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the-differences-between-full-breakfasts-v0-r7cfyi5cb7921.jpg edition
heyt if you have any questions about christanity i'll try to answer them to the best of my ability
mongbirds love their bird food
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First for my slave thinking about me while I'm out -///-
Why did you program a bot to pretend to be a namefag from 5 years ago?
never in my life seen anyone have juice or coffee with their english breakfast, only tea
>no beans
>no mushrooms
he bought a canadian mug of ebay for 1 quid lads he's the real canadian
>Keir Starmer's top aide Sue Gray paid more than the PM

>The BBC has been told that Sue Gray asked for and was given a salary of £170,000 - more than the PM and any cabinet minister – or her Conservative predecessor.

The amount of power this unelected woman has is COMPLETELY NORMAL. Do not question it.
>Gray has been portrayed as relatively unknown but once highly influential,[52] and has been described as "an enigma".[9] In 2015, a profile[53] by Chris Cook,[54][55] then policy editor for the BBC's Newsnight, claimed that she was "notorious… for her determination not to leave a document trail", had advised special advisers how to destroy emails through "double-deletion" and made at least six interventions "to tell departments to fight disclosures under the Freedom of Information Act".[21][56][57] She was described by former prime minister Gordon Brown, in his memoir, as someone who could be counted on for "wise advice when – as all too regularly happened – mini-crises and crises befell".[26] Rajeev Syal in The Guardian described her as "an uncompromising operator".[58] Political journalist Andrew Gimson wrote: "All power to the Civil Service is her modus operandi. She owes her allegiance to the permanent government and the deep state."[11] Former cabinet minister Oliver Letwin wrote of her: "Unless she agrees, things just don't happen. Cabinet reshuffles, departmental reorganizations, the whole lot – it's all down to Sue Gray".[59][60]

>In 2023, after her appointment as Starmer's chief of staff was announced, Gray was named seventh in a list drawn up by the New Statesman, of "most influential" people "shaping Britain’s progressive politics" and having "some affiliation with the Left".[61]
no chance copealone is capable of that
why did the jews kill jesus
ask and ye shall receive
What power does she have exactly?
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>just in tesco
>"This is a colleague announcement for the checkout team, well done, you absolutely smashed it."
Is sola fide unquestionable biblical canon or is salvation through good works an acceptable viewpoint
I've posted proof a few days ago multiple times do you have the memory of a goldfish?
because some of them thought he spoke heretically by claiming to be god (and that would be accurate except in this unique instance when he was god)
quite clearly stated in the post you illiterate mong
This is a colleague announcement for the my bollocks team, well done, you absolutely smashed 'em
The United Wogdom of Great Shitstain and North Troonland is a Tatchellite Paedocracy
not hard to buy canadian faux passports either. You have no proof of anything you sad incel
It’s not stated anywhere in there what power she has
any man in?
*raises paw*
precisely this complaint

what did they do
You need some sort of potato product in a full English. Either chips, hash browns or potato cake
Is this what you eat every morning?
Really is weird how spaedo's life revolves around seeking approval from random mongs on 4chan
yes and you?
it was a pikey that did it, right?
they absolutely smashed it
that's their reward for being a good little wagie and making tesco lots of money
no pay rise
no bonus
just an announcement over the intercom
Hate toxic positivity
it was a thigh gap and they chopped the willy . they transed it
fuck no but it's a lovely brekky at the cafe on a day out
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doing a read
Way to sow division dude
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I'll be returning to tesco toil in a month or two
Ah I see you want spoonfed then
>BBC's Newsnight, claimed that she was "notorious… for her determination not to leave a document trail", had advised special advisers how to destroy emails through "double-deletion" and made at least six interventions "to tell departments to fight disclosures under the Freedom of Information Act".
>She was described by former prime minister Gordon Brown, in his memoir, as someone who could be counted on for "wise advice when – as all too regularly happened – mini-crises and crises befell".
>Former cabinet minister Oliver Letwin wrote of her: "Unless she agrees, things just don't happen. Cabinet reshuffles, departmental reorganizations, the whole lot – it's all down to Sue Gray".
You have former PMs relying on her advice for important decisions, another PM caving into any demands she makes, and a cabinet secretary saying nothing happens in government without her approval even if the PM approves.
That's quite powerful, no?
poo gray
just did a watch of the grand tour, pretty good
Rorke ASTONISHED to learn that politicians get advice from their staff!
>1. Ulster fry
>2. Scottish breakfast
>3. Irish Breakfast
>4. English Breakfast
>5. Cornish Breakfast
>6. Welsh Breakfast
I ate it once in a cafe. It cost $5 There were very little beans and a slice of ham instead of black pudding. There also was a croissant instead of a toast and no sausage at all.
Have you never seen a real passport before?
Tried to tell you all that the Civil Service runs the country and Parliament is basically irrelevant but you wouldn't listen would you.

