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floods edish
got hugenot fatigue
sick of them
Sir Arse Spanker
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any broch-bagger man in ?
God is Good.
Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics, Book One: Theological Epistemology, Part One: The Objective Principles of Theological Knowledge

cop or not?
what's a huguenot
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Going to make some corn beef hash with some sunny side up eggs
more of a brioche burger man me
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you, an idiot: small
me, a genius: hugenot
sounds like its full of schizobabble nonsense
mad how women love men and men love men
men must be doing something right
good-quality post
its what happens when you dont wank for a week
french protestant fleeing persecution from catholics
that tum is utterly delish
how so?
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So many things to bag
Trig pillars
It's endless
looks a bit like chudjak in the face desu
We are all in danger. It is evil itself.
imagine that thing getting mad and kicking you and your head exploding like a watermelon
called the gf a stupid hole earlier, properly in the dog house now
you need serious mental help
looks cosy as heck in there
traction control off
just shows this clown society for what it is: how a car allegedly has many horsepower but can't overcome one horse
You gotta slam her against a wall and spit in her mouth too
Chics dig that shit
looks like we made a mistake and should have just stuck with horses
Strong cars create good times
Good times create weak cars
The woke mob have made a mockery of this land
also an average horse is 15 horsepower
This: >>202346022

If you want to learn about reality then study science. Religions are nonsense.
Eating muesli and yoghurt
have you heard of those old forts in scotland with burn marks on the rocks that turned parts of it to glass

legend has it a dragon blew fire on them
but fr its true
what makes you say that my G? you got a scientific argument for it?
has a face like elon musk
How is science reality? It's merely another epistemological framework with unfalsefiable premises
Woke mob cornered me on the way to the bookies, pushed me up against a wall, pulled my pants down and wanked me off until I came while one of their sexy sexy gay twinks danced erotically in front of me while calling me a big dumb gammon.
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interesting picture
They probably got really drunk and farted on it next to a torch or aomething
I don't want to change the world
I'm not looking for a new England
Are you looking for another girl?
the problem is the guy you're talking to is literally too thick to understand your point
well that's a bit silly isnt it
do you think people that inhabited scotland 5000 years ago were happy?
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lot of nasty posters on today
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Starting to realise I might not make it to 2025
what are the premises of science?
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oh yeah they are called vitrified forts

dragonfire confirmed
ah, very interesting
yep london will be utopia once again come 2030
ok but what about the rest of the country
The claims of religion have never been substantiated

Science is definitely falsifiable. If someone says "this 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola weighs 2kg", that can be falsified by weighing the bottle.
who cares
get the towerblocks built

get them housed
never heard of her
>once again
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Stupid baby died
ah, interesting
fascinating how they were just absorbed into the population everywhere they went
>A diaspora of French Australians still considers itself Huguenot, even after centuries of exile. Long integrated into Australian society, it is encouraged by the Huguenot Society of Australia to embrace and conserve its cultural heritage, aided by the Society's genealogical research services.
>The claims of religion have never been substantiated
your claim right there has not been substantiated. what's your point?
>Science is definitely falsifiable. If someone says "this 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola weighs 2kg", that can be falsified by weighing the bottle
what does that have to do with anything under discussion? i think you'll find "only things which are falsifiable can we make epistemological claims about" is itself unfalsifiable lmao
my ancestors
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why yes, I did find that post interesting
wonder how many married doctors are shagging married nurses rotten at work
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith
i once again am asking for your support brit
I got a furby
heard she was a victim of statistics
>your claim right there has not been substantiated.
Wrong. It's patently obvious to anybody who looks that the claims of religion have never been substantiated. There is no hard evidence that indicates, beyond reasonable doubt, the divinity of Jesus, for example.

