Hatching study. Felt myself slipping into surface-level copying as I went down the figure, but for my next study I reckon drawing out all the forms and muscle shapes more accurately on the underdrawing will help me internalise them better. Felt in control rendering the arm, but the abdomen made me go cross-eyed
>>7354452tried pencil brush on csp its nice
Tips/redline/critique/references? Thanks
>>7373209Be more patient with your facial features and hands>>7372731What is your goal with all the hatching? There are faster ways to communicate form
>>7372958Pretty nice, proportions & bones a bit wobbly though, like the chair. Gives the impression it's a sculpture made from jello
>>7373436i get the point but this is also way too stiff. i think we may be polar opposites
>>7367902>>7368964That's not a reference, it's a painting i did, the question was should i bother with drawing a good base if my painting will end up correct either way?Though, i did start focusing on practicing drawing, i tried to change to a traditional look alike brush and it kinda works.
>>7354452One of my favorite mangakas does figure drawing like this with posemaniacs, is this how you do figure drawing? Or why its different from the pics im seeing here?
>>7373502it's not convenient to find references for a specific pose that you wanna draw/paint, that's probably also why he uses posemaniacs, which the model itself is stylized, simpler and easy to dopainting from references can be incovenient if you're looking for a very specific pose, we practice it first to learn body shapes, since every body has a different body and use it to stylize the anatomy on your illustrations
I've been looking at some anatomy books but I', not sure which Bridgeman book I should look at at first and how to practice it. Constructive Anatomy or drawing from life and try to copy/read everything a couple times? I at least want to focus on arms and legs right now and try to understand what's going on there.
>>7373912Life drawing > constructive anatomy > human machineThen the head book or hand book in either order
>>7373912also, copy the drawinggs, but really try to grasp what the forms are, how does he use line to indicate them. Copy ann illustration, think of the forms and try to draw it from a different angle. LD is simplest and broadest, focused on big ideas and it gets more granular as you go.Good to supplement with an anatomy app aimed at doctors with a 3d model where you can hide/reveal piece by piece. There's a few good options.
>>7373435Main goal is to get better at hatching, I've heard it's better to focus on control/steadiness and let speed come naturally
>>7374015>>7374027Thank you.
>>7374150nta but dont just copy the anatomy. try to understand how he places shapes and angles to create an appealing form. its not just about anatomy its about how its used as well
today is drawy daythis brush feels so good
>>7374695should i render it
>>7374742NoRedraw it from memory and then from referenceAnd then if you're still up for it once more from memory.
>>7374750but i'll die if i have to do it all over again
I have returned from the box cave.
>>7374770Well ok you don't have toBut it's a good exercise.
>>7374788Dawg it ain't even been a week. You gotta let boxes into your heart. You need to be a schizophrenic faggot for boxes. See them everywhere and feel them with your soul. It takes more than a week. Twist em, join em, boil em mash em cook em in a stew. BOXESBOXESBOXES.Anon,
>>7374788It looks like your'e still unconfident with your lines that comprise the boxes. Remember, point A to point B, ghost the line if you have to. At this stage, the straightness of the line is your goal. All art is a 2D illusion of depth upheld by the straightness of your lines.
>>7371391tru, i didn’t really anticipate it to be an anatomy study tbf. i’ve never bothered to try and draw the muscles, but it felt like good exercise.>>7371505why bones? i think it could be fun to get better at learning them for anatomy, but practically idk why i should draw them .-.>>7371730thank u for the reference! i’ve been working on it a little more, and they’ve consistently confused me, but i think i’m getting the hang of things.>>7371731genuinely the most helpful thing rn. also it made me realize that most muscles in the body are gonna just be smoothed out with a thin layer of fat on everything B)also realized that at some point, i’m going to have to stop practicing and just start fucking drawing things, so i think im committed to adding things in the scene with the figures, and not just letting them be floating bodies in a white void.
>>7375260here’s the reference i used
>>7374695>>7374742more figure drawy
>>7375629Nice ref. Source?
>>7375671this photographer, his works are amazing'm doing this one right now, the anatomy and lighting is amazing
>>7368420First time posting, why the hell do I need to wait 900 seconds to post? Does everyone verify email address? anyway, heres my attempt - what do yall think?
