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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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What the source of anxiety around drawing?
There is no anxiety when drawing doodles or studies but there is so much resistance to making anything thats original and at a relatively high level of polish.
It’s a mental/emotional block, because I’ve done it plenty of times before but can never seem to get into the mindset of starting a piece consistently.

Where does this feeling of resistance come from and how can it be resolved without substance abuse and reliance on alcohol?
Skill issue
pussy ass bitch
you're neurodivergent. You're self aware and you think too much. There's no cure, you don't want to be an unthinking normie anyways.
>those raised sandals
I'm intrigued. What historical purpose did they serve? Just pure height, or...?
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It's simple: perfectionism and fear of failure. Fear of seeing how much you actually suck.
This, you have to learn that perfection is the enemy of the good.
female legs short
male legs long
female legs make long for fucking of easy
It's an Arab harem, the pale bitch looks flabby.
>What the source of anxiety around drawing
You have serious mental issues outside of this, there is no reason in this day and age to have anxiety about art. if it were 500 years ago when paper and paints cost 100 times more sure be anxious. I doubt its anxiety im geussing your mind poisoned or just don't have the volition to go through with something to completion and my suggestion 4 u would to be more mindful in general. Think about art think about technique and materials and color and shape how do great artists manipulate the fundamentals to create beauty? etc etc. Also finish your bad art,. take an old sketch and render it to completion you don't have to show anyone.
>Where does this feeling of resistance come from and how can it be resolved without substance abuse and reliance on alcohol?
for a lot of people drugs work

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