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Janitorial edition

Constipated : >>202339682
Good morning /med/.
gm /med/. Today ,by the permisson of allah, i will find a project INSHALLAH
Good morning med

I dreamt that i fell in love with a dutch porn actress and we were on vacations in Rome but it was a small place like you could walk it in 3 minutes and there was also a zone which you could only access with a small ship like in Venice but they were all full of tourists and i couldn't go to that zone of Rome because of that, then at some moment i was on the dutch girl which was a blonde with big tits at first but then she was a redhead and we were i think having sex and we were having a small like about my father for some reason, then i woke up with a hard on

Man, wtf is wrong with my brain
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Exactly, but it was a good dream so i'm not gonna complain
Portubros... I'm literally in a village that could plausibly burn down, is it over?
We are rotten to the core
Too much porno?
Good morning /med/, the air is still grey and brown, people have died.

It’s over.

Recently put my harem theory to practice (in my dreams).
Had the wife and another two girls (office qts) in my bed. Enjoyed the scenery for a long time, but as soon as I tried putting the pp in I woke up.
I came to the realisation that I had been brainwashed, as the office was would never be the ones of my preference. One of them was a chubby girl with giant booba, and the other is a rather ugly girl but with good body. I guess my mind didn’t want competition for the wife.
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My farts smell terrible.
Fuck I'm sick. Maybe some coffee will make it all better.
Also I dreamt that I was a french prisoner in a british prison whom Queen Victoria somehow took a liking to and was allowed to take walk in the park with. Had my own powerful victorian gf
kino dream
gooner dreams
>the air is still grey and brown, people have died
Your area still doing ok I hope? How about the kid?
Nigga dreams about my posts : >>202341204
>and brown people have died.
How can you joke in these moments anon? Jeez
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Good morning sisters. Couldn't go to the gym in the morning thanks to waking up late so I'll go in the afternoon (much prefer going in the morning cuz there are less people desu).
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Nothing like waiting for the coffee to brew while blasting jazz on a soundbar.
Gman rocked.
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Shaved and trimmed and groomed myself. On bosses dime.
Your post pushed me to read more about her life and that pushed into dreamworld. So yeah, you're kind of a dream magician.
You may even say shook.
Enjoy your coffee fren! I already took mind under the morning sun.
Was afraid I gained some weight by eating that 850 grams of gyros yesterday. Much have burned a lot of calories in the gym cause I'm 0,2 kg below yesterday's measure kek.
Will not blogpost anymore today.

>Enjoy your coffee fren!
Thank you gman. Are you feeling better than you did in the morning are you for real sick this time? Either way, I hope you'll feel comfy and healthy as soon as possible.
Today's training.
OHP 1x1 with 90 kg, 3x4 with 72.5 kg.
Close grip bench press 4x6 with 120 kg.
Incline dumbbell bench press 3x6 with 50 kg.
Cable tricep extension 3x10 with 33 kg.

I felt weaker today even though I was able to complete the training I had, I need next week's deload.
I guess I'm on the onset of getting a cold so it's just annoying so far but nothing that'll stop me from enjoying the day!
Thanks for your concern Magyarbro
I talked with a friend from high school (I actually wanted to talk to this guy) and he told me he made a twitch account and streams but didn't want to tell me his account but I found it.
He has some streams with a few people, very respectable it's hard to get just one desu.
Some dude when i was in hs tried the youtuber CoD thing and we looked at his videos, it wasn't great, but not terrible either, just normal
when he asked about it people kind of giggled at it and he gave up later
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>getting a cold
take a shot of this
then take it again
you'll feel better
The place is covered of portuguese smoke, portuniggers keep it there you giga niggers
Pretty cool, will you be watching him?
Yeah I think all schools had at least one of these guys kek. In highschool, 2 guys did podcast videos (the old Norman shit, not real podcasts) and it was ultra cringe but we still supported them.
I would have gotten a grog but I don't have any rhum... :(
I'm currently watching a stream he made some days agos and I'm already following him so I can watch him if I can.
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Today's training:
Futile attempts at trying to put out approaching flames with garden hose and plastic buckets full of water
Driving through burning highway to evacuate grandma to the big city (she didn't want to leave when you told her too but now that a man on TV said she should she agrees(he had a suit and tie so he knows what he's talking about))
Heavy carbon monoxide inhalation and whatever else is in the air until your lungs are proper charred
Feeling a lot more sleepy than usual because it's your third day without direct sunlight and that's kinda fucking up your biological clock
Sitting on the porch drinking ice cold Super Bock just looking at the plumes of smoke and contemplating life in general

