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Mangas, doujins, illustrations, anything Japanese in that style
Hard mode: No Murata, Inoue, Miura. Preferably underrated ones that mastered the fundamentals
>mastered the fundamentals
Anatomy, perspective, etc, what are you even asking here
>Anatomy, perspective, etc
>not mastered
Fuck off, asshole
Why should I help you make AI slop?
There are mangaka that can't draw.
What are you talking about you fucking moron this is an art discussion board
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Bob Ross
Post manga and ignore the faggot crabs
Yukinobu Tatsu
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Not that related to the authors themselves but I love manga that experiment hard with unconventional panelling like Jojo part 4 and Yu-Gi-Oh.
Anything with similar energy outside of shounen series?
Air Gear by Ohgreat
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Witch hat atelier experiments with panelling a lot, it's great
Damn, that's pretty.
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My glorious GOAT Itagaki Keisuke
>it's great
Literally Naruto but Hogwarts. One of the most derivative thing I've ever read.
Naruto but Hogwarts but incredible well drawn with awesome paneling. By being reductive you're ignoring all the reasons anybody would ever bring it up.
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Q Hayashida
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Fire Force
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The only doujin artist names that come to mind as favorites and not mostly trash are Echigoya Takeru (left), Ayato Ayari (right), and Asanagi (not pictured).

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