Fellow comic makers of /ic/, how much do you care about the quality of the artwork in your own projects in general? Are you aiming for professional comic art tier stuff or just something that fits the overall tone?
>>7464948sorry, cant answer, but what is the name of the manga if i might ask? reverse image search gives me a plethora of titles which don't seem similar.
>>7464948>This was drawn by a woman or troon. Ask me how i know
>>7465629Y dey always draw the legs like dat
>>7465624>>7465629its drawn by goldensmurf you fucking faggots, rent free
>>7465637Xey're homosexual and draw men like xey appeal to xeir gaze. It's no different than a man drawing a girl with big tits and an ass. Some people just have less tact about xeir preferences and it bleeds into xeir work.
>>7464948what is the point of having good art if the story is shit
>>7465638Latent homo/troon for sure.
>>7465638>Checks art>All have retardly thick thighs
>>7465638thanks anon- :3
>>7465640its kinda crazy how 4chan trying to be ironic about gender shit unironically ends up using neopronouns in sentences more often than even fucking tumblr, its like how being on 4chan for long enough just makes you learn from second hand a bunch of yiddish terms which you wouldnt even be exposed to even if you lived in an area with a lot of jews
>>7465645>Latent homo/troon for sure.the guy who draws gay porn is a LATENT homo?? what the fuck does it take to be a full time one, do you need goverment certification?
>>7466024It's not a 4chan thing, it's brought here from another site.
>>7465629cause it takes one to know one?
>>7465649>>7464948The Coombrain never stop cooming.Even if the man is fiction, guy's too thick..Not even Bodybuilders are not this thick....
how do i know is really you goldensmurf?
>>7464948This looks genuinely awful and I hate /ic/ posting all of these Twitter artists because I unwillingly become aware of the coomslop that gets posted to that shithole.
>>7464948>how much do you care about the quality of the artwork in your own projects in general?not much
>>7464948>how much do you care about the quality of the artwork It's less of a matter of quality but more like the feeling of "nailed it". When all the pieces click together and just works. And I never got that feeling from artists like Goldensmurf. ONE and Toriyama can achieve that perfect cohesion of simplicity detail and imagination but smurf always feels like the twitter algorithm distilled into designs.
Enough art to convey the story will do.You can say a lot with a little.
Wtf even is this?
>>7470516A big guy
>>7470479Quite interesting to see gigantic monologue getting such short answer. It's almost self-aware.
>>7470564You don't need to throw in an "almost" there. It's self-aware.
>>7466024>Redpill people so they're miserable>???>Profit!
>>7470571>author still vomits walls of textDunno, unless he Stockholm-Syndromed his current audience to like that.
>>7470516thinly veiled coomer gaze proportions complete with bulge
Another example.
>>7470741"Stockholm syndrome "?No,it's a long rambling story being told for over 15 years. Here's one just as poignant but self contained.