next time put on a suit, a tie, and a cardboard fake tv around you

(Kek in english)
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>OMG is that a womenx with big sexy boobers and an ass I must post it on every board I visit!!
Dead thread
Couldn't find my ID for like 20 mins then I remembered that I left it in the shorts I wore when I took the train to Debrecen.
Managed to find my ID, an unused handkerchief, and 35 euros. Feeling kinda rich rn.
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but that's Brazilian...
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>oarghhh is that a fat ass full of cellulite?
>i'm cooooming
why are they like this
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naw dawg I'm posting pussy, check out this little one
Chicken slop, pasta, pepper bell, cooked and raw onion : eaten
I survived, albiet with some shaking.
>Magnificent pair of local booba which reminded me that they look even better IRL.
>Was done with the appointment before the time it was supposed to start.
>Had a nice walk characterised by flora and monuments.
It has been a while since I saw this much human activity. I was somewhere prominent so it makes sense. Other than that, I realised that bus trips can serve as penance.
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Interesting underwear.
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Going to enjoy some Italian cuisine today.
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Have a good 'za
don't forget to post it on here for an endless debate
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Just a classical 'za with tuna.
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Fever starting to set in.
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Wonder what a professional oneiromancer would have to say about these dreams. Nothing complimentary, most likely.
I saw the news report on TV, it's scary as fuck. Hoping for your safety frens.
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Now, a deserved ftira.
We are all eating Mediterranean cuisine today.
>considering to play my younger pupils (5-6 years old) "5 little chuddies"

So much for leftist indoctrination.
As we should.
chuddies jumping on the bed, falling off, and bumping their heads is a cycle that is continually repeated with no real change or progress. every time moma calls the doctor diminishes the number of chuddies, yet the outcome remains the same: the chuddy falls off and bumps his head. The Doctor Soyberg's repeated warnings of “No more babies jumping on the bed” is an attempt to break the cycle, but it does not affect the outcome. no matter how hard Dr. Soyberg tries to break the cycle the chuddies are condemned to bump their heads. The game wasrigged from the start
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in fact one might describe the task of preventing chuddies from getting hurt as Sisyphean
I remember loving rage comics at like 9yo so it would probably have the same effect
They suddenly found a home for grandma.
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>europe's first exascale computer is literally called "JUPITER"
I'm connecting some dots here, and I'm not sure I like the picture that they're making.
Poor Gen Alpha, they really never had a chance, did they?
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Usual French W
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The computer is owned and run by Germans though. Are you connecting the dots yet?
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that thing is so ugly
they could have just made a big french colored chicken keep it classic
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You mean the rhine confederation

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morning gents
kek wtf
This wouldn't be someone from here hey?
You're lacking confidence, Satan.
It could be anyone. You can't prove anything.
Pay a fine or it's off to jail.
iam tired /med/ i will have a nap now
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>look out window
>see ashy skies
>think of the voice line "wealth beyond measure, outlander"
>chuckle to myself
it's all about the silver linings.
Everyone in my village spent all night fighting tooth and nail to protect houses from the flames, I have never seen such surreal images in my life and neither have my grandparents who live nearby. The landscapes I used to gaze at daily will take years, maybe decades to recover.
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>first mass school stabbing in the country's history
we did it bros, we're finally a superpower...
>Refuse to be portucaust'd
Useless effort
Probably because of the same leprechaun that told him to start fires.
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the hills close to my grandparents village burned down a long while back and the ground was just charred black with a few burnt trees for the better part of a decade
pic related is me whenever I traveled to Trás-os-Montes and saw that black earth with a few dead trunks black as coal on my way to their house
Jews did this.
I think the unity you gain from fighting a common enemy together is much higher in value than some landscape that just changed a tiny little bit faster than it normally does.
I hope I get to see the green landscape that used to be here just a week ago again. Wildfires like these always a suck, as a kid they used to be the best part of summer because they were always far away and all I saw was smoke. This was bad, but my friends higher up in the ridges had it way worse than me.Things can truly go south in the blink of an eye.
Maybe you're right but it was always the same since my childhood up to some days ago. My autistic brain will need some readjusting
It's not autistic to suffer from having your surroundings literally nuked. Be strong, and work together with your portubros to help nature do her thing.
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I'm burning up, it's hard to work.
Your ftira pics always look delicious. I'm glad the appointment was alright and that you enjoyed your walk.
It does help in trying times. Just like the dunmer, you will persevere.
It's crazy to see what you love being burnt down. Something will grow back at least.
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My post got filtered so I have to rewrite it, awesome. Might have said a filtered word or idk.
4x10+1x12+1x15 dumbbell bench press
3x12 dumbbell shoulder press
3x8 triceps extensions
3x10 pec deck
3x12 dumbbell pullover
Wanted to do cable upright rows, but some dyel started occupying both sides of the cable machine only to do chest flies with 7,5 kgs per hand. Between sets the lad also bought an overpriced protein shake in the gym. Dyel peepo are something else desu.
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Still amazed at how little coverage of this I can find on the BBC. I had to dig deep to find an article about it.
Send the perpetrator to the frontlines to fight the fire.
>but some dyel
So you are... NOT A DYEL


