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Le Révanchard édition

Turned the other cheek : >>202298052
Good morning /med/.
Le toi est un homosexuel edition
gm /med/ will find a subject today inshallah.
I'm getting bad flashbacks.
This Turkish fella won't nag as much as me, rest assured.
wud happened (will happen)
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Everything is still burning today.
I was in a situation similar to yours some years ago and it was one of the reasons that I dropped out. Not to discourage you or anything of course. I was just a retard trying to punch above my weight.
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Just learned that Queen Victoria had a favorite jeet servant
Based edish! We all bow to Le Révanchard! And those who don't...
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Might work a bit before lunch.
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Good morning sisters. Started the day with getting a new haircut and it's bussin, but sadly I was feeling tired again in the gym.
5x8 lateral pulldowns
4x15 back extensions with a 20 kg plate
3x11 machine low rows (my form was probably far from perfect)
3x12 hammer curls
3x12 dumbbell rows
Felt a burst of energy, so also wanted to do some machine rows and preacher curls, but as I was warming up and increasing the weights, I could already tell that wasn't going to work today so I left. Time for some well deserved cobbee.
Also, as I was removing the weights from the EZ bar I managed the btfo the now unweighted bar from the stand and it landed on the floor kek.
>mfw you break into the Revanchard's lair and you find a conspicuously shaped rock near to a machete
brother you can not discourage me i am already discouraged
comment qu'ça va-t'y mes reufs d'la mer ?
Not good.
Only relics from a dead man, friend.
Gironde died when le Révanchard was born.
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Good picture.
I dropped a weight plate on my left big toe.
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sorry fren, must be painful considering you're a strong boy
>from 83 kg to 74 kg in two months
Even when I'm hungry I don't feel like eating
What's happening to me?
It was 10 kg so it's not like I feel like I'm dieing but I have a pain on my toe that doesn't seem to be going away.

The curse of twinkdom.
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it's ogre
Your metabolism is fast.
>74 kg
>not a twink
I gotta weight at least 90 kgs to not be a twink?
depressed ?
shit, maybe
I don't why I would be depressed tho
Today's training.
Pin squat 1x1 with 225 kg, 3x3 with 190 kg.
Long length partial smith machine squat 3x8 with 105 kg.
Leg curl 3x8 with 79 kg.

It depends on your height, but there's no height where you are not a twink at 74 kg.
Last day in Embra. This country isn't fit for a gentilhomme.
bah tranquille et toi mon grand?
ouch sorry, you're gonna have an autistic big toe like me
I'm jelly. I probably gained weight this month.
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Where are the Portuguese?
Just on top of you.
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>cutie suggested from yt, only makes short videos of her making sandwiches for her partner
>cute and wholesome, check links
>obviously of account
Are we just doomed? Also, can we believe her shirt? I fear not
phew, I'm reassured.
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My slutty neighbor literally looks like her. She told me she'd set me up with a qt.
Fucking hell. Gaym editions are something else as of lately. I hope I'm mistaken but whenever I see shit like this I have a feeling they just happened to also fuck up the story of the game and it won't be even as closely as good as OG LiS.
I can barely see the other side of the street due to all the smoke, but I'm outside Aveiro
now Portudad and Portukid, I think they're down there and that's worrysome
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I saw that Magyaranon
I just have to say: https://youtu.be/RlwKB5b5Yxo
I want to fuck your slutty neighbour and her friend, she seems very nice to be doing that. The proper course of action would be to breed.
Portudaddy replied yesterday evening, he had a flat tire due to migrants (he said he hit a rock or something but i know it's slang for migrants/jews) but that aside he was fine.
Everything is in flames. Today on the road to the cagie I went through a section that had literal flames on the side of the road, some 100m away.
Basically all the individual fires that started yesterday have joined and became a huge fire. There’s a sizeable town (Albergaria-a-Velha) in risk of being totally engulfed by flames (it’s in the centre of the fire). Villages around this town have lost houses and the industrial centre near the town basically exploded during the night (a lot of paint and plastic industry there, with extremely flammable stuff inside the companies).
It’s grim.
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Home... At least it was before I fucked evrythang up
I couldn't agree more but they only go for chads and not for ugly bastards like me heheh.
That doesn't look good... I hope it gets better fast frens.
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You know, when I look at where we are and where we could be, perhaps Le Révanchard is exactly the sort of hero we need right now.
Magyanon post-cut : >>202331008

