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horse tools edition

every other day youtube has another thing to celebrate its so fun :3
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My kin, it will just follow around for a time.
YOU ARE NOT C , U , OR M!!!!!

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why do so many foreign schizos invade our general?
i have an ominous feeling about tomorrow
that's because the stock market is going to implode
for some people on this planet it is already tomorrow bro o.O
Wasted an entire day again on /cum/ award
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you people said that last month
2 more weeks
you will die powerless while i ascend to godhood

>This ritual calls upon former humans who practiced demon magick in life and ascended to become demonic immortals/ascended masters
fucking bullshit wigger music
Learnt it now men, or we must force your women to do the exact same thing.


You are under the Norwegian aze of fortune, what is said is but, thy here we go.
I'm sexy and I know it.
wiggle wiggle wiggle
norgnogs did discover north america though
i'm gonna take survive the jive's heathenry classes

autumn is sea shanty season.
heh norgnogs
also might set up an altar for freyr
an old man shot two narcos who were blackmailing his store, and the fucking police arrested him, I hate this country.
they didn't do shit but show the abbos how to rub two sticks together to make fire if anything we should be BLAMING THEM especially with our latrino infestation? To hell with norwaste
just farted
vikings had gay sex with one another
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i smoked weed and my life didnt change and then i stopped smoking weed and my life didnt change
>vikings are gay
yea, kinda redundant post if you ask me (everyone knows nornogs are fags)
gay sex has been present in every culture since ancient times
weed lowers IQ level
>santa muerte's protection.
lol, a lot of people killed in horrible ways had altars of that thing in their homes.
at least the chimpcongo one is coherent
your aura is gay
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Wei do not appresierte this, but if it's gonna be black against white i present this:

Against the mutts of the off being dead.
perhaps their altars weren't consecrated properly.
perhaps they weren't properly devoted to her.

also she is not a "thing".
she is a goddess of death.
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were they for real narcos or low level? because if they were for real that means two things
1. his store was vital and profitable enough to shake down
2. if he shot down two actual narcos then his life is on the line as retaliation and he goes into police custody for his own safety

but theres always #3 and the police are also narco controlled so they took him in anyway to do whatever the narco boss tells them to do fillet his balls or whatever. Trust me, I know these things, I have seen godfather 2 8 times and the spanish version of sangre por sangre (english subtitles) 3 times.
English speaking so they can come more easily
they call me a real nigga
cause i exist in this physical plane
that's not a metaphor just an acceptance of our physical reality
real shit
on every single thread/general on /int/ i have entirely different personalities to fit the mood of the thread and my /cum/ personality is annoying slightly condescending homosexual ummm so yeah lol
who /extraflag/ here
wanna be my boyfriend?
that's crazy, but I don't remember asking
You are not a real person
Whyyy are we going towards /CUM....
You are the best men to be profiglirated on. While we the suffering nords does our best to make you understand.. Hypnotized by pop culture you act like you are our similiars, but NAYYYYYY NAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Interesting how everyone seems to have moved past the "they didn't own land" meme
Multiple Personality Disorder?
Multiple Personality In Order.
Unless Harold wants to take over.
Then he can take the wheel.
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who is the patron god or demon of /cum/

