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Assimil edish

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

Previous thread: https://boards.4chan.org/int/thread/202216032#top
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"GRAMMARNIGGERS could be here" he thought, "I`ve never been in this blog before. There could be GRAMMARNIGGERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his muscular chest. "I HATE GRAMMARNIGGERS" he thought. "Clueless White Guy Orders in Perfect Chinese, Shocks Patrons and Staff" reverberated his entire room, making it pulsate even as the 100$ Matt vs Japan Pitch accent course circulated through his powerful thick synapses and washed away his (merited) fear of kanjis after dark. "With an Anki Deck, you can learn whatever you want." he thought to himself out loud.
this OP is atrocious
what is that link to the previous thread
I'm thinking about starting Arabic.
what are some good resources learn? media to read and consume.
which were they?
無, 是, 哉, 信, 雖, 春, 婦, 此, 彼
Some of the grammatical characters and pronouns are confusing
mini challenge:

yeah, i killed him. so what?
i can't find the fucking button!
i just saw her leaving the building.
slovaks live in the mountains but i live in your heart (rent free).
there was a train derailment and half the city burned to the ground.
i'm becoming more and more _use an adjective that describes you_.
will you be accompanying me to the abortion clinic this afternoon? i'll buy us ice cream afterwards.

ouais, je l'ai tué. et alors ?
je ne peux pas trouver le fichu bouton !
je viens de la voir sortir du bâtiment.
les slovaques habitent dans les montagnes mais j'habite dans ton cœur (sans payer du loyer).
il y a eu un déraillement et la moitié de la ville est partie en fumée.
je deviens de plus en plus âgé.
tu vas m'accompagner à la clinique d'avortement cet après-midi ? je nous achèterai de la glace après.
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Tes larmes me donnent des forces
ja, ich habe es ihm getoten. Wennschon?!
ich kann den verdammten Knopf nicht finden!
I habe ihr gerade sieht, das Gebäude zu verlassen
how do I learn spanish and why should I learn the puerto rican dialect?
I act as a free teacher, feel free to ask or type a challenge and I will correct you as best as I can.
Yeah, you'll just have to remember them. No easy way around it.
信 is composed of 人 and 言 (say, words) so I remembered it as trusting a man's word or trusting what he says.
Aprende cualquier dialecto que te guste
ok, I'm working on a reggaeton song, how do I say that the booty is like ambrosia
well, maybe I'd like some of the others too, what else is out there? I like Puerto Rican spanish because i've seen it compared to scotch english which I'm quite fond of.
예, 난 죽였어. 그래서 뭐?
개단추 찾지 못해!
그녀가 건물에서 나가는 걸 봤어
슬로박 사람 산에 사는데 나는 마음에 (무료로) 산다
더욱더 뚱뚱해진다
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how divergent are korean dialects from standard korean?
> su culo es como ambrosia

I don't know any puerto rican slang I only know culo y nalgas and if you are going to propagate that kind of degeneracy and blackening I am not going to help you. you've proved to be a wigger or a subhuman, at this point I require payment.
>sus asentadelas son como amblosia

it's hard to think like a monkey, on the one hand some spanish comes from archaic vocabulary on the other its poor word choice. I couldn't tell you how to sound black in spanish, I only know how to change the R's to L's interchangeably
Not much, Koreans wouldn't have a problem understanding each other. The Jeju dialect is probably the most divergent.
Bros, when does it get actually easy? It's not stressful anymore and I get get the gist of it but I miss little things and I still have to focus to a certain extent. Does it ever get easy? Just when I'm least expecting it a new word pops up when I'm listening and takes up all of my attention and diverts my train of thought. When does it all just become natural?
why arent these the same, what's going on?
you know it's a really great formula that you can spice up and enhance quite a bit. I make all kinds of shit that's "smarter" than It but rarely do I want to throw lyrics about eating ass over those.
can you understand the dialects at your current level?
because the second one is wrong, its what a puerto rican would say.
asentaderas is a word found in the dictionary for ass that no one uses, but because puerto ricans are niggers they would pick it up to mean "booty" and ty to impress you. And Latin Americans do that all the time and have the gall to say Mexican Spanish is incorrect.

then, they steal our work and call it "audio latino"
you're pretty convincing but it's obvious you aren't actually mexican. Trust me, I used to work in a kitchen, I know what mexicans/guatemalans soudn like
No clue, I haven't actually tried listening to them. At best one of the characters from a Manhwa I read has a Jeollado accent, and I can parse that well enough.
I might try listening to one of Kim jong eun's speeches later.
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Is it possible to learn two languages at the same time?
I'm learning German in University to become a teacher, so I'm going to dedicate most of my time to it. I've got a B2 level or so.

But I also want to learn Italian. My mother tongue is Spanish, so many things are similar, and I already have some knowledge in regard to the language, due to having studied it for 2 years, reaching level B1.

I'm going to continue learning German, but I want to know if it's going to fuck up my brain.
For the record I'm 28yo and I have no friends and no girlfriend.

