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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Is it normal to look back on older works from years ago and kind of cringe and be a bit embarrassed? I look back on the art I made in college and while I’m pretty happy with it technically speaking, the subject
matter is so fucking melodramatic and naive. It’s like finding an old love letter to your crush or some shit teen poetry. I know that’s to be expected from a college student. But it makes me wonder if I’ve matured in a way that I’ll be proud of in the future or if I’ll just look back again and cringe.

Is the answer to just not care? Makes me understand how musicians hate so much of their early work now. You really have to wear your heart on your sleeve, and it’s either extremely good or unfathomably cringe.
I dunno. I’m an oldfag who’s archived his work online since 2004, and while I definitely cringe at some of it, I also appreciate how adventurous I was and it’s a reminder of where I got today. There’s some truly shit art on my site but I love going back and seeing the trajectory it took. I also love seeing the consistencies and motifs in my art despite changing medium every two years
Of course it's normal, it means you've improved. You don't have to like it, but you shouldn't hate it. Just accept it as part of your creative journey
Boring thread. At least show your old stuff for shits and giggles
I can’t tell if I’ve improved or just remained as cringe but with better technique

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