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I thought this you guys would be interested in learning anime compositing. Maybe you could build a career out of it too, considering the labor shortage in anime industry.
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Thank you anon. Any other pdfs on anime?
I hate bloom in anime so much its unreal
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wow the composition has really changed
This is why I hate how modern anime looks. Instead of actually picking the final colors by hand like in traditional anime, they pick basic bitch local colors and then post process the shit out of it.
>traditional media
>just draw the lighting
>digital anime
>draw everything not matching the environmental lighting and slap a filter on
This looks so awful.
That's what like every digital artist does
blame higher ups, it's cheaper and faster that way.
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>modern anime
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>>digital anime
wonder if olm smoother has a more standalone version
please don't be a new schizo
fuck off, we're full
Yamashita Shingo Composite Works
Kyoto Animation Finishing & Shooting/Compositing Guide
Monthly MdN November 2017
What's your point? That I'm making a generalization that doesn't apply to every single anime made through digital media?
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There's this After Effects for Animation series.
It was on the artbooks thread at some point.
E-hentai also probably has them.
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It, in fact, does.
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>What's your point? That I'm making a generalization that doesn't apply to every single anime made through digital media?
So what's your point? What difference am I missing?
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Well you see it's quite simple really, sometimes we get so caught up in the details we lose sight of the bigger picture.
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>What difference am I missing?
>bigger picture
>modern anime
But you know nothing about it or how it's created.
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Counterpoint, your response?
Is this better than downscaling from a higher resolution? A shame it doesn't exist as a plugin for blender/csp or something.
They call him Chuddha
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Well since I'm not an animator this is news to me. Thanks
you can literally just do that in clip studio by hitting smoothing
Iirc there's a community of composite artists on twitter like this guy who helps with indie animation projects:
not all anti-aliasing algorithms are made equally.
That's just words. Unless a master said them (pyw) it's just noise
(I agree, though)
You should you the other person. That anon is making fun of the other dude
Are you the reason anime looks so bad today?
>anime looks so bad today?
>considering the labor shortage in anime industry.
But that is going to be replaced by AI
I like this picture.
It's the same with, for example, music.

To my brother, a black metal appreciator, all my EDM music sounds the same, just some buzzing sounds, despite complextro and speedcore being completely different from house or dubstep.

To me, all of his 20000000 albums of screeching and muddy guitars sound exactly the same, a full album feels like one long song where nothing happens.

I'm sure he sees a lot more nuance, but for that you have to really pore over the genre.
I still think my musical taste is broader and he is speaking with more exaggeration about electronic music, but "resolution" is a good word here to describe how the scope of something changes perception.
get new bait, delusional jeet
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good morning saar
I guarantee Pajeets and SEAniggers have ruined /ic/, and 4chan in general. Internet in general, really.
That’s just a known fact at this point

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