My ancestry is Italian so there's also more meaning to it than just learning words.
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Recently got back into Babbel and damn this is great. Also got a month’s subscription Jumpspeak and I find they complement each other very well. Jumpspeak’s purely conversational whereas Babbel gives you the rote memory exercises and grammar instruction.
it must be my superiority and intellect that makes you think so, I am above the lower classes

I'm still not ashamed enough of other mexicans to say, learn arabic and pass for an arab or learn an european language and pass for white. but believe in your conspiracy theory
low IQ take, learning another Romance language is the laziest thing you can do and in your case racist too.

I have attempted some French in the past to feel an air of superiority, but doing that is archaic and retarded. I'm mature enough to realize that now.

you can learn two languages at once, I am taking German and Russian at the same time. sometimes you think you have free time, but you don't know when it is over and suddenly you are old. my reasoning is that it takes years to be fluent, might as well start now. just don't be lazy. you cannot focus on one and then wait 7 years you dont have to start another one from scratch

learning portuguese italian and french doesn't count. you know what counts? Chinese and Arabic.
What are the non-scary non-kidnap cunts I should 1) visit, and 2) do a language immersion in for Spanish?
El Salvador
I'll add a couple more regarding the word booty. "Trasero" and "cola", "culo" is considered a rude word in several LatinX countries.
stop that
Try "su trasero es delicioso"
What should I use then? The Spanish they speak has subtle changes from country to country.
latino you fucking pendejo
>ja, ich habe es ihm getoten. Wennschon?!
>Ja, ich habe ihn getötet. Und wenn schon?!
>jmdn.[AKK] töten ~ to kill so.
>ich töte ihn[AKK] ~ I kill him
just this AKK object is enough in this sentence.
>ich töte es[AKK] ihm[DAT] ~ "I kill him it" = I kill it [for him | "away from him" / to take it from him].
>I give it to him ~ ich gebe es[AKK] ihm[DAT]
>I take it from him ~ ich nehme es[AKK] ihm[DAT] (weg)
if you take a transitive verb (= that has an AKK object), and which doesn't have a DAT object, and add a DAT object (indirect object), it's like either of these. the action either helps or hurts the person. more examples:
>etw.[AKK] tragen ~ to carry sth.
>Ich habe ihr[DAT] die Kiste[AKK] getragen. ~ I carried her the box. / I carried the box for her. / I carried the box on her behalf.
>etw.[AKK] zerkratzen ~ to scratch sth.
>Ich habe ihr[DAT] das Auto[AKK] zerkratzt. ~ "I scratched her the car." / I scratched her car. / I scratched the car to hurt her.

to say "so what" the idiom is usually
>und wenn schon ~ and what if ~ so what; what if I did
so the "und" is actually part of it. if you just said "I killed him. what if?!" in the English sentence, it would sound odd too.
but a simpler way would be
>na und? ~ well and? ~ so what?
this can be shortened to just "und? ~ and...?", which also works in English. but saying "na und?" is clearer.

>ich kann den verdammten Knopf nicht finden!
>I habe ihr gerade sieht, das Gebäude zu verlassen
Fast. Statt "ihr[DAT]", "sie[AKK]". Infinitiv is richtig, allerdings so:
>Ich habe sie gerade das Gebäude verlassen sehen. ~ I just saw her leave the building.
>Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass sie das Gebäude verlassen hat. ~ I just saw that she left the building.
>Ich habe sie gerade gesehen, als/wie sie das Gebäude verlassen hat. ~ I just saw her as/when she left the building.
"i = ich" you can only use in Bavarian. but whenever I write too much English I start mistyping "I" instead of "ich" kek.
You dismissed the entire video (which you probably didn't watch) because of one frame. The author presented archaeological, historical, and genetic evidence that you didn't even mention. Alexander didn't look like you, little brown man
Sì, lo maté. Y que?
No encuentro el puto boton!
Justo la miré irse del edificio.
Los slovakos vivon en las sierras, pero yo vivo en tu corazon (sin alquiler/gratis).
Un tren se descarrillò y mitad de la ciudad quemé ???
Estoy volvendo siempre màs biello (pero muchos otros no estan de acuerdo).
Me acompañaré en el consultorio esta tarde? ??? compraré jelado despues.
It is said that you need 1000 hours of practice to become good at something, for example playing a musical instrument.
Just practice more and more and it will keep becoming easier until it's easy.
Danke, my grammar is bad I only felt confident about the first 3 sentences. English is easy because I can just form sentences starting with I and you and everything conjugates with ing. and there's only one the gender.

I will try out a few more challenges and copy your post with pen and pencil in the morning. I only heard of und wenn schon until recently out of google translate, I liked it better than na und but I didn't realize na und was the standard. it came off as strange to me.

I have spent some time reading and writing, but this is my first time writing a sentence. I can only recall my German 1 teacher in highschool teaching us how to capitalize Sie and use den in the accusative. I wasn't taught much further than that by a teacher I've been at it alone. that's all I can remember from Herr Kloesel.
I admire your confidence and I don't want to correct everything but you can also use

>la acabo de ver irse del edificio

you have little mistakes on the other ones but it looks good.
your verb conjugations are pretty bad ngl, are you really Italian?
los eslovakos viven en las montañas, pero yo vivo en tu corazon (libre de renta) (you might want to look up an equivalent saying to the angliscism, but gratis is right we can just leave it at that)