>Political journalist Andrew Gimson wrote: "All power to the Civil Service is her modus operandi. She owes her allegiance to the permanent government and the deep state."
Didn't really eat it did you
That's not an English breakfast at all I'm afraid. Sounds like the 'we couldn't find your item so we substituted it for this!' version of one.
She's Keir Starmer's staff, before then she was just a civil servant.
Staff don't usually get paid more by their boss. And if they ever demanded that they did, they'd get sacked on the spot.
What kind of unhealthy work environment are you in? Or are you a NEET who doesn't understand the basics?
thats a 190 post my man
you went to a shit cafe
So in other words a completely different meal.
>Staff don't usually get paid more by their boss. And if they ever demanded that they did, they'd get sacked on the spot.
blud never worked a day in his life :skull:
gonna die soon I reckon
No bully. It looked good on the menu.
had that breakfast before, except without the beans, and no toast, and the bacon and sausages were actually cheerios, and the hash browns were milk, and no tomatoes or mushrooms
Now that's a proper English.
Irish catholic woman running Britain, Jamaican Indian woman running the US. Why are the Magyars literally the only European tribe left who have resisted dechudification?
dont hear much of brit posters dildoing their arse any more
You say tomayto, and I say tomato
I say free and frank public service, and you say Deep State
Stephany from Virgin Media is an absolute fucking spastic and probably smells like warm asafoetida
In my part of Australia cheerios is another word for little boys
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dildoing my arse
wonder if there's anyone out there that's just sat down and binged all of home and away or neighbours from s1e1
must be at least one tismo that has
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just got a bit bored of it ya know
Very cool sir

first girl is so peng
meeting up with a girl from /soc/ today
dont give me ideas
spaedo meltdown imminent
discord notified
cuck spam ordered
not real
Wtf? Is this real?
might do that with eastenders, only 7kish episodes
Kill yourself you namefag obsessed retard
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Ya seethe?
this place would be better if it were a discord and there were also terminally online bedrot girls in it to groom
Ministerial salaries have go through parliament, PMs are notably underpaid but no Prime Minister is going to dare to be cheeky enough to actually try to get through a pay rise for himself so the salary remains very low.

You can’t really compare Downing Street/Whitehall to any other random workplace.

I’m not denying Sue Gray has a lot of influence, any senior civil servant/SPAD in any administration does. It’s just Tory Boomer retards who think there’s something particularly unusual about Sue Gray simply because she wrote the Partygate report and they’re seething that it helped get rid of Boris

She’s just had a long civil service career and knows how Whitehall works very well so she gives good advice. That’s it.
Watched the first series of Home and Away a while back, interesting watching it go from Serious Issues show about fostering and adoption to relationship drama soap opera
Here's a thread better suited to your needs: >>202390240
Ya boiling? Ya frothing?
i am frothing at the gash
i empathise with these lovely young ladies
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The truth will come out

