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owen jones edish
well said owen
you know he's not really gay, right?
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>h-he's fast
you ever just type 'filetype:pdf' and then an interesting topic on google?
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>really hard problem in excel
Would go balls deep in Owen Jones and he'd like it.
Would be nice to break down the right wing/woke-wing barrier.
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I have been insulted numerous times in this general. I’ve been called stupid, a nonce, and worst of all, Irish. The last one is utterly untrue.
they made, like, Tetris or someshit in excel back in the day
maybe it was scratch
wah wah wah
all the time
>yeah they blew up a bunch of people
thats bad...
why are you looking up pdf files mate?
There has been a third assassination attempt on Donald Trump

This third cased involved explosives strapped to another car near his own
never understood the hype behind moving out of your parents
people make a big deal out of it but literally nothing changes
or is this shit just perpetuated by histrionics who have mental breakdowns every second?
can guarantee there's a miliion things you have no idea how to do in excel
The 'dule for this evening:
drink (alcohol)
poo again
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Up to 52kg on my benchpress lads
love having sex with women me, reckon it's my favorite thing to do
/brit/ freak-off
none of you cunts would have known how to do this in Excel if I told you so fuck off

>post the problem here

Nah, you will also look it up on ChatGPT and paste the solution here as if you knew the whole time, don't deny it
monster on film4 tonight
good film
could also be asian desu ne
people will call you a nonce for this because theyre tech retarded but .pdf files when you look at government websites is a fun search, or company shareholder reports
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>people make a big deal out of it but literally nothing changes
i mean obviously it does
you immediately have infinitely more independence and responsibility and ability to live your life the way you want to
yes exactly, books and reports too
its more efficient if you want to learn about a subject
give modified pagers to grey squirrels
chat shit get banged
not really
>really hard problem in excel
what was the problem?
Absolutely hate my job lads. I've been here nearly 9 months and I can't go on.

Hate the environment, hate the culture, hate the people who are largely self absorbed middle class cunts, the work I do is tedious and frustrating, hate dealing with clients even by email when they're the most pedantic people around.

I've got an interview for a new job on Monday. If I don't get that, I'm asking for a job back at my previous company. I left on good terms and I should be able to go back, although it'll be a bit pathetic.

It's extremely frustrating because I hoped this job would be a good professional job but it's shit and I can't stand it.

I've thought about learning a trade but I doubt I'll get into one at 28. I'm pathetic.
>immediately have infinitely more independence and responsibility
So instead of being influenced by your parents your controlled by a landlord and probably a woman who will divorce or cuckold you
solved a really hard problem amongst me and my brickie mates using chatgpt
i won't share the problem with you though
nonce freak
some people call it growing up
how does searching for pdfs make me a nonce
fucking elaborate
best thing to type in on google if you want to solve a problem is "site:reddit.com"

simple as. hate me all you want but you know its true, you've all done it
>self absorbed middle class cunts

australia cries out for tradies
shut up and kill yourself you insufferable spamming freak
Turns out Mr Beasts lunch snacks contain significantly higher levels of potassium than claimed, breaking laws for putting fake nutrition info on the packaging.
Perhaps more alarming is the revelation that Prime energy drinks contain traces of lead in the packaging which then seeps into the drink itself.
That said, given the type of person who drinks Prime I doubt they'll notice any difference from drinking lead.
if i die then my biggest regret was not having my bed in the corner of my room anymore
i had it in the middle of my room for some reason. really stopped me being mobile and jumping around on all fours on it
like in the good old days
they genuinely need to be locked up by MI-5
What job do you do lad?
It's shilled by jews and normalgoydrones
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>23 bmi is overweight now
what the hell
I would have read the manual and figured it out myself like an intelligent human being and not asked the monstrous abomination that is ChatGPT like an insectoid subhuman
I certainly wouldn't come here to brag about using a search engine to "solve" my work problems for me
you can eat an insane amount of potassium and its fine
i've never had a person point out i'm overweight. in fact i have people point out that i'm underweight

just goes to show how well i carry my muscle
how about you grow the fuck up and get on with it
no one likes their job
fat cunt!!!
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>go longer and longer without getting a job
>CVs looking worse and worse
>reek of desperation in job interviews which leads to getting rejected or ghosted
>thinking about jobs I walked out on arrogantly when I was younger and how I'd love to have them now