i vouch for mammon
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For me? Always the Focke Wulf FW 190
Where the niggas who brag about being sueprior to babies and old people at?
Nice airplane. Before i blut in Wotan and takes us all together as a spiritual force
why do people dislike first amendment auditors? I mean some of them are wackos but it seems like most of them are in it for the activism
Scared to post the swastika one huh? Don't worry this isn't reddit, jannies haven't evolved to notice details in images yet
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>190 with American roundel
>not neat
nobody likes niggas filming you for content
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i forgot how to get it to work
post offroad rig
don't be in a public space then bozo
it's not activism if they don't have a clear path towards progress or change. they just rile people up for the sake of being assholes.
nobody wants to have sex with me
everybody wants to have sex with me
some people want to have sex with me
some people want to have sex with me
Police get reprimanded and fired all the time in your country for violating 1st and 4th amendment rights every single day. This sort of activism does help change police policy when it comes to encountering citizens filming in public, it's already shaken up a few departments.
black people want to have sex with me
i'll fuck almost any guy. post a pic of yourself
To those, they who are still with us in this cause! And you may not but a cause over another, but the finest cause is the American one. I Want real americans to understand, that in europe, we're fine. Doing bloodrites of course, and the magic, you guys are natives to us, bascially we came to you, and met your guns with esoteric magic.
y'all niggas gay af
talked to a girl once
didn't care for it
>be some random retard
>SIR SIR I HAVE A RIGHT TO FILM YOU (like & subscribe for more!)
you asked why people don't like them, why you askin' but don't wanna hear nigga??
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do you think odin would hate me if i practiced thursatru? >>202377462
Latinas are the hottest women on the planet
black women?
bai bai /^Norway$/ have a nice fun!
I've seen the tortas hermano, que asco
t. has never seen a latina in his life and only reads hustler magazine
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i saw a bunch of cute young girls in like the most random small towns in cuba
Yeah why would average people hate them when it's mostly corrupt officials being targeted? We're not talking about some random person coming up to you in public and sticking a camera in your face, we're talking about people who record police interactions, interactions with government officials in government buildings, stuff like that.
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did you unfilter Canada yet?
No, that is absolutely a based book. learn the sigils and dont think they dont mean anything. Though try pic related. It must be caved into wood for effect. (going out so look good)
They don't have the fatty problem like Mexico has
gay, no
i completely forget that rishi was no longer the bong viceroy of tomfoolery
how has starmer been doing
he looks like an insurance adjuster that should be mastering excel sheets
negative rizz
you could experiment sexually with a guy and discover yourself
chicken parm
Some of you guys really should consider community college classes for your language skills. This thread is an indictment of the United States education system.
maybe delusional /pol/fags can shut the fuck up about kumala being any different on israel than muh zion don
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Hey you, yeah fuck you!
>how has starmer been doing
Poorly but that's to be expected it's the UK
>he looks like an insurance adjuster that should be mastering excel sheets
negative rizz
Jeets naturally have this negative aura thing around them, maybe like 1% of the men manage to shake it.
no lollygagging
Politics? Custodial volunteers won't like it!
It's like you guys get payed to say things that are completely wrong
Don't get the logic of withholding weapons from Israel incentivizing Hamas to accept a ceasefire.
what are you watching right now
Hey Arnold in the streets
Jimmy Neutron in the sheets
my father doesn't return my phone calls
if i said it would incriminate me sorry
I've experimented enough. It isn't me.
ain't no way bro my butthole would be clenched shut
an uninteresting craps video
Down with fever. Feeling incredibly cold the moment I leave my comforter
Man x Bug is an underrepresented genre of pornography. Bugs outnumber humans a million to one.
I am so drunk idk wht this even means even, someone explain to me like I am a drunk five year old no pedo shit tho
tell me
bruh its a tuesday
drink plenty of water, gatorade and pedialyte are even better if you have those
take your temperature and take fever reducers any nsaid drug will work
Sure we have Ryanair, but what about Johnair or Michaelair or Stacyair or Meganair or Agamemnonair
we neither need, nor ask our Gods forgiveness. we were not born into sin. we were born to be the best we can be.
do people in flyover states even have community colleges