>i think you'll find "only things which are falsifiable can we make epistemological claims about" is itself unfalsifiable
I dunno what horseshit you're blathering about but my example shows that statements about the empirical world (like those made in science) are definitely falsifiable.
>Science is definitely falsifiable. If someone says "this 500ml bottle of Coca-Cola weighs 2kg", that can be falsified by weighing the bottle.
Utter non-sequitur
posted by a ... third world immigrant! (who is probably also a rapist)
blinded that cunt by science
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What she read
All heady books she'd sit and prophesize
It took a tattooed boy from Birkenhead
To really, really open her eyes
might buy some prescription pills from a dodgy website
any peng bints in?
corr imagine how many migrants you could house in those buildings
fucked up my entire life lmao
>Wrong. It's patently obvious to anybody who looks that the claims of religion have never been substantiated. There is no hard evidence that indicates, beyond reasonable doubt, the divinity of Jesus, for example.
again you are making unsubstantiated claims. for example i could say "for everyone who has looked into the claims of jesus's divinity there is countless hard evidence that indiciates beyond reasonable doubt his status" this would be an unsubstantiated claim and would need evidence to back it up and it is an inversion of the very claim you just made. so again i ask you to substantiate your claims
>I dunno what horseshit you're blathering about but my example shows that statements about the empirical world (like those made in science) are definitely falsifiable.
hey mate if you're struggling to understand my point or the terminology used then just say so and we can work it through together. what did you find "horseshit" in my comment?
does 3L of milk weigh 3kg?
Mad they charge you a hundred grand of pounds if you want to see the transcript
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it is what it is lad
bought a barbour and lots of women have told me that it looks good but I'm not sure if they actually think it does or they just find me attractive
£12 an hour at the chicken kiev factory to work as the bloke who fucks the butter in
same, mad how shit it is
honestly seriously need to keep diego in an electrified cage poking him with a prod
never too late lad
imagine how swollen and chafed his foreskin would get
not even mousenonce:
the non conscious cucknadian: omg diego diego diego pay attention to me
I guess you'd say that was a handmade chicken kiev yeah?
welcome to the club m8, take a number
the answer will shock you
funny how jews talk like they're hot shit when less than 100 years ago, they were being led like cattle to the slaughterhouse. really makes you think
any sexy milf man in?
yeah notoriously abrasive is garlic butter
>letting random woman drive your car
wonder if he'd eventually start liking, then loving getting jabbed and shocked, bet he would the little freak
playing Japan in hoi4 reckon if l avoid war with the Americans things will work out better
honestly very pleased and content with how far I've come from first coming to /brit/ to where I am today
might learn to crack safes and become a burglar
all three of us posted at the same time, crazy. mine was first because I'm better, js
their religion literally teaches them they are the chosen ones and everyone else is a dumb goy
not a good start
My life is brazy
Want to fix UK prisons? Let the women out. Simple as
this guy was smarter than everyone here combined tbf
don't abide by antisemitism, bruce
it was rigged from the start
Is all of this shite meant to look bad? Is this the fashion trend now to wear purposely ugly looking clothing in irony?
Breadcrumbs mate, it's like sandpaper when you're fucking at professional speeds
get your box out
Want to fix UK prisons? stop immigration. Simple as
Might...uhhhh...might...I might...uhhhh... *sits back defeated and stares at the wall waiting for bedtime*
get your fucking willy out for the ira
neither is vagina but tell that to my foreskin
Not fixed exactly more like...transformed
the key to making wax jackets and any ""ugly" clothing work is to not be overweight or undermuscled
want to fix crime in the UK? start scalping people
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if you want to fight to the death about it then waddle your obese ufarted shartian ass over the pond and have a dig at it
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>ufarted shartian
>Labour's war on landords is finally driving me out: Tenants turned my house into a brothel, a drug den and a guinea pig farm but this is the last straw
feel like shit
more posts like this, please
you can tell that cat is really bothered, just wants the stupid dog to piss off
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>Amazon tells staff to get back to office five days a week
seems more gentlemanly to meet halfway
depressed? or are you ill?
Obviously not, someone can make a claim and it can be falsified by showing an example that disproves the claim

