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baked potato edition

I fucking hate how where I used to live is being developed and now all the farms are shrinking and the orange groves look like shit or have been built over and fucking homeless tweakers are running around.
that potato has hair growing on it
good night
then why do hairy feet give me a boner

also post in this thread if hairy feet give you a boner
ok, I have hair all over my body, what about you?
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it's a really exotic breed of potato thats normal don't worry
good night
im clocking out as well
i shave
>then why do hairy feet give me a boner
because you are sick in the head
I love destroying farmers' livelihoods. It gives me a rush of satisfaction to know that I can bully a bunch of poorfags into giving up their family's history and birthright so that they can afford to put food in their children's bellys.
Fucking losers.
I literally look like that, what does it mean?
nature intended for hairy feet to be sexually attractive
nature intended for faggots to be burned at the steak
he looks fine
good night
nothing? look at him! he looks like anybody. he's just a normal, regular guy.
>I can bully a bunch of poorfags
lol steak. fuck this itoddler autocorrect
we can't expect God to do all the work, anon
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i need a new source of narcissistic supply. 4chan (you)s ain't doing it for me anymore.
you could go back to red.dit where you came from
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i am god
I've seen worse
i usually just rage bait homosexual on r/askgaybros
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Bon nuit
Buenos Noches
nah you're just a boring faggot with ZERO friends
i don't like my feet, much. the hair on my toes gets caught in the fibers of my socks, and tugs, and two of my nails on my left foot look terrible, because i dropped a can of shaving cream on them and it blew the nails off, and they never re-grew right.
That's a 10/10 in my country
>not getting enough supply
>makes a post about it
I see through your lies
I live in the United States, you retarded gorilla.
good night
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i'm talking to this guy from indiana who wants to meet up and get naked with me
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night bud
if it bothers you, you can go a podiatrist and they can remove the nail so you can regrow it normally
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when did they start selling sex toys in target? is it because zoomzooms are too scared to have real sex with each other?
dogberg thinks it's bed time when it's clearly anime time
4chan (you)s aren't enough for me. i want more attention. that's probably why i have exhibitionist tendencies.
what's the issue
it doesn't hurt, so i won't waste their time. it just looks kind of bad.
god forbid people pleasure themselves, chud
chud thinks sex toys are the downfall of western civilization
you are awfully mad at a basic question, mr faggot. is it because you're so lonely that you sperged out so badly?
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i have a million hoes in my DMs. how many do you have?
i missed this post from the last thread
i really like this video
obviously not or you'd be talking to them instead of spamming /cum/ constantly you stinky ass faggot
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i send dick pics to them when i'm not on here

also i'll BRB i have to take a spiritual bath
if my long distance girlfriend doesn't make me cum tonight I'm going to kill myself
>when i'm not on here
considering how you're always here blogposting and being a fat dipshit, that never happens
how far away is she
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ayo niggas was gud
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you need some chapstik fella
revolting picture
tree fidy light years away
drink some water mane
there it is
how did you guys meet
Half the country, she's in Boston I'm in the Midwest
I'm moving there next year
>"these apps are slated for deep sleep..."
why don't you put these notifications in a deep sleep
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is my hair better than his?
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>moving to bawwwston
boston's a pretty nice city if you can avoid alllllllllllll the muslim immigrants who barely speak english
That's just the computer rendition of faggot features
that’s sweet i know someone who got married to someone they met playing world of warcraft
how did you meet
tiresome how every city has to have a huge portion of obnoxious foreigners there for no reason
kpop boy hair
it’s cute
That MOTHERFUCKER wasn't me
I am me
We unironically met on a horny discord server 2 years ago. Now we fly out to see each other every couple of months at least and like I said I'm moving there next year. It's very expensive to do this and means I can't have a full time job, I would not recommend
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thread is /r9k/ levels of normiegay rn
time for goon and sleep
I have more friends and a girlfriend in Boston than I do where I am here. I'm very lonely and can't live much longer like this
>i know someone who got married to someone they met playing world of warcraft
that's more sweet than my story, how long did it take for them to close the gap?
no IM me
Don't listen to that chud, we met at a cosplay con 3 months ago. I was dressed as link and she was dressed as zelda
oh alright that does kind of sound expensive, the move is gonna be good for your money situation for sure
happy for you buddy
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>that never happens
then why do i literally have like hundreds of DMs
due to supply chain shortages, and rising costs, there is a strict limit of fifty-million items per customer. call now!
i know you've never stepped foot in a city but it's common knowledge that cities are segregated by neighborhood and that you can be in a white neighborhood and almost never see foreigners
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great now the retarded fag is going to seethe and spam about cities again for the 90th time
they actually lived in the same state like less than an hour away from each other
they just kind of hit it off and she moved in with him after a few months and they got engaged a few months after that and married in like less than a year
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The real me would never have the self-confidence nor the interest to go to a cosplay con
I'm horny and like nature, that's the real me
the other guy was the fag spammer brian, nobody likes him he has zero friends and never stops spamming /cum/
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cleansed and purified after my spiritual bath.