also it's funny when i first learned about "college towns". like you're telling me a town has only one college? crazy.
ann arbor is a comfy college town
impossible to suffer in michigan
his lips were made for sucking penis.
you guys watch the outdoor boys youtube channel? guy looks like a literal chud
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Just posting the holiest sigrune being bade. And for what purpose??
Thanks anon. I have sinarest somewhere I can pop in
based although i've heard punishment realms still exist in left hand path cosmology
yeah I like that guy he makes good videos
dis nigga really just said that it's impossible to suffer in the hollowed-out shantytown of Detroit.
not even that bad of a city. Its certianly better than oakland and newark
the thread is a call
Bror vi bør ikke gå så langt inn i de. Jeg setter meg ned.
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hrrgn drrgn yurgn plrgn
Hvorfor påkaller du gudene?
yeah same but i just see chud face every time
>get payed to say things that are completely wrong
ay caramba
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>delivery a doordash order for a woman
>call them to let them know I'm here
>an indian guy answers
>sounds confused
>women comes outsize
>hispanic barely speaks english
hispanics are selling their identity to illegals so they can do doordash deliveries
runen er kastet
why can't generative ai generate me some bitches
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Ja, vi har de så nærme. De er slitne og våkner over ting, mens denne sarka gjer meir ring. Thor og Odin, Frigg... Alle annes enn dei kan kallast gudar.
it's tempting but I haven't, but I do have certain words that canadians post filtered
do you think I post here because i give a fuck about grammar and shit desuka~~~
Purple is the color of the imperial romans.
It's not for gays or women.
In Canada 1 jeet will share the account with multiple jeets, especially if they look similar enough to pass the face scan thing
bro talking in wingdings
There is a house in my neighborhood that has 5 uber jeet mopeds in the front of it and 3 different cars i wonder how many indians live there
Doordash doesn't do the face scan, Ubereats does
Thor, han skal du vente med, sjøvat Odin.. Da Kråkene begynner å flakse død, kva kan dei fortelle i mellomtid?
Was this post written by AI?
snow strippers is from detroit i love them
i dont understand what your saying
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There was a JEET using a hispanic immigrants doordash account to deliver food while she was ordering food, implying that she sold her identity to the jeet so that he could open an account in her name
If you get DA MONEY
Then you get DA POWER
De er ikkje verdige nok til å ta til seg tavla. Låt oss gå tilbake, frå disse kelt og germaniske-negeretter.

Her i Norge har vi fortsatt gode folk. Dette har vært en interessant eksursjon, men vi fikk ikke noe ut i fra det utenom at de fleste er muttige og ikke har den nordiske sjela.
It's impossible for someone to be both a cop and good person.
>who is robocop
name one norwegian band that people like more than ABBA
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just visited the pantry and remembered I bought myself oreos over the weekend
>genetically modified corn syrup glop
no wonder you're retarded
> he didn't eat the entire case as soon as he got home from the store
what happened to the cum i love. we got some patient and health conscious niggas here now. smdh.
whos the woman coming outside and whos the hispanic who can barely speak english? does the woman come with the indian to deliver food?
If hangovers didn’t exist i would be an alcoholic

making salsa because i'm cultured and have good taste unlike most white americans
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if you ever insult my cookies again so help me god
Are you ESL? The woman is the one who is hispanic. Context clues
Fuck racists. Fuck fascists.
Dissent in the streets, consent in the sheets.
why are redditors so insufferably smug and think they're so smart while being wrong about literally everything?
Does /cum/ have any recommendations for sundresses? Assuming that I'm a cute biological woman.
im so confused who the fuck is delivering, is it op? how does he know they're using fake identities to do doordash deliveries if he's the one delivering
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here it's only didi or uber, expensive food better I cook
मूल पोस्टर को पता है क्योंकि उसने उनके डोरडैश नंबर पर कॉल किया और डिलीवरी करने वाले एक भारतीय व्यक्ति ने ग्राहक के बजाय उत्तर दिया

I hope this clears it up for you
>मूल पोस्टर को पता है क्योंकि उसने उनके डोरडैश नंबर पर कॉल किया और डिलीवरी करने वाले एक भारतीय व्यक्ति ने ग्राहक के बजाय उत्तर दिया
made-up language
my coworker at work keeps fucking up and has my boss yell at him. Which is great because it means that I'm not the worst at the job and am at least semi competent

but man it sucks to be the guy that manages to be worse than me
no i dont understand that language
oreos are for poor people
My last esoteric magic i can only give to you is our runes. Those who know, they know. And feel.

