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the bottle edition
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birmingham police greyhound is coming
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>the bottle edition
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>Such a comfy day, and it's mine
>The most comfiest day of my life
Hello to my fellow anglophones
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Full moon tonight?
based ducks
All my homies hate stoichiometric coefficients
yes, and there's going to be a partial eclipse peaking at 4:44 am CEST
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And yes, the full moon will be at 4:34 am.
>stoichiometric coefficients
idk what is it
is it oozbeskistan or ozbeskistan
it's Uzkekistan
yeah but how is it pronounced
ask youtube
>idk what is it

Chemistry shenanigans
>What is an example of a stoichiometric coefficient?
>Stoichiometric Coefficient Example
>In the chemical equation 2 H 2 + O 2 2 H 2 O
I loved that in high school.
it's kind of basic innit. And most of the time it's not that difficult to figure out, though I am not sure about that in advanced levels (university and above). The English chemical nomenclature is way more annoying to me. The Czech chemical nomenclature is S tier. It's well structured, concise and clear.
hear hear, it was easy once you get the hang of it
>hear hear, it was easy once you get the hang of it
I know, it was just an example - if I understand the term.
what is O'zbekiston about
great cunt for budget mountaineering, that is all I know
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tbf Mossad and its action with the pagers, it's a magnificent piece of work.
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good afternoon

I was washing the kitchen
sup anon, I was eating early dinner.
Guten tag
Wie geht es Ihnen mein Kamerad? Es ist alles gut mit dich???
I was doing chemical engineering back in Brazil but here the GPA requirement for that here is way too high, something like 3.5 per term. If you don’t maintain a 3.5 for each term you get kicked out so now I’m trying to apply to easier engineerings or just end up doing CS+DS+STATS. Are you in the realm of chemistry? Why are you interestrd in it?
>play arma III as "western ultranationalist" faction
>spawn randomly with tavor and uzi
what did they mean by this?
How bad are the floodings in Czechia?
Yes I wanted to check on you guys. How are you guys faring with this whole flood issue?
some places were hit pretty badly, several people KIA, damages are counted in hundreds of millions euro
Quite OK, levelled houses - max 20,
damaged a few villages in the Jeseníky Mountains,
no major damage - basically just dry everything out and clear away the mud,
insurance companies estimate all damages to +/- 750mil USD

From what I've seen, Poland is much more fucked up.
>several people KIA
1997 +/- 50
2002 +/- 17
2009 +/- 14
this year? 3? 4?
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>this year? 3? 4?
sounds about right though I am not keeping score

I read about a smaller village where every single building got damaged in some way, many to be torn down
>smaller village where every single building got damaged in some way
Nové Heřmínovy,
but that village is supposed to be all demolished anyway. A dam will be built on that site to protect Krnov and Opava.
We already have at least 10 dead, and there will be more.
That's perfectly OK. I was at my grandmother's house today, pumping out water. Low level of water, no damage - just dry and paint.
What about the broken dam and the town of Nysa?
I know, this is minor stuff in the grand scheme of things
>but that village is supposed to be all demolished anyway
sounds like a good time to buyout property and land for the dam project and to resettle people someplace less retarded
The situation is stabilizing in that town supposedly
>to buyout property and land for the dam project
the locals are fighting this project with all their strength, kekekeke
So now we're waiting for the Wrocław happening?
Yes, this is the biggest city that is going to get affected by this flood. Friday will be the worst day
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Jesus, you people are taking it more seriously than I do. I don't even know wtf site that pic is from
>I don't even know wtf site that pic is from
>you people are taking it more seriously than I do
Sure, I love floods, and I'll wait 30 years for the next big flood. I want to enjoy it.
>and I'll wait 30 years for the next big flood

Our eco-libtards are already screeching and doom-posting about how this flood is going to repeat itself every year because ''muh climate change'' etc
We have a problem here - after every flood, our government builds new and better flood protection systems. So what's a fuck up now won't be a problem in the future.
So something bigger will have to come, and I'll have to wait another 30 years.
At least you people have working infrastructure, but here its all in the hands of incompetent people
>At least you people have working infrastructure
Anon, I am a regular visitor to Poland, and you already have better roads than we do. I don't know how your railroad compares to ours.
As for the houses, you have (most of) them repaired and renovated too.
This is interesting to hear
It's simple - you used the EU gibs better.
You have chosen to channel that money into just a few areas, and it shows.
We don't have such a concept, so the money is dripping into a bunch of places with no visible effect.
>We don't have such a concept, so the money is dripping into a bunch of places with no visible effect

