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Pretzels edition
old >>202382287
Pretzel goes well with grape soda
Thinking of finding a dubbed Chinese cartoon to watch on Tubi
That doesn't look like the real thing. Should be way darker.
put your ass in my face til i get pink eye
Yeah should have been boiled for 10-20 seconds more
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I’m drinking covfefe
enjoy bud
*fakes throwing a punch at you* ohhhh you thought you thought
Why are there hentai aids on my blue board
Why are people still not using ad blockers in 2024?
Yes, but my phone knew what I meant more than I did
>Police find explosives in parked car near Trump rally in Long Island, NY
Why are they so intent on killing this man?
I only have two beliefs:

1. The rich should have everything and everyone else should have nothing.
2. If white people defend the interests of the rich at all times, they should be allowed to sample some of their treasures. Also, the rich should vow never to treat white people as poorly as non-whites are treated.

Where do I fall on the political spectrum?
I actually feel bad for him, at what point does he start feeling like he can't do anything without being in pertinent danger
>propagandize that he's a threat since 2015
>be surprised that people act on it
Trump doesn't want to implement globalism in the exact way that that the WEF wants.
I think you actually fall somewhere on the autism spectrum
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Why do like 90% of Zoomer guys have a mommy fetish?
Selective communism but otherwise totalitarian.
millennial mothers
Gen-X are shit parents.
Millennials are rising Gen Alpha.
knowing me knowing you
yeah mb i meant gen-x
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For me, it's meritocracy
If only we could have that.
Is Wisconsin a nice state to live in?
More like
>sow political violence
>reap political violence
Love sowing but hating reaping
How do I avoid reaping what I sow?
>it's actually trump's fault
kys shitlib
yes, especially north of Milwaukee
where are you getting those stats from?
oh my sweet summer child
because millennials are slaying all the zoomettes.
Words are not violence, faggot. Only delusional leftists want to push that narrative, so they can justify using violence against people.
Every Zoomer guy always talks about any slightly nurturing woman as being a "mommy"
business idea: cummer's cumpie aka a pie from a cummer's cum
>he's never heard of hagmaxxing
Using words to promote political violence often leads to political violence
And it’s been a Republican both times
internet porn obviously
What is it about white right wing men and wanting to shoot Trump?
>create lies about the right-wing
>repeat lies until retarded leftists believe it
Nice try, glowie. We're not going to believe your lies.
They're not right-wing.
Zoomers don't know shit about technology and can only use something if it's an app
EU4 game is up
come join north americans
good morning reddit

Racism is for the poor. Classic is for the independently wealthy.
They were thoughbeit
Preferring your own people to have advantages isn't racist.
Used to think I was racist but I found out I’m actually classist and hate the poor of all races
To me, a white man living in a trailer park is a nigger
An Asian man living in a shanty town is a nigger
Simple as
NTA but if "your own people" is defined by race then it is
I consider my Asian neighbors to be "my people" more than some random people of my race living across the country
Neither were. The shooter was a Dem that registered in the Rep. The golfer had a "falling out" which means he never was.
Political beliefs are surprisingly genetic. It's not something that does actually change. Just people who are easily manipulated.
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mom came home early today
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I think nature or the universe itself wants Asian women to be with white men
Both have such a raw primal attraction to each other that it's hard to put it down to anything else
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>t. Brad Wong

There's only 2 kinda people anymore. Those with money and those without it. Race doesn't even enter into it. You're such a gullible cuck
You could have been nice but you chose to be a racist, sexist, transphobic chud
And every school shooting is the CIA
They were Right wingers
Trump will lose (again) and die of old age before Biden
>NTA but if "your own people" is defined by race then it is
No, you're more genetically similar to some random Danish person, even if you're not Danish, than any other race. Your race is very much part of your people.
>There's only 2 kinda people anymore.
There's always been rich people. That's never going to change. You're never going to be one of them.
>Race doesn't even enter into it.
It most certainly does.
Those are all normal traits to have.
>Sexist, transphobic, racist