>>7375700Pretty good, gesture is good and proportions aswell.The only suggestion i'd give (other than keep practicing more), is to draw really light lines before doing another pass on it, it helps to keep the paper clean and redo something if it goes wrong.Something like this. >>7375697It's digital, so you can still see the sketch lines clearly, but if it were traditional, the lines would be almost invisible. Also, ghost your lines before committing to them.
>>7375712Forgot to mention, makes the paper clean AND the lines clean.
>>7375700you used a vpn or something possibly
>>7375260not that anon, but bones are the structure of the figure, not muscles. that's why all construction books first simplify to skull, ribcage, pelvis. learning the bones, even just simplified shapes, will help you a lot. you can use them for muscle placement as well, for example the deltoid connects around 1/2 down the arm and 1/3 of the clavicle
>>7375219>>7375228I'm actually trying to fit the gesture of what I think a body should be curved like with the boxes. Should I be drawing the gesture and the boxes completely separate?
>>7375712Here's a few more, trying to keep lines a bit more clean but clearly needs work
>>7376050Yeah, you got a good eye for gesture, proportions do look wrong in some of them, but it's to be expected. Lines do look like it's getting cleaner. Now it's up to how much practice you put in on it and how you analyze each drawing so you get to improve. :)I recommend watching videos on YT of people using their own methods of drawing, sometimes you end up adopting a method they use to solve a problem on their drawings.Like this one, it doesn't need to be a class or tutorial necessarily, it's just so you watch people draw their on way.
>>7376239>>7376050Forgot to link the video.
>>7376250>>7376253Holy shit these are cool, where'd you find them?
>>7376239>>7376050Thanks anon - heres some more lol. Used a 4H graphite on the bottom one and really happy with how it came out
>>7376253holy fucking shit you're Loomis incarnate
>>7376411the bottom one came out great! ngl how does everybody prevent their pencil figures from smudging? everything i've drawn with pencil has graphite smudges everywhere. i'm using strathmore sketch paper and some random pencils from high school (a decade ago...) so i dunno if it's the pencils or if i'm just dumb
>>7376497Dont let anything touch them
>>7376497you just have to keep track of when it happens, so you can prevent it, eventually you'll make a habit of it and it will be automaticthough, generally, erasers residues can cause smudging and also your own hands, you can't let them touch the paperalso, you could use a piece of paper on top of the drawing for you to rest your hands, this guy here uses a stick and it just works
>>7375835yes. Honestly don't worry too much about gesture for now. Great gesture like this:>>7371579will come after you have - form (BOXESBOXESBOXES)- knowing your anatomypeople on 4chan focus on 'looseness' but apparent looseness isn't from practicing being loose, it's from really super tight practice and being fucking right about all the important stuff so you can *then* let go and flow but still hit all the right notes.idk who it was but there was a painter who said something like "people say my paintings look like I'm taking it easy and keeping my paintings loose. If it looks like that, people should know it's not because I try to be loose or unburdened, it's because I've been painting for forty years."focusing on gesture at the beginning is a fool's errand. Just draw boxes and try to make it look like they really have volume, like they're really stacked on a floor plane. Ask yourself what kind of line relationships convey solidity and volume.
>>7376411Wow, MUCH better than the previous ones. Clean lines makes the drawing way more concise. Proportions looks great, even on the complex poses.I don't do figure drawing much, since i just mainly do paintings, but i'm thinking on doing some charcoal / watercolor figure drawing/painting. Some of my timed gesture drawing studies.
>>7372460Ehh I do studies. Just don't post them.
>>7372460Damn, it's been a week already? some quickdraw stuff, would like to do some likeness studies at some point.>>7372731nice study, the forms get a little lost, esp. in the legs>>7372958cool brush>>7373209pretty good observational study, but you're missing forms. I would say slow down a bit and focus on your base shapes>>7373435proportions look good to me
>>73780964chan thinks my formatting is spam. >>7373436what's this guy gonna do with that step ladder?>>7373481>>7374695>>7374742>>7374770oh, gotcha. Kinda up to you, I think having a skill is better than not having a skill, but if you feel like it's not something you'll really need then you can devote your time to getting better at something else.>>7373502looks like HideChannel>>7374788nice, keep practicing both>>7375009lookin good, the top guy looks like he's missing some of his midsection anatomy. also, missing water cooler.>>7375260breddy gud
>>7378100c'mon 4chan how the hell am I supposed to reply to multiple posts?>>7375697>, thanks for the link>>7375700>>7376050>>7376411nice, keep it up, do like 1000>>7376731nice, some are a little scratchy>>7377093>>7377760right on, yeah you're doing it right thing I notice from your drawings is sometimes you'll do the circle for your head, but then try to fit all the facial features into that circle, but you need to give yourself another 3rd to add in the lower part of the face. you don't do it all the time, but something you should watch out for.