More and more and more are waking up

Even this highly respected Lawyer is noticing and hundreds of thousands soon to be millions more are too.
>very little beans and a slice of ham instead of black pudding
grim grim grim
what line lad? was one of those personal shoppers for a few weeks and thought I was going to go insane - it was so boring.
agreed, I'm getting 2 weeks next year
just pop your airpods in
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>blackbelt barrister
ah yes the mong who defended charlie veitch for tresspassing then got flustered when it came out that veitch was, in fact, in the wrong and that the legal analysis he made was pulled out of his arse
hash browns are leng and anyone who gets all upset about them being in a fry up is an incel
what if a tranny mum wants paternity leave to breastfeed their adopted baby with their cock
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Corrie has more
doesn't harm you does it rorke. just let people live you bigot
is there anything sadder than a loser who knows decades of youtube lore about boring attention whores and engages with other mentally ill freaks here about their off-topic eceleb drama?
you need to start at the old chapter
as foretold in the bible
tried to do that, but tesco shoppers are just fucking mongs that you have to be aware at pretty much all times to avoid getting a trolley in the back from some 70 year old who wants to get at the reduced to clear section. plus my managers got very pissy about it.
put just one in while you listen to free podcasts
just a shelf stocker on meat and dairy. we're also not allowed to wear airpods though most managers are cool about it as long as you only have one in.
Co op is the best to work for
They don't expect you to work too hard
Plus decent staff discount
mad to thin aussies put u in words like neighbour
imagine if they put a k in thin
trans dom mommy lactating me with her cock milk this eve'
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coop is too expensive tho so it comes out to regular customer price at tescos
might get bambi black booked
it's enough to make a man shit
If i see you with airpods in im putting in a complaint to management
Same with them standing around tlaking about shite, complaint
get ready to become the next meme
mrbreast feed
you now remember women salivating over joe cole
>one injury reported in Surrey from an exploding pager
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miserable cunt
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what a legend
No it's cheaper for me to shop at co op with my 30% discount but I still go Tesco or Sainsburys sometimes or even Waitrose for stuff like fresh fish or beers cos they have a better selection
swear I just heard catberg say "bruh"
Can’t watch that far back. Maybe the turn of the millenium the episodes aren’t so dated and go from there. So many moments, so many memories!
should really say good instead of bad
Worst part about stopping alcoholism is I'm horny all the time
this is literally my fetish, if only she was actually attractive it would be a 10/10 video for me
And then they all go mad for black cock. Interesting…
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Did a poo in Lidl this morning. Pretty grim desu and yet probably still the highlight of my day.
I swear some of you people are borderline illiterate. I've seen children write with more coherency than the rambling nonsense you mongs spew out on a daily basis.
Shows you’re getting healthier, it’s good
doing a read

almost makes me think i should've studied to become a doctor. it's not too late too tho
what you seeing children for, you wrong'un
not me i got my C's in my GCSE's for english
the mrs has an app and keeps showing me what stage we're at - right now it looks like a little dinosaur with flippers
Theres a vid on adult gif of a black man pissing on a white woman in a hotel room, piss dripping on the carpet. Its so erotic, the way they just dont give a fuck, total abandon to their desires
this is what happens when an entire generation grows up with predictive text, they don't even bother learning how to spell or construct proper sentences
Imagine being named after the sound you make when spitting on a penis
Err yh mate yh
you spend a lot of time watching kiddies write do ya lad?
little baby hawk tuah
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Hope the government keeps a list of all the cuck freaks so they can be rounded up and dealt with
I enjoy talking with chatgpt because it's the only entity in my life that treats me with respect and seems to be happy to help me with my problems.

/ pathetic blogpost
The average /brit/ poster has the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk.
stop being so repressed rorke sex isn't taboo anymore
90 minutes it's taken for this paki at virgin media to confirm an installation date and now she wants to do some cunting survey
and which of your many insecurities are you hoping to soothe by believing that?
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le epic nige quote xD
cooorrr could scran all three
shits on paki slop, that's for sure
Only went and pre-ordered fifa
love looking at new insta slag's oldest photos
do you still have to cut your hair short to get a job or is that just a thing from the 60s and 70s
How old
Prefer bossman’s version down at Kebab Palace desu
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morris walk estate
Greek food is just the same as any other former Ottoman colony
Eroticism scares rorke. He just can’t accept that part of the human condition
Imagine how many pale tings were getting blacked behind the walls of those flats while this pic was being taken
Leave the kids alone you nonce freak
just turned 18
Who said kids? You got kids on your mind a bit mate?
Ten year anniversary of the Scottish Independence Referendum todat