These are all natural ways of being based on history, biology and anthropology. Science doesn't lie, chud
too much pain
CIA? No, more like mentally ill people on SSRIs, that don't get proper treatment.
They weren't, and Trump will win, unless the Dems cheat really hard again.
it's more the case that asian women want white men more than white men wanting asian women. white men like asian women because asian women fetishize them and men will fuck anything that gives them any attention
>No, you're more genetically similar to some random Danish person, even if you're not Danish, than any other race. Your race is very much part of your people.
Genetic similarity does not define who my people are
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parole hearings live
Noble Robinson Jr is up
Nah Asian women represent raw femininity, most women in the west have forgotten what that is
Asian women only want the rich and the chads. They don't want random white guy, unless they're a 2/10.
Of course I can't use my "smart" tv now that the controller is broken, I think I was scammed
not true. plenty of average white guys get asian women
>Genetic similarity does not define who my people are
It should. They're the ones that have more of your interests in mind, leftist.
Just get another remote?
lmao even
Maybe until they get married, then their priorities shift hard.
Yeah, 2/10s. Most bugs are ugly, and you have yellow fever if you think otherwise. You're used to seeing jav/gravure/pop stars, and think that's the norm. Most Asian women aren't the type that you'd even think twice about, and never look twice at.
I'm not a leftist, and people who I will never speak to do not even know what my interests are

>It most certainly does
How? Either you have money or you don't. The richest people have more in common with each other than some broke random of the same race.

Warren Buffet has more in common with someone like Oprah than some white factory worker in Omaha
If you're working against your race, with other races, you're a leftist. That's one of the most obvious signs of being a leftist. You have more left-wing beliefs than you realize.
me thinks i'm gonna try to stop using 4chan. if /cum/ becomes better its not because i left but if /cum/ becomes worse its because i left. ok
That's because you believe that people are blank slates. They're not, but I don't feel like trying to convince you otherwise. You're going to argue that nurture is all that matters/exists.
You're genuinely retarded and do your own side a disservice
Not at all, anon. I actively work towards helping my side. Cope.
It's in the mail but it shouldn't be broken after just a year
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good morning
Blood pressure is 175/74 I think that's bad
It's not 10 bc anymore. We live in a globalized world where people have mixed and interbred for centuries. There are no tribes in the modern west. You don't have "a people". Even if you're white, you're mixed with so many different types of white that claiming any tribe is ridiculous. Your "people" are your countrymen and since anybody can be American that means absolutely nothing
Pure cope from someone without any understanding of science. You do know that the sites like 23&Me work based on genetic similarities between people of certain locations, right?
kys you're so ignorant you don't realize how dumb you are.
morning bud
Heil Hitler buds
That's normal, slightly below average
If you're gonna resort to pathetic haploautism then just lead with "I'm retarded". It'll save everyone a lot of time.

And yes I know how 23 and me works, I studied genetics for a long time. You're beyond pathetic. "My people", what does that even mean? You don't speak your ancestral language, don't keep the culture, you're some euromutt new worlder. You don't have a "tribe" or a "people".
This is fucking hilarious
I miss beer pong bros
why did my 20s fly by?
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Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're actin' like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated
At what time are you going to get involved in a heathed argument with the cuban gay anon who spams hairy men again today?
Gotta know to ask for my uber pizza just in time.
I freely admit to loving that song. And "I want it that way" by the Backstreet Boys
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just take me back
fuck this current gay ass world
My brother just caught me watching a zesty black man with a big ass it's fucking over
I think it's hilarious how the word "sex" in Spanish is just sex with an -o tacked on the end
Brian isn't Cuban
Dinner included cabbage and lentils last night and plenty of water. My gut is happy with me.
I love cabbage and lentil soup. Especially with a lot of black pepper
Oh okay
he might be here this evening
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>Especially with a lot of black pepper
Yeah it's a good combination. Very inexpensive too. It's one of my go-to recipes once nighttime temperatures routinely drop below 60°.
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I don't know where or when I took this picture but I did
it's britney bitch
Salvate omnes
>EW you watch dubs!? They're so bad! The VA is way off from the intent and sounds like annoying screeching!
Ok I'll see what subs are like
>va sounds identical but it's annoying screeching in a language I don't understand
Why are webs like this
any rapechads?
Only you and every other Brazilian.
it's not rape if they're unconscious
I'm a real Brazilianaire
If assy McGee was a woman it would have been the most popular show ever in Brazil
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Good morning!

pogos music is very "not over" vibes. XD
Music shouldn't be manufactured by big record labels and professional song writers and focus groups
Music should be natural and a "hit" should be rendered permanently into the culture that created it, relevant to their current zeitgeist
It's not that it's not that it's commercialized.