>>7378103>one thing I notice from your drawings is sometimes you'll do the circle for your head, but then try to fit all the facial features into that circle, but you need to give yourself another 3rd to add in the lower part of the face. you don't do it all the time, but something you should watch out for.That's the problem with anime heads since they don't really follow the rules which is why I somewhat struggle with them.
1 yr progress i'm pretty happy, no longer scared of drawing hands/feet in ref'd figures. next i need to stop making everything freakishly long when constructing>>7378107i would recommend looking at anatomy for sculptors, their skull simplification has been very helpful for me. anime generally has all the same parts just with wacky proportions, i like tracing settei and trying to draw the simplified skull on top then doing an attempt in a similar style
>>7378381that is excellent progress for a year. Makes me jealous
>>7378381just realized i completely botched the side of her eyebrow ridge but again picrel is what you should look at not mine>>7378386don't be i'm sure you made progress as well, i made drawings last year that were better and ones this year that were worse. but i do recommend redrawing old attempts especially ones you gave up on, good morale booster
>>7378381huh I actually have something from the last year
>>7375629more drawywhat anatomical part of the body should i give a hint or a highlight when doing figure drawing? I feel like it ends up looking stiff or too much anatomical when i draw the ribcage and the abdomen
>>7378965this is a issue for me only when drawing, tho. when i'm painting or rendering, i like doing the details of each rib
>>7378965Whatever you feel the focus should be. Stiffness is usually from bad gesture, not from higlighting some anatomy.You might want to post an example of what youre talking about, the too stiff and anatomical stuff.
>>7379017Like, if i were to draw her rib cage and not render it, i think it ends up looking weird, drawing each rib looks kinda uncanny and too anatomical, like if it was an ecorché. And i say when using lines only to indicate the form of the body. You get it? It's kinda complex for me to explain as cohesively as this.But i think you are right, i should make the focus what i want it to be. Makes sense, it's just that i feel like the drawing ends up kinda ''empty'', as if it's only body contour and some overlaps (and the bewbs).
>>7379047Though, there isn't much to do when you're only using lines to do an illustration or drawing from reference...
>>7379047>>7379054Well just draw the ribs that are showing. You can lose some of them in shadow/midtones if you want, or get a model thats less ribby in the first place. Bony people always look like ecorches. I wouldn't get too concerned about it.Try making small value sketches to mess with ideas on how to represent it the way youd like.
>>7379250Damn, this makes sense... Thanks for the feedback, i don't usually ask people for critiques.I did a lot of paintings, but i noticed that my figure drawings were kinda getting bad, so i'm mainly focusing on just drawing, my line work improved a lot.
