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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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As of today I have decided to give up on art. It was a pleasure to meet y'all. Goodbye and good luck to you.
The problem is there is nothing better to do...
I kneel.
ok bye

anyway, onto the next thread
kill yourself frogposter
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See you in 3 months
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But what will you do instead?
Just post your work already
pyw fag
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If you insist. This is best I could ever do.
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Honestly looks like traced AI trash.
See you tomorrow fag
why the tuxedo frog though? why not a sad frog?
meh, no great loss. dime a donezo artist.
I like it Anon. Cuter than most of the shit I see in this god forsaken board.

If you aren't enjoying it I get it though. Do what fulfills you.
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Give up on life while you're at it
I've considered doing this before. Art gives me a lot of pride and pleasure but it's also given me a lot of pain. The thought of just giving it up and becoming a regular working man has been pretty tempting from time to time.
Lmao you couldn't even draw an image to mock him with, loser.
I mostly gave up on art around 2021 - lockdowns and the progress in AI gave me a legit existential crisis about where my life was going.
It's left a huge void, thoughever. Drawing is what pulled me out of my teenage depression and gave me a purpose I could always carry with me where ever I went.
I think I want to start again, without any illusions about making it.
Okay, you're me. Now start making a full illustration. No more grinding.
Do it.
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You are stronger then i will ever be.
See you, space cowboy

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