Why arent you letting the native americans into this thread fucking racist shits?

nigga its like $6 a pack, thats hardly poor
I've booked 2 nights at a super expensive historical hotel that has ghosts in it and I requested they put me in a room that's haunted
they fall into the midwit trap
bro i just cant make sense of the last 3 greentext

I don't think I can wear this to church.
you know the song is gonna be a banger when you hear it
>thinking $6 is expensive
okay, poor
post cute /cum/ boys
im addicted to this website
i feel bad about hitting my dog but it needs to learn the hard way not to piss on the floor
did you punch it in the face
OP is delivering food to a Hispanic lady. When OP tries to call this lady using the phone number available on her DoorDash account an Indian fellow picks up the phone. OP assumes that the Hispanic lady sold her DoorDash account to the Indian fellow so he can do DoorDash
walk your dog regularly
this addiction is ruining my life i didnt study at all today because i spent all my time posting here
have you tried gambling instead?
yeah i get that but what does the last 3 greentext mean
it's not even good lmao I had more fun in stat mech than I did on 4chan
should i troon out
did your parents beat you as a toddler to teach you to not piss on the carpet?
Is it okay for a tourist to wear a cowboy hat or is it cringe?
i have no money
Women comes outsize
Makes it much more interesting when it's your last $5 on the line
played out you gotta otherkinmaxx if you want attention
seeing people wear a cowboy hat is so cringe to me
depends, how twinky are you
I want to make a bet and put my life on the line win and live or lose and die
cowboy hats are cool
tourists wearing them is cool
fuck i love america so goddamn much we're so cool
i've never bet on the ponies
What would you win in this scenario?
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I disrespect the antichrist
my life
dying your hair blonde is cultural appropriation, anyone doing it should be shamed like people who wear black face
it's kinda fun ngl, not like sports betting where you have to wait the whole game
i give all black people permission to bleach their hair cuz it looks fucking hilarious
I reject the trinity and pray devoutly to more powerful gods
what would you do if the antichrist was in your room with you
I've shitposted this on black IG accounts and they start typing long paragraphs about why braiding your hair is stealing from them but wearing a wig made out of another race's hair is fine
no. just spanked it with my sandal.
there's not much grass on chicago sidewalks
not comparable. we tried the easy way so we have to do it the hard way now.
the antichrist is christian fanfiction
based, hail primordial chaos, womb of creation
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Neo-pagan/spiritual/wiccan larpers are much cringier than even reddit style atheists or DEVS VVLT larpers
i am tired of asian women dyeing their hair blonde and wearing blue contact lenses. you will never be a beautiful white angel no matter how hard you try
No you're all the same cringe
its a sign that they want to be bleached
who's larping though
love blonde asians, me
very hot
oh wow! what is all that? it's beautiful!
i hate asian women they're so fake
no because they are just pulling shit out of their ass and acting like they believe it, troon-tier identity.
>pic he downloaded from somewhere else
(you) clearly
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You should make an alter like what dahmer was planning
just like all the "Christian" chuds
No you're all pulling shit out of your asses except you happen to be pulling out the fossilized turds of ancient Jews to sniff on
Blonde plastic asians were like donuts for me in college. I don't feel bad at all about the lies I told them
I need to move to america so I can eat royal farms fried chicken
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As a tourist I enjoy making locals seethe and mald by breaking their abitrary social norms, especially euros
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>offended the LARPers
But King Solomon married[a] many foreign women besides the daughter of Pharaoh: women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, and Sidonia, along with Hittite women, too, 2 all of them from nations that the Lord had ordered the Israelis, “You are not to associate with[b] them and they are not to associate with you, because they will most certainly turn your affections[c] away to follow their gods.” Solomon became deeply attached to them by falling in love. 3 He had 700 princess wives and 300 mistresses[d] who[e] turned his heart away from the Lord,[f] 4 because as Solomon grew older, his wives turned his affections away after other gods, and his heart was not fully as devoted to the Lord his God as his father David’s heart had been.
Asian women will never truly love you, you're just a vehicle for them to wash away their ugly genes.
