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Brad VIII edition
ahahaha quite enjoy this edition
heyt if you have any questions about christanity i'll try to answer them to the best of my ability
Done him tobes, masterfully
if you hate americans and /cum/ so much why do you post there all the time? fucking lunatic
front door just slammed
Morning team. Having a cup of coffee.

Morning Mousey. Did you sort your benefits out? And how's the budgeting?
tell em unc
what is huw going to do for work now? must be difficult getting a job as a paedo
Fully in support of the Tobey Terror on Yanks regime
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Hes tough on yanks
Tough on the causes of yanks
>morning team
talking to us like they're at one of their aldi standups
He'll retire to some nonce-friendly lsland somewhere
kill yourself you man
mousey the other day someone was pretending to be you and making these awful cuckposts
>3rd time in a row now I’ve got a number off a girl on a dating app agreeing to meet up and then she never replies to my first message on whatsapp
>So deflating
no point sugar coating it mate, dating apps are the fucking worst thing to happen to human relationships perhaps ever, it is what it is, either put up with this shite and power through, or if you don't have the stomach for it give them up and try something else
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got him going for you lads, hope you enjoy. toodle-oo
he'll never work or be seen in public again
honestly dunno what the point of going on is
will his friends forgive him?
maybe if he completely prostrates himself before them
his voice is seared into my brain
was quite surreal watching that episode as a child as he (obviously) sounds just like he does when he's doing a thomas episode
mousenonce gay porn
Spaino hasn't posted here since July, Mousey.
"I hung it on me wall"

"PS, forgive the lateness of my reply."
struggling to upload files from my terminal - bit frustrating
front door just slammed again
dunno why staying at my mum's turns me into a dribbling retard
been abroad on a contract working every day, that's done now so come back home for a bit, and I have like negative willpower, I'm just monging on the sofa all day, it's unreal
he might not have much left in the tank seeing as he spammed /cum/ for 7 hours, 5am to 12pm gmt.

but every post is a blessing, the old man and the starfish and all that
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I like when he was small
mousenonce sex arse with authentic rotten teeth inside the flesh sleeve
Had a cracking game of CK3. l finally 'got it' and things just clicked. United lreland and got some of Scotland and went on some pilgrimages and had lots of kids then died at 72.
should top himself
reverting into a dependent
toby toddler tantrum looool
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only you yanks got that show
made the thomas and the magic railroad movie EXTREMELY confusing for me as a kid
You are tax class: "disabled, really mongified"
high chance he does within the next few years
I think most lowlifes of the sort don't really knocked down much further after being outed and arrested and that
but he was Elite
not a true untouchable like prince Andrew though mind you. go high up enough on the chain and they're just immune to anything and everything
talk to em unc
... yh
I'm sorry
it had puppets too who lived in a jukebox
was good
lucky bastard
the beauty of this has unironically brought me close to tears
>welcome to country
why are aboriginals welcoming people to a country they no longer own? bit disrespectful innit?
Best Henry VIII film?
For me, it's The Private Life of Henry VIII starring Charles Laughton.

you are also a parasite though.
do you work? no
do you rely entirely on the government for handouts to survive? yes
do those handouts come from tax payers who do work and aren't parasites like you? yes

you are a pathetic useless leech. not even your family like you loool
Posting with mongs here and all their little dramas
the one with the irish guy from bend it like beckham
might have a hillary swank
Nothing beats the chat to a girl on hinge/tinder, set up the date, and she cancels on you an hour before and then deletes you out of embarrassment as you are reading the cancellation message
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not seen that one but like A Man of all Seasons
seals are fat
a tommy tank?
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Just had a shit, shave and shower in that order. Absolutely textbook.
>watching 100 year old films
white people bro...
Does mousenonce really think the only person who bullies him is spaedo or is he just coping?
need to shag hillary clinton
that’s adam done
I usually shower once a day (in the evening). Is this normal?
amazing tum and slitr
altho slit is slightly large
one of largest slits i've evers en desu
Hello whore
a thomas the tank
looking for some advice
need to move out
where's a place I can get a house to rent for cheap that:
is not a dangerous shit hole
south of, say, Coventry

