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inner self edition

thats a cat not a wolf
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bros the salmon I cooked tastes soooo good
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and what about this
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I'm the GOD of all creation.
yeah but on the inside he feels like a wolf
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The Lord became angry at Solomon because his heart wandered away from the Lord God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice[h] 10 and warned him about this so he would not pursue other gods. But he did not obey what the Lord had commanded, 11 so the Lord told Solomon, “Because you have done this and haven’t kept my covenant and statutes that I commanded you, I’m going to tear the kingdom from you and give it to your servant. 12 I’m not going to do this during your lifetime, for the sake of your father David, but I will tear it out of your son’s control.[i] 13 For the sake of my servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, I won’t tear away the entire kingdom. I’ll leave one tribe for your son to govern.”[j]
asian women only see white men as walking semen tanks
nigga it is september
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Despite the rise in violent alt-left rhetoric, he cannot be stopped!
if you were actually cuban you'd be into lucumi and palo
*brandishes shears*
Going to beat my schmeat to asian women tonight because of that canadian
Uncle Tomás
this is not a bad thing at all
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when i got my reading done in cuba i was told i should do a guiro for yemaya
Im a Rastafari
better than making an ugly hapa baby
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?
ya faggots are definitely into palo keke
god to solomon: "wiseguy, eh?"
you're gonna poke your eye out be careful with that
never impregnate an asian woman
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asian girls do indeed lust after the Big White Cock
did you know that judas committed suicide after selling out jesus? And despite suicide being a sin, he is martyrd as a saint?
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if i found out that im going to have a hapa son i would consider having it aborted
I can't tell if you're an asian with a WMAF fetish or a white guy with one atp
I'm infertile at birth so I've "impregnated" a decent amount of women
palo is more machismo
>Gay men are often excluded from Palo,[203] and observers have reported high levels of homophobia within the tradition, in contrast to the large numbers of gay men involved in Santería.

little do they know i'm still a faggot though
yeah everyone knows the story of saint judas
I think he still went to hell for betraying jesus
im feeling schleepy
that's partly why I want an asian waifu because they're more open to abortion
Judas Iscariot isn't a saint in any Christian denomination my guy
wait until you hear about what paul the apostle did
what about the gnostics
take an eep then
you're all invited to my drumming ceremony

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i need to stay up a little bit longer to brush my teeth
an asian woman's life dream is to have white semen inside them. do not give them the satisfaction.
business idea: brush your teeth now so you can go to schleep sooner
but jesus wanted to be crucified
if the hottest woman alive turned out to be trans, would you let her top you
*swings on the quietest nigga in the room*
Metal bars on window = thirdie land
they don't have saints, he's something else and even then they didn't agree about it even back then.
I had to use mouth wash first and let it stay on my teeth for an hour before brushing
have gay sex with me
Do they have a dick or do they literally look exactly like a woman, including a real pussy h
Hey that's my line
it's rough out here in chiraq
oh okay
well listen to some music or something stimulating in the meantime then
Not tired yet even after work
Drinking a bit and making sourdough pretzels
>he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.” And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
He didn't want to
sex with asian women
i did yesterday.
she was tight. for a hooker.
no, on account of the penile extension
they would be trans, so a dick
you can't be a trans woman and have a real pussy
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then no
if one was indistinguishable from a woman but just had a y chromosome instead of xx I would but that's science fiction level
>asian women
I was trying to go to sleep now all I think about is sexxo
ummmm havent you heard of original sin, you fucking protestant cuck
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ill be fine. dont worry
but she can't give birth to white babies :(
oh baby...
adopt a white kid simple as
i have to go to houston, texas to receive olokun from david ala aggayu
>not understanding
Not wanting to be tortured to death and feeling fear is understandable, but going through it anyways to provide Salvation to all Mankind and because of His deep trust in the Father is what makes Him the Messiah
why do brown people eat on the floor?
Paying girls on tiktok live to call me a loser
savage nature
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it's not food for humans. it's a ceremony for olokun (god of ocean)
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we get one attentionwhore spammer to leave and another one arrives literally the same day. why is this general cursed
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ive been looking for this gif for ages thanks
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honestly the similarities between buttpoo and our current fag spammer are very high
>attentionwhore spammer to leave
brian hexed us with a powerful curseyehameha
my curses are effective