eyes are tender from crying all day
God here, this never happened
can we talk about something interesting
no i will not provide the topic, you do it
>He had 700 princess wives
umm based? maybe
do not get tricked by the evil asian woman
*steals your stuff at the train station when you go to yurope*
nothing personnel
if i want to talk about things that interest me i'll go the dedicated generals of said interests on other boards. /cum/ is for the refuse and blogposting that doesn't fit anywhere else
this would be such an awesome halloween decoration if it weren't... you know.
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im back
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>going to yurope
if it was fake skeletons it wouldnt be cool
Mahometans believe a genie or demon took his place and did this btw
>if it weren't... you know.
gay and cringe?
the trick is to be scarier and more physically intimidating than their drug dealing brothers
it's an altar for ochun (goddess of love) but it's usually only that extravagant on her feast days
>>pic he downloaded from somewhere else
this is my altar for her. i cannot reveal what's inside of her pot as those are secrets for initiates only.
>dating viets
Trump is going to win in the biggest landslide since 2008. Screenshot this post.
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yeah, but are you just going to keep real skeletons in the garage year-round until halloween arrives? nah. fake skeletons, fake trees, that's the way to go.
welcome back what were you doin
it's trad
white men should only date white women. say no to asian whores!
Please consider making a jeffery dahmer altar from the gay guys you sleep with
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Americans, what are the random normies you guys meet in your life generally like in terms of their political affiliation? Are more of them Harris or Trump supporters? What percentage?
Big if true, screenshotted
you need a plaid button up shirt and some boots and a belt too though
was watching aftersun
they seemed mostly democrat, back when i worked.
Later, Solomon even constructed a high place on the mountain east of Jerusalem that was dedicated to Chemosh, that detestable Moabite idol, and to Molech, the detestable Ammonite idol. 8 Solomon[g] did this for all of his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their own gods.
white men, do not fuck asian women. your babies will look nothing like you
alright you are definitely Asian. Are you the flipbro?
I knew I was in trouble when I was in a group conversation with someone who had updates on Clay in jail.
Coke was fucking fent too
Buncha cocksuckers
literally 100% demo, i live in one of the most radical lefty cities in the country
even if they're secretly conservative they'd never publicly say it
I'm gonna watch Hillbilly Elegy
this is my chango altar (god of fire). i might remove the alligator head doe. it was a gift from my dad lul
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tell asian whores to stop being so sexy
what's going on big guy
who wrote the book that it was based on?
This is why he lost his status and Kingdom
im not i just hate asian women
most of the puerto ricans and cubans i know don't seem to be invested in politics that much so idk
who cares
I am cuban and a neo nazi
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a slant broke your heart huh?
i would show the congo altar in my home but it has a real human skull and idk if it's illegal also i'm kinda paranoid i'll offend the spirits
Have you read what hitler wrote about Latinos?
I care
all they're good for is pump and dump
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asian girls are fun to fuck, they're like squeaky toys for yo dick
we should start a fight club
suddenly in the mood for some francine dee...
He said Cubans are honorary aryans
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>Haiti: Fuel truck explosion kills more than 15, leaves 40 others seriously injured
i would heem all of you into a living death
didn't ask
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Cubans are Aryans btw
i already talked about it and im fine i got some eyedrops i just had dry eyes and they hurt
Where? He said that Americans of tectonic blood are natural rulers of the americas
thats right
Unfunny /brit/ shit
I'm 6'7" 480lbs I could kill you with a slap
i believe you! hahahaha you'd probably be swinging me by the ankles as a cudgel to beat up another guy haha
did ask
That's sad.
did you know that Justin trudeau is half cuban? the answer may shock you
why u so fat doo
His quote about Cubans was edited out of english copies of mein kampf
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>tfw I was in the very first threads that started this meme and now boomers yell it at me when I slightly disagree with them
Chudbros, we won
based gyaru poster
I wish none of you existed
I'm glad you exist

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