totally fucking arsed up the life as it were
put lithium-aluminium batteries in grey squirrels hearts
detonate them while they are having the sex
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currently weigh 21 stone, 6 pounds
need to lose a lot of weight
but the only way i'll lose 100 pounds is at a british casino
blog on you boring bastard
weird flex but ok
nothing changed for me when I moved out apart from going to bed earlier because I could and I have less disposable income
>independence and responsibility
did your mum make all of your dinners and do all of your washing or something?
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you could always tell he was a wrongun
Sahara a 18:40

belter of a film with Matthew McConnaughey
True. It's unlikely it will harm anyone. But it's still illegal since they put false figures for how much potassium it contained.
On the other hand Prime energy drinks probably have harmed people who drink them frequently given the lead content.
hes not, though, you fucking retard
Do you have a moral compass
shut up nigga
>no one likes their job
i love mine desu
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Yea I think it's broken it's classifying me as obese for some reason

mad how good avicii was
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i like that your idea of responsibility is cooking your tea
yeah I am right, everyone else is wrong
>no one likes their job
Clearly not true.
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incel stare
early tea
then beers
nonceposters have never read a book in their lives
all they ever read is the screenshot folder of every famous person + pedo shit
KTWM, feels good being just an Overweight Chad now instead of a gross obese monster
>Your BMI is 21.3

>Your BMI is in the healthy weight category.

How are you all overweight?
shut up nigga
I work in Quality
I clearly meant no one prefers to be toiling rather than on a yatch in the med if given the option
of course some jobs are more tolerable than others, mind included
dont need to read books when i can be out shagging twenty two year olds
>I do what an Indian says now instead of my mum I'm and adult
I uh yeah
Mental how it's obvious you're underaged given you're literally defending Mr Beast
He's not going to give you £1,000,000 if you suck his balls on 4chan bro
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>>Your BMI is 21.3
>>Your BMI is in the healthy weight category.
>How are you all overweight?
shut up
My BMI is 23.5
Summer cut now over. Winter lifting recommencing.
I mean I can't think of any other real reason that people would make such a big deal out of it
or are people amazed at setting up standing orders and go "wow I'm heckin adulting now!!"?
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Favourite takeaway?
Indian? Chinese? Thai? Fish & Chips?
nice try wanting me to call you lower middle class with the Mr. Beast spin
indian and fish and chips
hate chinese thai is ok
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Russia-kun if you're here please explain what this is
i understand muslims now (the stoning kind, not the raping kind)
>exploding walkie talkies
the israelies are comically evil i love it obviously they should all be gassed but still imagine walking round thinking youre safe because you didnt have a pager and your fucking walkie talkie blows your cock off lmao
black owned
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Reckon BMI is some sort of psyop to make everyone small and weak.. I'm technically a healthy weight now and feel weak and tired all the time. Felt and looked much better when I was 15kg heavier and "overweight".
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give poo
laptop takes an age to startup
the other day I was literally talking about pagers being antiquated technology as I'm rewatching the wire
and the israelis go and do that
Accumulation funds are Jewish
Dividends are Aryan
for an individual, body fat percentage is more important than bmi
but for large populations, bmi is good because it's easy to measure and most people don't have a lot of muscle mass
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no idea what my BMI is and I'm not particularly arsed.
dont care nigga
get the gnu/linux installed
paedofile looks up the pdf files
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>welcome to the store sir!
>would you like to browse our new stock of pagers?
Did you know in Japan they still use Fax machines?
Also Japan only stopped using floppy disks THIS YEAR, while in the West they were phased out in the early 2000s?
Wtf whys my pager going off
Forgot your chin there mate
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>Israel declares 'new phase' of war
>The Israeli defense minister has declared the start of a "new phase" of war as the army turns its attention to the northern front with Lebanon.
the actual impact is being overstated by western media

it's actually quite sad to see. all they can do is polish a turd. same in war as in the housing bubble
doubt that's true
cared enuff to reply
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feels good being a tall chubby chad

gymcels working out tirelessly for hours every day to get a nasty two-pack, meanwhile women are creaming themselves over my flabby hairy dadbod lol