Imagine reading a bunch of religious nonsense because you're too stupid to understand science and reality.
i honestly think these grandad collars (or band collars, whatever tf you want to call them) look really good but idk if you can wear them if you're not asian
yes mate, the upper management of amazon are all posting in this thread and we are livid (ceo of sex toys, me). loved posting (i mean working) from byron bay
think I have that new covid variant
you're in the wrong neighbourhood gayreek, slither your ass back over to /balk/
Bought a vape. Not as enjoyable as the fags. The lovely lovely fags.
>Russian soldiers execute Ukrainian with a medieval-style SWORD in revenge for Kursk incursion
bro what
i reckon aids isn't even that bad
So what are you arguing? That some statements are falsifiable? Who was saying otherwise?
wog cunt
can you have tattoos like that if you're not gay?
to be fair the warehouse workers working from home was a logistical nightmare
Getting fucking blackified
good morning sir
i hate tattoos full stop tbf, probs one of the biggest turnoffs for me
fashion is a meme if you're good looking you can wear anything if you're ugly just try not to wear anything different like this or you'll look like a freak
kills you
no more guns left
hey mate not sure you read my post could you try and read it properly before ad homineming, appreciate it.
i was literally born in 2006
yeah bet your life is so bad, poor baby
we have so many good looking lads in /brit/
are we the best looking general on the site?
zoomer puffy balls and bussy…..
then yous a zoomer
i'm decent looking and starting at oxford in a couple weeks, which is a stylish city so i'm currently à la recherche of decent fits
ye millionaires and mega shaggers
if you start taking hormone blockers RIGHT NOW might be able to turn to feminine enough to where i'd make you my little trooner house sex slave
can't help but associate tattoos with soy, effeminate and homosexuality now
yeah probably
stands to reason, shagger's general and all that
Some guy was saying science is unfalsifiable but it isn't.
least porn addicted millenial
stop shitting up /tip/ neek
total millenioid death (TMD)
cat and dog would have lovely tender meat on them tbf
literally have no idea what /tip/ is
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I don't waste my time reading religious nonsense in detail, that's for spackers like you
you're really stupid lmao
stfu slurp on my tip nigga
Landlords are the only one of the three orders whose revenue costs them neither labour nor care, but comes to them, as it were, of its own accord, and independent of any plan or project of their own. That indolence, which is the natural effect of the ease and security of their situation, renders them too often, not only ignorant, but incapable of that application of mind.
fat bitch
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what's up with her skull
she served me in poundland. she's 47
i'll give you mine aha
great word that - indolence
Projection from a moron
Roads are made, streets are made, services are improved, electric light turns night into day, water is brought from reservoirs a hundred miles off in the mountains — all the while the landlord sits still. Every one of those improvements is affected by the labor and cost of other people and the taxpayers. To not one of these improvements does the land monopolist contribute, and yet, by every one of them the value of his land is enhanced. He renders no service to the community, he contributes nothing to the general welfare, he contributes nothing to the process from which his own enrichment is derived…The unearned increment on the land is reaped by the land monopolist in exact proportion, not to the service, but to the disservice done.
what religious nonsense is that? I thought we were talking about philosophy. are you sure you're reading the right posts
they're called nehru shirts and they have been and gone mate they were in fashion like 22-23
i dont like how he has done this though
are you gay?
less arguing more bint posting, please
they started with nothing bruh
If you have me the equivalent of £20K I would do nothing with it. I have no desires for a particular holiday, any kind of car, or even something like a fancy watch. In one way this is perfect, but in another it is horrible to have nothing for which you aspire to save.
Enjoy believing in sky wizards
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you are literally too thick to follow conversations or understand the points being made
had a mental image of you as a posh brunette female when i posted that
bizarre post
i arrived in this country with nothing but the clothes on my back and the poo in my bum
Ah yes job interview day. Time to spend the next couple hours convincing myself that I don't really care if I get it or not and that I don't even want a job.
could just give it to me lad, I'd make good use of it
I followed it fine and you're so stupid that you can't counter my argument.
most intelligent atheist
What, buying drugs?
why do you only speak in insufferable reddit meme language like this
stay strong neet man
>Your amazon package is 7 stops away
>literally parked 30 yards from my front door
clearly you didn't or you wouldn't think that
gen z boss and a mini must have the nicest pink pussy out of all of them.
She can definitely afford a decent Brazilian wax so it’s all nice and smooth around her vag
least gay australian omdz
yeah? what you gonna do about it?
*whips the willard out*
alright then
least coping atheist
on the peggle porn
i live in a wealthy area and went for a jog today and parked by the road were fancy cars and walking and jogging along the running track were people with money, attractive women, and good looking blokes (saw plenty of leggings-wrapped arses that will be etched in my memory for many shags to come).

