The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.Previous thread: >>7450916Some resources:/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asgBooks:Understanding Comics Comics in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting a Monkey Can Draw Manga Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga"Manga Senpai/Tokyo Name Tank", "SMAC! THE SILENT MANGA AUDITION COMMUNITY"Habanero Scans: MANBEN Series link: [Note: Videos appear to be taken down at the moment - check Habanero]Urasawa Channel: of OP image is Vampire Hunter D Chapter 6 Page 8.
>>7464077Some western / indie publishers of Manga:Saturday AM ( )> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.Oni Press ( )> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.Antarctic Press ( )> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.> Seemingly taking submissions at present if is anything to go on.Yen Press ( )> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.Viz Media / Viz Originals ( )> *The* western manga publisher.> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.> Still might be worth a shot anyway.Shrine Comics ( )> Small indie manga publisher> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes> Allows crossposting to other sitesIconic Comics (>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration
>>7464078Other open comic publishers:Dark Horse ( )>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.Image comics ( )>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.Drawn and quarterly ( )>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.Fantagraphics ( )>submission page: Shelf Productions ( )>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).Additional publisher lists:>>
>>7464080Current Contests:Silent Manga Audition 22 "Seized With Rage": World Manga Contest: Comics Awards 2024: 2025 Contest:'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography project is defunct but the discord is alive)Additional community added Resources:Mangafonts: Mashima YT:, a job listing board for manga assistant work: (You) can help /mmg/:> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.
>>7464077Vampire Hunter d is probably the coolest thing ever... yeah.
>>7464077Why haven't you submitted your masterpiece to Jump yet, Anon-kun-tachi?>>
ah yes the g-pen thread
>>7464250 I'll be too busy trying Afternoon
>>7464250I don't fit their demographic. I'm more of an AX guy. >>7464257I like maru and nipponji more, but do use Gpen a lot.
Making manga is experiencing the pointlessness of life. You spend days on a single page and the reader will just skip through it in 10 seconds, provided you even have any readers.
>>7464286Luckily for me I'm a terrible and lazy artist who cranks out lots of pages in a day, and generally just make a comic for myself. Having readers/subscribers/etc is just a bonus.
>>7464286I reread baki all the time. There are pages I think about weekly. If you go into art with such a negative attitude, the reader will know.
>>7464291>cranks out lots of pages in a dayWould you say that you get better at it? What have you learned during these pages? I'm just asking for myself, because I would really like to get better at making comics, but it's a really difficult to get into way of drawing.
>>7464286That's just art in general. >You spend days on a single page If you are not at Miura level or over inking stuff you have no excuse, post your work
>>7464297Yes, I have definitely improved from when I 1st started. I have learned how to use my pen better I guess? As well as trying to rely less on tones, and better paneling. I feel like I try new ideas fairly often, which results in artstyle shifts throughout, which may be jarring for a reader? Sitting down and getting into a flow state can definitely be tricky sometimes, just don't give up!
>>7464286Imagining my characters come to life and chew me out about>why does our world looks so boring?is my primary motivation in honing my design and technical skill in drawing.
>>7464286>Making manga is experiencing the pointlessness of life
>>7464286Yep. I feel the same. But it couldn't be any other way.
>>7464286this applies to a lot of creative endeavorssometimes a 3 minute sequence in a film will take months of workits just the nature of the beast, you gotta learn to enjoy the process
>>7464541It's different, most of those monkey work guys cope by pretending they'll be directors one day, with comics you have nowhere to go besides having someone else draw it instead.t. childhood friend with several middle aged aspiring film makers that are still doing editing, vfx etc on movies and shows waiting for their big break
>>7464548I think you have a much bigger chance at "making it" as a mangaka/ comic artist/ graphic novel duder whatever you wanna call it than you do as a directorthe barrier to entry as an artist is much lower than as a director, its much easier to make a manga/comic whatever and then show it to publishers than it is to make a short film and have someone pick you up and give you a shot in the big leaguesor maybe not idk I might be retardedand also, as with anyone doing anything creative, success is not guaranteed, success shouldn't even be expect, you need to enjoy the process cause if someone is just doing it for the faint possibility of success, they're gonna have a miserable time
>>7464556>I think you have a much bigger chance at "making it" as a mangaka/ comic artist/ graphic novel duder whatever you wanna call it than you do as a directorWell yeah, but that's like saying you have a better chance of being a housecleaner than the president. The average editor working in film is better off than the average mangaka, of those friends just finished working with an editor in his 90s who doesn't even know how to work a computer, he just sits there and tells an assistant how to edit it, takes his bag of cash and goes home.My point was more that "experiencing the pointlessness of life" isn't really as much of a thing in that field because the people still perceive it, deludedly or not, as a road to greater things, whereas once you're publishing a comic, you're done, you're never gonna ascend to being something more nor can you fantasize about reaching the kind of lofty celebrity status of a director, you can only get better at what you're already doing.