I'm unemployed atm anyway so that doesn't really matter will figure that out after
Yeah, I shower morning and evening though because I like not being a smelly runt.
Yeah good film that.
Old films mog the shit out of new films.
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Love how Kubrick followed the principles of the Fibonacci sequence with each still.
first dates should be extremely low stakes like a coffee or literally just a walk
a j arthur?
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he has a weird thing about calling people the very things he is.
in this thread alone
calling people parasites when he's a worthless bennies sponge
saying 'tax class: disabled' to people when that was his tax classification.

its very strange. i wonder why he does it
Yeah you’re a working man, after a hard day moving around pallets and serving customers you can’t go to bed with sweaty bollocks can you?
I don't think it's good to be mean to mousey
I think you should all be very careful
This is why I usually just get to know them a little first and might call them before seeing them
Be right back forum
is fat and adam and parasite the same person? pardon me mousey i dont know much about the lore here
mousenonce sat outside fortnum and masons announcing to the tourists that the figures are about to come out on the hour
You're having a tantrum in the wrong thread lol
also why'd you report me? that wasnt very nice was it (only got a warning)
never happened to me. you must be ugly, sorry
Toby and Adam
sitting in a tree
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mental people project constantly
see also: smartschoolboy9 calling people paedos and saying they're pretending to be kids
>why does [mentally ill person] do [mentally ill action]?

yes truly a mystery
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just finished my base in minecraft. it's looking rather scranulous if I nust say so
doesnt happen to me. i dont like women so i refuse to engage with them
I should be attracting more desirable women. I am a handsome and well-off man
corr pics?
me 11 years ago
no there not mousey is devoted to reggie with whom he is in love he would never kiss a parasight
Is it just me or does this person’s hands and knees have a different skin colour
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Betting between £5-10 every lunch time on online slot machines what a fucking waste
any sheilas in there lad?
considering where we are it's a surprise we don't get repeat offender schizos more often I think
thanks mousey x
well where does the mental illness come from
Why do you waste your grandmother's inheritance on overpriced clothing for homosexuals?
telling mumberg that I’m deeply unhappy when she asks me what’s wrong or why I’m so idle, just so she can respond that me doing nothing is making her deeply unhappy too
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maybe you could try a nice hat
Gonna bring dork academia back into fashion myself. Yes I said dork because dark is cringe.
on the slot machines as well that's fucking tragic
talk yourself down to doing a lottery ticket once a week instead or something
or an acca
one of them is a ghost caught on camera but not sure which
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It’s mad how some suddenly do a 180 after appearing eager to meet up
Can’t imagine doing that myself, but girls just have tons of options unlike most men
yh ur mum
I do accas on top of the slots
In the evenings I also watch YouTube videos of other people playing slots
Glad people have realized the parasite pretends to be mousey for attention.
Truly a depraved individual.
this is literally fucking ktim holy shit
need this irl
is that matalin?
this is where theyll house them next if woke gets their way
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there are people who do slot streams???
oh my actual days
anyway have a word with yourself mate you fucking mess
Toby, do you really think you should legally be allowed to have kids if this is how you react to everything :/
The UK is a Tatchellite paedocracy that doesn't care about the safety and wellbeing of children.
odd geopolitical positions for certain countries:
>In USA the most pro-Ukraine supporters are centre-left liberals (while in eastern/central Europe it's the hard right who are the most pro-Ukraine)
>In Germany the far-left are pro-Israel (every other country's left is either pro-Palestine or pro-two state solution)
any reccs for where to live
