I need to learn how the human face works.Give me the best resource to learn face anatomy, I want to be able to sketch up a pretty face like it's second nature. What's the "quickposes + glenn vilppu" version of learning the human face?
>>7464596loomis head and handscheers
>>7464596>What's the "quickposes + glenn vilppu" version of learning the human face?A newfangled meme that all the best figurative/portrait artists predate?
>>7464596>I had enough>Give me the best resourceanother autistic adhd fatalistic gambitjust copy that face you posted lmao
>>7464596the 'quickposes' is a fucking mirror.
>>7464596dude its all planes, once u get that u r a king, hello 5k a month patreon
>>7464596A mirror.
>>7467681It's one thing to know where all the parts of the face lie but it's another to make a convincing illusion of one. You do this by drawing the changes of lighting not the structures themselves.Start with learning shadow shapes under common lighting. You can make a nice looking face without any gradation if you just seperate the light and dark properly.You'll notice reoccurring shapes you can adjust as you draw without having to simulate the lighting from perspective. Triangle on the cheek protruding from the shadow side. Shadow under the lower lip and on the upper lip that's turned downwards structurally, under the chin.They define the form.Here's a Bargue example because he breaks it down extremely well and doesn't waste detail where it's not needed.Your face being ugly is still gonna work. You'll have very similar shapes just in different proportions.
>>7467681you are beautiful anon
>>7467857how do you want to know? Back to R*ddit. I am 100% sure he's ugly, because I have seen ugly people before. They exist.Don't invalidate their existence.Norm*ggers will never know how it is to be a freak.
Simple Asaro head, the Hampton head is a close enough facsimile/simplification of forms. Marry that with the Loomis/Reilly heads and that's a formula for everything. Draw some real skulls along the way
>>7468819ummmmm you're retarded .
>>7468841just remember to put the eyes in the middle of the head
>>7464596Tried my hand at OP's ref
>>7468895Explain like I am retarded
>>7471556Heres a link to the whole bookhttps://e-hentai.org/g/1694527/92e3137cf4/
>>7471570how are you supposed to use it?