(there was a) hubo un accidente de tren y media ciudad se incendio.
(notice how you would use media ___ or medio mundo, you can also start to translate burned to the ground as if something "se hizo caca" but you wouldn't sound very cultured if you just said se quemo. its not wrong, its just that you have to find altrnatives or say something else when translating to truly express that something burned to the ground, in this case I would say se hizo cenizas (turned into ashes))

me vuelvo mas y mas bello/guapo
vas (tu) a acompañarme a la clinica de aborcion esta tarde? voy a comprar Nieve/Helado. (you modify the entire english sentence to sound more natural discerning word choice, you could transliterate but afterwards is completely scratched off in this case because its redundant)
Slowaken wohnt in die Berge aber ich wohne in dein herz (gratis)

da war ein Bahnunfall/Zugentgleisung und die halbe Stadt brannte bis auf die Grundmauern nieder

ich werde mehr und mehr schlauer
wollt Ihr mich begleitet zur Abtreibungsklinik heute abend? ich werde uns Eiscreme einkaufen.
* clinica de abortos
He’s most likely a heritage speaker.
Much appreciated.
Yes. Do you think the conjugations sound the same in italian and spanish, even leaving the irregular verbs aside?
>228 anki reviews
verdadero, se acabó...
I did 603 this morning and have 230 more left
0 new cards until I get this shit sorted
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>Danke, my grammar is bad I only felt confident about the first 3 sentences.
just do what you can. even if you don't feel confident about a sentence, you can post it if you want someone to check it. and maybe it's even correct.
>English is easy because I can just form sentences starting with I and you and everything conjugates with ing. and there's only one the gender.
yeah, the grammar is a bit more complex than English. the inflections are more like Spanish. if you know English and Spanish, there should hopefully not be anything too strange.
genders are like in Spanish, just gotta remember with the word, but one gender more.
for cases you can compare with English and Spanish pronouns, like in pic. but most of the time it's just:
>subject = NOM; direct object = ACC; indirect object = DAT; genitive to link nouns similar to >'s< in English
doesn't matter if you get some inflections wrong. eventually you'll remember automatically.
but I think English only seems easy now after having learned it. it wasn't easy for me either in the beginning.
>I will try out a few more challenges and copy your post with pen and pencil in the morning.
Sehr gut.
>I only heard of und wenn schon until recently out of google translate, I liked it better than na und but I didn't realize na und was the standard. it came off as strange to me.
"und wenn schon" is absolutely normal too. if you like it better you can always use it.
I just thought with "na und?" that 2 vs 3 words might be easier to remember.
but "na", like "well" in English, has many uses. so if you're uncomfortable with using it without yet knowing its other uses, I understand.
>Do you think the conjugations sound the same in italian and spanish, even leaving the irregular verbs aside?
Some do, some don't, but it's not the point. I'm just surprised since Italian and Spanish have a large number of conjugations and they break down in a similar way in terms of person, number, tense, etc (compare with something like Arabic). Maybe I'm wrong for assuming that it works this way, and learning the conjugations is just as hard for you as it is for me.
what's that
I promised to correct these the other day but just fell asleep. few days late now, but they'll probably see it.
>f+n: die linke[f] ist meins[n]
>m+m: der linke ist meiner; f+f: die linke ist meine; n+n: das linke ist mein(e)s
Meistens würde das Geschlecht übereinstimmen, weil sich beide auf das gleiche Nomen beziehen.
Wenn nicht, müssten sich die Wörter auf unterschiedliche Nomen im Text beziehen. Das ist aber eher ungewöhnlich, da es verwirrend sein kann.

>ich bin noch nicht *bezahlt *worden / Ich wurde noch nicht bezahlt.
Wenn du das "still" betonen willst, ginge:
>immer noch nicht bezahlt ~ still not paid yet (after all this time)
>rufen: ruf mich nochmal(s) nach 17 Uhr ~ call[=yell for so. to come; make so. come] me again after 5 pm
>anrufen: ruf mich nochmal(s) nach 17 Uhr an ~ call[=call so. by phone; phone so.] me again after 5 pm
Beides geht, aber letzteres ist wahrscheinlicher.

>auf|in der Plaza sind viele Leute
>in der Plaza = im Einkaufszentrum ~ in the shopping centre/mall
>auf der Plaza = auf dem Platz ~ on/in the public square
Denn "in dem Platz" würde man nicht sagen, also analog dazu würde ich "auf der Plaza" sagen.
>er *liest die Zeitung, *während [er auf das Taxi wartet / des Wartens auf das Taxi].
>auf jmdn./etw.[AKK] warten ~ to wait for so.
>*der Russe *ist (he)reingekommen und hat begonnen, lauter als [alle anderen (Menschen) / jeder andere (Mensch)] *zu reden
>jede Menschen X ~ each people X; each persons X
>alle Menschen ~ all people; everyone (collectively)
>jeder Mensch ~ each person; everyone (individually)
"Mensch(en)" kann man aber meist weglassen, wenn es nicht um alle Menschen auf der Welt geht:
>everyone else ~ jeder andere; alle anderen
Historical Hangul letters and vowel sequences that are no longer in use.
letters like ㅿㅸㆄㆁㆆㆍ or sequences like ᄋᆡᄋퟄᄋᆑᄋᅷ and so forth.
ok done, 2nd challenge:
>People have used different tools to write throughout history
>Leute hatten andere *Ausstattung, *um im Laufe der *Geschichte *zu schreiben
>I. andere Ausstattung ~ tools different from other tools
>II. unterschiedliche/verschiedene Ausstattung ~ tools different from each other
Wenn du statt "different" auch "various" einsetzen kannst, benutz II. Hier also II.