>>7464563Okay so are you making manga or no?
>>7464570No, I'm making a comic because I'm not Japanese and I write left to right.
>>7464563>My point was more that "experiencing the pointlessness of life" isn't really as much of a thing in that field because the people still perceive it, deludedly or not, as a road to greater thingshmmm interestingI see it completely different. Unless those people are working on short films to show what they can do, i'd assume the chances of any of them becoming a director is almost zero and I assume most of them are indeed not working on their own films. I guess I should also mention that I've had a tiny bit of experience in film/ tv. I was in that world for a bit a couple years ago so I hung out with editors and tv people, some directors and producers so my IRL experience might be tainting my view on this.>as a road to greater things, whereas once you're publishing a comic, you're done, you're never gonna ascend to being something more nor can you fantasize about reaching the kind of lofty celebrity status of a director, you can only get better at what you're already doing.I mean true but to a lot of people "just" publishing their work professionally and trying to make something even better with every passing project is the dream. It almost sounds like you'd rather be a big movie director than a narrative artist. I'm not attacking you, its just the impression I get.
>>7464573>you'd rather be a big movie director than a narrative artistThe two are closely related conceptually, but no, I'm one of the few from the gang who didn't go to art school after our stint as amateur film makers, though I almost ended up storyboarding at one point.It's just a matter of fact that directors get recognition and wealth far beyond mangaka even before we account for the investment necessary for the latter.
>>7464572manga = comicsGet over it, sadboy
Thought it could be helpful to make storyboards digitally but I think I have to go back to trad.
>>7464286Does it bother me? for sure all the timeBut I think the opposite would be true if I didn't since i've decided this is my purpose. That and i've built a nice legacy for myself should anything happen to me. In the same vein, you can't complete a jigsaw puzzle with only one piece. I'm trying to tell a story, not join a gallery.
>>7464772>that textAnd this is just one more reason why I never have had any interest in becoming a professional mangaka and am more than happy to just do it as an intensive hobby.
In the home stretch now for chapter 4. 93 pages done, about 24 left.
>>7464772That text is gay as fuck.
>>7464772>author that writes light hearted stuff is a sad person>author that writes depressing and disturbing work is a happy person why is this?
>>7464869When you are depressed you can't make good art.
>>74648691st is making wish fulfillment for themselves, 2nd is content to laugh at themselves and the world as it burns.
>>7464869pagliaccithat's just how humans are
>>7464797I think the crux of working on anything of this particular scale is that you're forced to sacrifice so many other aspects of your life in order to feed it. The other option is hardly drawing it at all, not drawing it as much as you wished, or never completing your story in your lifetime. It takes a comic artist on average of ten years to finish a major work, but usually more than that even if they are doing weeklies.Each person only has so much energy to spare, some have more, some have less, and even when you have time to draw manga you'll begin to realize that unfortunately you aren't a robot and need to do things to take care of your wellbeing. It is a tough life not suited for most people but I will say there are some things you will ONLY learn by doing it at a fast pace or high quantity via this lifestyle.
>>7464797True, the more I draw the more I realise the shonen scene is hell. I'd rather take my time on something short and sweet than churn out chapters I'm not happy with on a tight schedule.
>>7464772If I had a social life, I'm not even sure I would be making manga...
How successful you gotta be as a mangaka to live off the profit of your IP and never have to work again?
>>7464983Knowing that won't magically motivate you to make a comic.
>>7464987I *am* making a comic. Just need extra motivation okay?
>>7464992If you started making a comic because of profit, you already didn't make it.Maybe go draw fotm anime titties floating in a void.
>>7464998I started to keep me busy so I didn't get fucking depressed. The money part came afterwards
>>7464772name of the manga?
>>7464983Enough that you have an average wage coming to you passively through stock dividends, invested government bonds, and the like.