anyway, felt proper shite desu. everyone was better than me in every way
Nah I'm definitely not the smartest atheist, maybe my intelligence is just average

I think religious people just fundamentally want to tell lies because it serves their interests to do so, and atheists are people who have had enough of the horseshit so they point out the lies for what they are.

Enjoy being the moron that you are
Police in Namibia are investigating the death of four children who were playing in an empty old freezer in the north-eastern Zambezi Region.

Aged between three and six, the children were found inside the unused deep freezer in the densely populated area of the town of Katima Mulilo on Monday afternoon.

The police believe the children were accidentally trapped while playing and suffocated inside but investigations are under way.

Of the four children, two suffocated to death in the fridge while two others died in the hospital while receiving treatment, the public broadcaster reported.

“When I came in, I saw paramedics attending to my daughter and another girl. They rushed them to the hospital, while the other two were loaded in police mortuary vehicles,” Aranges Shoro, the father of the children, told privately owned The Namibian newspaper.

The two who were rushed to the nearby Katima Mulilo State Hospital were declared dead upon arrival, the public broadcaster NBC's news website reported, external.

It is not clear why the non-functional freezer was left outside a house of one of the affected families.
any form scout here?
do scouts go kayaking?
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I'm limited to posting on /brit/ obviously
Might have a word when he gets here though
fair enough
i'm actually neither posh, nor brunette, nor female
so you were way off
she wants a man who scrans greggs poo baps
Mmm what a suspiciously succinct response
*Dangles $50,000 worth of opioids in front of you*
oh my DAYS this country's full of certified battymen
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so this is rorke apparently
bruhj you've told on yourself when you paraphrased what was written completely incorrectly and admitted you couldn't make heads or tails of the "horseshit" lmao
you've done yourself you spastic
what's millennial core? we never did any shit like this
delete this
i think the nazis really damaged fascism's image
I'm not opioidlad so I'm immune to such things, that said I'd still like the £20K
got a sister? cousin? female friend? i'm a nice guy haha...
burnt out on ck3 after hundreds of hours which was my first paradox game. what map game should I pick up next? victoria 3 is on sale anyone played that?
superstitious freak has absolutely no rational basis for belief system so he spends his time saying "most intelligent atheist" at anyone who calls him a superstitious retard
Millennial stuff is like
>Me when PASTA!!!
fucking hell
least disingenuous atheist
i have a female friend but i'd like to bang her myself so she's off limits i'm afraid
ktim every time I go outside, feel embarrassed to even show myself
There's this game called Indeed, see if you can unlock employment
>which was my first paradox game
i was enslaving virtual africans when you were a lustful thought in your father's head
people with trans parents should be allowed to ride their mum's penis
pride of the australian workforce
needs to differentiate between nazism and fascism
I chose not to read your horseshit because I don't want to waste my time on religious nonsense