>sie liest *Kalligrafie-Bücher gern / Sie liest gerne Bücher über Kalligrafie.
>er *schreibt Notizen mit dem Bleistift
>In the past, people would write letters by hand
>frueher, Leute haben von Hand geschribt
Dieses Adverbialkomma gibt es nur im Englischen. Du musst das Adverbial in den Satz integrieren.
>Früher haben die Leute/Menschen Briefe von/per Hand geschrieben.
Hier geht es wirklich um alle Menschen auf der Welt, deshalb der definite Artikel "(all) the people (in the world)", den man in Englisch bei "people" weglassen kann.
Vote NOW
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I got this banner from Wikipedia, I was so excited to see a wikipedia edit-a-thon dedicated to Latin and its beautiful sacred music. Turns out the banner is false advertising though
Just fucking pick ONE language that makes sense for you to learn. I have voted for Russian because that's the only option that isn't multiple languages. But you can take it as a vote for you to learn one language at a time.
I am 100% sticking with Russian (A)
However, if I learn Mandarin (B), for instance, like this:
>Sunday (A)
>Monday (B)
>Tuesday (A)
>Wednesday (B)
>Thursday (A)
>Friday (B)
>Saturday (A+B?)
Can I learn both?
it's only false if you fail to read the coin
you thought it was about music in Latin, but it's Latin American music? rip
>Can I learn both?
Nobody will stop you, but here is what I will tell you. If your state of mind is that you need to learn 2 languages and you can't decide which, you are already thinking along the wrong lines. If you had a good reason to learn 2 at the same time you would not be asking for advice on which to learn. You are unlikely to follow through with a plan like this when you have no compelling reason to learn 2 languages at once. Learning 1 is big task by itself. You are going to see almost no results in either language after a long time if you go about it this way. Just focus on the language that makes sense for you to learn. You can learn Mandarin or whatever afterwards.
You're putting too much thought into this. Jordies going to switch languages entirely tomorrow anyway
This is an eufemism for "abortion clinic", also they offer several other services, and not always the abortion.
"Centro de planificación familiar"
Another eufemism for abortion "interrupción del embarazo/gestación"
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One I just made up: dar a oscuridad
The conjugation structure is indeed (pretty much) the same, and my spanish isn't very good by any means so these are not excuses for me not to have gotten those phrases right, but:
1. the same tense, say, indicative future, sounds different in italian and spanish, so I don't have much of an advantage there.
2. Some tenses that are roughly equivalent in structure between italian and spanish, say, indicative remote past for italian and indicative preterite for spanish, are used in different contexts, so if I wanted to translate "I ate the apple" to italian I would use near past "(io) ho mangiato la mela" instead of the remote past "(io) mangiai la mela", whereas in spanish I'd use the preterite "comí la manzana", so some things that look like they're obvious to me are actually wrong.
There actually are dialects in the south of Italy where the form more similar to spanish is more commonly used, and those are the regions that have historically been under spanish domination for the longest, most notably (the former Kingdom of) Naples, but I'm not from there, so I don't have an advantage there either.
3. the overwhelming majority of very commonly used verbs, like do, be, go, see, have... is irregular in both italian and spanish, and there's barely any resemblance between the two languages there.

I'd say what's easier for me is that the grammar is mostly the same and much of the vocabulary is similar, together with a few expressions that are similar enough, but overall I still have a lot of work to do to learn it.
wake tf up
There are people who learn 6-7 languages at once. It's all a matter of autism, time and dedication. Most people are not cut out for it.
dabblers eternally stuck at A1
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anyone else noticed that all the turks suddenly disappeared?
wow, the Israelis kinda went too far this time...
or maybe they are my new neighbors, inb4 (meme) border controls
Nah that’s retarded. 2 is the max.
If he’s already at B levels for both languages he should be fine.
when do you begin to understand things outside of textbooks?
When you start challenging yourself to read outside of textbooks.
serbanon has the right answer>>202321608
you just need to put the work into whatever you want to improve at
you need balls and a dictionary to learn a language, textbooks baby you into hopefully knowing grammar but you're supposed to immerse yourself and learn like a child does.

it takes grit
if one language takes you 7 years, let me tell you you do not have that kind of time to learn one by one.