Drawabox? What's that?
>>7464658>storyboardsThose a very pretty for storyboards, anon. Too pretty. Storyboarding is just for figuring out the pacing and what happens, you're not supposed to make the drawings good or anything. If you can ink right over the drawing then it's too detailed for storyboards IMO.
>>7464951It's very naive of you to assume this is somehow limited to just one target demographic.
>>7465097There's nothing wrong with going straight to the page, either, if that's your thing.
Is there any practical reason for me not to do all my inks with pic related and a brush pen? I enjoy it way more than messing with dip pens and fountain pens.
>>7465150Use anything you feel comfortable with. You can draw in ballpoint, even.
>>7465150more power to you, I also use these. The drawback is if you have to draw larger figures or long strokes it will take more time and be more tedious than if you used a nib and ink, the ink is not that dense and you might find yourself going back over them more. Also they fade easily against erasers.The plus is that you can sketch or hatch with the .1's and .05's and that's a lot of fun to add detail this way.
If you are actually doing something you automatically are a tier higher than any crab.
>>7465093You clearly mastered it
>>7465284I'm really bad at perspective, which makes all my crts come out funky. My comic may take place in the 90s or early 00s? Or hell just likes old tech.
>>7465371lmaoIt kinda adds to the character of your comic though, having moderate detail on such a shape.I'm not great with it either, so I'll just make it overly obtuse so people think its intentional
>>7464286Reminds about me redrawing some panels I didnt like that no one would care
>>7464798>93 pages done, about 24 left.Holy shit I wish I had your fortitude
>>7465097I know, but I just have no experience with manga. I am never sure if what I plan to do actually would look good, so I try to draw it more detailed to see if I would like it or not.
>>7465097The problem I have is just that I can draw more or less, but I don't like my story writing. So I focus on the drawing, even in the storyboard phase.I like my story writing to some degree, but I have no clue how to write interesting dialogue and how to set up the story, so I just try to draw pretty pictures on the page. There are just still so many parts where I have no clue what I should do when it comes to storytelling.
Also, what throws me off about storyboarding is, that when you do the storyboard in a smaller canvas size, then I am never sure what I could manage to fit into the space of the panels. Manga artists often use relatively small panels to do whole figure drawings in great detail, but when I sit in front of the storyboard, I always feel like I don't have enough space, because it's smaller. That's why I think I have to do storyboard at normal size
>>7465536I've never had an issue. I use the same size page, then just box it out
>>7465256I usually don't agree with frog posters but yes you're right
I'm trying to do a short story (7-10 pages), so I want everything to be as tight as possible. No unnecessary fat, only panels which bring the story forward. Can I make a character introductory panel where the character says something which shows his personality? I am not good with dialogue, but that should be ok to do, right? Character introduction, showing a bit of the personality, then comes the inciting incident, etc. Or would this panel be unnecessary?
>>7464318this line of thought reminds me of re:creators
>>7465006you got the name of the author on the bottom of the page. Do some digging
>>7465918Anything with "re:" in the title is automatic derivative garbage.
>>7465923seen enough with that naming convention to know this isnt exactly true, though funnily enough it is true for re:creators
>>7465006 He falls in love with a SLUT. If you're into NTR you'd like this.
Why is medibang x MPC website not included in the OP recommendation?
>>7465943oh god
>>7465943no wonder author is depressed
>>7465943>>7465951>>7465956What in the actual fuck am I reading kek
>>7465256legendary tier one in a million frogposter who is actually based...
>>7465943>NTRThank you for the spoiler, I almost automatically check out all manga links in these threads without thinking.
>>7465916Ask yourself what you understand from meeting someone for the first time. You analyze how they stand in front of you, whether they smile, what they have in their hands and how they're dressed. Then what they say. It's not too complicated, but one panel with all of those things in mind is a good place to start. First page should always establish a character and scene before you move on to the complications, but you only need one page for this establishment.
>>7466147Ok, thanks. It's difficult for me to know wether something is ok to do or not. I mean at its core I basically just draw what I think could be interesting, but then you also always have these inbetweens you have to fill with stuff and dialogue.