Bit chuddy innit
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>>My slutty neighbor literally looks like her. She told me she'd set me up with a qt.
Yeah, and my mother told me if I ate all my vegetables, I'd grow up big and strong. Trust her at your peril.
>exclusive cat content
Just pretend the series ended with Chloe dying and Arcadia Bay being saved. Don't let creatively bankrupt video game companies ruin a half-decent series by churning out more slop for you to consoom.

Install Morrowind and revel in the past.
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Why can't it just stop raining on Padania and start raining there.
It is what it is. We just keep fighting.
Please send rain and that delicious butt please.
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The directive staff of my school has made this retarded choice: printing by yourself is forbidden; what you have to do instead is to send them the files you want to print to get them ready in one fucking week because of the queue of printing requests they have. They decided this because teachers last year seemed to make unnecessary prints, and this would be a way to "save paper".

We call this in Spanish "matar moscas a cañonazos" (killing flies with cannonballs) and it's sadly a very common way to solve conflicts here. Drinking alcohol in public is also forbidden because of young people littering everywhere. Just punish irresponsible people and leave the rest alone, for fucks sake.

It seems so unless you're a fatso, blessed by genetics or a massively fit guy. We're nothing but ladyboys or subhumans under gymbro standards.
t. 183cm and 75kg even though I used to weigh 57 when I was a teenager.
Impressive, however I want to look like picrel and not whatever you posted.

>Chloe dying

Nice pic, made me want to order some pizza.
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>that thread
Thirdies will laugh at us for letting dogs lick our faces, then turn around and kiss their children on the lips and lick their faces.
A kid doesn’t lick its ass and balls and eat random poop from other animals before kissing you THOUGH
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>Trust her at your peril.
She's too hot not to trust.
>with Chloe dying and Arcadia Bay being saved.
based, canon ending.
>Morrowind and revel in the past
based again. I will do that too all modded up. You saw the new volumetric fog mod? Looks good.
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Why are you posting questionable pictures?
If it was in my power, no man should suffer shortage of rain and toned butts.
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Tones bubbly butts are the stuff of the gods.
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>>A kid doesn’t lick its ass and balls and eat random poop from other animals before kissing you THOUGH
Maybe YOUR kid doesn't.
>based, canon ending.
I've calmy and rationally explained to the magyarocska how this is the best ending for everyone, but he spits in the face of the logic and unrepentantly defends his blue-haired rat.
>based again. I will do that too all modded up. You saw the new volumetric fog mod? Looks good.
It was unknown to me until just now. I feel the urge to play it again building within me.
>She's too hot not to trust.
The fact that her promises have not materialised thusfar should at least give you cause for doubt.
Don't blame me 6 months from now when you're moving furniture for her and dog-sitting her pets while she travels to Italy for weekends away with her boyfriend.
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Uh oh j-word is not going to like this one bit. What about me, you ask? I would help her with the cream until my hands hurt. Then, i would politely insert my penis in her with the purpose of impregnation, if that is clear.
>Why are you posting questionable pictures?

>blue-haired rat.
Rather be blue haired than blue pilled desu.
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Nice implication you made there. Good luck proving it in a court of law.
>the charges officer?
The image you posted depicts an imaginary character that has secondary female features and clothing, while also having a penis and being as buff as a man. Such contradictory features shouldn't be associated.
>, he had a flat tire due to migrants (he said he hit a rock or something but i know it's slang for migrants/jews) but that aside he was fine.
As always portuguese being extremely racist
Whoever provoked these fires in Portugal, he must know that he's carrying out a portucaust