gonna do a little meditation with my amethyst.
Thank you brotha
Damn that is sweet
They must've fallen in love quick
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what random middle of nowhere town do you live in

what's the average income and education level of your town

>inb4 too scared to answer
How can you tell it's him?
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that's a purty kitty
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tiny tiger
hi blini cat
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He spams faggy magic shit no one cares about
he's a shitty writer and very repetitive. I can always tell his posts because of his insanely boring style.
suicide fuel for chuds, they ain't gonna like this one
very brave, leaving an open glass bottle of it around a kitty.
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I like cats with alcohol it's funny to me, makes me lol
>>inb4 too scared to answer
called it lmao
he needs to go home he’s had too much
i willingly posted my address and absolutely none of you will do shit with it.
>goonster twink
>Sith King
Those arent hoes bro!
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no just one more!
>/f/ is still broken
well do it again then, big man.
That donair meat with the yellow rice is good
you gonna make me some
Why does he bite the rim
Post it again, I'll write you a letter.
What is that supposed to be?
No buy it from a middle eastern restaurant
An onlyfans account
why would I have one of those around
one YT video and then i go study
after one pee

also fat should kill himself
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i want a woman to sexually degrade me but in a teasing and affectionate way
Don't kill yourself, m8. Study hard.
Do you live in the middle-of-nowhere?
kill yourself
all you do is complain. just a daily reminder to actually go do this - and go report me more because you know you should do it
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I see, I only use streamlabs
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all i do pretty much is think about people i haven't spoken to in months or years and imagine myself having conversations with them. that's the primary activity in my life
Brian doxxed himself
dayum, you are sad fuck, but i support whichever girlboss is taking advantage of you
wait, your name really is brian? they weren't kidding?
find friends retard
tantrum kettle shaking and beginning to whistle
i have a few of those pictures on my laptop but it’s in the other room im on my phone on the couch and it’s in my bedroom
yep and none of you incels are going to do anything with my info

and you're all to scared to post where you live because it's a SHITHOLE
easier said than done. and when i do find them they eventually go away and join the communion of imaginary conversation partners
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this is the same person who posted this >>202380502

Don't reply to or engage with mousenonce
>south side chicago
>murder capital of the country
>not a shithole
no! the other way-around, don't post that on the internet! somebody could actually hurt you, i was only joking.
oh no the scary murder capital where i have been alive for over 20 years and haven't been murdered

where do you live?
Sono ubriac but I'll tell you something
I love peach cobbler
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Hey you, yeah fuck you!
this guy has sexy fuckable lips
this isnt about any of his posts yet
he should kill himself (not talking about the proxy brit - he is always there to try and latch on)

just a daily reminder fat for you to go kill yourself. in a functioning society, you have no place. you go away in a functioning society. and youre the problem
go kill yourself
Fags should be boiled alive in oil
fun fact, the color of your lips is the same color as your genitals.
I actually love chicago, just jokes dude