>>7466201Depends on what your aims are. There are character based stories, and action based stories. A character based story revolves around (in this case only one or two) characters and their developments specifically, but an action based story doesn't need this at all. We only really need to know what they look like since action based stories are just there to serve as a vehicle for explosions, guns, and other exciting stuff.A common way to do the latter is by starting in media res, but bare minimum you need engaging character designs to sell something short and sweet. But if you choose this approach you don't have to worry about "boring" stuff at all (unless it were longer then you're in trouble lol)
Finally getting some good progress on next chapter's storyboard. Coming up with interesting page layouts is always a struggle
I strive to one day in my life make something as good as this.
>>7466392I have no idea what the hell I am looking at here.
>>7466458>>7466482Vector Spectacle by ScichilIt's very good in how it's constructed.
When you guys are making the story, do you write first or draw first?
>>7466544Usually write first, brainstorm ideas, make notes, write the outline.However you also can get inspired by drawings you made. I just thought up a whole short story from a doodle I did. I liked it and thought about what could be the backstory of that image.Generally you should write first tho.
>>7466544>Writelol. It' all in my head anon. I just go and draw
Is there an easier way to paint/add screentones to the background without having to carefully select the area you're gonna paint?
>>7466487I'll have to take your word on it. I still don't understand what on earth I'm looking at, and your second page you posted looks like bog-standard paneling to me that you could find in any manga. Heck, I even play some Touhou and I can barely recognize the characters here.
>>7466608>I even play some Touhou and I can barely recognize the characters here
>>7466544The drawing is the writing. Storyboarding is anyway.I usually start with an idea of how I want things to go, nothing written down and figured out yet. I figure it out by drawing the storyboards.>>7466595You could do it like this.
>>7466554Yeah, it seems that the pro thing to do is to go from writing to drawing. But there are some crazy anons like >>7466559 Who go "fuck this shit".Just wanted to see the different ways some of you guys did this. Like, I heard that Mad Max Fury Road didn't really have a script, it was mostly the storyboard. That looks like a process that could work in a manga that focuses on visual storytelling instead of dialogue.
>>7466618I guess this is a different way you can tackle it.I'm the reverse where the writing is the drawing. Once I write something down, I already have a clear idea of how it should go so my thumbails are blank page layouts.I don't believe you'll find many people who just fly by the seat of their pants with every page. I do recall at least one Manben artist doing that but he was an oldhead veteran with experience specifically in storyboarding anime. I'm left with the impression that when this question is asked it comes from a place of ignorance, but you can't avoid building the framework of your story if you want to be organized or thorough whether that's by producing a written script or a drawn storyboard.
>>7466544I write a layout of the story, character descriptions, backstory and then I write a script, after that I draw the storyboard.
>>7466644I'm not flying by the seat of my pants, like I said I go in with a clear idea of what I'm trying to storyboard. I already have a reasonable idea of the "what", the the "how do I present it" that I work out on the page. I'm just saying I don't have a detailed written plan typically (sometimes I do, this isn't set in stone) or a script or anything.
>>7466673I just said it's a different way to work, and there is a beauty in seeing other styles of work ethic (which is why manben was so exciting when it first aired)My unrelated commentary was just remarking on the fact that people who actually do it on the fly are stupidly rare- and that there are plenty of people who are not very involved in comics with a work based attitude who think this is typical. Or in worse cases think they can get by without a framework.
>>7466687>which is why manben was so exciting when it first airedI always find manben rather annoying to watch, because you constantly have to read the subtitles and can't even look at how the people are drawing.
How can I get rid of stupid reaction faces? When something important happens with a character I always feel the need to show a reaction face, but they are kind of boring. Just a dumb panel of a face looking what's going on. Something tells me I shouldn't do it like this, but I don't know what to do otherwise. Maybe a whole body shot or some other zoomed out perspective?If a character isn't really saying anything, then I feel a face panel is kind of stupid, right? Unless you maybe want to do comedy with dumb looking faces.
>>7466717>If a character isn't really saying anything, then I feel a face panel is kind of stupid, right?Depends on the character, depends on how that character would likely react, depends on the situation. A frozen in fear expression with no words could conceivably work no matter what in a horror scene for example.
>>7466718One of the things I noticed when studying manga is, that some mangaka (especially oldschool ones) basically do panelling as if they are animation an anime, with lots of repetitive shots where time passes very slowly and everything paintakingly "animated" (one panel with a closed door for example, and then almost the same looking panel but with the door a bit open).Modern mangaka do this much more interesting and fun tho. They really know how to not include boring panels where things get a bit repetitive. They don't "animate", they rather illustrate, but everything still has a very good flow.