It's when the record labels mess with the music itself. That's when it's bad.
Burned the roof of my mouth on hot coffee not a happy camper now
Poor baby
easy 6
i can live off beans
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Eggs with chorizo. Add beans and cheese.

You can even put it all in a burrito.
Saw the receptionist at my job had on a thong and I coomed to it for weeks
Then I smelled her breath and it smelled like actual poopoo and never coomed to her again. It was actually liberating
Kind of want some chorizo now but it gives me heart burn
Can't wrap a burrito to save my life
It always falls apart before I can take even one bite
Hahahaha poor lil whyboi hahahahaha
>people pay good money for this
Women can't suffer. Simps will fall over each other to pay mid as fuck women for a chance to watch them rub one out
Use less filling than you think, use actual burrito tortillas (they're much larger) and don't forget to fold the top and bottom in before rolling. It's that easy
I don't wrap it. I just make a flute and pinch the bottom
ngl if a zoomer ever calls me lil bro, I'm turning them into spaghetti
here's the (you) you're clearly desperate for lil bro
Every penny counts
hop in
pussy is hard to get
Thai and Indian food are so immensely overrated
drunk as hell but no throwin up
halfway home and my pagers still blowing up
impossible for me for example
Yeah it's literally JUST spice
I'm older than every other person in this thread and I have never held hands with a girl in a romantic context.
Mexican food is underrated
So are Mexican women
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Dumfuk globtards
Babby first rap song
pager blowing up, get it
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penis or pen is?
you can get on tinder right now and fuck a fat woman tho
The most well guarded secret of women is that they want to be fucked just as much as men want to fuck them. Never forget that
how old?
no i cant
Le benis
This guy gets it
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benus :DDDDD
do you live in some remote village
there's plenty of desperate women on dating apps
the problem is that they're hideous and fat
What European country would you say this is?

I'd say Poland. It looks Poleese
what if i can't get myself to be physically attracted to fat women
i'd be okay with ugly women but ugly women don't like me like fat women do
Not a single tree or greenspace in sight.
why are you posting this prostitute?
She's not a prostitute she's a dj
What is the most reddit television show?
that's valid because i can't either
in that case we just gotta compete with the other 300 dudes in their dms
surely you can improve and be more attractive
Probably Rick and Morty

Im on my lunch break i for some reason decided to go to an indian restaurant across the street instead the place i planned originally. I already ordered my food and as im sitting here i watched multiple roaches crawl out of the kitchen and start running through the resturant. I didnt pay yet but i did already order wtf do i do
Looks like Munich, but hard to tell.
I think it would have to be solar opposites actually, the other show made by the same guy. Reason being Rick and Morty was actually funny as fuck at first, before it got insanely popular and up its own ass. Then it became unbearable. Solar opposites is just bad, plain bad. It's written with all the wit of an amoeba but still puts on airs of being a great show for smart people. It's the most psued thing I've ever seen and it's so much so I can't help but think the creator, hating what his work has become, did it on purpose to fuck with his idiot fans
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When America finally annexes Canada, will Canada join as one large state, or will each of the individual provinces become a new US state?

Or will we get a hybrid approach where most of Canada becomes one state but gay-ass Quebec becomes its own state?
Canadians should all be forced to work in the mines.
It would definitely be a province becomes a state situation, but their federal government might be a state federation kind of thing
I've never even heard of that show
T v K. You're fucked bro.
>take "energy" THC tincture
>Still makes me sleepy and pass out
i need to start acting more like a cool stoic cowboy and less like a sputtering sperg
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Back to work
khhv wizard?
I'm older than you, kiddo
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See Rosey crack the whip. Why does this turn me on so much. I'm rock hard
the fire alarm went off but im gooning
Pretty easy to do, really.
experimenting with wearing two pairs of drawers (boxers over briefs) to prevent swamp ass. i think it's working
That's true. I think the biggest hurdle is your own biological instincts
Shit on California for the next three hours
what's your height and weight
do you even leave the house dude
How do you go this long without just falling into some pussy. I'm morbidly obese and ugly and even I've had non paid for sex. And still. How have you not just gone to a hooker by now. What are you thinking. What are you doing
checked the top posts of all time about television on reddit and its all about the news.