Maxwell street, hyde park, jims hot dogs, burts pizza, the chop shop, the empty bottle... awesome city

I live on west side los angeles in the hills where its too steep for the joggers and homeless to walk up
based homos making chuds seethe by merely existing
hot, love pink dicks
why do they go away?
My dick ain't blue juan
hi mouse
tantrum kettle rattling hard and whistling furiously and boiling over
cool you're in the minority then cause everyone else here thinks it's a shithole despite never setting foot here, let alone traveling outside of their rural town in middle america
nah he didn't mean to dox himself he was trying to blur out all the identifiers but he's too stupid to even do that so cum found him immediately thanks to those based mexican chads who made the faggot seethe so badly
why are your lips blue? lack of oxygen?
i'm not a very captivating person
and i willingly posted my address here AGAIN because i'm not a pussy like you are
You have no place in nature. you're just a mindbroken abberation, a mistake
lol faggot mad LOL rekt
i was wondering why my phone was so slow but then i realized half of my storage is taken up by music. maybe i should buy an mp3 player
try becoming an interesting person
you don't have friends. other incels on here aren't your friends
yeah after you were too stupid and angry to prevent us from easily finding you, nice job retardo
cool, you have my address now. what are you going to do with it? absolutely nothing.
you'll just continue seething at my existence.
if you are with fat then you are a slave

there is nothing more to it. youre a goy and a slave because youre stupid and easily fooled

barely a person if you can be told what to do so easily and by such a no one
sure thing boss will do
The absolute state of this thread
Not his fault he's a fatass, lives across the street from a little caesars. No one could resist
multiple troonjak and porn threads have been up for hours. wtf are jannies doing (im not complaining THOU)
Not gonna lie, I had brian's address months ago simply based on his name when he posted his uncensored email.
I hate going places and doing things.
how was indepenence day mexibro
you take the easy route every single time
you say that because of what i said in another thread -- without having any concept of the idea. those other threads were terrible
you cant even ban the proxyfag thats using a Mexican flag now

kill yourself
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i don't eat pizza. i do a low carb diet. i made this habanero sauce to eat with some chicken fajitas.
Mannagia alla miseria, /cum/ at this hour is fucking garbage, but it's m glad the tranny schizos relocated to this hour so I don't have to see them when I post at work in the morning
yeah every thread the faggot is in he spams constantly, it's pretty boring since he literally never leaves
keep seething
yeah all he does is complain for 20 hours a day
imagine if i complained about him for 20 hours a day like he does? even though i would get banned for it, unlike him (and he just ban evades when he does anyway). would the thread suffer?
it's not usually this bad they all just emerged simultaneously
this general is always bad. it's full of low IQ white trash. and mexicans.
The microwaved urine chemistry experiments, whateva happened there
>then leave
i like making chuds seethe doe. they can't stop feeding me attention
hey guys i have too much tar leftover from my tire factory and too many feathers leftover from my pillow factory wtf do i do?
We chased them out of the Pacific Time 8am to 4pm bracket. Janny plopped xis nuts in the table and banned these foreign faggots now they come at this time

LOL good luck, I'm never on at this time but I'm drunk and dropped in. Sad state of affairs
all fat does for 20 hours a day here is complain about whatever the fuck he can complain about

he gaslights and demoralizes the thread because thats the environment he needs to survive

in a perfect society he doesnt exist. in a happy on even
Just fuck off you sad animal abuser freak