>>7368723creative play and having fun while using tube like boxes and box like tubes>>7368964>I like the expressions. I should do some more iterative work.thank you, im glad you enjoy them. same to you, great work>>7369257>Those are all amazing. I really like the one in the middle where her ribcage is jutting out, it's so expressive. Your faces are all great, highly expressive and consistent.I'm pretty far from "aesthetic design," just a xerox machine right now. I think I'm actually gonna go more primitive for a while to try and refine some basics.thank you, im glad you enjoy them, your figures are, you say "xerox" but your figures are yours, great job>>7371155thank you
Forgot to write some text>>7378381I drew a lot of realistic heads but it's not just proportions with anime, artists often change and play with faces, it's way harder for me than to just draw a realistic head>>7378965You can focus on movement more imo>>7379266Very nice>>7379299Great pelvises
>>7378096a little anatomy + quick sketches>>7378381nice progress!>>7378567not bad, make sure your overall forms don't get lost in details.>>7378965figuring out what to show is tough when drawing, check out some of your favorite artists and see how they stylize.>>7379299I like the shadow shapes>>7379403dragon girl lookin pretty good structure wise>>7379452nice
>>7375700>>7376050I really enjoy figure drawing as my main art form - I know people on this board use it as a way to draw anime girls but can I make money selling figure drawing (trad, and obv getting better) or is that a pipe dream
>>7379533Thanks but she's just a study
>>7379533some imagination stylization, some refs + HideChannel head stuff>>7380293pretty good overall, the proportions on bottom right seem a bit off to me.>>7380385you should give HideChannel's anime head method a try. He's got a bunch of videos on it, but here's one.>
>>7380293Of course you can make money with it. It takes more than getting good at technique though. You will need to promote yourself, find a niche, find your audience, make something that is recognizably yours. Many possible challenges.My mother has been painting for 15 years and when she does an exhibition she can sell paintings without hanging up a big sign saying "for sale" or hinting at it in any form. People just ask her.I would say a good goal is to organize an exhibition for yourself, even if it is just a small local library or a coffee shop you like. Make a small portfolio and ask people if you could exhibit there. Invite all your friends and family, make a social media event. Be friendly with people. Connect with local artists at life drawing classes and exhibition openings.Of course there is also a chance that the people who will be your future buyers are in other states/countries/continents. This can mean an extra layer of complexity for potential extra profit.Also, don't forget the big picture. Don't just "grind figures". Compose and execute images. Take a piece of paper or canvas and make something that grabs people from across the room.
>>7368420I have no idea. An attempt to draw her has been made, though.As always: difficult!
>>7381737and, yes, I still didn't practice head anatomy.
>>7380528longer study today. Doing comparisons in digital vs trad is much easier since you can get the ref right next to your drawing, but I feel like there pros and cons to each method.>>7381371:)>>7381737looks like the forms got a little flattened out around the obliques.>>7381791man
>>7381938Lumbar spine looks too lonh
>>7381938more figs>>7382148Yeah, and her lifted leg is too long as well.
>>7382222these are so aesthetically pleasing
>>7380528Uhh ain't that just the loomis method I've already been using?
Experimenting using a brush>>7382222Why you putting pointy vampire chins on those ladies?
>>7382433I think you're on the right track. I always find it helpful to review stuff I've already learned, and watching other artists draw. monkey see, monkey do sort of thing.> what I can tell, he uses Loomis as a base for understanding the overall structure, but then veers off pretty hard when talking about stylization for anime.> remember watching this part and things clicking in my brain. at ~9:40 in that same video he has another example of taking the base structure and stylizing it for anime. He also has other videos where he goes into how/why you'd do things specifically for appeal.
>>7382222>>7382548some imagination practice>>7382226thank you! always looking for appealing lines.>>7382451what type of brush?
>>7382451what do you recommend to interiorize values like that? awesome work
>>7381791looks so airbrushed it feels like AI
>>7382620>what type of brush?#16 rosemary eclipse. Tbh a waste to use it on charcoal, but it was nearby and idk how to best use it for oil yet.>>7382705Thanks! >interiorizewhat do you mean
Also I bought the fat guy pack. It's oak, lots of distortion
>>7381938thanks for the feedback, kind anon. Much appreciated.
>>7382772>what do you mean"understand"?sorry for ESL
>>7382849hehehe, word you're looking for is internalise
>>7382849Oh you mean like how did I learn the values? I'm not drawing from imagination, I'm just copying photo references. It's not as good as live models, but the sessions near me suck and are expensive.
>>7382548For planes I usually rely on Asaro head rather than Loomis because it's more accurate.Tho I haven't drawn realistic portraits in some time.
>>7382911What's considered expensive? At least in the US city I'm in, $10 to $25 is reasonable to me.
>>7382620mo studies>>7382774that guy looks like he's holding a lollypop of his own head.>>7383054Finding something that works for you is key, but I'm still gonna recommend drawing along to Hide's videos, I think it would help.
What resource would be the Loomis for Figure Drawing?
>>7383075one is $25/session, the other is a 30 minute drive, they get very old/fat/etc. models and don't tell you before you arrive if it's clothed or not. Also you gotta pay for 8 sessions up front. Both sessions are short-pose only. I'm really trying to study muscles and anatomy so I need 'ideal' models, not 80 year olds. Maybe I'll move to LA or something one day where they have better sessions.
