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Guam Edition
first for sex with anime women
and then i said, the Amendment can suck my nuts
hello mapchad
that ain't me
sex with reggie
sex sex cartoon furrymouse. i love Whygena
sure it is
lol. that is because its literally an explosive
based chuds getting dabbed on by the liberal establishment
nice edition
yo uknow what the brand/label chemical is because of the 5% >.<
i think it can also be in 15% sugar and 5% of that
thank you
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>brownoids inconvenience, rob or even kill urbanites (all libs or brownoids themselves)
>ahaha that'll show the rural/suburban chuds
use my trip
stay out of the ghetto, problem solved
i'd still rather live around them than rural white trash
I'm bisexual
brownoids are being shipped to small towns, usually to line the pockets of some landlord lobbyist
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>just let the ghettos become lawless zoos for brownoids to kill eachother, why do you CARE?
wtf I love libruls now
brownoids are being shipped to small towns, usually to line the pickles of some pickle jar lobbyist
im voting kamala
>saying the K word
Janny will not like this
blame white people for redlining and disenfranchising brown people.
white people created the ghetto.
im glad that YouTube exists because without it, i would of never seen a chemist mixing bleach and ammonia - how much they drip in for the chlorine - and how much is too much
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day 3 of eating only reeses pieces and drinking water
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Akchually they blame wypipo for gentrification if they move back into the ghetto and stop it from being a shithole. Why are you browns so ungrateful?
you in a couple of threads
>omg why is my life so shit and miserable
>redlining and disenfranchising brown people
not a predictive model for behavior
I dont feel sad just extremely low energy
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check your T levels
i need som C({23})H({27})Cl({2})N({3})O(_{2})12
What does the N on New Balance shoes stand for?
Stands for "New Balance" the B stands for Brand. New balance Brand
business idea: BA in psychology bf as my boyfriend and he pretends im an apprentice but really its just my boyfriend and im kept in a padded cell for him and drugged, but its just an apprenticeship
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>stop it from being a shithole
>opens up a starbucks on every corner, hipster restaurants serving shitty overpriced food, etc
wow white people sure are amazing
nofap is such a meme and this is coming from someone who did it for half a year
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I try, I try to make you cry
Will you love me?
Oh, I would say yes
Oh, I would say yes
The need to be the best before the need to rest
Oh, I would say yes
Oh, I would say yes
god damn white people are geniuses
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I agree kek
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Currently eating carrots. I always enjoy them but always forget to buy them when I'm at the store
watch gay porn

if sexually aroused = high t
if not = low t
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>noooo I prefer crackheads and shuttered stores so I can complain
A simple thank you would suffice
fat demoralization post ^
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Gets are not good on this board tbqh
Eric Shun
this isnt what they see but what they think is "how to make the gibs promises last longer" - a win for them is getting more gibs for the country for more years. thats how they think
>i prefer corporations over locally owned mom and pop shops
white people are evil and soulless
I once told someone on /adv/ that nofap has had no effect on my life and I am still a miserable fuck. he went full schizo. Me reckons they hold super high expectations
fuck off brian
putting the cigarette ash ive saved up (over 50g of tobacco smoked) and putting it in bottles full of pis, with a toothpick in them to break the surface tension
i'm sexually attracted to my own feet
I'm the guy who did it for half a year
Yes you get more "energy" but it's always counterbalanced by the fact that you're horny af (so much so that landwhales start to become attractive).
You're more "confident" and risk-taking because you're much more desperate to bust a nut
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White people are the only ones consistently with souls (not 100% thoughbeit)
Having a job with a performance based bonus made me into a liar
brown people started civilization
>eastern europe is a shithole because of years of communist oppression
>africa is a shithole of years of colonial oppression- er...actually...because they're black
>work out daily, run on non-workout days
>only eat home made healthy food
>no drugs (besides caffeine) and alcohol
>go to sleep around midnight
>still can't get myself to do anything fun and just sit idly when there's no chores to be done
it's over
so why are their countries shitholes now
you have a hatred for the imaginary white person.
everyone else has a wisened hatred of you
so you dont actually like sucking dick?
ancient egyptians were nubians (black)
At least they stayed in their lane. Never started WORLD wars, don't wageslave a day in their life, live in accordance with nature and don't think mean can magically become women. And id bet they're happier than 90% of westerners
>colonial oppression caused africans to live in mud huts from before 10,000BC to now
What did he mean by this?
why was europe a shithole back then?
because they are too dumb, weak, and lazy to combat white social and financial pressures (not buying their stuff at a big mark up and giving them lots (more) free money)
>don't think mean can magically become women
A lot of tribes think this according to troons thoughbeit
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>live in accordance with nature
colonialism has halted the economic development of africa, yes, that's exactly it.
Hopefully cooked
it wasn't
>according to troons
You dun goofed
The only time someone is truly confident is when they have enough experience dealing with women. And it only gets better when you're in a relationship since you learn the many nuances of communication and the inner workings of the female brain.
i look like this and drive like this
africa is the richest continent in tbe terms of natural resources.
the entire western world relies on africa for metals like lithium and others for modern technology.
Yeah. They pretty much have to they don't have modern tech