I dont want to have to filter brit flags cuz some of them are alright but youre the fly in the ointment
oh and suddenly it isnt about low IQ white trash and Mexicans, its the closest thing to you that you can go hit
your life is bad for a reason - stop putting others around you down, just because youre stuck here "with them", with "everyone except me here is trash"
Bouta smoke sum weed
one time that i have spammed cp?
imagine being so low that compared to your posts, the only thing you can do - is lie - is to say the other person "spams cp" but isnt banned for it?
cancelled in almost all the country due to security concerns
You know, giving there "people" attention is what they want, when you name them and reference them it gives them boners and they keep posting

Just completely ignored them. They feed off attention, if you ignore them COMPLETELY they just go away.
oh, fruit flies. i have a enormous grudge against them. i'm a peaceful man, but a pineapple plant sent them in, and i went ballistic! aside from the fact that i'm a dope who should have realized something from his own garden was luring them in, i found a... fruit fly "graveyard" in the window. i couldn't believe how something bugging me was so clearly my own fault. i took the plant, and moved it out of the pot and hopefully they had at it. far, far away from me.
the only posts worse (more evil) than yours would be spamming child porn here, but yet you take it upon yourself to judge who should be here, and "chase them out" by shitting up the thread. you have to beg people to stay when you talk - you are bad for the thread, but think you should choose who stays, when your company is the mindbroken bucks that got broke
Just like serial killers
fat has to. its his way of getting attention
its all the posts he makes. all he does is complain
he makes problems to have something to post about. he posts demoralization so you stay asleep to it and allow him to continue
he doesnt care about the results or what it costs the thread. his attempts arent free
fat doesnt care about the results or effectiveness
or even how it affects you

if there were no "problems" he decides are one, he has no reason to be
if you were happy then you would be less likely to tolerate him
last few days have been pretty bad, makes you wonder how these people live, literally never leaving this thread, like get a life damn.
They don't come on in the morning anymore. We just ignore them and they go away. That's why they're posting now
reply to mousey
still looking for a cute /cum/ boy to talk to
Kill yourself
it was a lot better in the spring i feel like
yeah the first few times a certain homosexual spammer showed up, cum just ignored him lmao was pretty hilarious. It's not too big of a deal for me when he ruins the thread cause after buttpoo's spamming nearly killed the thread I found other places as well but yeah it''s crazy how good the thread was a few weeks back and now...well very grim
why? then i'll never find a cute boy :c
/cum/ needs a jeffrey dahmer to lure and kill all the homofaggot spammers
yeah it was actually pretty good earlier this year. I figured it was going to suck now cause of politics but instead we just got another schizo spammer who nobody likes
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Why does every general have one or several dedicated gay spammers? Are they all part of a order of faggot spammers?
swarthy hands
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we used to have a swedish gay guy, but he didn't spam, although he would post his dick randomly for some reason. not sure what's wrong with the current crop of faggots
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>Only swarthoids hate fags
how do you filter british flags on int specifically again
Mousenonce clitty leak
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>getting my Jefferson genes going
I love her voice
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goodnight and sweet dreams
good night
Buonasera amico
i hate saying this because it makes me sound like an alpha male instagram guru but videogames are such a waste of time man. like, i understand if you do it for a living somehow but otherwise its just such a time drainer
oyasumi pepsidog
our parents wasted their time with tv, at least video games are interactive and somewhat social
good point. i guess every generation had their time wasters. that last point doesn't apply to me though. i stopped playing multiplayer games like 5 years ago
i have two friends who wasted years doing literally nothing but playing mmos, the saddest part is they still don't even realize how sad it is
i don't really play any online games either i don't like competitive stuff. i barely play games anymore anyway
I'm coughing a lot I hope it's not serious
how long has it been going on
are you having any other symptoms? over the counter cough medicine should probably help
Tv was also extremely social.
/^United Kingdom$/ boards:int
Favorite YGO card?
Favorite YGO archetype?
This afternoon, it's probably nothing
im going to texas roadhouse with my family in a couple days B)
they're pretty good for a chain
i've been gone for like an hour browsing tiktok drama
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what kind?
okay well if it doesn't get better in the morning take some medicine for it
please bring me home some rolls they heat up really well and i need a cup of the butter too thank you
Name a greater villain
Dont reply to urinefreak
>please bring me home some rolls they heat up really well and i need a cup of the butter too thank you
i gotchu brother
The market is bizarrely tilted toward quantity over quality. That said I still almost exclusively play long ass rpgs, they just take a year each to finish.
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today i went to the park. i also cruised public bathrooms for gay sex.
and i bought groceries and did some errands.

