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Are there better resources to learn heads/faces that aren't loomis for /begs/

Drew pic related and I feel like I can't covey the 3d feeling of the head if that makes sense
If you want the 3D feeling shade the whole thing fairly lightly and then erase the highlights back in.
Draw larger.
if youre asking 4chan for drawing advice, youre already fucked.
I like this book.
It's a shame they only released only a few 3d models online, though.
exactly what you asked for, 3 hours of head drawing course by Steve Huston pbuh
Well... if you can't convey 3D-ness you should probably do the /beg/ Loomis stuff. Thou aren't too good for old man balls.
Unfortunately, the more time goes on the more I'm starting to believe this unironically. Nobody who truly loves drawing feels the need for reassurance and guidance, they draw, they fail, they draw, they fail again and again, until they eventually don't fail anymore. Why? Because they just love the act of drawing so much that the idea of 'not doing it properly' simply never enters their heads. If they get stuck, they just figure it out for themselves, find a reference or something so they know how to do it next time.
>Shit drawing? Whatever! Onto the next one! I love drawing!
the idiot losers who spend all day talking here instead of working are wasting your time. you gain nothing by listening to faceless nobodys who have no interest in your life other than to shit talk you. find a private tutor and pay them lots of money, but also work and listen to them. you can spend all year being unproductive and not learning or you can actually make progress and never come here again. it really is a shit board.
wanting to learn from a teacher and loving art are not mutually exclusive
How are you struggling with Loomis heads?? it's literally primitive spheres with lines already.
Literal blackest mexican like me can get it in a single afternoon. You are obviously cosplaying as some White nationalist with that Plato Republic book lmao
To be honest i actually got good advices here and there from some people specially if they correct my art so im super happy because usually i would have to hire somebody to do that. Anything is good if it have actually good critique and overwork even tho it's rare.
>I can't covey the 3d feeling of the head if that makes sense
Draw yourself in a mirror. every day. for a year or more.
I'm already drawing loomis heads, just wanted to look at other things I could do to practice, more than one way to learn how to draw.
Reading one of the most influential philosophy books makes you a 'white nationalist' lmao? Its obvious from the way you speak about yourself you have low self esteem.
This is so retarded its crazy, imagine saying its over for a /beg/ trying to improve literal crab mentality.
you make a good point, anon, but that being said, what is someone like you who's smart enough to realize this fact doing here? I always wonder this when I see wise posts like this.
Loomis won't teach you how to simplify that beard
the beard's already simplified, retard
literally just look at it
A Light Source is hitting the image from the left-hand side, a shadow is present on the right side of the image giving it, If I learned anything is shading does wonders for making an image appear as though it where 3D/Realistic.
Draw bigger, use real paper, spend more time on it. Think, 10h, 15h, at least. Only advanced artists can get a convincing portrait in under a hour, and even then, they must sacrifice many things.

Also, work from good drawings, well-reproduced.

It's way, way more difficult to work from random photos of random statues. There are many subtle things you're not yet aware of contributing to those extra difficulties.

Take it slow.

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