Enjoy being the thick cunt that you are
Guys be like
>I have a female friend, but I wouldn't have sex with her given the opportunity I swear!
is it really an australian video?
I went outside once and someone threw a bucket of tar at me and then an angry mob gathered and chased me back into my house
perfectly understandable
descovy tablets down the hatch
i do think people raising their kids gender neutral are messed up
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i'm a younger millennial so while I was indeed around for ragecomics, trololo and panelmemes, my coming of age occured around harambe & co in the heady, long-ago days of the mid-2010s
i'd have sex with every female friend i've ever had desu
sounds really grim
i have a few female friends and i'd shag some of them but not others, not that they're ugly or anything, it would just make life too complicated
well yeah
especially given the nazis weren't even fascist to begin with and spent a lot of their resources undermining fascists in Italy, Austria and Lithuania
>rorke demands immigrants integrate into English culture
>English heritage offers free access to their sites to help facilitate this
>rorke throws a complete fit

Why can't he make up his bloody mind
Had 3 dates since the ex left me and they were all mediocre
Just pulling on the slots until I get a winner
I'm a wfhchad but I need something to actually do during the day in between sending emails and my 2 meetings a week
sex with gen z boss while she calls me a good bou
Cumming all over a mazda miata's cute little popup headlights
yeah they're from a startup based in sydney, that video is a response to the backlash they got to the original
bet you felt real smart posting this
turn 24 this week lads
early 2010s were kino times indeed
might visit one of those remote islands in the Philippines for….you know…..;)
because he's a stupid bloody bastard bhenchod who refuses to do the needful
you are so braindead you can't even follow your own positions
before you were sure i was saying science was unfalsifiable and now you're saying you never read it cos it's religious nonsense
you're utterly braindead mate
state of you
leftypol infuriated we aren't paying them for going
rorke wants all immigrants sent back to their home countries
including 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants
>it would just make life too complicated
So if it weren't complicated, you would have sex with them yes?
ktim 626 weeks ago
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Remember Kony2012 and Swag, specifically "yoloswag?"
what was being 24 like? i have a few days to prepare
black dickkkkkkk
85 years ago, on 17 September 1939, the Red Army liberated the working people of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine from 20 years of tyrannical and rapacious rule Polish landlords and capitalists and prevented fascist Germany from occupying Lvov, Bialystok, etc, as well as returning Vilnius to Lithuanians.

Happy anniversary comrades!
Smash the Pole with a Bolshevik steel fist.
106 days left until 2025.
Watch out lad, the last time I made a post like this I got banned
zoomers are horrible already bullying alphoomers even though they're only like 11 years old
top yourself groomer
i dont remember.
feel like them being brown takes away from it somewhat
oh yes and who could forgot the infamous harlem shake or the ice bucket challenge
good time to be alive mate
mid 20s firmly on your horizon but late 20s seem like plenty of time away (they're not, you'll blink and wake up as a 28yo one day so be prepared)
no one expects you to have figured everything out at 24 so go out, smash some pints, work on yourself and grow, but most importantly have a good time
>nazis weren't even fascist to begin with
what were they
those were the days... *sips prune juice and chucks another werthers original in my gob*

this post was made by Spainfat
why was Engelbet Dolfuss killed?
who was covertly frustrating the Italians attempts at colonising Ethiopia?
who handed fascist Lithuania over to the Soviets on a silver platter as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?

Mussolini only deepthroating Hitler because the Nazis forced him into a corner where he had no other choice. He didn't get the racial autism and wept when the nazis killed his Austrian fascist midget dictator friend in 1934.