i would travel to nigeria for the olokun festival. they don't mind white people there as long as you come with good intentions
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>ive been looking for this gif for ages thanks
>my curses are effective
reminder brian got BTFO by mexicans celebrating their independance day
i used to eat sitting in the floor myself, but didn't like when little crumbs, or spots of sauce would get on the carpet. i started eating whatever i cooked standing at the stove. i think i had a great idea. i'm right there where i made it, nothing spills because it's being had from the same pot it was made in, i don't bring my phone in there with me, so i just quietly and slowly enjoy whatever it is, and i find standing improves my digestion. i like it alot.
lmao based mexicans they made him so fucking angry he doxxed himself looool
>"Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed in academic life, collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter. What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content."
they stopped the cumbia music. my coconut curse on them was also effective
why did you curse us. what the fuck did we do to you other than tell you to fuck off with your gay shit
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>could it be they stopped blasting music because the holiday was over?
>no, it must be because I hex'd some coconuts
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there is a sacred shrine deep in the jungles of nigeria dedicated to the goddess of love.

i would make the pilgrimage there.
your rudeness and disrespect is what made me curse you all.
they have been blasting music non-stop for like a whole month prior to the holiday
the pretzels momberg bought dont taste very good
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all month and yet you only recently started bitching about it

methinks youre coping
i was patient with them and was giving them a chance to stop the music but they persisted so they left me with no choice but to resort to cursing them.
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yeah he's clearly coping and seething and shitting, you can tell cause he accidentally doxed himself in his fury
Hard or soft?
what brand are they? want to avoid them
Imagine your a god and some fat faggot tells you to curse mexicans for playing music too loud
maybe that's why every time brian curses somebody in /cum/ nothing happens
just had wendys
its actually kinda shit wtf.
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I’m hungry
Snyder. They are usually good but this time they taste weird and are unusually soft
i hate those dry ass pretzels. gimme some auntie annes
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ummm...seems a bit strange, no?
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My sourdough soft pretzels are fermenting
biggest german failure next to diesel gate
when i'm feeling particularly chuddy i'll stomp on my top-floor apartment just so the folks below me know who's really in charge 'round these parts
the sperm I shot into your moms womb are fermenting
baby momma is calling me up about the support fuck
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The twentieth century American hates the Old South because it was the last embodiment of the ancient English society; metaphysical in its values, chivalrous in its loyalties, oriented by higher duty rather than material comforts. The South was among the last of a bygone world.
Something in my underwear is fermenting
bro thinks hes him
Bad Boyz 4? Why not Good Boyz 1?
My grandmother would not approve.
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pipe down, fatty fat fat fatty
you newfag incels need to stop thinking about /pol/ and start thinking about countries, especially on /int/ so here's a quick start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT8djdlu2G0
Cops was never good.
does /cum/ have any cute boys that post?
Now that you're not my baby I'll go do whatever I want
my dick is darker then my body
Everyone here is a hairy millennial boomer
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i'm cute in my own way
actually i'm balding
don't you mean 21st century America? Before like 2015 or so they were still making Confederate monuments and you could study the Civil War without having to say you aren't a White Supremacist every two minutes
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i knew it! i was just walking back thinking, "i bet it's snyder's." well, i'm glad you usually enjoy them but... i'm a drinking man, and y'know, that means i have a bunch of beers over the holidays. so my wife's folks get me a bag of these every christmas. and i'm grateful! that they include me in the gift-giving at all is an honor. but what i feel bad about, is these are kind of expensive! these aren't storebrand, cheap-dollar stuff, these are a name, brand! and they're terrible! they are the most dry snack i've ever had. i feel so bad they spend the money in these for me.
i used to be a cute boy
Higher duty than material comforts?