>>7466717Just treat reactions as close ups in a movie. If you abuse them, it looks cheap, but if you use them just in the right moment, it can carry power.You can also just, y'know, use body language if you don't want to put a bunch of close ups.
>>7466729How would you abuse them?Idk, I think I just have to look at some manga again and see how they do this.
Am I "cheating" if I rely on screentones to make my pages look more appealing? I have the habit of purposefully making my screentones very visible because I think their texture looks cool and makes my rendering less boring and dull
>>7466736No, screentones can look awesome if used right. They can add a lot of flavor. You should use them to make the pages more appealing.
>>7466732I don't think anyone can abuse them if they follow their gut. But a non-manga example is: don't have the time to search a manga example right now, but some shonen manga do that when the mangaka is really tired/going for time (I am pretty sure I can find something like that on the One Piece anime)
>>7466544WriteI kinda treat it like a movie where no movie starts shooting before the script is done and if that does happen then something went really wrong in pre production (see Alien 3 as an example, altho I think it still turned out alright)of course as you go you'll probably make some alterations to the script but no major changes, unless of course, something is going wrongfor me its important to have a complete story im satisfied with before putting down the first line
What's a good pace to keep? Anyone know what pace monthly mangkas keep maybe subtract assistant help.. This page took me around 5 hours
>>7466790>>7466791Well, monthly authors are finishing anywhere from 30 to 70 pages in a month. It varies greatly, even ignoring the variance that comes from whether or not they hire assistants and if so how many. There's no one good answer, the variation is too high.Five hours for a page like that is good. Keep that up and you'll be fine. The hard part is keeping it up.
>>74667915 hours? For a page? Shit... I must be really fucking slow
>>7466791IMO this page would be fine without all the background elements in the top and bottom panels and you'd save a lot of time if you simplified. Middle panel is fine since it's a silent panel + pulling the camera out to reestablish the scene, but even here I think you could afford to simplify the details since the focus should still be on the characters
I accidentally read JoJo again
>>7466819Lol. I can see you're having fun anon. Good for you.
>>7466791Five hours to do all of that? That's a good pace.>>7466808Can't be slower than me, lol.
my beautiful daughter
Has anyone here ever had experience selling doujinshi on fanza/dlsite?
>>7467023Yeah. Why?
>>7466819Jojack money!
>>7467048Could you share the process? Do they have to review your works before ? And how strict are they toward non-Japanese authors and the whole profit sharing + payout system (I heard Visa/Mastercard is a bitch to work with).
>>7467228>I heard Visa/Mastercard is a bitch to work withThese companies as well as the banks need to be brought to heel on trying to play morality police. Unless something is blatantly illegal like hard drugs or whatnot it's none of their goddamn business if somebody wants to commission me for NSFW or vice versa, etc.>b-b-but it's too hard to police if somebody is secretly doing an illegal transacti-Not my problem. You are multi-billion dollar international superconglomerates. I'm sure you corpos can take the relatively nonexistent hit to your precious "line go up".
This may be slightly controversial, but I think drawing backgrounds is neato.
Manga bros I have a question, Does hentai style counts as "manga" in this thread?
I think my taste is too good to draw manga. I just have such high standards that creating things becomes too complicated. I feel like a ferrari (my taste) driven by a grandma (my work ethic and experience). Do you know that feel? I have consumed so much good art in my life, which created a huge chaos in me, and I am unable to express myself in a clear and simple way.
>>7467673>hentai styleWhat on earth does "hentai style" even mean to you? The only thing that matters is if you have a portrayal of a sequence of events through different pages or panels. If yes, then post away.
>>7464286That's a (You) problem. Physical art is merely an external artifact to better structure the Kinos that are constantly playing in my head. I don't understand people whose motivations revolve primarily around the readers.
>>7467679I can think of one way to fix that problem. Draw more.
>>7467783How am I supposed to draw if I can't figure out what I should draw? If you are not able to figure out what panels you should draw, then you also can't draw manga.I can only make sketches. Manga is too comlpicated.
>>7467794cant u ink your sketches?
>>7467799Drawing manga is 10 times harder than just making sketches. You have to draw a cohesive story.
starting now I'm going to draw at least one page a day
>>7467830That's ambitious, are you going to skip backgrounds mostly?
>>7467794>Manga is too comlpicated.Then you need to make a story, any story. It can be something as simple as a man walking to the fridge to grab a cup of milk to drink. You are only going to learn by doing. Making a comic is its own "muscle."