they just love the effortlessly masculine daddy DGAF attitude we give off, and you can't get that in the gym :)
Youre the one Mike Tyson mesnt when he said:
'Ive been called a recluse and a rapist. Im not a recluse.'?
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>I don't know no hezbollah
toberston screaming into chatgpt asking for excel instructions on how to calculate the boiling point of pissules! haha!
good. bring our people home.
so how many really dead/injured?
Because of the electronic attacks done by Israel France Germany and Britain have stopped all flights to Israel

pikey phenotype fyi
You think they are done? Bait
Chonker x
where are all these women who are into dadbods? swear its a psyop
you can literally just google it
Sadly nothing will happen though because the main guy leading the "expose" against him is a retard who mixes in unsubstantiated allegations in his videos with genuine shit
hopefuly it isnt him drawing again
Is it worth having a diversified portfolio (stocks, bonds, gold etc) when you're young or should you just stick to stocks?
Iran just blew up Blacked raw studios

Israel has taken this to be a direct declaration of war
if the chinkers is good then chinese
even in their own news reports it's just 8 dead

im sorry but arent they supposed to be in a war. do they know what normal size of an army is. and they wasted this trick on 8 guys
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If you are rich enough laws no longer apply to you
I know a few women like that and they are all on the spectrum and/or are goths in their 30s
there's tons of footage of hands and eyes blown off they've disabled thousands
Dont think heballasgoneh being a bit frizzled has anything to do with that
no offense but im not watching the drawing stuff
maybe i would watch whygena if it was in real life and 1 on 1, but its not
and its sad that he started a YT channel for a reason and i dont want to see his drawings. but i just dont
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>UN General Assembly ADOPTS resolution demanding that Israel “brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence” in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and do so within 12 months

abstentions shouldn't be allowed at the UN what even is the point
Israel has big fascist energy.
saw him in a gay club with his top off (i was nearly naked too) tried to get some attention off him but he wasnt having it haha
The main problem with this attack by the Jews is if they explain it then their enemies can solve it but if they don't they lose a great amount of international trust
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Ask a soldier working for the UN anything.
>counting injuries

lol cope
thanks for sharing
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literally none of that shit matters expect this one
why do the french have more balls than us
how did it even get to this baka
Thinking about cashing in some of my Vanguard EFTs and purchasing some property in Europe. I'm thinking somewhere on the Med, maybe Sardinia or Southern Spain.
anyone up for a game of monopoly
walking around the house with no clothes on, willy just flopping about in the sunshine, it lovely
Someone needs to tell the thirdies if you are going to try to spread terroristic shit against a country like Israel, you shouldn't have a fucking cellphone. For fucks sake even al Queda wasn't that stupid.
Do they think the can do crazy shit online, try to recruit terrorist, grow their movement then put the phone away and their are civilians. Is that really their mentality?
its so fucking awful watching an artist draw
and unless theyre your boyfriend/girlfriend. i bet it would get boring for them too. i bet it would be fun for a bit because they are so chill while doing it but then i bet even theyd be wanting you to fuck off because its good to have time alone
you know?
got lower back pain
This matches the quote of Saint Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2 14-15 where he describes the Jews as "enemies of the whole human race"

Now we have emperical proof of it
trying to imagine the kind of person who would pay money to become a subscriber of jacob reese mogg's substack
Stick to stocks as long as you feel psychologically secure and wouldnt panic sell in a 20% recession
what use is a blind bloke with no hands? These are meant to be fighters
It is true that one hand says dont fuck the natives and the other hand gives condoms away like candy
imagine thinking that (being not completely fat but still >16% bf and capable of doing 20 pressups) was worth posting especially when you have the most awful jawline i.e. lack of one i've ever seen
state of you
i hate how fucked up the levant is. imagine how peng Lebanon and Syria could be.
mousenonce would do this if his benefits werent being sanctioned atm
what the fuck is a substack
haven't left the bed all day
i'm ill you see
yellow is the "we know its wrong but dont want to upset the great golem" option
I believe Lucy is guilty but there isn't enough evidence so she should be back in the job latest by Monday I think
levant, egypt and north africa should be med tier
unfortunatly muslims from arabia ruined it
how do i lower my iq enough to enjoy video games again?
substack is like a blog but you have to pay money to read it sometimes
it's a question of raw numbers 20 deaths and 3k injuries is a tiny fraction of any fighting force
>levant has no wars for 500 years
>Jews go
>total war for 79 years
Heard Israel is great
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Copious cannabis
play better games
What if you have to poo?
Israel is literally run by people much more fascist and racist than Mussolini and Hitler
Just look up the history of people like Smotrich and Ben-Gvir.
Ben-Gvir was caught on camera singing and dancing in celebration after a West Bank Palestinian was severely tortured and then burnt alive by settlers.
He also kept as the main focal point in his home living room a photo of a Jewish-American terrorist who moved from Brooklyn to an illegal West Bank settlement and who then did a mass shooting on children at a mosque.
toys for migrants
Id have more fun in a proper whorehouse
terrible arses, fucking woeful
>Vanguard EFTs
Which ones
Post physique
i havent been eating anything so my poo schedule is slowed
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it's literally why we have indian ocean territory, because we let the yanks build a base on it
thanks yanks :)