you're not wrong, it's just a dilemma that I have. I'm doing well in German and Russian, but I would also like to know Arabic and Mandarin maybe after I'm done. sometimes I dabble in French or Portuguese since I know Spanish..
How does the government teach languages? Like diplomats, ambassadors, CIA spies, etc?
>diplomats, ambassadors, spies
they get a degree nigga. If you study Persian/Chinese/Arabic, 50%+ will work for the gov
>soldiers, some spies
intensive 1 year program
>talking to a rare stuff collector on SLSK, super nice guy
>was about to send him £5 for some files but found them on my computer
>send him a message to call the deal off and apologize
>start with "hey friend"
>realize later I wrote "hey fiend"
Your country has the FSI which publishes the famous list everyone knows and loves
Sup my negro mexicano
this. I literally stopped encouraging him and started to make fun of him ages ago. I thought he's finally medicated but I guess he just lied about it.
Why do women only like romance languages?
They get top notch teachers or bilinguals to teach. It's often how you see it in school with a few additions to make it more effective.
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>started learning Japanese at a young age in hopes the Japanese kids at school would stop bullying me
>didn't work but learning was pretty fun so I kept going
>older now, go on language exchange apps
>the Japanese still hate me
Why didn't I choose to learn literally anything else
I know it's not too late to pick up another language, I just keep thinking that a majority of native speakers still won't like me
Mongolians seemed nice but they were probably just happy someone was interested in their culture
are you black?
Black and mildly autistic yeah
been told that's why, sure, but I'm genuinely a weird person
The same way your shitty school does, except the students actually have motivation, and they spend 5+ hours a day. There's nothing unique about their methods
>but I'm genuinely a weird person
how so? Btw Arabic would be your best bet to find frens
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elaborate beauty of the type that a flower projects vs honest brute beauty of the type that a rock has
Arabic? How so?
I've been practicing French every now and then, heard they're not the friendliest people but I won't know unless I find out myself I guess
>but I'm genuinely a weird person
My friends say I am, they think I have a "strange way of perceiving life"
Pretty sure I don't, I'm just awkward and have an odd way of wording things
>>started learning Japanese at a young age in hopes the Japanese kids at school would stop bullying me
Should've learned a martial art desu
it's not a matter of learning methods, but need
the brain will gladly forget shit it deems useless
that's not the case when it associates a language with a job/survival
>Arabic? How so?
They're outgoing and accepting people. I know they won't be impressed if a nigga speaks their language since there are many from Africa. However it'll be impressive if you tell them you're an American nigga. I was also trying to learn Arabic and it's HARD.
Why do translators never bother changing names to the target language? It always looks out of place so I don't get why they don't do it.
because it's what cringe is made up
If I was paid 100k a year and part of my job was learning a language through classes then I would be highly motivated as well.
The average language school doesn't have 5 hours of instruction per day, 5 days a week.
I think it's a psy-op, women get told all their lives that french/Italian is beautiful and 'romantic', so they believe it and perpetuate the lie, women operate on consensus, they don't think 'does it make sense?', 'is this correct?' but 'what other people think about this?'.
At school, you're lucky if you get a proper explanation and something where you can put the new knowledge to use.
It's not just the beauty of the language itself, but the beauty of the things that are experienced with the language. Countries that speak romance languages are known to have very beautiful cultures, places, etc compared to most other countries.
Created by the Romans, so latin is beautiful, not bastardasied versions of it.
What language should a real nigga like me (black person) learn? No meme answers
Biblical Hebrew
Ancient Greek
Classical Chinese
polish, romanian, greek, turkish, etc
You're not helping the stereotypes there, brother.
Latin because of your ancestry.
wake up /lang/
You should learn Hindi
I looked into Hindi this morning
It seems to have 3 cases and use a lot of post-positions
I'm going to brute force mandarin purely through 24/7 immersion and comprehensible input.
I will have every monitor and screen in my house playing Chinese TV 24/7. Whenever I go out I will listen to Chinese podcasts and music.
I'll post again in 20 years when I am fluent.
Does putting something in your TL as background noise help at all?
Depends on if you're paying attention and can understand enough of what's being said or not
You should buy traditional Chinese clothes to wear to maximise input
Also start drinking Chinese tea
gonna start making old challenges from before i posted my first ever attempt at a challenge
Je suis en seconde.
Comment s’appelle ton université ?
Mon cours préféré c’est les mathématiques.
Ils disent que Singapour et la Finlande ont les meilleurs écoles au monde.
Le livre le plus ennuyeux que j’ai dû lire à l’école c’était Le Vieil Homme et la Mer.
J’ai étudié le latin comme ma seconde langue, mais maintenant je souhaite d’avoir choisi une langue vivante à sa place.
Après avoir déjà maîtrisé l’algèbre, je n’ai pas trouvé particulièrement difficile la trigonométrie, mais le calcul a été toute une autre affaire.
La qualité de l’éducation dans les pays occidentaux a décliné significativement ; des jeunes écoliers lisaient Homère dans le grec original, mais de nos jours beaucoup d’enfants sont fonctionnellement illettrés.
Je pense que les États-Unis devraient adopter un système éducatif comme celui de l’Allemagne, dans lequel les élèves les plus capables vont dans des écoles spéciales (appelées gymnasiums) qui les préparent pour aller à l’université, tandis que les écoles des autres étudiants les préparent pour le travail manuel spécialisé.
90 mins of inpoot and 880 cards reviewed
The new duolingo exercise is cute as hell
You need to be paying attention to comprehend the input
Has anyone tried the video call one? I don't have the Max subscription required for it (and never will tbqh)
Will likely post this on /tg/ but this is my home so I'm going to ask here first. Does anyone have an experience with learning Sindarin? I'm comfortable with my level of Japanese and want to branch out to another language. I learn purely for the fun and I thought Sindarin (or Quenya if I can't find resources for Sindarin) would be fun and I could probably find some use in D&D or some other nerd shit I'm into.