>>7467841I already made a story. I alrwady made mutliple stories. But drawing them is a different thing. There is always something lacking, and I just can't figure out what. It's also much harder to draw for manga, because of how determined and focused you have to draw.
>>7467838no, I might have to use more flat perspectives, but I like drawing backgroundsthe humans will suffer the most
>>7467851>I just can't figure out whatIf you aren't going to show what you have attempted thus far, and you aren't going to just keep going at it, I don't understand what you aim to get out of posting in /mmg/. You think the anons here all magically learned how to do panelling?
>>7467228>Could you share the process?There's not much of a process. You click "upload" or whatever the button was and follow the instructions. If anything's confusing, there's a separate page with more detailed help that I remember referring to. You'll have to find it yourself on their site though, I don't remember where it was in their layout.>Do they have to review your works before?Not sure how they check the mosaic is sufficient but I'd guess they manually check it.>And how strict are they toward non-Japanese authors and the whole profit sharing + payout systemI don't know what you mean by "strict", I had no problems whatsoever when I last put something up (late 2023). They don't do payouts through card, that wouldn't make any sense, they just use a 3rd party payment distributor.
>>7467830If it's sustainable, keep it up
>>7467879I was just asking if someone knows my feeling. I've already posted what I have attemted so far, but whatever.
>>7467910You have to make bad comics before you can make good ones. Just keep making stuff and try to be a little self aware about your shortcomings.
Is this thread better or is the "how's your webcomic?" Thread on co, for comics/manga?
>>7468036this thread was better when the fags from /co/ were not here
>>7468036>"how's your webcomic?"Wasnt it extinct?
>>7468036I've never been on /co/, so I wouldn't know
>>7468036/mmg/ anons take making comics seriously, so if chatting away with others is what you want /hyw/ is a more appropriate place. There is an entire 3/4ths of the day in which /mmg/ is almost completely dead in terms of activity.
>comic I made in 4th/5th grade's summerGuys, am I gmi?
>>7468094Oh my god you have made me feel so old holy shit.
>>7468094>>comic I made in 4th/5th grade's summer>Trump vs Hillary>4th/5th grade's summer
>>7468096>>7468132It's ok fellow boomers, let's just remember the 90s
>>7468094no, underage
>>7468147No. The average 4th grader is 9-10, I was a year older. The election race for that election was almost 10 years ago. I am 21 now, but during the summer I was 20 almost 21 it all lines up. This was made before the election had actually happened, I just am from a very red area and knew he was gonna win.>>7468096>>7468132Uncs still hasn't answered if I am gmi.
>>7468158I'll say your heart is in the right place, and your comic is pretty based. As a Californian, I had zero clue if Trump was going to win, so you've got that over me.Post some of your current work
>>7468094>Guys, am I gmi?Well, have you made any more comics?
>>7468242He's got a point. Why did you post a 10 year old comic and ask if your gonna make it?
Show me your main character, /mmg/
>>7466392This is really difficult to parse.
>>7468496Main characters*. I wish I had a drawing with them posing together. I'll do that soon
>>7468562Forgot the pic
I'm currently studying panel variety and taking notes. I've noticed that pretty much all panels so far fall under 7 categories (depending on how much you want to seperate):>close-ups >long-shots>full-body-shots>half-body-shots>body-details>background-details>panorama-shotsPanoramashots I call the background shots which are really far out and cover a lot of environment. Close-ups and long-shots are probably the most common.
>>7468496>>7468562I also need to do this
How far can I push a derivative work/dojin? Aiming for original work off of the settings of games
>>7468242>>7468221>>7468251I posted it cause I found a pic of it on my PC and thought it so funny that I had to share.I haven't given an earnest attempt at making a comic yet really, just lil'page doodles, but my goal for this year is to make an oneshot. I've attached 3 yonkoma-format pages I did in 3 days for a challenge that I quickly gave up on. If I took more liberty from the challenge I wouldn't have done a yonkoma format, as it only lets me emphasize the most important moments. I don't think it creates a coherent story for anyone other than me. The main girl has an urn of ashes, whom she's collecting the memories of. So she has to follow the journey he took, and meet the people he met etc.
>>7468517This is cool shitBut sounds like a small nightmare to draw repeatedly.