proof i go out and have a life
i'll do what i like.
thank you so much
hmm you do have a point that people would gather around a tv
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the bathroom in question
Don't reply or engage with mousenonce
>the fag is back spamming
well it was nice he left for 5minutes
does being genitally mutilated make you angry when you see a natural intact penis?
well it's midnight. so technically yesterday.
spamming is when you post the same thing over and over. these are all different comments. learn to read.
not him but i feel more depressed than angry. that seems a bit harsh and out of nowhere though. please be kind and respectful in /cum/
are you gonna start posting your crossdressing dick pics here now too?
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maybe if you left your mother's basement and got some fresh air and sunshine like i did, you wouldn't seethe so much
can't we just all get along
Not just gathering round TVs, TV was so much better in the 90s and 00s, it was a huge part of workplace and school culture to get excited for new episodes and discuss last nights episode
nah fags are animals, literally not human
Shut the fuck up
humans are another species of animals. and humans are homosexuals. hence the name HOMO sapiens.
Blame their previous abuse or current pornography addiction.
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what'd i do?
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Shut up! Shut the fuck up!
>current pornography addiction.
everyone here is addicted to porn
really they ought to just be rounded up and kept in a pen away from civilized society
no im not gay im trying to get Norway to ban male genital mutilation
Finished baking my pretzels
i was sexually abused but it's not as comically severe as most peoples stories so it just seems kinda pathetic to talk about it. not gonna share it btw incase you ask
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>a flyover talking about how civilized they are
LOL all of america would be a third world shithole is chuds were in charge
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i really like this song
I was too ugly to get molested
>the fag spamming again
man I miss Goshcel almost, at least his spamming was varied and occasionally interesting cause he had more than 3 topics
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reminder that it's liberal states producing 90% of the country's wealth
usually doesn't matter. abusers usually go for targets that can be easily manipulated, or if they're lonely, or whatever
why do you think we can help you with that
Grim thought that the jason/goshcel era is preferable to what we have now.
Based Viking
>abusers usually go for targets that can be easily manipulated, or if they're lonely
no wonder the gay spammer got molested LOL
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The secret is.. im a Norwegian-American
Honestly yeah. Goshcel honestly wasn't that bad for the boogeyman of the general, at least compared to buttpoo and brianpoop
I am such a dumbass
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the only countries that are homophobic are literally third world african and middle eastern countries

think about that
were you born in norway or america?
Non-cum flags are scum
Why is Brian so racist against POC?
am i really gonna have to filter every single euro flag
the average chud has more in common with a sub 80 IQ african than a white upper class person living in the west
what happened buddy
so you have american citizenship is what you're saying?
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i wish i was raised here instead of dixie.. you have no idea how wholesome it is here
i yearn for the nordics
yeah natural born
I've got that Norweigan heritage; one day I'm gonna visit norgay. but yeah living in the south sucks so I can see why you'd prefer the mountains
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and nothing of value was lost
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this homosexual could knock a chud unconscious easily
Do you take baths in your state/province?
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I miss my first dixie girlfriend her name is Betsy and she looked like megan fox
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>ran out of beer
it's so fucking over
Once I filtered the UK I literally have not cared in the slightest, I forget it's there half the time
haven't in like 4 years
most of you are too socially awkward and shy to talk to actually insult a homosexual in person
uhhh why didn't you buy more earlier apu

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