Today's training
2x10 40kg cable curls
3x7 14kg ez bar preacher curls
4x8 8kg dumbbell shoulder flies
4x6 8kg dumbbell militar press
2x8 8kg hammer curls
3x8 50kg leg extensions
3x18 60kg calf raises
3x10 80kg leg press

There were a bunch of cutties at the gym, might start going this hour to the gym more often, not having sex, just enjoying the sights
Man, I feel like it's over for my muscle gainz.
I was in the showa' and I felt fat. I'm afraid that I just don't do enough sport.
And somedays it feels fine.
Really weird fr.
I don't know anon, post body, too many croissants?
>post body
I will see your twink french body one way or another
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Good morning /med/, today the moon was red due to the fires of Aveiro, we spent half of the morning covered in smoke
My house was almost consumed by the flames on a big fire 15 years ago, the landscape hasn't recovered yet
>Good morning /med/
Good morning lad, the good ol' 5pm morning

Where are you from, i woke up this morning and the sky was all covered of smoke from the Portugal fires (irresponsable portuniggers)
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I'm bored of changing my wardrobe now that it's autumn.
Would prefer if it was summer all year.
Filling the form I had to fill online and booking an appointment saved me time. Now I have to wait until I receive a notice (should be around 10 days) and then I just have to go and pick the card up. In the meantime, my next appointment is tomorrow. The filling of the troublesome molar.

I have something for you. I did not watch it but I figured it might interest you.
I would prefer autumn to last all year round
EU4 game is up
come join meds
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I'm already playing a better Paradox game though.
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catnigga post detected
opinion summarily rejected

I'd like to report the post you have linked to the anglophobia department.
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Her sex is female is my guess.
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I saw your contemptible opinion in that thread too, yet chose not to embarrass you by drawing attention to it. I will not afford you the same mercy again.
TPC (Total Portuguese Carbonization)
>My house was almost consumed by the flames on a big fire 15 years ago, the landscape hasn't recovered yet
These kinds of things used to happen every year here but they didn't burn like they used to precisely because of their periodicity. Now they haven't happened for 15 years so the brush has grown to unimaginable extents, and in the north where I live it rained the entire autumn, summer, spring and early summer which caused incredible growth of the brush. This period of rain was followed by a few months without any rain at all and high temps. Couple that with my area being composed almost entirely of either eucalypti or pine trees and you have a recipe for disaster. Almost all land here is privately-owned and holds absolutely nothing of value, the government just tells people to clean it up, which many people either ignore or just straight up can't finance.

I should have seen this shit coming. Still, the landscape recovered somewhat quickly from the fire that happened 15 years ago around here so I'm hopeful.
the entire autumn, winter, spring and early summer*
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Good day med am back from the cagie wagie, I inflated my car's tyres
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extreme lusophobia detected
your time of judgement will come sooner than you expect, lusophobes!

and this >>202392456 is my glorious and correct statement
feel free to give me a (You) got being so right.
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>posting body on the gayest board after /lgbt/
No thanks.
Well, I respect people enough to not use a machine they are using unless we can both use it at the same time, instead of changing the height at which the starting point of the cable is set and removing the handle the other guy just put on one minute ago. So I don't think I'm a dyel. My only dyel-esque trait is being worried about not consuming enough protein.