>>7383151Figure Drawing for All It's Worth
>>7383166Damn that's fucked lol. I'm in the southeast US and go to sessions near college towns where they have the decency to give a heads up on the model and clothed/nude.>Also you gotta pay for 8 sessions up front. Both sessions are short-pose only.What in the actual fuck that is so scuffed
I don't know how to construct from simple forms like box or egg. When I try to add on details from it I don't get the 3D feels from initial start and drawing becomes ruined.I always need to add details from start to get 3D feels. And I also cannot draw from imagination.How Can I solve this?
>>7373502>one of my favourite mangakaWho?
Trying some figs again.>>7381737Awesome proportions, awesome lines.>>7383054Workhorse. But I suggest to focus on a limited set of simple poses. I fear the man that practiced one kick 10000 times and all...>>7383127Good work I feel like you got better and cleaner.>>7378381Great work man. Please tell me you drew before 2023.>>7379299Consistent hand as always. Such an important skill to have, im training it.
>>7366788I shouldn't be too hard on myself because overall turned out better than the last one, but man, some of these are truly awful. Next one I'll just do exactly what the boxgods want
>>7384319404 - can anyone reupload somewhere?
do y'all guys ever bother with drawing very dynamic poses?
>>7384863>>7385134For sure, wild poses are fun
>>7385163waow, pretty nice stuff
>>7385134the cure to procrastination, watch stuff and study at the same time
Decided to stick to line for a while. Too easy to hide bad form-thought in value.>>7385134Too hard to get them to have the right weight/solidity IMO. Maybe once I'm happy with my more neutral poses.
>>7385334yeah, i couldn't do it properly either when i was still practicing gesture drawing, you eventually get to do it with enough practice
>>7385334I have regressed from a week ago lol:>>7366004
>>7385219cope.You split your attention and surely lose more than 50% study effectiveness. Your mind needs to commit to learning, needs to immerse itself in art and only art
>>7385910nuh uh you jealous cuz you can't do it
>>7385932my autism gives me super cognitive powers
Sometimes it's easier to draw perspective as parallax instead of actual perspective. For some reason I was struck with the urge to draw aqua in the wheelbarrow the fat dude was in.
>>7380580thanks for the advise anonheres something I am working on now.Cant seem to figure out how to get rid of the grid lines i've erased. looks like some residue is left over that the charcoal isn't sitting on top of properly...
>>7386544Stop using grids. They teach you nothing
>>7386581they can be good to keep track of landmarks in case you're tunnel-visioning.
>>7386582If you’re tunnel visioning you need to stop working on it for a bit and look at it againwith fresh eyes.
>>7386613ah but it's so easy to lose momentum, sometimes it's better you stick with something to the end and do your best throughout.
>>7386615agreed. drawing is hard. you can't pause every time you hit a wall. taking a step back and breathe is a skill as well
>>7386931you should if you can't see what needs fixing. Work too long on something and you become blind to things. Doesn't mean you stop altogether though, you can work on something else. Fresh eye is a real concept.
>>7386942I don't see the contradiction to what I said. It's just hard to assess from the far. Is anon an ipad kid and can't hold a leg still or was he/she grinding for hours and actually needs a break?
>>7354452Nothing wrong, right?
>>7362642god, yes.I wish the references thread was still up. My hard drive died and I lost them all. Now I am back to the cringe ones.
>>7387061>Nothing wrong, right?you're the most retarded poster on /ic/ and yes that includes howie
>>7387224The hell did I do?
>>7387061you have an entire pityparty thread and...none of it made into your permabeg head, fuckin kek
>>7383127drawing big today!>>7384071thanks, just depends on how much time I want to dedicate to a drawing. I'm usually focusing on posing/proportions/appeal.>>7385134dynamic poses are fun! but they can be tough to figure out.>>7354452New Thread Time?
>>7385166Danke, still can't get my head around rendering
>>7387597A good brush will make the difference, trust me.About shading, just fill your drawing to a mid tone, then fill in the shadows, then you fill in the light area and just blend it all. The last part is the most time consuming one, it just takes time to figure out the mid tones, specially if you're just starting to learn.Like this guy did it here, though he makes it look easy...
>>7387306so good