I've thought about just learning Welsh, Finnish, or maybe something along the lines of Icelandic or Old English, but the idea of learning a fantasy just seems a lot more fun at the moment since I'm coming from several years of studying Japanese.
what's the function of 的 here? is it the 是……的 construction with 是 omitted?
i'm a bit on adjectives for some reason
gonna make an adjective anki deck
Learn Classical Chinese or Old Norse
Classical Chinese for Everyone is good for a taster before you commit
As someone who has studied Japanese you could probably do it in 3-4 days comfortably
I'm using Introduction to Classical Chinese by Kai Vogelsang now and I'm finding it very frustrating
If learning Old Norse, Old Icelandic: An Introductory Course is decent but I think all Old Norse textbooks in English are imperfect
I highly recommend Old Norse, it's an awesome language with an awesome literary corpus
Obviously you should read some Old Norse literature before you commit to it
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American accent in French sounds so funny.
In the US Spanish is easily the most valuable foreign language for an average person. If you're poor it's doubly useful because there are lots of Spanish speakers who are poor and you're more likely to interact with them. For a native English speaker it's one of the easiest foreign languages to learn. But the real answer is that you look at what's in demand for a person like you.
Poor people don't usually learn foreign languages, if they did, all these Spanish speakers would be speaking English.
The French course probably doesn't have these exercises yet (I don'tremember), but it has a new way of scoring your progress and stories about a woman falling in love with a Frenchman. The German stories are about a man who failed at flirting, he didn't buy a computer game for his child and accidentally agreed that the child wouldn't go to school because he was watching football.
And radio podcast exercises with a granny
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/lang/ how long did it take for you to be able to speak and understand your TL conversationally?

No dishonest answers.
>and accidentally agreed that the child wouldn't go to school because he was watching football
This was in the French course as well, at least a couple of years ago before they turned the tree into the timeline. I vaguely remember the computer game as well, but I'm not entirely sure.
I noticed that they have several versions of courses. They used to all start with food and always had "I eat an apple". Some are still like that, sometimes with small changes like un cornetto in Italian. French is the most different now I think
It's true to some extent. Italian is a beautiful and "singy" language because of its stress accent and vowels at the ends of words. But "aggressiveness" of German is a total psy-op, especially compared to French which is really harsh
>especially compared to French which is really harsh
I don't like the rolled R, it's very annoying and people who speak languages with it (especially Spaniards and Italians) sound like assholes.
Duolingo would be a much more useful tool if I had the option to choose my own topics and grammar rules to study and review.
If I want to review something specific I need to scroll up the path and try to find it manually which is super annoying. They should fix that instead of focusing on useless animations.
The ability to properly articulate trills is the difference between the speech of an adult and sounding like a toddler.
Real chinks torture their liver with baiju.
Most Romans ate wheat bread, lentils, and turnips. They didn't have citruses, coriander, or peppers.
Oh wow, Romans didn't have fruits that were available only after Americas were discovered, what a shock. Your statement is not entirely true anyway, Romans did have access to lemons and citron, which were introduced to the Mediterranean region during Roman times. Coriander was known to the Romans and was used in cooking. It is mentioned in Roman texts, including in Apicius, a famous Roman cookbook and black pepper was imported from India.
It's not that I can't produce that sound, it's just that I refuse to do it because I don't like how it sounds and it annoys me every time I hear it.
Not dead, just reclining
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6 years
Europeans weren't regularly cultivating them or using them in cooking till after the Middle Ages. The average person subsisted of pulse, roots, and bread.

>I don't like how it sounds
Which means you like sounding like a toddler.
Have you ever taken an official or widely recognized language fluency test in your TL?

I got what I expected
>good listening/reading comprehension
>mediocre writing skills
>quite poor speaking ability
English doesn't have the rolled r, does it mean that you and everyone who speaks English sounds like a toddler?
It's TOEFL(test of English as a foreign language) in case you're curious btw
The majority of black Americans have their ancestors from West/Central Africa, so if you want to connect to your root, learn some Niger-Congo language like Yoruba, Igbo or Fula, pretty much anything from that part of the world. Although you probably heard about Swahili also belonging to the Bantu part of that linguistic family, it is actually spoken on the opposite part of Africa from which your Ancestors probably came. But of course, feel free to dabble with Swahili as well if you want to
Spanish, French or Japanese (heard there are a lot of weeb blacks in America, skip it if you aren't interested)
>duolingo max is not available in this country & English course for Korean speakers
Duolingo is the perfect example of the enshittification. Memrise as well.
easiest way to learn a language if I can’t move there
Speak it
Write it
Read it
Listen to it
for how long
get a gf who speaks the language
can’t even get a gf who speaks my language mate
What's the best asian language to learn, Chinese, Japanese or Korean?
Chinese if you're sane
Japanese if you're a weeb
Korean if you're a troon
>What's the best asian language to learn
Russian, it's quite similar to Polish.
Why do troons learn your language?
Do you speak Russian?
It's not that similar, maybe some basic vocabulary but more complex vocab is drastically different.
>One person answers

Took me about a year and a half to speak simply but conversationally my TL. I can speak with people and understand them but I definitely lack more in depth vocab
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Immerse yourself in the language at home. A lot of people go to their TL country but still just hangout in English speaking bubbles so they don't really get any benefit from it. Spend as much time daily as you can just understanding your TL through reading and listening.