>The United Nations general assembly has overwhelmingly backed a motion condemning Britain’s occupation of the remote Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean.
>The 116-6 vote left the UK diplomatically isolated and was also a measure of severely diminished US clout on the world stage. Washington had campaigned vigorously at the UN and directly in talks with national capitals around the world in defence of the UK’s continued control of the archipelago, where there is a US military base at Diego Garcia.
Botched tit job, rank face lift.
you don't need anything more than this
Call the dog over
*Meant to say the person burnt alive by Israeli settlers was a literal toddler btw
M&S Chicken Kyivs in the air fryer for tea lads corrrrr cannot WAIT
>wtf who would be against?
>United Kingdom: against
reckon you could kill someone?
worried my gf is losing her lustre for me

might need to purchase a present for her
always look forward to what quip the belgians has cooked up whenever a white lass is posted
gets a chuckle out of me every time
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the wokerati are trying to take your pints off you
spot on owen
done prevent training but i can honestly say if i ever i saw someone getting radicalized or threatening something i wouldn't say shit
Toby do u use condoms
alri millionaire
M&S kievs are mogged brutally by Charlie Bighams
hope she cheats on you with a bbc
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the kebab
pints are quite a large measurement
faggot neek
Honest question. I don't like Zionist but
Let's say the Israelis blow up your phone after you get off posting
Would you try to play victim? Would you play victim on social media? Do you think the world would not laugh at you?
i think theyre lovely bums
based accelerationist

s curved
i'm on benefits lmao
yeah but (((charlie bigham))) charges like a tenner per pack :/
not. my. problem.
jealousy isnt a good look bossman
utter tarqslop
they are admittedly quite nice but you need to be a literal cryptomultigorillionaire to be able to afford them, like £6 a meal minimum, take the piss
they're tiny as well always want more afterwards
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>switches to US pint measurements
>charges the same
why the fuck can Japan vote on whether or not Israel is punished? bizarre
it's Charlie Binghams and it has always been Charlie Binghams
a half pint or a bottle is more comfy any way
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Mousenonce mousenonce crazy in the head
Posts the mice with a head full of lice and will likely soon be dead
>no onions, garlic, carrot, celery, herbs, spices, olives and olive products, etc.
united nations mate not only vote if you're directly involved nations
its up
>no inflammatory shite
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my dick or pants smell like salt
Sir Beer Server
they're three packs for 12 quid mate, so 2 quid per kyiv, pretty decent value desu if you have some chips and veggies with them, maybe a round of bread to mop up the garlic butter
never had a chicken kyiv
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and the coloured girls go
poo poo-poo poo poo poo-poo
poo poo-poo poo poo poo-poo poooooooooooooooo
*sax solo*
for me its a chicago town slop circle for tea
i need my dick sucked
refuse to call them kyivs
kiev until I die
retarded idea. People will just order more of the smaller measurements instead
nobody cares what you think chud
sausage supper down the hatch
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absolutely mad making dinner for me and mumberg
my plate is thrice the size of hers
women are such puny creatures
I would get more inflammation from the stress of constant boredom caused by that dreadful bland diet compared to just eating a Mediterranean diet and being happy.
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it was a different time
Today: AI is ok but weird at times
Tomorrow: AI is indistinguishable from reality
Honestly think if you die and go to hell you don't go anywhere but get reincarnated and get sent to India
squelching at this
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Sir Sneed Farmer
poltards never did this even after talking shit about Jews for 20 years
Had a lot of caffeine and now I can't stop pooing
My own fault really, isn't it?
>sausage supper
blud thinks its the 19th century
Investing in gold is based.
why is he dressed like a 1940s newspaper boy
Government should step in
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what sort of 10 year old is having children, other than in the case of rape anyway? no but serious question
does it happen a lot or something? maybe thats a deeper issue than abortion
was expecting his mangled corpse to appear at the end
dicken booty! dicken booty!
wouldnt mind putting my dicken her booty aha
are you waiting for the Nothing Phone (3)?
that's the British iPhone!
the fabled sloppa burger...
Put up or shut up
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well said aoc
i want to scran her giant protein poos
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in the first world
why would you put bread over bread, it serves utterly no purpose
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bit fucked up innit
they should have found a way to only make them explode under certain conditions, like say X miles of the border or at certain military locations
mad to think we all had a 1/6 chance of being born in india
my son because he's a not a virgin like you
thats actually really fucking harrowing
>it serves utterly no purpose
*gets down on all fours
*starts running around the room barking and howling KTIM KTIM KTIM KTIM!*
*trips and breaks my leg and has to be put down*
You never see a black ghost
black people don't have souls
What will be the next to explode in libanon? This is why I didnt want to guess yesterday b c then I could be seen as complicit