>tattoo depicting a marijuana leaf
>and this >>202392456 # is my glorious and correct statement
>feel free to give me a (You) got being so right
I'll give you a you, love me some english roses
>Magyaranon is not a dyel
It turns out i'm the only dyel in this place, i want to kill my self in the bench press fr fr
I don't really want to marry a girl, but i would get her pregnant, which is way more important to me.
Also, i'm watching padel, and a girl has OF sponsors on her shirt. It's over.
>It turns out i'm the only dyel in this place
Well, you are a sex haver (unlike me, I'm a born again virgin) and that implies you're a dyel.
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You know you can just impregnate your gf without marrying her.
Also are there qts at padel ?
Yes. Among professionals there aren't many cuties, but when it comes to random players there's plenty. Sadly the fit ones want to play with better players than me.
It's time to improve your skills and impress the beautiful ladies
I do NOT have sex, never had, who told you that? It was the jews wasn't it
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What do you think i've been doing so far? Sadly it takes a long time to beat years of lazy and not doing sports. The discipline is aquired, the coordination is not.
But i have a few cuties i play with, vastly stronger than them, but point is i'm not a player that makes that many points (good at defence and i throw many tricky balls, but i don't have a ground-breaking smash), so they pick others. I suffer.
>who told you that?
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Do DYELers really find it difficult to have sex? I thought it was just us fatsos who physically and mentally repulsed women.
Just to clarify, i'm a new spanish anon, been here for 3 or 4 weeks, don't mistake me for andalusanon or any other, sure andalusanon has tons of sex, he can lift 300 kg with a single hand, he surely has been in the womb of the girls from half his province
I've never been fat and yet I physically and mentally repulse women
If only there was a facility where you could give a certain amount of money in exchange for high quality exercise equipment, that would allow you to work hard 1 h 4 days a week and get some sweet gains.
A shame such facilities don't exist.
Why would you give money when you can climb on a mountain and lift rocks for free.
A gypsy started talking shit to my sister in the gym, when she answered back the gypsy said he will call his cousins and that he knows what her car is and will break it.
I wasn't there to help her at the time but I'll go talk to the staff to sort this out.

I've never had sex.
Today i was at the gym in the bench and there were 2 girls, they like wanted to approach to where i was (the dumbbell station was in front of me) but one of the girls was looking at me weird, i don't know how to describe it, i saw her through the reflection of the mirror, like she was afraid to approach or something, i was in the middle of a set so not sure

It's so over for some of us
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>I've never had sex
Fuck man, i really suspect it's a problem coming from women in this country, not incel-posting, just women-hating
>do a poo
>take a shower
>needs to poo again