Then pick your own cotton you goober
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but weren't they all poor and ruled by a mega rich landed gentry and got suckered into fighting for cotton and sugar cane profits under the guise of freedom and such?
i didn't ask any god. i did the spell myself with the coconut.
give me a good reason to curse you and i will
curse worthy behavior. i cursed my neighbor for his niggerishly loud behavior
hairy men are sexy
what is unc even TALKING about
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i'm not black i'm oj
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dry snacks aren't a problem if you have a drink near you
habanero sauce turned out really spicy and watery
isn't that a good thing
no, it needs some sweetness for balance and i prefer chunky salsa
gotta get elected
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contrapoints hasn't published a video in over 6 months :((((
looks like vomit in a jar
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>Headline: Trump Berates American Jews For Not Having Enough Gratitude Towards Him
he's funny tbqh
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thinking of some kettle corn and candied nuts. i can't wait till i'm not poor so i can eat something besides peanut butter sandwiches
>Thought relationships between children and older people were okay

>boxed himself off from everyone and didn't allow his mothe to enter his room

>destroyed his HD

He was definitely looking at noncey stuff online. Why did he do it? Some reasons to consdier: possibly molested by therapist, parents divorce, anorexia, autistic fascination w/ serial killers, mother was about to sell house, mother was seeing another man

He may have believed the children he was killing would somehow be better for it due to nit having to suffer throughout life. Also, I personally believe he derived some sexual gratification from it.
>8:37 pm
>im ultra sleepy
wine spritzers are underrated
oh okay you're making salsa not sauce. that makes sense then. spicy and watery sauce is still useful though, same way as how you'd use cholula/etc.
weak thread tonight
i'll be back in an hour and hopefully you guys will have stepped your game up
Just another autistic freak that should have been locked away in a asylum
do /pol/fags realize that if you start talking about israel and jews that 95% of the population is going to look at you like a schizophrenic homeless man ranting about aliens
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its 00:39 here but im no sleepy :/
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this dude? who cares he's ugly
in an hour this thread will be dead
white people can't handle colorful flavorful food
>tfw salsa is spanish for sauce
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pourin one out for my nigga rick steves with that butt (prostate) cancer.
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getting silence of the lambs vibes from this picture
i have my chudrants and don't care anymore, Don't really care about Israel much but I've told my (NYC diaspora) family about the talmud and such and that Jews hate us more than atheists/muslims/anyone
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in an hour you will be dead unless you respond to this comment
Just impulse bought Uber eats
you should impulse buy some BITCHES, dawg
whats he doing up there
he is insane so yeah that tracks
but they're "girly drinks"! psh. well put me in a skirt, and call me daisy. they taste good, they're refreshing, and they get you drunk.

also my stomach hurt from taking just a sip of the habanero sauce
the vibes have been off since we lost jason
salsa is chunky and not really sauce. you are welcome to disagree and be wrong.
That's illegal
he's scared
that's illegal in this country
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>the vibes
Maybe before Oct 7th lel even turbonormie zoomers were quoting Osama Bin Laden about Jews
I could be a side character in a Wes Andersen film. I am that quirky.
Didn't know they're considered girly. In Central Europe they seemed popular
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white supremacists are the biggest cucks in human history. imagine willingly voting this guy into office lmfaolol
i say that and make that facial expression but i'm not that bald (yet)
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>positive and beloved stereotypical character
>jeets destroyed him
>replacement was streetshitting and creepy perverts
not smart
for me it is this
i dont look like that
my ancestors
white supremacists are all glowies
reminder that /ptg/ still exists
this looks very "central california" to me.
i know your ip and your home address.
i'm coming to find you.
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drinking milk
scared of what
Comfy. Hf
be safe.
don't enjoy
all the evil in this world
too walkable. proxy off, euro
/ptg/ is pretty based
sometimes I do the buffalo bill dance in front of the mirror, if someone breaks into my house one day I will threaten him with my .32 and force him to watch me dance and tell me that I'm pretty.
>central california
>green grass
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you can give me a lap dance anytime
"goodbye hooorseees..."
>palm tree
/cum/s best geoguesser is back
theyre all closet trannies like (you) so i imagine youre pretty comfortable there
two black obsidians in each pocket