I've heard "north Wales" before but seems a bit too far out of the way
I thought the parasite mousey spams about was diego, i swear he used to call him that when he went through that period where he was obsessed with him
craving slop
big maccas feed, paki 'za, hsp, chinky, i want it ALL
Adam, you left your proxy on whilst pretending to be mousey
Some might say
That sunshine follows thunder
Go and tell that to the man who posts in /brit/
you have kiza in staya?
no woman will ever want you. sorry
Diego hasn't posted here in years.
whos going to be their mother
>implying you do
huw should have said mossad hacked his whatsapp
What energy drinks do you like?
no mousenonce is anti communist and pro capitalist would never be a "hurr durr landlords are parasites" retard
>but if you ask too many questions about why there are so many immigrants on Facebook you get two years behind bars !!!!
hate to agree with the chuds but they're right on this
Yes mate my personal favourites are gamblergirl and 7 neighbours you should check them out
i'm incapable of posting any post or comment on any platform that's worthy of receiving any likes or upvotes. bit concerning
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>Missing wheelchair-bound mother was found dead under a pile of rubbish in a garden, inquest told
plenty of kebab shops do grim runtslop pizzas yes
>All white
Mad how everyone shits on the UK right-wing tabloids but this they are honestly some of the best journalists in the western world. Zero possibility for respectable outlets to cover horrible hypocrisy and state abuses like this
scotland has to do the commonwealth games again because no one else cares to and it's too expensive anyway
Extremely English physiognomy. That dude just stepped off the Mayflower last week.
hsp shops?
lil toby jr running around chewing on electrical cables
quite mad that people have been getting prison sentences for shouting at police and they let nonces walk free
dailymail chats a lot of shit but it will chat about anything
something like guardian is so filtered and top down led that it's worthless
I’m having a nap. Do NOT disturb.
fancy a peng documentary, got anything good?
This is because foreign relations are dictated by national interest, not nebulous ideas of international left or right. The left/right divide is just because the left (self-hating xenophile party) advocates for things against the national interest. Supporting Ukraine is probably good for Poland, so the Polish left opposes it. Supporting Ukraine is probably bad for America, so the American left supports it.
Naa the Mail is pozzed to shit as well even if leftypol cries about them being 'right wing'
i might have one too
then its sort of like were having a nap together
kebab shop = hsp shop
Rorke SHOCKED that being part of a violent rioting mob gets you sent to prison
racism is worse than murder if you think about it
lord above /cum/ is dire
murder kills one person and hurts a few of their friends
racism hurts an entire RACE
toby tantrums?
certainly appears worse than raping kids
Toby Sr teaching Toby Jr how to make nettles piss
Very dishonest post. People are going to prison for making posts online from their homes, who never took part in any riots.
Why is leftypol never honest?
its an entire thread of schizophrenics, like a modern day asylum
All my exes are so beautiful...
not a fan of them desu
(8) all my exes are in texas like i'm george strait or they go to georgia state where... (8)
Getting a message on my pager, hold on let me check it out I'll be right back
So, inciting riots then. And I’m far from leftypol, the nonces need to be jailed as well. But it was important they send a message about tgeee riots to prevent a breakdown of law and order. You notice the little scrotes soon went home once they started arresting and jailing people quickly.
well lads? do you pass the guardians britishcore test?
americans do seem particularly schizophrenic for some reason. all the ones who post in /brit/ are completely fucked in the head
I had a really beautiful ex. should have killed her so no other man could soil her perfection
Lettuce be serious lads.
Landlordism should be cured by ruthless chekists.
get the kids stabbed
never been to lanzerote
so no
(nor do i have a mate, mind)
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Your name is Rick and your nickname is Head because, well...
To be fair at least none of them completely ruin our general for hours at a time like Mousey does in /cum/