This is particulary strange. Because Czechia as a smaller country, should be able to better prioritize it's EU gibs, because as a smaller nation - they have less needs.
>This is particulary strange.
No, it's not - we're retards.
We never had any goals/concepts for the future.
We are not planning anything beyond the 4-year term.
>as a smaller nation - they have less needs.
we have stupid and corrupt politicians who have a lot of needs
>we have stupid and corrupt politicians who have a lot of needs
I think it is similar to Poland. And my guess is that Slovakia and Hungary are much worst affected.
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God Damn it....
Ok, I get it now
and the only ones who aren't in /dixie/ again are the Dixielanders
Passed my advanced poop exam, lads
what the fuck is that
The next level of certification for Wastewater Treatment
What will be your profession?
I mean, I have the same job, but I'm eligible for more promotions and advanced positions.
The license type determines what size plant you're allowed to oversee; I think now I'll be qualified to oversee a 5 Million Gallon Per Day plant, my next upgrade will be basically unlimited
>5 Million Gallon Per Day plant
I'm totally unfamiliar with American units, but I assume it's a lot.
My father was co-owner of a plant that would kill the whole town in case of accident, kek.
my dinner is pre-cooked as always, I'll gonna eat it later
I have a haircut appointment tomorrow morning
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>my dinner is pre-cooked as always
I just finished a double protein drink, with milk and vanilla ice cream - the milkshake here is a great substitute for a second dinner.
>haircut appointment
I hope you will add some cheerful colorful stripes this time.
18927000 liters per day of treated sewage
Was the examiner a man in a suit with a German accent that approached you in a hotel during breakfast and did the exam take place in that hotel's bathroom
If so, I can unfortunately tell you from experience that there is no certificate coming in the mail
>18927000 liters
is that 18927m3?
It was a computer

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>protein drink
this is something I will never understand, I'm really not familiar with it, starting with the taste
Also, I usually have second breakfast, but not 2nd dinner
desu I think I quit forever the idea of long hair, the last time was a pain enough in the ass to mantain it
>starting with the taste
depending on the brand, some are very tasty and some not at all
>this is something I will never understand
It's my old stock - I used to prepare it for my mom, it's an easy way to provide the body with important nutrients (in very small volume), ideal for ill people
>long hair
You don't need long hair for cheerful colours on your head :-)
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going to get out the SNES and some cold ones and play some TranDirect Home Banking System with the boys this weekend
I'm going to shit myself, I had my last shift at work today. While I was on my evening walk, i had my phone in my pocket and it went crazy and changed the theme of the work messenger chat several times and it sent some emojis. I look like a total dumbass now
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So we have another Czech here.
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not my style
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p 8
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Is it better for you to commit a serious crime in Georgia or is it better to cross the border into South Carolina
it doesn't matter as long as you don't get caught
Yeah, that sounds like a winning strategy, in a dream.
We're both conservative states with the death penalty
>death penalty
Do you have statistics on how many innocent people you've executed?
I guess you only execute obvious cases these days.
Gas, bullet, chair?
Not officially.
There are people who were found innocent before execution and people who were determined to have been guilty but not necessarily deserving of the death penalty (which is subjective, but whatever)
No outright innocent deads that I know of.
I think now in Georgia they only really do lethal injection.
I don't understand one thing - if they are found guilty and sentenced to death and all appeal options are exhausted - why not execute them right away? They often wait years to be executed.
I think the appeal options take forever to actually be exhausted, and unless it's a high profile person, I think they normally kind of execute in order of conviction.
I can't say that with too much confidence though; I don't know THAT much about it.
OK, I'm just curious, plus it seems like you hardly do any executions these days.

I don't have any opinion on executions, but I do think that in our country, people sentenced for life should be able to choose to be executed - if they want to.
It's gotta be pretty bad to actually get the death sentence. Normally they just plead guilty for a life sentence
It's an interesting cultural difference - since 1989, we have 49 people sentenced to life in prison (after 20 years they can apply for parole),
in the same period you have 63 executions.
We have 10.5 million people, you have 10.9 million people.
Do you know how many life sentences you have?
>We have 10.5 million people, you have 10.9 million people.
Something wrong?
oh you meant Georgia alone, I didn't get that at first
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We are using extraflags, so I am talking only about Georgia.
try this
AI answer from my search engine:
>"Based on the provided search results, there is no direct answer to the question “How many Georgian prisoners are on life sentences.” However, we can extract relevant information to provide an estimate.

According to the Prison Policy Initiative’s Georgia profile, as of 2021, Georgia has approximately 95,000 people incarcerated in its prisons and jails. Additionally, another 356,000 people are on probation or parole.

Regarding life sentences, the Law Stack Exchange snippet provides information on parole eligibility for life sentences in Georgia. For sentences imposed from January 1, 1995 to June 30, 2006, prisoners are first eligible for parole after 14 years. For sentences imposed after June 30, 2006, prisoners are first eligible for parole after 30 years.

Assuming that a significant portion of the 95,000 prisoners are serving life sentences (although the exact percentage is unknown), we can make an educated estimate. Let’s assume 20% of prisoners are serving life sentences (a rough estimate, as the actual percentage may be higher or lower).

Based on this assumption, approximately 19,000 prisoners (20% of 95,000) might be serving life sentences. However, this is a rough estimate and should be treated with caution, as the actual number could be higher or lower."
>Georgia has approximately 95,000 people incarcerated in its prisons and jails
Czechia 20.000
>approximately 19,000 prisoners (20% of 95,000) might be serving life sentences
Holy shit

That's really interesting, thank you for your efforts.
Well, America loves imprisoning people
But also we do have more crime
I don't mind. I'm only interested in the facts, I'm not concerned or threatened by your justice system.