snowflake obsidian bracelet

peony seed necklace

hand of orula

santa muerte bracelet

yeah i think i got the spiritual protection on lockdown
southern orange county CA
whys it so walkable then. pure commie antiamerican shit
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stop being a retard, thanks
kek, it's closer to san clemente than westminster
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you seem upset
I thought that bag was something else at first
it's a suburb, the sidewalks dont actually take you anywhere because they're just for flexing your nikes
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reminded me of this...
yeah you're retarded
i just noticed i have blonde highlights in my hair
go on
mayo is pretty important in a blt anon. it's the primary condiment.
**cums on your hair**
captcha: KKK
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fuck off
also this is evidence i'm white and not brown
you called me brown
>american cheese
thats no blt you bufoon
scooby doo ass nigga
i dont give a shit who or what you are. nobody does
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shut the fuck up
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and you missed the bacon and tomato, making it a blt. don't play linguistics games with me.
I look like this and do this
you obsess over me every day
whys he disguised.
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I'm the hero
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And I'm covered with a fuzz like a peach
ear reveal
mad how I knew that was otzi before I read the text
is that your leg
can you post your feet
penis reveal when?
>look at me look at me!
>my teenager girl magic astrology horseshit is not pulling enough you's???
>better attentionwhore harder!
> Ingredients: As with a BLT, toasted white bread is standard, along with iceberg lettuce, bacon, and tomatoes. The sandwich is usually dressed with mayonnaise. Variations on the traditional club sandwich abound.
Kindly pull your head out of your ass, you'll get more oxygen to your brain that way. We would all appreciate it. Thank you.
is my arm
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Imagine not being redheaded and blue eyed
i posted it like a month ago
it's working
also teenaged girls are into wicca not left hand path sorcery
What I like to do is argue about sandwiches on 4chan
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me on the right
my breasts are down here
i'm actually purpleheaded and orange eyed.
just finished my oatmeal btw.
i have green eyes
how are you doing tonight
peenus-butter and jelly
what makes me laugh a lot is that chris chan looks like my fat aunt.
flabby looking mf. lift some dumbells amigo
can you post your feet
benis butter and belly
Ok, why?
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nice toe hair but unfortunately your feet are ugly
What I like to do is talk to cute girls on 4chan
Doing good now that im talking to you
which board
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>nice toe hair but unfortunately your feet are ugly
>hair on every toe
I'm literally a hobbit, what did you expect?
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it's all so grim
me in the middle
im the third otner from the left
i dont smoke
if you were going to give your army men free video games to play in their downtime, would you give violent shooters to sort of keep them amped up, or stuff like animal crossing so they can cool off? i think i would enjoy either, but maybe prefer the first, since it can be satisfyingly enjoyed in short bursts.
toe hair is a sign of high testosterone
this one.....
currently arguing with 4 people over a topic I do not care about
both games
id give them pokemango
dont care it looks gross
i need to start getting pedicures
and you're losing
the arguing is the fun part, faggot. battle my unassailable wit over pithy little nothings.
no, there's no way that's right. my toes are hairy as tarantulas, and i'm as low-test as they come.
not really, one of them seems to be agreeing with me now. another one stopped arguing to spam greentext. Doing alright.

yeah homo that's the point
you are literally retarded. learn to read
Hearts of Iron IV, Ready or Not, and some city builders

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