The news is the most reddit show
on my third cough drop, throat still hurts.
I don't understand how Israel surreptitiously put explosives into thousands of everyday household objects in Lebanon.
Most bought drops are little more than candy unless you go hardcore and get Sucrets. That's medicine, Ricola is just lemon drops
>lol guys why is reddit so dumb I go there and spend all day in there and they're so reddit and soy and lefttards and they represent everything I hate LOL. I'm gonna go back there and watch the reddit news just to let you guys k ow how much I hate it
Really strange behavior
# 1 post: something about a corporation buying local news
# 2: fox news talking about epstein
# 3: impeachment trial
# 4: terry crews getting raped KWAB
# 5: aziz ansari is innocent

The news is extremely reddit. Delete /new/
There's one with 87,000 upvotes that says "I'm done with Bill Nye"

Oh my science guy
>How do you go this long without just falling into some pussy.
Guys like you make it sound like it's as easy as breathing and I really can't wrap my head around it. I went to a small school and I had crushes on at least half a dozen girls but only acted on three of them, all of whom rejected me. When I went to college, I talked to girls for a bit but they were all taken and I figured that it was just going to be more failure and more heartache and I had low self-esteem anyway so I stopped trying. I spent all my time not on campus in my apartment and at the end of every week I went to my friends' places and drank and watched movies. Never tried to get a girl in college again. Then I graduated and moved back home to the middle of nowhere and here I am all these years later, never having been in a relationship of any kind. Sometimes I want it but I have no way of making it happen. I tried apps and I never got a single match so I am trying to figure out a way to commit to celibacy full time.
Step 1: be more interesting. No more blogposts
It's not like that's an especially long post but I know nobody has any attention span nowadays. That being said, if you want to understand how somebody can be totally inexperienced at my age, that's how.
Just go to a hooker bro. Get it out of your system. You gotta fuck at least once
What relevance does the pope hold in this day and age? And why is it important for that position to still existing? Who listens to the pope and then takes important decisions based on his word?
damn i hope you get lucky one day bro
also do this >>202401884
you gotta bust a nut inside a woman at least once in your life
I've looked into the local offerings as far as that's concerned and it's pretty grim. Not a single chick worth fucking. That was pretty depressing because I realized that even if I wanted to resort to getting a hooker (which you never come back from on a spiritual level), my choices would be terrible.
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Ma ruggaazzzzzz che cazz’ stai chiedendo…
This is obviously in Zürich as evident by the Fraumünster church in the back!
I had wedderspoon
I learned a new word. Cheesing. It's when you're giving out a big smile. Like "Why are you cheesing so hard?" when you see your best friend after a long time and he's happy to see you.
Ah, Zurich
Yes, that makes sense gratsimille
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it's been two months since i got out of prison and i still haven't fucked
all that time inside i was imagining how much fucking i would do once i'm out
and now i'm sitting at home just swiping through dating apps knowing i don't even have a car to drive to a date
at least i can get matches so i feel ok knowing i'm still relatively attractive

Here’s your state mandated bipolar Japanese GF
lol this depressed me to write but it's not like I'll ever get pussy, man. I cannot even match with fat single mothers on apps (not that I want them or would take them under any circumstances). I just want to know what it feels like to be with a woman who likes me if only once.
its impossible to suffer in america.
> I just want to know what it feels like to be with a woman who likes me if only once
Yeah I had to let that dream go a long time ago. It gets easier on e you truly lose all hope. Some things just weren't meant to be
Forza Italia
Maybe join the seminary and become a priest? Anyways, don't give up hope.
its over
and how
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What is this?
Hey, I know that jadrool. He's friends with my cousin Sal from the Bronx. That wayo owes my cousin 4 large
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Mossad is so fucking based
The one good thing about the internet is that the average person is more akin to the shittiness of humans.

The bad thing is that civilization is built on ignorance.