Depends on the language and how much time you spend daily. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
>but still just hangout in English speaking bubbles so they don't really get any benefit from it
A person who I'm close to who speaks my TL almost never wants to speak it with me and switches back to English almost instantly when I just slightly don't understand something ToT
I wanted to reply to you but forgot before, it took me around 8 months to get to intermediate French.
What's your TL?
>Why do troons learn your language?
Because kpop and kdrama are gay and only women watch them

>muh traditional korean culture
No, you're not interested in them.
6 years but onyl really taking it seriously for 3
if I took it seriously the whole time then probably just over 3 (this was in school keep in mind)
I've a (french-speaking) friend who asked me about methods to learn english.
She's A1.

I found a nice grammar in the wiki but should I advice her to learn in a full english book or should I find a french method to learn english ?
what? is arabic really that hard?
Makes sense, it's grim how your country looks, not that it's much better here in the west, but still I think you have one of the lowest birthrates in the world and feminism on steroids.
Maybe I'll try Arabic then
it's my boss's first language, Egyptian and pretty friendly
might let me practice with her
thanks anon
Unpopular opinion: you aren’t really a polyglot unless you master languages from five different families.

I’m currently learning Arabic after going through English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and your brains has to be restructured in a way that takes a lot of time for you to internalize a Semitic Grammar. It makes how you view the world dramatically change in a subconscious state. I’m really enjoying the process.
They would sound like one when trying to speak languages that do natively have them at least.
I talked to this Afghan immigrant once who said he spoke Dari but that he and his peers had an easier time being taught Arabic than Pashtun which they gave up on.
if she's a normie then the latter. she would be too intimidated by a full english book otherwise
you're not a polyglot by your own definition then
I think you misunderstood me, I'm not saying that you should speak the languages that have the rolled R without it. I'm saying that I don't like it, and that's why I'm not going to learn any of those languages.
Hausa isn't Bantu but it's among the most spoken natively African languages along with the likes of Swahili, Amharic, and Oromo, but it is very prominent in the Sahel regions and throughout Niger and Nigeria. But historically speaking it was probably traditionally nomadic peoples such as them and the Fula that had sold captured prisoners and other captives from defeated tribes and clans to European slavers to begin with.
Surely Indo-European sub-divisions count? Slavic, Germanic, Romance, Greek are all very different.
What language families even have languages worth learning?
>Indo-European (English + more)
>Semitic (Arabic or Hebrew)
>Turanic, yes its a really family (Japanese, Turkic or Korean)
Then what?
Regardless it doesn't stop you from being hypocritical and contradictory since the posts you're responding to were in response to a post by either you or someone else stating that Latin which does have trilled Rs is beautiful. >>202330606
It's also simply stupid since languages with trilled Rs make up the lion's share of the world's most prominent languages.
latin has a trill dawg
In fairness my "6 years" includes 3 years of disengagement, and my first two years were just classroom instruction. When I came back after 5 years or so, 8-9 months of intensive and serious independent study got me functional.
Oh you are still learning Finnish
>I refuse to do it because I don't like how it sounds
Literally me with the th.
I was just following the logic of the guy I was responding to, he was saying that romance languages are beautiful because they are associated with roman architecture etc. so I said that latin is beautiful and not romance languages. I don't think Latin is beautiful.

>It's also simply stupid since languages with trilled Rs make up the lion's share of the world's most prominent languages.
It's not, it's my preference, and I'm not going to suddenly change my mind because most languages have this feature.
>and clans to European slavers to begin with.
you mean arab slavers? or did europeans cross overland to the sahel to buy slaves from the hausa and the fulani?
Need some advice
My parents are nagging me to stop the ADHD meds
I ran out of tablets and the renewal with the prescription + dispensing the prescription at the pharmacy costs around $90, let's round it to $100. A month.
My mother made a big deal out of it and nagged my father to care too.
They're like, this is gonna cost us $1200 a year.
However, I can pay for it from my own pocket but it'll make me a bit broke.
The meds actually made my life 3 times easier, and I've actually started learning Russian. I dropped the idea of learning multiple foreign languages.
Should I let my parents take away my ADHD meds, or persist and insist on getting my meds no matter what?
just move to spain, adhd meds are almost free in here
my parents are still seething but ill prioritize my health over their feelings
how do efl kids react when they learn there's a city called lahore in pakistan?
>However, I can pay for it from my own pocket but it'll make me a bit broke.
Dein Geld ist wertlos, wenn du es nicht ausgibst.
are you getting a degree? If not, start a degree in Russian/Slavic studies. Then your pills are justified
fresh excuse just dropped
Have you tried microdosing? Like taking half the pills or something.
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>Aku di kelas sepuluh
>Apa universitasmu namanya?
>Favoritku kelas matematika

