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The following problem arose in my tablet out of seemingly nowhere.

I draw using the aformentioned model (H610 Pro V2), using Krita as my drawing software. I began to notice that every so often, the tablet would stop registering my pen strokes but for an instant; at first I thought it was just a temporary glitch or fluke, but that is not the case. It keeps occurring, and it's hindering me from drawing. I've never had this issue before.

I've already uninstalled and re-installed the Huion driver, restarted the PC. I've got no leads to go on, and some advice or help would be appreciated.
I mean go to checklist for driver issues.
>Get blank canvas, draw lines diagonally across screen to confirm it's not a hardware issue.
>Turn on or Turn off Windows Ink
>Uninstall Drivers, restart, Reinstall
>Uninstall, restart, install older driver
Is that the infamous LampArray service shit from logitech lagging huion tablets?
And you're probably running windows 11
This might be it desu. Just incase, here's somebody's guide on how to fix it. https://www.reddit.com/r/huion/comments/1c8v5as/recent_issues_with_lagging_freezing_with_huion/
Also from same thread if you don't have the lamp array process:
>Solution that helped me: Need to go to settings(HuionTablet), then Software Diagnosis and switch on Wintab (must be enable). After that go to Digital Pen screen and switch off Windows ink.
So Windows Ink is probably the culprit if its not a driver incompatibility.
It appears at this moment that the issue is resolved by installing one of the older Huion drivers, rather than the newest one.
How many diagonal lines to draw to test whether it's fixed or not I wonder.
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Yeah that looks fine.
Issue is still present, actually. Unsure how to proceed, Anon...
Follow all the advice in that thread. A lot of people in your same shoes doing all sorts of troubleshooting.
are you on windows or linux?
Windows (11)
and is this present in any other drawing software or is it specific to krita?
Turn off windows ink
Problem still present, can't make sense of it.

I've done everything said in this thread. Drivers uninstalled, re-installed, PC restarted, tablet disconnected, Windows Ink disabled, LampArray turned off (which I'd already done in the past when I hooked up the tablet to this PC for the first time).

I'm about to go crazy and smash my PC to bits. What do I have to do, buy a new tablet or a PC?
here are some general things you can also try and test
- see if this problem persists on other windows 11 pcs in your house if you have any
- see if it persists in other software or is it just krita
- try disconnecting other usb devices (except mouse and keyboard), sometimes if your using too many devices on a hub it can interfere with the signal

the first 2 points should at least tell you whether you'll need to buy a new tablet or pc
try plugging into a usb port from your motherboard
It is indeed occurring in other software (just confirmed it in MSPaint, as well as on the Snapshot tool).

Would that mean a new tablet, or new PC?
Make sure the problem is actually the tablet, unplug your mouse and keyboard and other peripherals from your PC if you have any and see if that still happens
So this >>7371277 was a fluke, and the old driver really didn't work?
You definitely don't need a new PC that's for sure. At worse it's the tablet. However you need to make sure it's not software related or buying a new tablet might not fix the issue.
>However you need to make sure it's not software related or buying a new tablet might not fix the issue.

How can I make sure of that?

The tablet itself is over two years old (purchased in the closing days of 2021, first used in Jan 2022).
By testing out all the solutions online
Unfortunately i can't help you because i use Linux and haven't touched windows 11.
You said you followed the reddit thread so i can assume you tried disabling Windows Ink? Make sure that everything you tried in the thread are still disabled. Maybe something got re-enabled after you restarted your PC which might be the cause of why you thought it was fixed for a while but then it came back.
Windows Ink is disabled, I disabled it since last year; not even because it was acting up, simply was the "correct" thing to do when hooking up my tablet to my new PC (not so new, obtained in late 2023).

t.exhausted atm
OP here. Not really sure what to do at this point.

Just purchased two new tablets: one of them the same model, and another one a XP-Pen Deco 01 V2, since it's all I can possibly think of doing. Can't even count how many times I've installed or un-installed drivers/restarted my PC, I've done all I can on my end and I just have to assume a new tablet will solve this.
shouldn't you buy a wacom at this point then if you have enough money for 2 chines tablets you should be able to afford an Intuos tablet.
At least you won't have software or hardware related issues with intuos since it has so much support online.
Change your nib and blow the dust out of the pen
You cant just disable windows ink in the driver you have to actually go into your windows pen and ink settings and disable its bullshit there too
Yeah this is so braindead it feels like it's about to be some convoluted ad for XP Pen
Hm, probably not what you want to hear, but try using another software. Krita has weird issues with some tablets, it has happened to me before. During that time I had to experiment with Paint.NET and SAI. At some point I got a new tablet and Krita got updated and fixed.
he already said it's the same in mspaint >>7371463
I bought a wacom and it just werx.
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when you fuck up step 1 of the guide and only realize you need to start over when you stop hyperfocusing on your chin scribble and realize it's out of place. now i think death is too good for me and i deserve the daily humiliation
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lmao did it again
this drawing from boxes and ratios and shit is deeply uncomfortable and alien, what little drawing i have done in the past was either by sight or aimless doodling
please read keys to drawing
i also have that, but it's secondary to just trying to draw an anime face
well your results say otherwise
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the results are uniformly poor, but the anime face is both more painful to work through and the point of why im trying to draw, so i have to try and do them
and oh fuck i found myself on the wrong thread, double humiliation
Thanks reddit
does ktd teach construction or anything 3d?
It teaches you how to draw what you see which is what you need before 3d if youre a beginner

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