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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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I fucking hate the anime and manga artstyle but need to learn it ASAP for a job opportunity, what's the best way to do it? Any tips?
You are absolutely lying if you can't figure out how to learn it at this point
>hi, I fucking hate this thing that you like. Can you help me make money off of it?
just... draw it? anime is simple as fuck, i would never understand this schizo idea of "anime is hard" specially when you are talking about anime screenshots
Are you good at drawing already?
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If you can draw you can learn anime. Kill yourself, no-draw
complete your suicide
rage bait used to be more elaborated. i know you are the guy who constantly shitpost about this, portraying anime as something "so hard" no one can comprehend. i still remember how i literally posted drawings made by keyframe artists working at studios and u said that wasnt anime lmao.
Pic basically describes all AI trannies.
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what's the best way to do it?

Watch anime and draw anime.
where is this from?
saito naoki's book.
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I'll bite
>say something is basically the same when the differences are negligible at best, without going into autism territory for the sake of brevity
>get called dumb
>start showing how things are different and how that matters
>get called a schizo
It is never enough.

Anime and manga, broadly speaking, is basically just stylized faces and heads on realistically proportioned bodies.

What makes anime and manga design truly a thing of its own? Nothing really, unless we speak medium of delivery and how it has been done for decades, which isn't even a style itself but rather the method of creating the medium i.e. gradients and tone masks.

Ultimately; saying anime pictures are just cartoons with big eyes isn't a wrong observation, if anything it is a radical and concise statement about the subject.
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>Anime and manga, broadly speaking, is basically just stylized faces and heads on realistically proportioned bodies.
>What makes anime and manga design truly a thing of its own? Nothing really, unless we speak medium of delivery and how it has been done for decades, which isn't even a style itself but rather the method of creating the medium i.e. gradients and tone masks.
>Ultimately; saying anime pictures are just cartoons with big eyes isn't a wrong observation, if anything it is a radical and concise statement about the subject.
Very funny and witty, Anon.
You don't show you have no grasp of the written word, at all.
load 3d model, pose, trace, cut and paste eyes/mouth/hair.
there being a second photo of her implies that despite all, she fucking won
Another thread of OP dancing like a circus monkey? Don't bother wasting your time, anons.
i would just try to copy murata

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