>Mereka mengatakakan bahwa Singapura dan Finlandia punya sekolah terbaik di dunia
>Aku mepelajarinya sebagai bahasa Latin aku, tapi sekarang aku berharap aku memilih bahasa yg hidup sebagai gantinya
Europeans couldn't venture into the jungle because of malaria and tsetse flies so they had to rely on African raiders to bring their merchandise to the coastal port for them. There are many Islamized nomadic peoples such as the Fula, Bambarra, Hausa, Songhai, and Mossi throughout the Sahel and western Subsaharan regions which merge into Chadic Muslim regions to the east. It's literally the same story as always with killing the rivals from the next neighborhood over and earning wealth through selling captives to whitey so you can cover yourself and your horse with flashy trinkets and bling bling.
It's French I live here. T'es sur que t'est arrivé a ce niveau de français dans ce lapse de temps? Tu peux alors parler avec les gens dans la vrai vie sans problem?
Je dis ça car en theorie et quand j'ecris mon français n'est pas trop mal mais quand je parle avec les gens je me sens assez limité et souvent je peux pas comprendre qu'est ce qu'ils disent.
Mais, par contre, j'ai jamais pratiqué mon français avec les livres ou quelquechose, que de parler dans la vrai vie.
it's literally the same language, despite 107+ years of retarded tovianist reforms
why are there so many fucking words in russian
Es-tu un immigré ?
Je ne sais pas, je ne parle jamais avec les gens et je n'écris jamais, je ne fais que lire et écouter. Je pense que je pourrais tenir une conversation de base.
>it's literally the same language
Russian and Polish have been separate languages since at least the 10th century, long before any modern political reforms.
>107+ years of retarded tovianist reforms
There are no credible linguistic or historical sources supporting the idea that Andrzej Towiański or any other movement reformed Polish in such a way that it became substantially different from Russian. Linguistic change in Polish and Russian followed natural evolution due to internal and external factors (like invasions, cultural shifts, etc.), not some deliberate reforms.
first of all don't swear, even if it's part of your culture

and the because is reason newances

you don't need to know all the ways to express yourself, and you absolutely have to avoid by all means learning it from a book

get your A5 basics and the most common 6 cases, then try to use it

because Russian is not a semantic language
Russian does not convey your thoughts to people
what it does is #hints on what you think, how you feel about it, and what do you think the context of what you say should be

it's nothing but context rich allusions

so the less dictionary you know, the better you would learn to hint

then you just learn to make up words to make the context richer

you know how chinese are considered smart when they know more than 15000 hieroglyphs

in English you are considered smarter when you speak softly (posh) and don't create new words (which is ebonics prerogative)

in Russian you are considered smart when you can create a richer context, when you extend other people's associative sequence and they accept it
not because of your authority, but because it feels right and the associative logic works in the given context
>Russian and Polish have been separate languages since at least the 10th century
actually not, if you read any widespread 19th century book in polish, you'll find it to be hardly distinguishable from Russian 19th century

currently the only problem for Russian to understand you is transliteration
if you use any automatic translation back to original Polish — Cyrilic, it would not only be perfectly readable and understandable by any native Russian, it would also make Polish 10 times easier to learn for wecterners
>your brains has to be restructured in a way that takes a lot of time for you to internalize a Semitic Grammar. It makes how you view the world dramatically change in a subconscious state
>it's nothing but context rich allusions
>in Russian you are considered smart when you can create a richer context, when you extend other people's associative sequence and they accept it
not because of your authority, but because it feels right and the associative logic works in the given context

can you guys drop some examples for this?
>Es-tu un immigré?
Ouais c'est ça. Je suis juste curieux car j'avais beaucoup de soucis de comprendre le français quand les gens le parles et meme encore honetment.
That is completely untrue and anyone who knows anything about both languages knows that. You're that lying russian piece of shit that was falsely claiming here that Polish aristocracy didn't speak Polish. Kill yourself you fucking kacap.
>Kill yourself
>slavs when arguing with other slavs
kek every time
Because he's lying about my language and my people. I have nothing in common with that mongrel.
how long would it take me to learn cyrillic alphabet
like an hour
i wish i could code so i would make a system like this where you insert your flashcards and do a quick review unlike anki, it's great for learning alphabets, hanzis or vocabulary
you can learn how to do something like this with around a month of learning.
it would be a less polished version and would run on a terminal, but it would accomplish the same goal
god damn, /clg/ is bad
it's like linguistics is an alien concept to them
He's right though. One could argue only that Polish with Czech and other West Slavic languages were dialects of one language in the 10th century, but not with Russian
Btw. could someone tell me if the above sentence is correct in English? I'm trying new things
Well alright here's an idea, playing Japanese VN, with a Korean patch, then using Textractor to both show a machine translation back to Japanese and allow me to easily copy the Korean text to my clipboard, which would enable my nefarious intention of taking a certain amount of words everyday and saving them elsewhere to then drill them into my skull.
A very bizarre setup that I could only even think up because of my Korean being nowhere near enough to read the most basic of VN. In theory I should be able to very efficiently and without pain be able to raise my Korean from the present A0 to an intermediate level, being drowned in anime girls, able to analyze any sentence whenever I want, to change from active learning(reading all the hangul, looking up all words I don't know) to passive learning(bothering less with the Korean and relying more on the Japanese translation, preventing headache and allowing me to progress the game at a decent speed) at will, and since there's a massive amount of VN out there I will be able to radically alter the vocabulary I encounter by just switching to a different genre of VN.
I have either found a great way to progress or the lack of sleep and food is getting to my head and rendering me functionally braindead. In any case I will do my reps for today and try this idea out properly tomorrow, I've already prepared anything so all I need now is some time to sit my ass down and play eroge.

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