The only thing that will save us is if we dispose of people who are a drain on the economy. And force white women to have more children.
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>the average person is more akin to the shittiness of humans
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Once the US finally gets its shit together and starts annexing all the lands that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has gifted to us, here’s how they’ll be integrated:

>Each individual state/province in the former country becomes a new US state

>The entire former territory/country becomes one new US state as a whole
District of Columbia
Puerto Rico
U.S. Sex-Having Islands
American Samoa
Northern Mariana Islands
Dominican Republic
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Antigua and Barbuda
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Lucia
Trinidad and Tobago
El Salvador
Costa Rica

>NOOOO!! I don’t like this! Too many ni-...I mean…too many cultural differences! I don’t want my culture infected by people who speak a language that was invented by a completely different group of white people, or have different names for their baseball teams!
>Plus, these unemployed freeloaders will debase our wages, steal our jobs, and soak us for welfare!
>Worst of all, and I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet, but imagine all the INTERRACIAL SEX they’ll be having with OUR WHITE WOMEN! Since there’s no one women like more than 70lbs manual laborers who attend mass twice a day, believe Satan invented alcohol, and come from countries where people unironically still think dragons are real.
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You approach a gyal and she does this.
How would you react?
>different group of white people
>White people
turn 360 degrees and walk away
Ssris go well with grape juice
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good morning
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Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen seid ihr auch schon alle da :-D
It's noon
this is probably okay in their backwards society
Out fucking skilled
It's too late for the US to annex anything. Brown people know how the USA functions.

China is in an even worse position because Chinese have a high IQ. No one in China wants to die fighting. That's why they haven't invaded Taiwan.

The way China will take over the world is not through its military but economically.

Even then that's if they can take the huge population decline.
danke schon, ich werde haben ein kaffee mit milch und zucker
i love Whygena
well you know
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Here u go Sir
my butt is getting fat because I climb stairs and spring up a hill for my job now...
What's your job, forest monster?
Lazy bones
tfw no cute german twink to make me coffee in the morning
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Odio I froci
fat in a good way?
i know but listen after the day i had yesterday i deserve to sleep in today
i hate texting so i simply ignore people when they send me a text that can't be answered with a single word
What happened yesterday?
Based misanthrope
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Yeah you had a long day of being cute and precious, you deserve a rest
It's a regular job but my commute takes me up a big hill
>fat in a good way?
Die you fucking Faggot
why do westerners get their panties all twisted up about terrorism if it's also the only kind of warfighting they're willing to commit to in the post-1945 era?
I miss the pandemic so much it’s unreal
i miss the empty streets during lockdown
same it was funny seeing extroverts freak out that they couldn't leave their house for a week
i don't miss events being canceled like concerts and stuff though
Appearance game
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Why can't these freaks go away and leave normal people the fuck alone
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bro you have a beard why do i have to affirm your delusions
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morning bud
average night in florida
nice tits
those are legs
look at the cans on her hummina hummina hummina. didn't listen btw
They're having a potluck here at work and I have to shit but the bathroom door opens up directly to the break room so everyone would hear me shitting
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Because these are the dysgenics that aren't supposed to reproduce.

Before the internet these people were just ignored.

But Hollywood(Jews) made movies where the nerd is the hero and the chads are the bad guys.

In reality pretty people are nice, and it's the bitter uglies that destroy civilization.
Imagine transitioning into a soyboy
dump a bunch of tp to muffle the sound
When you gotta go you gotta go.
You're right. Fuck this brb
it is what it is just be quiet about it if you can help it
me when cumming
Of course there's Chad races and nerdy races too
I didn't really see the pandemic stop anything except gdp, and maybe a few hearts if you jabbed yourself
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insane mog
Who's this he seems funny
Nigga thinks he’s funny
She looks like a dude I work with but his hair is black and short
She looks Russian
why are you doing this it's okay to like her but why do you need to share with the class
I have a sore in my mouth I should have never kissed my grindr date
jeff acuri or acrui
go get tested dear
I'm scared
Dunno. Lonely. Bored. Would rather date a girl than obsess over one I'll never have but I can't.
what's done is done there's no point in ignoring it at your own detriment
might as well be proactive about it and get on top of it, don't be scared
hmm i understand but that's not a super healthy coping mechanism, you have enough self awareness to know why you're doing what you're doing so you have enough agency to start working on those problems i think
not to disparage her but she's a pretty plain average girl, what makes you think you can't have that?
K thx
I'm back. Wasn't nobody even in the break room. I shat quite loudly and grabbed a burger afterwards.
Say the n word in the next thread
i love it when a story has a happy ending
>not to disparage her but she's a pretty plain average girl, what makes you think you can't have that?
Never had any kind of girl in my life and at this point I don't see why it would change.
shit im sorry i wasn't looking at the post count i was distracted fuck
i wish you could delete threads its so infuriating when this happens its my fault anyway
I made the Anzu NEW, but I'm happy with either becoming the NEW. I like lavender too
>i wish you could delete threads
You can.

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