Pagers walkie-talkies
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live your myth in snowdonia
we are so back
it pie night
howling how there's more dedicated to star wars than christianity
gagging for some slop but im on a diet
what is more stable?
American iOS or British Nothing OS?
Hezbollah has been launching rockets indiscriminately into Israel every week, she didn’t say shit about it. FAFO paki
it poo night
it's called eryri rorke
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just ordered the 1400 quid ganesh bar lads
climbed snowdon last year

dumb phones
utter retard
the most overrated shite band ever
Hezbollah discoverd the explosive pagers way before they were to meant to explode, therefor it was still in the home of the terrorist
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Got the flu or something lads and its kicking my fucking arse
Last 4 days have just been a mix of night sweats and bizarre fever dreams with periods of waking hell coughing up my lungs and a migraine that wont go away if im remotely upright
The worst thing is I gave it to the misso though so despite getting no sympathy for having ‘man flu’ before I am now having to suffer through her making a huge deal out of the same symptoms. But I know how shitty she feels so I’ll let it slide
what kind of pie? x
this was my first ever post on /brit/
I'm on a sea food diet, I see food and eat it
does the US government fund hezbollah?
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that's fit
deeks me a look at ur walkie talkies pls lass
cream x
>1 review
>3 stars

if its any consolation i am suffering with a terrible flu type thing also, its fucking fucked mate i cannot get comfy with this headache
u were too underage for them
they were the fucking wave at the end of the 00s
if you weren't wiggling yourself with your mates and girls to their synth bass you weren't alive
israel can only hurt hezbollah not wipe them out since it would destroy their reason for being
Think they binned those for the pagers. I'm thinking gas stoves
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for me, it's the Kaaba bar
nah they were shit
reckon about 40% of all /brit/ posts are just copy pasted from somewhere else
wank it away wank it away wank it away wank it away now
mmmm kaaba bar
mad how ugly a stunning white broad instantly becomes when you see their name is written in hebrew and they're doing a tik tok dance over dead babies
lol at the jewish stars
it can't wipe them out because most people there are sympathetic to them
Why are house price rises exempt from Capital Gains Tax?
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for me it's the kebab bar
bestival 2010 fucking PENG
reckon about 40% of all /brit/ posts are just copy pasted from somewhere else
get it made you cunts
only your primary residence is
What about Israels past actions suggests they would ever attempt to do that lol
They literally just created thousands of small bombs, randomly distributed them around a foreign country that they are supposedly not at war with, and then detonated them killing a bunch of innocent people and little kids. Yet that isnt the worst thing theyve done this month cause they’ve flattened more nigbabies in Palestine than were killed by this honestly bizarre and obviously just malicious attack
Jews are shameless and simply trying to bait Lebanon into aggressing so that the US has no choice but to respond given its run by Jews
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get well soon lad
american mate is also coincidentally headcahey and has a flulike thing
hope it is just a coincidence and isnt a new strain of kung flu cant be arsed with the lockdowns desu rather feel like shit

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