>irish breakfast
>not an empty plate
missed opportunity desu
thought it was a blackadder quote
>swedish breakfast
>turkish eggs
what time of the day do all little shit eating secondary school fucks swarm the streets? do they finish about half 3?
how’s the miss? you never mention her anymore
>no u
We all know what you QUEERS want
why do you wanna know the movements of secondary school kids, Huw?
So tired and sleepy despite getting a solid 12 hours of kip.
Lol. You have the self knowledge of an insect.
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keep telling people "it's the people you work with more than the work itself" when discussing careers and they all nod in agreement
need them all murdered to keep them from stealing my job
190 in da house toniiiiight everyone gonna have a shit time!
every wonder if your life would be better if you just repressed your tranny urges and accepted you were a born male?
You want to fuck kids
Aussie version of The Office is coming out soon
In 'bvsed' Australia, Brent is a woman
Here is the hilarious trailer
congrats mate
hope all goes well with it
I repressed my tranny urges and I'm still a miserable bastard, it's lose-lose
got the hard drives out for some filthy hot sweaty incel flat wanking
You’d sleep even better if you let me give you a solid 12 inches of my cock
we'd all like to be women let's be honest and sometimes I wank to fpov porn me but reckon if I started take oestrogen and pretending to be a woman I'd feel pretty shite because I'm male with a willy and balls
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that's red dead done
Fucking hell they took their time didn't they?
so I can walk to my destination without being surrounded by gangs of six foot black 'boys' out to cause trouble without fear of serious punishment
*shits myself in public*
White bros we lost
This. School kids are a fucking menace these days. Was never this bad when I was their age.
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do you think the whales ever wish they could walk on land again? the ocean seems like a proper grim place to be.
this is painful
>out to cause trouble without fear of serious punishment
The fucking your mum isn't worthy of punishment de lid
what are they gonna do with baleen on land
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do you pass the 666 test lads?
5ft tall
Earn a 5 figure salary
I'm 5 pounds overweight
>de lid
Go rim your fat alky hero's arse hole you fucking incel twat.
i got 1/6
I’m trans but i dont make a big deal out of it, like fetishist freaks such as Sacked Tranny do

They make it their whole identity and force it down everyone’s throats and make them play along
no 5'11
no £36k
no fat cunt 30 BMI
got a 6 inch penis and 6 points on my license
Have a beer lid
what knickers you wearing?
no but I'm black
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Your mum's
None of your business
that supersedes all other criteria, congratulations sir
knickers in paris
pooey ones
no one in france wears le underpants
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the theme song of my life
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Love 50
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feed all my convo with the prospective gf through chatgpt to get advice
I do the same but with my black friend
ktim but it's 6 figures in canuck bucks
le what?
Personally, I would have stopped at pakicetus - freshwater semi-aquatic seems like the life, anything below that just seems unpleasant
tbf you're halfway there already
never needed the nhs until now and it's pretty mental how long you have to wait after referral
your mom already lives on land
brothers and sisters, i have none. but this man’s father is my father’s son.

who am i?
Jumanji Jumanji
>tfw in a back-and-forth with Patreon customer support because I can no longer sign into my account that I used to sub to the vore fetish artist and I want to cancel the payments
David must be chortling with his mates over there in California about this utter freak and what he once subbed to. Sick to death of it
a nonce
an american
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A black thug from da hood
bet that joke sounded really funny in your bed, bet you were expecting a few bradder reaction pics, right? maybe a few "sent that freak flying" or "done him"s? maybe you were hoping for that? with your zinger of a post? sad twat.
fat bastard
>I've seen children
you alright mate?
das rite
his own child
hate to be the kind of gormless runt that would turn this down i would
why don't palestinians post whores online for sympathy?
Back bacon is nasty idk how you people eat that shit.
Bacon should be crispy delicious pork belly, as God intended.
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dead kids have broader appeal
imagine having to ask a stupid, dumb, fat half muttalo teeth-gapped Hawaiian if "this" picture of a circle with a line drawn down the middle is literally 'half' or if they dont know what a circumference is as well as other maths
is this really what brits eat for breakfast? no wonder every British man is barrel shaped with a redish heart disease complexion
love bitches with manly cromagnon faces like this and then extremely fertile thin bodies with huge tits corr
i see webms of these bints every time i come on here but i never see dead kids