Nah. It's raw or nothing. Though while looking for that pic I saw a recipe for baked buttery carrots and have to admit it sounded tempting
>Africans would have went from their mudhuts to interstellar space colonies if it weren't for late 19th century European intervention
It's funny when people argue this genuinely
killed a lantern fly
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I don't believe it but it's hilarious when they are like
>uhhh actually a lot of societies had troons you are just western biased
>*gives examples of Australian Abos and Pacific Islanders that also had ritual pedophilia & cannibalism*
Like are these supposed to help your case...?
>lantern fly
Based invasive species stopper
how come the violence, ignorance, and economic failures of african people extend through time, cultural background, relative levels of wealth, geographic displacement, and education?
So Mossad manipulated thousands of Pissbollah pagers and blew them up today or what
why didn't native Americans build a massively powerful civilization around the Great Lakes?
we DO NOT CARE about the comings and goings of brown foreigners in a foreign country
they were too busy engaging in petty tribal conflict
thank you egyptians, iraqis and pakistanis for creaing civilization
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me? im shleepy
Coffee time, you cunts
cum inside it's fun inside
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Uhh... racism... socioeconomic factors... it couldn't possibly be anything else
So tell me about cornrows.
Apparently negro slaves braided maps of escape routes into their hair or whatever.
Idk but that sounds like complete horsehit to me. What the fuck would that tell someone. If you can spend hours braiding hair, you might as well just use 10 seconds to whisper the instructions to someone? Idk it just sounds like Wakanda we wuz type fake history.
Idk idk you tell me
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If the jeet comes back to the thread he will be very triggered by this
They *sort* of did
The Iroquois nation was centered around Ontario
But it really wasn't a great time getting up the Niagara River before the Erie canal was constructed
Thank you Greeks and Romans for creating REAL civilization
>Apparently negro slaves braided maps of escape routes into their hair or whatever

No they didn't what the fuck are you talking about
I've never heard of this
Cornrows and dreads came from Africa itself I'm pretty sure
I seen it on Black History instagram
Ah, a well known reliable source, Instagram.
These are the same people who think Cleopatra was black
Iroquois were semi-sedentary but good at war, they get mogged by the Mississippian cultures if we are talking about scale
My dog smells bad
She gets so stinky after less than a week without a bath
Are all big dogs like this? She's a 90 pound Rottweiler
QoL wise? Maybe Alabama or Mississippi.
my dog is so nosey he follows me to the bathroom just to see what im doing
Show him your asshole and wink at him suggestively
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Dimitri chimes in with casual beastiality
racist post btw
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je suis le boss
So I looked it up, this is black folklore. It's like a legend, not actually true.
blapipo love they magical thinking
Black people will believe anything on social media as long as they think a "real" Black person posted it. It's funny that so many of those accounts are clickfarms & repost bots in thirdie countries like Vietnam lol
any gujurati speakers here
Oh God, I can't take the irony and lack of self awareness
go go gadget unfiltered ai chatbot
black girls have nice asses though i will give them that
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skyyyyyyyyy piiiiiilot
By western criteria it was really the only native nation to resemble a state
come join EU4 multiplayer game north americans
Yeah they're stupid, but no dumber than any other American
Snopes has this cope
"We should claim it's true even though it's not!"
Love the part about hiding seeds in their hair
Like bihh is gonna start a self sufficient homestead from three corn seeds in her hair
Like you plant them and have food the next day lol
i dont know how to play this autistic shit
I dont have that game
I haven't eaten anything in 24 hours
my boxer pretty much does the same thing
she's 70-80 pounds
usually it takes like 5 days but I usually wash her once a week
it also depends on what they eat and do outside
Trvth, you are correct. I just wanted to point out at their absolute peak the population of the Iroquois was like 20k meanwhile the Mississippian's largest city alone had the same population.
White niggas took horse dewormer during COVID and call black niggas stupid for believing slaves braindead maps with their hair
>slaves braindead maps
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I can't relate to niggas what ain't suffered
Autocorrect fuckery
autocorrect truthery
Urkel is ornery today
How many states are you planning on moving to this week?
having the finest cheapest wine
messssicano messsssicano cum bum bum
mom said we are moving next year
Where do you think this is in Europe? Looks Italic to me
>Spanish flag clearly visible
what did he mean by this?
spanish flag in the background makes me think its maybe in italy
That was in Spain. I took the picture and paid her $50 for unlimited sex.
Spanish flag so Spain probably…
LOL I didn't even see that, I wasn't looking closely. Good catch
Neet suffering
Where to?
This coffee tastes like an elderly Panda bear came in it.
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Probably Barcelona or Ibiza considering she's a deejay if you want more specific
rise high from the cinders
Feeling hungry
Take it but please use it for the good of the world
bizarre post
Argy and Omnya - Aria
>autistic anon trying to stalk her
>pic is from 2023
>Flag in the background but didn't notice
>tagged the location
>still has no idea
He's ngmi
How much can you squat. max I can do is 235 lbs
/cum/s smartest geoguesser
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236 lbs
my cock is hard and i want to masturbate *sigh*
MADONNA SANTA that would be amazing
she's a prostitute btw
She even went to Tokyo
my cock is not hard and i want to masturbate *sigh*
i am a menace
Told you faggots
>Slavic girl
>specifically Ukrainian
redundant post
what are some fulfilling careers
who isn't selling your data nowadays, better question is who's buying
Israel Lobbyist
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nofap since 2023 :3
dadberg is ranting about jeets again
go to a doctor and get them to do bloodwork
forklift operator
>PARLIER, Calif. (KFSN) -- The former police chief of Parlier has won a $1 million lawsuit after claiming he was fired for investigating a city employee.