Guys, I think I just found a real gem.
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>I'm not concerned or threatened by your justice system.
uh,.... unless you were going to commit crimes here, I don't know why you would be
Considering how scared I am of flying, it is unlikely that I will ever commit a criminal act on US soil.
I refuse to drive less than 90mph on the highway, but that's probably not a criminal act.
Nothing wrong with flying

The local interstate's speed limit here is 70 mph (113 commie units). Cops generally won't pull you over unless it's over 80 (128), but it's not uncommon to go 100 (161)
>Nothing wrong with flying
For me, yes. I don't trust anything I can't control. It makes me endlessly panic, and the alcohol doesn't help.
>to go 100
That's my usual cruising speed in Czechia. In Pooland 180-190 (I only risk a fine, not losing my license), in Gaymany 220 (my car is too loud over that speed), and Austria - always 130, these scumbags are automatically measuring speed in many places, and the fines are astronomical.
We have small cities here that make a lot of their money from speeding fines.
One was so notorious for it that the governor had a sign put outside the city warning drivers that it was basically a trap.
>governor had a sign put outside the city warning drivers that it was basically a trap
>We have small cities here that make a lot of their money from speeding fines.
same, but WAZE is the solution
I haven't paid a single speeding ticket in Czechia (I have been driving for over 16 years)
The last time I got a speeding ticket, I was, admittedly, speeding, but I was in a place that had a big drunk driving problem, so they'd pull you over for just about anything, but normally just let you go if you were sober.
>in a place that had a big drunk driving problem
that's the whole Czechia, and that's why they automatically do an alcohol test every time
>they automatically do an alcohol test every time
a breathalyzer or a field sobriety?
A breathalyzer would be annoying but quick, a field sobriety would be fucking annoying as hell
>a breathalyzer
this, you can refuse, and go for a blood test, or you can refuse everything, but you're automatically guilty
if they feel you're under the influence of drugs, they carry drug tests as well (but that's never happened to me)
Similar to here,
You can refuse a Field Sobriety and you're immediately getting arrested
You can do the field sobriety and refuse the breathalyzer, but you're getting arrested.
If you do both, you're only getting arrested for good reason
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>Field Sobriety
we don't have that
>immediately getting arrested
our police can't do that, they can only ban you from continuing to drive
Yeah, I just looked it up, apparently it's mostly an American and Canadian thing.
It's good for determining impairment for things other than alcohol; but also alcohol. Issue with it is that most of the tests are kind of up to the officer's judgment to tell if you're impaired -- only one is considered scientific, afaik.

>our police can't do that, they can only ban you from continuing to drive
DUI laws vary a lot from state to state, but I think in every state, you're basically going to jail or the police station if they think you're impaired and you refuse testing
>ssue with it is that most of the tests are kind of up to the officer's judgment to tell if you're impaired
And that is very non-European. Our police must use testers with regular accreditation from a certified laboratory, kek.
>you're basically going to jail
Our police must use testers with regular accreditation from a certified laboratory.

But that's due to a different mentality, we don't give the police powers that they can abuse, because 35 years ago it was a tool of the totalitarian state.
>Our police must use testers with regular accreditation from a certified laboratory
The field testers they use are not considered admissible in court, but they take you to the station and use a regularly calibrated one for legal evidence purposes. They also have some formula to determine the difference from time of testing and time of arrest.
Ask me how I know
>Ask me how I know
kek, I think I know, but how do you know?
I got arrested lmao.
A good lawyer can get you out of it unless you completely fuck up or you're just absolutely completely shittered.
My lawyer told me one time he had a client who got pulled over, and when he stepped out of the car he threw up all over the cop, and he couldn't really help him.
>and he couldn't really help him
What are the usual punishments for drink-driving?
fuck I need to stop exploring those rabbit holes late at night, it's 3:30 am already. I wanted to get up early-ish and make focaccia tomorrow

>Penalties that you may face if you are convicted of a DUI can include imprisonment, fines, mandatory alcohol assessment and treatment, community service, and probation. In many states, you will not face a long period of imprisonment for a first offense DUI because it is treated as a misdemeanor
nice get borat
Heavily dependent on the state.
If I had been convicted I /could/ have had my license suspended, done one day in jail, paid some fines, and did some community service.
I didn't get convicted. My lawyer hired an expert witness who determined the entire stop was unlawful and that the cop fucked up my tests. It spent so long in an attempt to get it moved to a higher court that the cop quit, so they no longer had a witness to any crime.
>it's 3:30 am already
10mg of melatonin and nothing is happening
>My lawyer
And how much did you pay to your lawyer?
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Look what we have here
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Believe me, it's worth it in comparison the headache and increased insurance rates in the future.

also hagehig
GN anons
Penis thread for penis people
Greetings. How are you gentlemen today?
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Managed to get my student driving permit without seminars or anything that would qualify me to get behind a steering wheel due to my family being connected, now I have no idea how to proceed apart from watching some Youtube videos on how to drive a manual. Any tips on driving brehs?
3rd world moment
Don't hit anything
As long as your family is connected well enough, you can hit what you want
Except maybe American soldiers on permission from the local base

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