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One count of being a baby, and two counts of accessory to being a baby (for the Portuparents).
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As much as I agree with you concerning Chloe and how her death is just the best outcome for everyone involved, it begs the question: why hate one blue haired rat while loving another green haired rat (in Night City)? Peculiar...
>urge to play it again building within me
heheh same. Don't forget, Project Tamriel releases a new expension at the end of October and TR before the end of the year. Here's an ingame map of Anvil.
>give you cause for doubt
You speak the truth, yet again. I shouldn't doubt you. I saw many english roses again today and my heart is all broken up.
>secondary female features
>and being as buff as a man
Omg that's like so hot, sister.
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good morning everyone
you can't suffer in France
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>As much as I agree with you concerning Chloe and how her death is just the best outcome for everyone involved, it begs the question: why hate one blue haired rat while loving another green haired rat (in Night City)? Peculiar...
It's completely different. No elaborations will be forthcoming at this present time.
>Don't forget, Project Tamriel releases a new expension at the end of October and TR before the end of the year. Here's an ingame map of Anvil.
So many names I recognise and so many more I don't. I'm pretty sure I remember a pissy little ruin named "Sutch", I had no idea it used to be its own kingdom.
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Which region is better - Bavaria or Moscow Oblast?
I'm a big fan of La Marseillaise, personally
i am gonna kms i fail at everything i try
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>wake up
>sky looks orange and cloudy
>it's actually a clear skies day
>Survivor of the portucaust
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>i am gonna kms i fail at everything i try
My fellow inveterate failure.

Some people are simply born to fail. We exist to make others look better by comparison. "At least I am not him," they say, and their spirits are lifted somewhat.
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Morning! I really do suffer though. By comparison, the Brits do not.
I wont enquire further then. Just know that I have seen through your tricks.
You are way too skilled for that though. You're the english Baudelaire, a tortured and lonely poet.
>Notice of Non-Affiliation and Disclaimer: The memecoin $APU and Apu Apustaja are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way connected with $PEPE, Pepe the Frog, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. We at $APU firmly stand against all acts of hatred and all forms of isms that include, but are not limited to racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, classism, colorism and ethnocentrism.
Never understood this, the success or failures of others offer no sort of emotional support to me.
kek, that was an okay april fools.
$HENTAI paved my way to riches.
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They say that comparison is the thief of joy, but I am more grateful for my present circumstances, as I sleep in my warm bed at night with a stomach full of jelly beans and doner kebab meat, knowing that if Fate had been feeling more spiteful at the moment of my conception, I could have been born in the Congo or a woman in Afghanistan.
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>I could have been born in the Congo or a woman in Afghanistan
You could have, but you didn't. You could have been aborted and whatever, but you didn't. So, what will you do?
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Based Catnigga recognising that being born a Male in Afghanistan is based
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>You could have, but you didn't. You could have been aborted and whatever, but you didn't. So, what will you do?
I don't know, stop asking me difficult questions. You're triggering my panic reflex.
You know, sometimes I suspect there is some suppressed degree of homosexuality amongst the Taliban.
You already got a degree in physics, that's already something most people can't get.
She literally has a huge tattoo on her arm, what did you expect.
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Good day med am back
She's covered in them. Would eat the sandwich tho.
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for me it's: https://youtu.be/Lho8a4I17rc?feature=shared
Some really handsome guy on the tram. People like this give you dating advice kek. Shit must be too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel.
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Ordered gyros with extra meat. Didn't expect the guys to send me 850 grams of food desu. All ingredients taste good too and it was only 8 euros, what a bargain.
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Would you stop following me around ?
Is the gyros made with cat food ?
Anything more than two euros is theft.
Horny, but I will resist gooning for one more day.
Ohhhh that explains the wink and the whispered "sneed" as you got out!
I will do the needful as soon as I get home around 1am.
Pork, french fries, cheese, purple onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and some really tasty sauce (no idea what it's made of doe, but before you ask, no it's not cum).

The same food if I ordered from another restaurant, would taste worse, would have cost me more, and would have been less in weight and made with worse quality ingredients.
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>8 euros
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>weighing your fast food orders before eating them
>saarozag, i fear your shrinkflationned my order today
Cheese is an interesting addition to gyros.
I haven't seen it here.
Was it white or yellow cheese.
I weighed it because as soon as I opened the box, the food was already falling out of it thanks to the guy literally filling it to the brim. No idea how they even managed to close it.
Catnigga, it was HEAVY, I had to weigh it.

