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What are some trvth nvkes about your country?

I'll start. We're first world
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we are in sharp decline
The days of bravo eesti are behind us
This shithole will never cross the thirdie/firstie barrier
We're second world
The guy after Putin will be a simpleton armyman which will be even more putiny.
Our government invented a story about mass graves filled with native children that don't exist and then make it illegal to question it
do you really think you aren't third world
We will never unfuck our shit. Our boomers are genuinely the worst and dumbest around but they’re the biggest demographic so they’ll be pandered to. /tv/ likes to meme about the reverse mortgage thing but if we had it I’m sure every boomer would sign up so their kids get absolutely nothing.
Where have I said that papadopoulos? Don't Greeks know how to read anymore?
We are done
We deserved our own Stalin , Mao
>We're first world
Our boomers go to die in Thailand and the German kids get nothing because only Thai citizens can inherit anything under Thai law. No reverse mortgage needed.
greeks are retard yogurt makers
we control the world not the jews
this is true for every thirdie hell hole of non-meme population amount
makes zero sence foreginers cant own land in thailand, german banks are not gonna ship of a dead boomers life savings to thailand. inneritence laws are always ultra strict
The EU should've never bailed us out.
They should've let greek bond yields go to 50% and let them deal with it.
Poor people should not be allowed to borrow on cheap credit (or borrow at all).
Poors should never be allowed to deal with money at all. The eu should've turned a cold shoulder and said: just stop having deficits.
Chilean cities are shitholes, chilean people in general are awful planners because low IQ, their self construction projects are utter trash. Ironically mud and brick houses for the rabble in colonial times were far more comfy than whathever pic related is. Inmigrants from caribbean countries are the worst scum on earth and don't have a single good trait to speak about.
The food here is bad and our women are ugly, you can find a hot bunda here but most femoid here look like dragons, not even our trannies look good
no, I DON'T wanna work
Your country is being reduced to rubble, Ivan. Soon there won't be much left to call first world
why are you two so hateful
I wish you all the best :)
>look like dragons
what does this mean?
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Indians are mostly right about my country.
what do they say about bangladesh?
what are the boomers doing?
what do you mean?
Drinking, gossiping, drinking, letting houses they inherited rot, bear in mind all the poor education related statistics are largely due to boomers who barely had any schooling
Housing would be less of an issue if they actually sold it but they either don’t sell it (because reasons) or never lower prices so you end up with this ridiculous situation where houses in prime locations become dilapidated wrecks while their kids who might have stayed if they had a home end up moving abroad
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sounds a bit like boomers in this country. their fate with nurse shaniqua at the inner city nursing home awaits them patiently.
do women look like dragons in estonia too?
>Housing would be less of an issue if they actually sold it but they either don’t sell it (because reasons)
The 90 year old boomers might need them, you never know!!
>their fate with nurse shaniqua at the inner city nursing home awaits them patiently.
Kek, but unfortunately we don't have Shaniquas
>unfortunately we don't have Shaniquas
count yourself lucky my friend
The bugs and animals here aren’t even scary compared to the ones in other countries that can actually kill you, if they are they’re extremely rare and confined to a specific area nobody goes to
sweden is slowly becoming third world

normies are starting to nootice that the welfare system has all but collapsed and the cost of living is rising but they don't want to admit it
Trvth nuke: It's 3am
Its the best its gonna get. From now on it will get worse. More inflation. More dysoptian. More depression. etc. As nobody wants to actual fix things in the government. Only cope and but bandages on a already wounded system.

>huge war, huge collaspe, etc
Won't happen. It will be a slow decline and by the end of our zoomers time it will be clear. But because of the pace it will be not noticeable to majority.
We suck but we are still better than everyone else. That's how bad you all are.
Bangladesh beats India (by a lot) in virtually every metric regarding quality of life and human development.
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>tfw putin is a moderate in russia
I wouldn't say so
don't you have work anon? don't tell me...
we have been defeated morally, economically, and spiritually
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Ahhh yes, america, notoriously known for being better than..
>literally any european country

Yup, it's time for meds.
We are never escaping the middle income trap
Yes, we are.
Dawg if you break your toe in America you are in debt for the rest of your life. You also have to go into debt for education. What kind of backwards society does that?

It's funny how you guys talk about freedom yet you are seemingly enslaved by the banks at every moment. The only freedom you guys have is the freedom to please your kike overlords.
Yes and we are STILL better than you.
Insane that you suck THAT bad.
our food and women are overrated af
Croatia is getting better, and is better since yugo times, there are more and more people returning from the west im talking young people not boomers, for a lot of people financially it doesnt make sense to move to the west anymore
We still have a lot of problems tho
Last time i was in italy with my dad he told me how ashamed they felt when going to italy during yugo times since they where so poor but now croatia looks better than italy
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Yeah but it's still a poorfuck shithole country.
Are u the terraria nigga, I just finished calameme today. 2/10.
Trvth nvke: I'm a NEET in my country. I'll sleep when I feel like shutting my eyes and wake up when I'm done dreaming. Just as God intended.
The parliament is nothing more than an incestious group of power hungry politicans who only differ in what they do in rhetoric and not actually practice. When they are done giving their mates government contracts and getting honourary seats on a company for favours they do what 60 year olds want them to do to the detriment of everybody else.
Nope but its a fun game, I played way back when the WoF was the final boss
The unique class-based antipathy of the British public (going both directions) and the popular folk memory of the industrial revolution means that it will always be politically impossible to teach a man to fish. All our social systems, going back at least to Labour in 1945 and probably the Liberals in 1906, are based on giving a man a fish. Our wider economy is the same. No infrastructure or business investment is ever politically possible because it takes money out of the screaming mouths of pensioners and teen mothers (and now immigrants). We will sink under the North Sea, drowning as we are clinging to our belief that a fair country is one where the government legislates to make everything fair, not business being productive or transport effective or education beneficial any other form of efficiency whatsoever.
All those positive metrics about here are why I don't believe in them anymore. Especially ones saying we are wealthy.
things would have turned out better had CIA not taken part in killing ngo dinh diem
by nigger standards? you are a futuristic cyber-utopia

by human standards? you are a bigger honduras
Skibidi toilet is not that popular here
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our entire economy depends on lithuania
first world doesnt mean a "developed" country though
most of the world looks down upon us, not just for being born here, and most of the time they are right.
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we are eastern europe
it's ok here
Paris is a great city.
We're not a great country. We're just alright.
If western cape separated from the rest of south africa it'd be first world like singapore or hong kong

my ancestors :)
90ish % of the population are subhuman vermin. The clearest path to development is bombing this shithole back to the stone age and starting anew while importing civilized peoples from abroad.
gets worse every year

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