>>7468909Yeah, you're gonna make it.>>7468517>>7468718You can't just post characters as cool as this and not post the comics they're from.
>>7468922>>7468909I actually like the first one but with 3 and 4 swapped. It makes it so the act of bringing him back feels more "revealed" to me rather than simply informing me. It's like a mini hook.I don't recommend the strip format since it's kind of limiting. You could still do it, but it only works because at the core of it you are forced to sprinkle worldbuilding info instead of dumping it too much. You could still do this with quick 1-3 page stories in "traditional" format.
>>7468951This isn't the actual comic I want to make. This was for a yonkoma challenge for a random website. Your input is helpful though, it helps me think about the way that ordering it can emphasize it.>I get close to bringing him back with each memory I collect.>With each memory I collect I get closer to bringing him back.The first emphasizes the memory collecting urn, and the second emphasizes that she can revive him. I didn't give the story too much thought, it was just a throwaway story essentially, but for more serious projects I want to do this is very important information. The picture attached is the character sheet for a "Mock Doujinshi" challenge. There is not story, just a 1 page honry manga-page with a gag at the end making fun of the situation. Just posting another image.
>>7468540whoa your art's improved alot since the last time i saw it
>>7468540this looks really goodare the costumes inspired by a specific culture or time in history?
>>7468911She just looks like a normal kid (for now), the crazy stuff around her is meant to represent the demonic events she constantly experiences. >>7468922>post the comics they're The comic is pretty boring I'm sorry to say, but if anyone feels like powering through it, I'd appreciate any critique or advice you have.
>>7469025background tones look good>>7469035Did you draw that quadroon girl in the OC redraw thread?
>mfw trying to make mangaI have no clue what I'm doing
>>7469063She's not black, she's an extraterrestrial. But yeah that's me. She's in the comic too.
>>7469071lmao my bad, yeah thought your style looked familiar. I'll check out the comic
I always have to draw everything twice, because when I just do thumbnails, I can't really see if I would like it this way or not.
>>7469012Thanks anon. My improvement is slowly getting along, I think. I'm just slow at it because I don't have a lot of time each day to draw.>>7469026Thanks. The original mage outfits were just something I came up with on the fly because I've always thought people in hooded robes were cool. I started daydreaming and somehow got to thinking that nobody (in terms of relative numbers I mean) ever really made comics set in the ancient middle east/India. One thing led to another and here I am now.
>>7469095>comics set in the ancient middle east/IndiaWhy woudl you do this? Noone wants to be there
>>7469097Because I'm not dealing with real life and all of its problems. My treatment is intentionally more like how older stories of ancient Arabia and India used to be (i.e., Sinbad the Sailor, or One Thousand Arabian Nights which contains Aladdin and Alibaba and the 40 Thieves and other stories). When I was a super young kid I saw Aladdin for the first time and the rest is history. Never stood a chance.
>>7469097The middle east is full of great stories. Laurence of Arabia is arguably one of the greatest films ever made.He isn't making his comic in the modern street shitting hellhole that is current IndiaBut even that garbage country can have some great stories, like Slumdog Millionaire
>>7469097I loved magi
>>7469126No brown people allowed in my manga. When then only as slaves and bimbos.
>>7469150The antagonists hired muscle is a spic in mine, I don't find brown women attractive so I wouldn't put them as bimbos, but hey, different strokes.
Is it just me or did we have new anons here?
>>7469181Feels like maybe 2-4. Or perhaps they were here all along and mostly lurked?
>>7469182prob /mmg/ has more lurkers than we think
>>7469095>>7469110>set in the ancient middle east/India.very coolI also like the aesthetics of those regions and could easily see myself doing future work within a setting inspired by those regions too, have you ever looked at orientalism (the art movement), you'd probably like it a lot
starting now I'm going to either sketch or ink and tone one page a day>>7467899it's not
How much do you think working too long on your manga can affect the way you see it? I feel like it's hard to find your pages exciting or interesting after working on them for so long or replaying the scenes in your head so many times.
>>7469207I think it depends on where I'm at on it when I decide it's too longif I've only done a couple pages, I start to realize by the third week of doing nothing for it, I'm prolly not gonna finish, so I drop itif I'm a decent way in the middle, I do find I'm losing interest, so outside of specific parts, maybe, I end up just pushing the rest of the pages out with little regard for qualitythen I tend to hate the whole thing, thinking I should have done better
>>7469207This why I always sleep between sketching and lining. If you look at something too long you'll get too used to it and it'll seem boring. The odds are that it's better than you think it is.