You greek niggas have no idea how expensive hungary is.
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Yellow, but i's really tasty so definitely not some bottom of the shelf cheese.
Absolute unit that cat
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we're slowly but surely getting to your level with the way things are going
>i still remember when it used to be 1.80 euros
It's like Gregorian chant
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>pussy ass nigga complaining about the ash in the sky when I’ve been putting in my lungs the equivalent of 10 packs of cigarettes daily for two straight days
You don’t suffer in Invicta.
makes sense, it was the franks that conceptualized the gregorian cants iirc
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Oh my Vivec, it's just like my video games.
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>just be yourself bro, works for me
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here they only sell it as shawarma, due the influx of syrian-lebanese immigrants we had
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If there is money to be made, a lebanese is there.
It's like a jew, but less obnoxious.
I haven't had the need for an umbrella in a while. It was nice to be honest.
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your city is basically Venice, if the fire gets too close just hide in the waterways it's not that hard
wealth beyond measure, outlander
I don’t live in Aveiro THOUGH
I always say Saint Petersburg, but Moscow Oblast is cool ngl.
Hot tall guys don't know their privilege and often think they actually have charisma or something
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Why no one put a baby inside her yet. Baffling.
countryside Aveiro?
well you're boned then

now we just need Spain or Morocco to invade and we have the full Dunmer experience
It’s because she’s waiting for me, but the one I already have at home doesn’t let me.

Immediately south of Aveiro, so the safest part of the area right now.
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Even your wife would get her pregnant, if she could.
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Pictures you can smell (and boy do they smell good).
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maronites and christian arabs in general are the jews of Christianity
mfers are extremely powerful in Latin America
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I think she has british blood somehow. Must be a mutation, your slags are ugly as sin.
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Imagine pulling that string ahah

This is a great webm (no homo).
>another display of racism against british by an italian
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My headcorn is that she was born in the UK to two Spanish parents.
The hospital owes me money for acting as an interpreter between its staff and the patients.
Sounds good
she sent me a photo of herself saying that she started watching the show i recommended her

what does this mean
I'm afraid you did it for free.
Congratulations on interacting with people though.
>We exist to make others look better by comparison
is this enough reason to keep existing
most people don't try. any retard who studies enough can get the degree
She's Abdul only, let it be turco-Chud, you tried, at least that's something
Absolute state of things. Nurses have to turn on visiting relatives to be able to communicate with their patients. Not the first time I had to interpret.
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It's with great joy that I announce that I managed to eat 850 grams of gyros (even though I had to take a rest because I couldn't do it in one sitting).
If this shit won't help me in putting on +2,5 kgs on the bench tomorrow, idk what will.
Why doe? Foreign nurses?
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geez, and I thought the occasional Brazilian or African accent was a barrier to patient-nurse communication
the absolute state of the Maltese language
Il-Belt Valletta has fallen...
Yes. Imagine a heavily accented jeet trying to communicate with an old and demented Maltese person. I've seen enough of it. To their credit, they do learn some basic words.
They also brush off some of their work on their Maltese coworkers using this excuse.
Not really, a most people wouldn't be able to get a physics degree, don't underestimate your accomplishments.
chicken ham, rice, red beans, raw onions, simple as
By dodging work I meant stuff like handing the telephone in the ward to a Maltese nurse because they don't understand what the person on the other side is saying. I know this because I have insider info.
Also, not the first time fake nurses are caught with fake certificates.
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I am proud of you, my friend. Would that I could pat your tummy with pride.
I am curious to know what it sounds like when an Indian tries to speak Maltese with a heavy accent. I have trouble imagining them speaking any other foreign language aside from English. It feels unnatural.
It is weird, but surprisingly clear, perhaps because it is only a couple of words. The English accent is a nightmare.
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Another day of NEETdom.
Pasta with bolognese sauce, simple as
Do you like neetdom life so far ?
Waiting for the plane. I love my parents but damn, I feel like I'm managing kids. No sense of organisation, no patience...
Do you resume waging next monday ?
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>pat your tummy
Thank you, catnigga.
Even though I feel like a champ, I feel like I betrayed the hungarian nation, because a true hungarian man would have not needed to take a rest and would have finished the plate in one sitting.
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Good preparation for when you actually do have kids with that smoking hot 175cm goth girl your attractive neighbour is going to set you up with (any day now; two more weeks).