Also worth noting the Spaniards and Portuguese were fascists up until the 70s and saw GDP growth rates they haven't been able to match since.
brick the kinda nigga to be like "im sure you're wrong but i also dont understand what you're saying"
was 24 in 2015. not a good year all things said. would drink every friday night after toil and then all day saturday on my own, had no social events the whole year and got fat. possibly one of my worst years
they’re pink inside though!
Why should I read your religious nonsense lmao

You're so thick it's painful
...national socialist
What are we even going to call Gen alpha
We can't call them alphas
stop chasing kids outside of schools toby
national SOCIALIST german worker's party :-)
maybe one day brick will get a text message from god to change his mind
>starts trying to talk about christanity and religion
>hurr durr why should i read it
how are you this thick lmao
you're the stupidest fucker ont he entire planet
good lads
honestly don't care in the slightest about anything you said
Imagine being so thick that you can't actually counter arguments you don't like

It's impossible for me to be the thickest cunt on the planet because you're far thicker than I am

you dont get to say that. because you are a cancer that provides no value. think about it - what value does this post have? and i can say 'black cock' and think about sexo black men because thats not against the rules. but your cancer is
good luck
why'd the ex leave you lad
rorkestein and leftypolberg
speaking of thick cunts, wonder who in the world has the thickest cunt(vagina)
brick you're so thick you admitted yourself you dont understand waht is being talked about AND you engaged with something you also say you dont want to talk about
how is it possible to be this utterly retarded
what is remarkable is you are so thick you dont realise how incredibly thick you come across to everyone else
why do you paedos always love black boys
they were national socialist the whole time so I don't get what you're saying
the shaggers general as it were

no cuck posts toby
>saw GDP growth rates they haven't been able to match since.
Spain and Portugal were low wage arseholes
still keeps you occupied for hours at a time
national socialism is distinct from fascism so calling germany 'fascist' is, at best, unhelpful
Takes me half an hour to get my contact lenses in :/
melty incoming
Everyone you don't like is masonry are they?

You're so thick it's painful, take your religious nonsense and shove it up your arse
i think i'm on track to have not "wasted my 20s" by the time i reach 30
have learned french and will probably start on another language soon (chinese or german i think)
have an oxbridge masters, about to start a phd so will be a Dr by 28
have already had a 3-year long relationship, so have experience all of the joys of that and the subsequent suicidal-depression-inducing break-up
have a best friend, and many good friends
so yeah doing alright thanks
unlucky lad i don't need contacts or glasses because my vision is fine
true but they were when the fash took over
the estado novo regime and franco closed the gap (albeit not entirely)
and the gap remains to this day
wankin' my william cause all know it won't be wanked no other way
least delusional brit poster

these are discord Spainparaise posts. he is cancer. his posts shouldnt be allowed. he is Canada on a VPN and also fat on /cum/. i can post about black men or sex but HE is the one making them get banned because he is the janny and aslo cancer. he is cancer.
good lad
fuck off normie cunt
you're the one who engaged with the "religious nonsense" you unbeliveably thick fuck
thicco bricco
so this is it.. the last /brit/..
wow that moved quick
toby cuck arc is not what i expected lol
at last . the end of rorke

the leftypol discord ascends
foul cuckold
yeh you do a lot of that
Nazism is German fascism.
sydney is so lucky
shits all over pozbourne
It's not him
beautiful day out there. summer is back on the menu
big brain
and socialism is russian fascism and communism is chinese fascism and islamism is saudi fascism and juche is north korean fascism and ancap is argentinian fascism
toby bouncing his Glasgow bussy
no good (re: melbourne)
love sydney me
I deliberately didn't engage with it like I said. You're so stupid it's painful. Glad we could establish how ridiculously thick you are.
ahh it was the other retarded atheist who pretended it was about falsification in science was it? you're not only unbeliveably thick you're a coward as well
state of you
you are the greatest argument against christanity
h ow could you possibly have any resemblance to god
Your posts were about religious nonsense which is why I didn't read them

You're so thick it's painful, and you're a coward because you run away from every single genuine challenge to your lies

Stupid moron
didn't know there were still illiterates in this country until i came across you
even the downeys at the local cafe can follow text better than you
look how angry that anime girl is

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