>>7469181I just don't really post my work much if at all. I just want to talk about comics and help people (but give me one excuse to talk about what i'm working on, i'll go ballistic)>>7469207I get mad tunnel vision because i'm full of self doubt and that's the only way it bothers me, but the scenes and ideas themselves are the flames that keep this thing chugging indefinitely.Here's a cute scene I like.
You guys have any fun or original panels/pages in your manga? Something you experimented with?Pic not related
>>7464772>Author had a sober moment>Souless shinji kindly corrected his wage slave
>>7466791it a good pace and you know it. Tongue my anus
>>7469194>have you ever looked at orientalism (the art movement)Yes, spent many hours in classical art museums looking at them all. I also have several physical books in my drawing room. Love the food, the music, the clothes, and the aesthetics of everything in the greater Levantine/Indian region.
I don't know if this is going to read how I want it to
Will this ever become easier, or will it always be so hard for me to come up with a page?I would guess you just need to get the hang of it, right?
About how many different screentones are in this?
page 8 donejesus christ this took way longer than I thought it would, I really need to develop a more efficient routine
>>7470591Sure it could with enough determination and work. It's a visualization problem, which is essentially all drawing is.>>7470830looks like four. One for this child's hair, one for her body, one for her coat/doctor's hair and coat, and one for the doctor's sweater
>>74708300 because it was done with digital brushes
thoughts on 9:16 pages to fit phones?
>>7470837inspiringYoiu clearly are rather mid /beg/, but it looks interesting and I want to turn to the next page. Maybe I gotta just start drawing for a project and not just study
>>74708304. Gradient on the back of her head, shading tone on the bottom panel/girl's back, dark done for the coat/black hair and a noise tone on the sweater.
>>7471264thanks>it looks interesting and I want to turn to the next page.damn, that might be the best compliment one can get>Maybe I gotta just start drawing for a project and not just studyThats what I did. The way I thought about it was>Well, if I only start working on my projects when I feel like i'm good enough, then i'm never gonna startI felt like I was gonna fall into the trap of endless practice so I just said fuck it and started working on my current little storyafter this is done, i'll take 2 or 3 things that I really wanna improve for the next project, practice that and then start that project, rinse and repeat thats the plan at least
>>7471440nta but that seems like the way you should go about it. project first, practice second.especially since it puts storytelling at the forefont
>>7471264>but it looks interesting and I want to turn to the next pageWhen it comes to comics, that is the only rule that matters. Nicer looking art is a plus, but it is just the cherry on top. Story is absolutely king, otherwise there is no reason to draw it over animu grill floating in white void looking at you with [insert expression here] #494782757.
>>7465150There's this bit in Manben, the episode with the lady who draws a manga about italian history, where her editor kept berating and pestering her for drawing with fineliners instead of dip pens because "proper manga" is meant to be drawn with the latter. When she delivered some pages for his approval, he commented on how good some drawings looked, and that he was happy that she took his advice and switched to dip pens. But then she said that those were actually inked with fineliners...
>>7471592No rules, only fools
>>7464286Heh, not if I put tits on that pageCheckmate
>>7472271Really nice. Your style reminds me of Vampire Princess Miyu or something.
>>7469227That really is a cute scene. It makes me feel nostalgic because I also broke into an abandoned building with my best friend by climbing through a hole in a fence just like that. It was a bad idea because the air there probably damaged my asthmatic lungs, but it's a happy memory nonetheless.Where can I read more of the comic? What's the title?
>>7472485>>7468951It's called City of the Sun!The premise of the story is basically built around "What hides in the fringes of society?" The main characters are a zombie and a vampire who are dealing with how to exist beyond death and with the dangers that come naturally being on the outside.I also grew up in a neglected town and have a lot of nostalgia for urban decay, since our town had a huge abandoned building smack in the center of it. It served as the fuel for a lot of my fantasies of lurking unknowns, and the general love of decay is the inspiration behind our setting (It's a collaborative work)
Back with another 4koma... I feel like I forgot how to use screentones lately. Might just be the noggin that's failing me lately :/
>>7471685cant wait to see this blow up and get redrawn in the future. i like it, keep going! (id love to see more btw)
>>7472689>id love to see more btwYou didnt read the previous chapters?