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File: Capture.png (324 KB, 1489x932)
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Hello everyone,

I need to design a character based on my own brief for this semester. I'd appreciate any feedback you can give.
Without the breif it's hard to tell, but I think the bottom row of the thumbnails looks best. The long skirt harmonizes the best with the sleeves.
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Apologies, I shouldve clarified.

I'm trying to create a game protagonist themed around a psychic escaping an asylum, fighting other inmates and guards as they go through.

My main style inspirations are the pic related.
Too many details. Also put her on a background.
The sleeve isn't really giving me protagonist vibes. More like a Silent Hill monster. It gives the impression that she only has one kind of attack, rather than being adaptable like you want a protagonist to be.
The idea is that she uses the belts at the end of the sleeves to pull herself towards things and other things towards herself while using them as whips as the basic attack, can you give me some pointers on this?
I think she looks great as a game protagonist.
Sort of like a side scrolling rogue-like like dead cells or souls-like like nine sols or Ender Lilies
The different costumes makes me think different powers used that you can unlock
I'd say it's a solid design
I kinda see what >>7464764 said and makes me think of more costumes for ability variety but I don't feel that it doesn't give protag vibes
If the belts are her main weapon, you want to make it much more obvious. Something more like the thumbnail with the chain. The big sleeve looks more like it clobbers than grabs.

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