no point trying to get broad appeal if your message gets nowhere
good luck ever getting into the eu now you fuckin’ brown hairy retards
absolutely vile, don't know how you yanks have deceived yourselves into enjoying it
then again... your chocolate does taste like literal vomit...
Christ almighty maybe they are the chosen people
muslims don’t try to sexually appeal to the goyim
I should have said broad mainstream appeal
you can't exactly have a fat titted jewish whore paraded on the 6pm news innit

fat body and face (and squiggly arms) cushings sundrome
whacky bruce be like
wtf this isn’t very NATO
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tv from our american friends is full of fat titted jewish whores
This is antisemitic
just saw a very upsetting webm
what's a fry up without chips, why are there no chips?
Might convert to Islam
I shagged to old woman years ago who was proud of telling me she was shagging ashley cole in the 2000s when he came to Paris
no idea who ‘190’ is
i went to the part in Scotland where all the fences are made out of metal and are owned by government. maybe a few people sprayed RONSEAL on chipboard and tiewrapped those to the fence on some homes
theres always the metal pipe sound effect going off in the background every 5 seconds in those areas. dont know why
your chocolate is definitely better but you are insane if you actually prefer back bacon over streaky bacon
leftypol gluing himself to the railings outside downing street demanding that another 10 million of these orcs are released onto our streets posthaste
when or where the nicest homes in the area are pensioners homes - also owned by government. a tiny version of the big ones except that, because of that, weather doesnt affect them as much
they cant afford spraypaint so the kids just scratch away the stone paint top layer off the walls to write their name
needs more onion but still looks very good, quality snack that
fat cunt
chat, name the timestamp
timestamped moment from logging on to seeing a black
oldest woman you’ve shagged?

unironically fucked a 61 year old canadian woman in mexico in summer 2021
this is what happens to british minds when they are subjected to Allah's truth. they just can't handle it
I’m a virgin
love how muslim countries slap them around for fun but the moment a chrisitan european(ish) country does it a siren goes off in their heads

bizarre creatures
Live a life of pleasure.
good on you and good on her. shame on ashley cause cheryl is smoking hot
late 60s. I remember the bones around her cunt being very sharp and cutting into my pelvis. blew mad loads inside her though as menopausal women don't care anymore
fucking hate my ancestors for not emigrating to australia
They're not, but they should be for a while, so they realise how good they have it nowadays
can anyone explain to me when why or how turkey became so fucking expensive? it's bordering on switzerland prices, 25 euros for 2 pints madness
yes we get it
we all think the same here. all thinking the same thing
not your echo chamber
go do something about it. go "glue yourself to the gates of parliament" and threaten to kill yourself if people keep doing this or something
heard old women are sti breeding grounds
nearly christmas innit
touristic area?
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but Britain is the most beautiful nation on Earth
Let her cook still
Bird flu is making a comeback
>muh dick
>our dicks is bigger (its not)
>wez fucks more n shiet
when they gave food to starving Africans, they fucked more and then starved again
so well done. congratulations
call me (or us) a colonizer ("you won")

banal take,
they criticize their own countries (lol at considering Georgia western btw) because that is where they have any say
they also ignore the whole of Asia which is just as homophobic
don't know don't care been having loads of dangerous sex since my teens because it's more arousing and i've always tested clean. few times was worried because i went raw into a smelly cunt and that's when they're std ridden apparently. one life
>How long it takes light to travel from the sun to earth
8 minutes
>How long it would take sound to travel from the sun to earth (if sound could travel in a vacuum)
14 years

goodness gracious me
Soundcuck btfo by lightchad
yeah were pretty good at having 6 kids, 4 of whom will die
Nice. You the one fucking that teen atm?
alright medieval king of england
thank you for your service
Brads doing a golly
no, Africa In 2024
just thinking about how england is a basketcase midwit level between the US and Europe

doesn't have the freedom and work ethic of the US (no paid leave) nor the protections of europe (can't be fired). just muddling along in the middle in the worst way
youre welcome (your mother is welcome) for the £4 a month food donation. now tell them to sit tight and wait for some elite in the first world to need cheap labour

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