>"The mayor at the time, it was on television saying that I was fired because I was over budget," said former Parlier Police Chief Jose Garza. "The real reason I was fired -- I was retaliated because I wouldn't stop investigation of the theft of 25 over $25,000 for our records department, the police department."

>On Monday, a jury ruled in Garza's favor.

>"The jury found today that the investigation was the cause of Chief Garza's dismissal. He refused to break the law and shut down the investigation. He was actually ordered to stop cooperating with the DA. He refused. They fired him. Here we are. The jury said that was unlawful, and they ordered us $1 million," said Garza's attorney, Alan Romero
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Is this how white men view themselves?
Estrogen will do that to you
we always had a lot of jeets and surprisingly few people cared about them. Trudeau managed to unite the whole country behind jeet hate, somewhat based or no?
dadberg is now ranting about how racist america is
He's either a Machiavellian genius or a dumbass par excellence
corruption and theft is the inevitable end of women in politics, brazil still hasn't recovered from the last time we had a woman president
>spic mayor
>spic police chief
>blatant corruption
Somebody get hired by the State and do me dirty so I can sue for a million dollars. I'll split it with you
California is a shining example of latinx excellence
being the guy who tests the bungee jumps before the equipment is installed
white womenz
Whats the best kind of tea
should I get some to try it out kek
>hates jeets
>but Americans are the REAL racists
Left-leaning boomer I'm guessing
commercial order fulfillment
didnt someone say utah was full of normies or something?
>Machiavellian genius
certainly not
>dumbass par excellence
absolutely this
there's a 96% chance the next government will be majority Conservative with an NDP opposition lol
If you mean for health and regular day-to-day consumption, green tea. If you want something expensive and for snobs then some premium oolong
>what's the best type of tea
do white people really
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All I know is that white men have fallen off.

I don't know how Mexicans will have to run both the west and south Americans at the same time.