At least gingernonce and emmayank hardly post here and they dont spam constantly one post every minute with walls of text
leftists are like
>we have a supply and demand issue in the rental sector. how can we address that? I know let's lower the supply. that will show the parasites
Leftypol is everything he claims to be opposed to. A bigot and a bully, who will concoct all kinds of dishonest arguments rather than agree with anybody he has pre-decided is 'bad'.
You see this a lot with the trans issue.
They support trans women, not out of principle, but because they think all the people who are critical of transgenderism are 'fascists' and so they must take the opposite position to avoid any association with the 'bad' people.
It's the worst kind of lazy tribalism.
live in a place with abundant public transport so can get away with not having a car but i still badly want one for no good reason other than it'd be cool. boys and their toys i suppose
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if they black then yeah
get the murderers freed
>private schools are elitist and only benefit the wealthy so let's make them more expensive so that you have to be even wealthier to be able to send your kids there
OK mate that's going a bit far
i attempted to move my daily shitposting and browsing habit off here and fully onto reddit.

i got 1500+ karma within 24 hours.

things were going well for about a week. but after about a week, i went 'ah fuck this gay ass reddit shit' and posted naughtily and *wack!*, permanently suspended.

i begrugingly came back here again. still stuck on here. doesn't feel right. this is not a wholesome place. i am not one of you.
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yup another good one
not to mention state schools already being rammed
Get the protestors arrested
My older sister had a boyfriend who went by Danny, but every Daniel I’ve ever known directly from my own age cohort has always used the full version. True of a lot of other names as well, like people using Michael and never Mike
farting up an utter storm here
mousey is a GOOD guy, if there was justice on this board then moderators would focus less attention on banning him and more attention on removing the literal porn and race bait spammers that purposely try to make this place worse
Donkeypunching Mousenonce hard in the back of his bald head while i shag him up the arse in his caravan and seeing a green tooth come flying out of his head underneath the banquette
why? if I can't have her then no one should. she shouldn't have came into my life to start with. why should she be allowed to enter my life and then leave me making me feel miserable? only fitting that I make her miserable too, equality and that yeah
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> Donkeypunching
Screeching, not heard that term in years
Sir Fash Stormer
imagine how many willers and bollocks were blown off yesterday assuming those pagers were kept in pockets
Sir this is a 9/11 memorial
mad how I sometimes spend an hour posting absolute shit and not reading a single post
Sir Der Stürmer
do they still do those luzocade tablets? not seen them for a while
tiny toby temper tantrum
Turning 3000 fighters into cripples instead of martyrs is pretty funny ngl
lot of chinese people in china
you reckon marge simpsons pubes look the same as her hair, just a big blue dildo poking up from her mons pubis
Opinions on investing in gold, lads?
How do you do it?
They rigged it so the pagers would go off and make a sound just before blowing up, so afaik the most common body parts lost were hands and eyes
and how do we avoid the spam/flooding of off-topic posts like these?
buy a lump of gold innit
Reckon you just buy those tiny gold ingots in the plastic
thats pretty genius but also clear evidence of the devils work at play
Buy low, sell high.
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>jew makes his religion mandatory for the public
There must be at least one bender in history who chose death by explosives up the arse
isn't it already?
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yea ur da
Weird how British expats end up in the most random places here. What compels an Englishman to move to Nebraska?
He’s not dead x
yer a gold eejit
No but everybody teaches it
This just makes it law to worship Jews
>walk outside to McDonalds
Is there anything else to do as a NEET?
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>dealing with Virgin Media customer service chatbot
>chabot gets confused
>real person 'stephany' enters the chat
>is even dumber than the chatbot
was reading reviews of inflatable arse plugs recently and this fella gave the one i was looking at a one star review because it exploded in his arse

said he had to pick bits of bloody rubber out of his rectum
Call of Duty: Mouse Ops
Play csgo
need a hapa gf
Probably attracts Brits who most hate Britain and everything it entails; those who want to wear a cowboy hat and drive an F-150 down roads snaking through gigantic corn fields. Kind of like those Japanese guys who romanticize and LARP as weird aspects of modern Americana
Gf started crying while reading a Holohoax book
we need to teach women a lesson . all men should go on strike in the dating game and start being gay together instead
The celts play today
haha sounds a bit gay
any betting man in? found a massive value bet
samsunspor v basaksehir in the turkish super league, basaksehir unbeaten in 8 away games and priced at 3/1

worth a cheeky tenner x
oy vey
Hope you found yourself a more reliable model
The creepy Asian fetishist is fuming that i blew up his LARP
gave up gambling, complete shit at it
any yardi itt or just trident undys?
>exrangers player in the squad
>manager beat us 5-0

it's over
shitting my guts out as per
The manager is his da
could've sworn I clicked /int/
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Do British truck stops do this too
dios mio
ye we're finished. they will be completely unshackled
We don't have 'truck stops'
not ACTUALLY a friendless loser I actually get invited out fairly often I just decline invitations for no reason (can't bear going outside) haha x
hate being a slowreflexescel
confined to dreary RPGs and map painters like a British man confined to an overcrowded cell
someone needs to just pluck up the courage and kill 90% of people on the planet to make it more comfy for the rest of us
must be a good lad for your mates to keep asking
Working on it mate x
same. i ust want to sit in peace until time passes to my death
For me, it’s horny girls from my past messaging me out of the blue, and me ignoring them because I cba (happened again today)
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time for a big brapper
that thread looks off topic ngl
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why did we leave the EU when this is all I see from websites
Haha the melts are posting in there as if it's the new
will there be a new?
I think it's best if not.
why do you use a vpn to make posts

what are you scared of on your own ip
The last Brit thread. It makes sense that I get the last word in.
fair play, bosnia has been a massive part of /brit/ for seconds now
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I'm the actual Canadian

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