How much shortbread and whiskey are you taking with you on the flight back home?
everything will work out in the end inshallah brothers i am going to sleep. good night /med/
No, I hate it.
I hate having to live with my parents and depending on other people.
I hate living in my hometown and being forced to train in a shitty gym and see people from my high school.
I want to be free and be my own breadwinner.
I want to live in a big city full of people who don't know me.
Good night friend.
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Perhaps things will be better tomorrow, but if not, at least we will be one day closer to death.
Sniffable dreams to you, efendi.
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gn med
Nope, I start again tomorrow kek.
>smoking hot 175cm goth girl
Golly, I'm getting lightheaded. I feel an inkling of sarcasm in your words but just you wait!
>shortbread and whiskey
I'm indeed bringing back some shortbread and some "rat poo" chocolate candy for my coworkers.
You're right, everything will be fine fren! Sweet dreams
Nighty night fren! This was a kino movie btw and I want to fuck that ghost
Lack of sleep is kiling me
Right after the flight, brutal
We should switch lives for real desu
Not the right moment in the history of this country to do that, i'm sorry anon
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>I want to live in a big city full of people
Isto sere il cringotto
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>mfw when I'll have to wake up at 2:30 AM to do the needful
Pooping on bossman’s dime?
This past couple of evenings I am feeling really depressed, then again the reason is probably that I'm reading a lot of Houellebecq, since I've got nothing else to do
Taking back transylvania?
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>waking up at 2:30am
Might as well just stay up.
Taking protons?
Can’t concentrate on anything with what happened in lebanon
I’m not even muslim but it’s sad seeing my compatriots in that state
It's almost exclusively hizbodogs it seems doe
Phoenicians will live prosperously.
Anxious for tomorrow's appointment.
had to Google it
who the fuck uses pagers in the year of our Lord of twenty twenty-four?
That's peak hebraic kikery what the fuck, i just learned about it. Virtually jews can blow my monitor in my face at any moment?
We don't know yet how they really did it.
Possibly find a way to sell those bippers to hezbollah
so they even made money from this kek, peak jew
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What happens tomorrow?
I remember people used to laugh and back away when you started talking about "Jewish space lasers" and "DEWs". Now Mossad are causing thousands of people's electronic devices to simultaneously explode and nobody's laughing anymore.
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>oy ve- I mean allahu snackbar my fellow terrorist, wanna buy this premium pager?
>I swear the chose- those filthy kikes can't track you down with it! CIA proof!
>oh just don't remove that little plastic brick with definitely not detonator wires going into with a little antenna attached :3
now they can sell tinfoil hats to them lmao
The name "Hezbollah" has a new meaning now because if the pager was in their pockets, now it is allah that has their balls.
I have an appointment.
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Cryptic. Mysterious. Foreboding.
ID renewal, if you must know.
do they still get the 72 virgins if their balls get vaporised by plastic explosives?
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>having to wait in line to renew your mandatory government issued ID
Just like Jimmy Orville's 1976.

Can't relate. Sorry, but these colours don't run. God bless these United Kingdoms.
>in line
I booked an appointment so I hope not. Then again, I will probably still have to wait. Let's see if the agency sold my identity to some Indian.
Heaven regenerates.
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Successful landing. I am back in the land of my forefathers, in fairer climes.
Nah it's alright, I work from home anyway
It is over?
Nothing but rain for the rest of the week.
am I a chud if I don't care about the jews and muzzies killing each other
>JARVIS, pull up a list of all Ryanair flights departing from Edinburgh and arriving in Bordeaux
>cross-reference passenger manifests with local CCTV footage and narrow down search based on the follow criteria: male, moustache, medium-sized rock
Children and civilians were killed
Yeah, looks like it.
Nope, this conflict is so deep seated it's the only healthy outlook I found so far.
Ok please don't drop all the things I said here to my friends and family please.

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