My guess is that Jews are fleeing to mexico. They will let whites and blacks kill each other. China will implode.
I'm not a Jeet and don't speak Jeet so yes, it's chai tea
Called the cops after I saw a wrecked car on the side of the road and they called back and said it was stolen
Me? I’m a good citizen
>there's a 96% chance the next government will be majority Conservative with an NDP opposition lol
After yet another by-election loss in a super safe riding there is now 2 factions in the Liberal Party, those that want him to quit immediately and the die-hard copers that still think he can somehow win. Don't be surprised if they somehow force him out before the next election, but he's incredibly arrogant so still unlikely.
I always get angry watching pretentious zoomers go on about their Chinese tea ceremonies, when it's just a bunch of splashing water fucking everywhere.
Chai in English outside of India refers to a specific thing you retarded subhuman nigwad
I love white women. I've had three girlfriends and they've all been white.
i want a white gf
>Chai in English outside of India refers to a specific thing
Yes, tea
Wine snobs or tea snobs who are more pretentious in your opinion?
Got a cock ready to be sucked
Any takers
No, hot tea
I was thinking chamomile because you cant burn it
I want to feel like a ancient Roman scribe while I drink it
Romans didn't drink tea, they drank posca or wine
Ok Chinese then
Hope you don’t act like this in real life because people will think you’re retarded
“Tomato is a fruit”/brain of a 9 year old type retard
How would you know have you been there
nonsensical post
Ah, so you are actually retarded. My bad and my mistake. Didn’t mean to point out your disability. Have a good rest of your day
shut your goofy ass up
It would be so funny if he were to lose his own seat
Drinking black tea right now
Makes me feel like a British aristocrat working my pajeet laborers to death in hot and humid weather while I enjoy my piping hot cuppa
I hate everything except water and juice
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I cured my lactose intolerance. Drank a bit of milk every day for months. Now I can chug half a carton with no side effects
oh, boss! what cereals are you going to eat with your newfound advantage?
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You guys remember that Catdog episode where they pick out a new butt? Haha
Lmao why are you replying to that guy like you're his lackey
That would be beautiful. I'm hoping for a 2018 Ontario Liberals style massacre, imagine the Liberals being reduced to a minor party for an entire election cycle lol
Lactose intolerance is a sign that you’re less evolved
"boss" as in, cool, or good.
Agreed, very brown thing to say. Black even.
*Dies from tap water*
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Mexicans don't drink the tap water and are the number 1 consumers ouf bottled water per capita in the world. Prognosis, Brown.
>LMAO your gut isn’t used to ingesting raw sewage because your race is smart enough to build functioning plumbing
Cloudy weather makes your kind kill themselves
And you live in the US, “people” like you go to their motherland of Mejico and shit themselves to death after eating street tacos
You can’t train your body to digest lactose no matter how much milk you drink but move to India for a year and you’ll be able to eat cow shit straight from the ass after your stomach gets used to third world food and water
should I get some whataburger today?
some of you say the most awful things. why? is it venting? like, "get it out of your system here, so you don't say it there"?
>You can’t train your body to digest lactose no matter how much milk you drink
But you can get gut bacteria that breakdown the lactose. That's how Mongols digest lactose despite being genetically unable. I feel like someone should market that.
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uhh, sweetie, this is 4chan...
I don't see why not
Pretty sure it’s sold in pill form nowadays as Lactaid
I need Scataid for my trip to India so I can try to street food
it costs 2x as much as eating a comparable meal at home
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good morning
bonjour, even
yes get the jalapeno burger that's what i get
and their milkshakes are also really good
oh, i could do with a cup of wine and some bread right now...
morning bud
what an attention hound
you really shouldn't do that
cum cum cum
bussy bussy cum
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Then tell my mom to buy me better snacks
if people don't like something they find it satisfying to shit on it. I mean I do too.

Like if some famous woman is posted, you'll get replies like,
>whore cunt
>how many dicks did she suck to get famous?


it's like the satisfaction of tossing a stone at royalty or something during the medieval ages
first day here?
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truly grim world
surely theres something to eat in the house other than candy
you can't subsist off just reese's pieces
*snorts the powder from the easy mac bowls*
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I got some breakfast essentials and pretzels
If I'm gonna die one day then I'm m gonna get drunk today
Me? I cook food from raw ingredients
brother is making fun of me for not drinking alcohol again
But being drunk sucks
i cook food from little icebergs shaped like it from the freezer
I hate that redditors take cool things like tea or wine or facial hair and make them.... Reddit
Should I vote yes or no on amendment 3
Going for 200 lbs shoulder press lets gooo
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If digits you vote yes
well, take them back. have a big bushy beard and all the sherry you want. don't surrender the things you enjoy.
They cannot be stopped
Port > Sherry btw
its so hot
its so cold
its so lukewarm
If you think being drunk sucks, you're doing it wrong
Weed is legal here and superior in every way
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Meanwhile, in Japan...
I failed 200lbs ):
Need to eat more
Fuck yeah. Got it niggas
Now for 210
just benched eight-thousand pounds and threw it through the ceiling while yelling like a gorilla
>company card given to cover all expenses of the trip
time to Let People Down
how much weight do you have to lift to lose your virginity
not much!
Do the charisma reps anon
I mean I guess, if you're 17
I got more attention from women when i was a stick when i started to lift weights i only got attention from gay guys and boomers
Did women instantly rush you begging for sex
I had a lot more sex before i got into lifting again
This makes me feel so good i don't desire sex anymore
Like 115lb
215lb if you’re fat or ugly
Complain about jeets on next thread
think i suffer from some sort of post orgasmic illness syndrome
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The strongest person would wait until marriage
Cum con cum
no, i cause too much property damage. i wasn't at the gym.
if you can at least bench your bodyweight, you're more /fit/ than 90% of Americans
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my dog can’t even stand anymore i think today is the day we have to put him down
this sucks and this isn’t what i wanted to wake up to this morning this is so fucked up and horrible im going to miss my baby boy so dearly
>my baby boy
lol fag
Just buy a new one
So sad bro.
It would be sadder if I had asked tho
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RIP in peace lil nigga. /cum/ hood lost a real one today
sad. better to do it now and attenuate the suffering
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