>work hard
I would slack and annoy the big dudes doe.
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>I've never been fat and yet I physically and mentally repulse women
And so I remain mystified by the reproductive preferences of women.
Surprised they allowed the gypsy in the gym.
In bongland, the typical response would be to go full beta and tell him he's not allowed inside the gym anymore for harrassing women, but I bet in Spain you could get away with bringing 20 good men together and beating up the gypsies.
this is (You) >>202398133
and I approve
The gym staff did nothing.
That game looks really cool, thx for the rec, I added it on my list! It reminds me of Observation duty that I need to try too.
Also good luck for the mollar, not gonna be a pleasurable moment but one less thing to worry about afterwards!
i was born virgin too
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Bro literally living in the country where any proud Turk can get himself a bite of foreign pussy. It'd be rather surprising to stay virgin in West Asia than being born virgin.
my lion i have no money, no looks, i lack every communication skill known to man and there is at least a few million like me.
Don't worry, my wolf man, even that Turkish boomer with the most atrocious look and little bank account managed to trick Natashas into believing like he's the most rich sheikh of Turkey and would pay them enough for sex, what he didn't and got away with that as far as am concerned.
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every time i think about getting myself a girl, i remember that the shit the world goes through right now is women's fault
everything started going downhill the moment they got their hands on the vote, you can't prove me wrong
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Another day of NEETdom, it's been a week since the last interview let's hope I get a positive answer soon.
Based, only feminists think it's all men's fault, but they BTFO.
Hello, my brother. I have a question. Is the antipathy towards Poles among Russians a meme, or is there some truth to it? What are the chances that some potential Natasha I meet will be prejudiced against me?
The skies are clearing now in my area.
Heyy, my brother, glad to see you.
Well, to some degree it may be true, but I don't think you'd be talking with grannies and stuff, most adults and young people are fine with both Ukranians and Poles, vatniks do scream louder than all sane people do. So, the chances are close to zero in my opinion if only you don't date whackos from here. Also in fact methinks nowadays girls want to live in Europe and even back in the day they had a firm intention to search for a better life in Europe, can't see how you can be in a bad spot.
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>women's fault
I blame the West.
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and who ruined 3000 of western civilization in less that 50?
women with legislative power
Always been a dyel, it's not really helpful. If you are mid or below mid, without a pretty face, it doesn't really matter. If you are tall and well built you gain points and can defeat the rest of your dead end features, but being thin isn't helpful.
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Feeling incapable of living desu.
>women with legislative power
Yeah, and i wonder who gave them that.
Aren't you a sex haver althoughtthth?
feeling fed up of living
I hope you stay safe friend
Best of luck, my country lebanon is also in a shitty situation
>I added it on my list!
I could tell from the thumbnail and the title that you'd be interested in it.
>Also good luck for the mollar, not gonna be a pleasurable moment but one less thing to worry about afterwards!
On one hand, I've been to this dentist numerous times throughout my life and the procedure is not exactly new to me either, though of course still unpleasurable. On the other, I'm a bit worried and anxious about the voyage, and also the fact that I'm going alone for the first time, and general anxiety.
There was a second wave of explosions?
The West is economically better than most of humanity throughout history.
There are challenges but the idea that civilization is going to end because some migrants and a economy worse than a few years ago is just stupid.
Also this is another day I pray for both Lebanon and Portugal so they'd be fine. Take care, brother.
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>Aren't you a sex haver althoughtthth?
Doesn't matter because I'm fucked in the head. My health will probably only deteriorate over time desu.
No, just the overall state of the country, its sad
Thanks brother, you too aswell
war breaks out
you and i are sent to fight
migrants ravage our country while we're away
civilization (once again) ends, it's that simple
>Doesn't matter
Spoken like a true sex haver. It does matter. In fact, it might matter more than anything else.
I thought I read something. Maybe I misread then.
>just the overall state of the country, its sad
Yes, I can imagine.
You wouldn't get it desu. Even though you always call me a sex haver I'm sure your life is more interesting than mine.
>Has sex
>Complains that his life is not interesting
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You mistook me for venetanon again. Anyway, no.
>You mistook me for venetanon again

Haven't had sex in years doe. Even if some girls just casually told me she wants to have sex sex with me I'd probably tell her to fuck off.
>if some girls just casually told me she wants to have sex sex with me I'd probably tell her to fuck off
Can't suffer in sexgary
Thread slow today, i guess all the anons are #PrayingForPortugal
Actually you are right, there was a second wave today
I am watching Inter playing against City and shitting myself whenever Haaland touches the ball
Moon is orange
>Leave the gym
>Proceed to fart in the parking lot next to it
>One of the very few semi-decent looking girls comes behind right after
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It's 10:45pm on a Wednesday evening, all the resident thread normies are watching football on the couch, while their girlfriends paw at them for attention, dropping increasingly obvious hints that they want to retire to the bedroom for the night for some hanky-panky.
don't worry, he only score tap-ins against english farmers
Indeed, Foden and Gundogan are scarier
>the Jews did it again
top lel
my in-depth analysis of the Lebanon situation:
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>literally sold them the devices they used to kill them
I'm truly in awe at this advanced level of Jewry.
>Hezbollah's carrier pigeon network suddenly explodes!
>Hezbollah's telegraph network suddenly explodes!
imagine it goes on and on until every non-cellphone mode of communication suddenly explodes and it turns out Mossad made literally every communication equipment in Lebanon
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Personally, I wouldn't be clicking any pens if I were a Hezbollah member right now.
>be Hezbollah
>had a non explosive biper
>go home
>rant to mum about the kikes
>mum explodes
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