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2006 england team edish
the golden generation
Yes, and why should it be?
Thick pulsating BWC in a tight Asian fanny. Exploding your creamy muck muck while she screams sugoi des ne
reminder that each /brit/ thread is 90 pages worth of reading a book!
just remembered august ames is dead
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>well actually you’re supposed to be nice to people who continue to launch rockets at your civilian infrastructure

No paki, you show them the same treatment, El Salvador would still be a shithole with people like you running it
>Man, 57, accidentally stabbed himself to death trying to separate two frozen burgers with a knife

hi if you have any questions about chirstanity i will try to answer them for you
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Hate watching stupid CUNTS honour that useless swedish BASTARD sven goren eriksen
like yeah dont wish the man harm over a footie game but lets not pretend he was actually good at his job lol squandered a generation of talent and got fucking loaded off it to boot fuck him
will die a death like this
gf 2024 has been a success
jesus christ JIDF just fuck off israel palestine and the us response isnt relevant to this thread plus nobody here is low IQ enough to buy into the binary that you have to be a pali to hate kikes
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why didn't you buy?
kek I've done this and luckily only sliced my finger
she'd already started to bog herself anyway
Were you raised christian or did you convert
waiter, there's a poo in my soup!
would you shag jesus up the arse if you got the chance?
I trust you lads have listened to the latest Talk Tuah?
german lads be like das was a wunderbar currywurst now i must use the badezimmer and inspect mein scheise on mein poo shelf
>the same treatment
My uncle who went full based and redpilled over the pandemic and was the only other member of my family to be anti covid vaccine started buying gold and keeping it under his bed (unironically)
Bet hes happy rn
I didnt buy cause Im poor as shit
i genuinely was thinking seriously about buying 100k worth of golf in early march and totally blew it by not doing it because within a week or two it had boomed
sucking a gold ball
i converted
was going to clean the flat today but didnt because i couldnt be arsed
there's always money in gold
remember golden balls
why don't hasbulla and hummus leave israel alone
Incel night drive and a maccies tonight I reckon. Might even get wild and listen to an audiobook while I'm doing it.
too warm for that
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Lebs are whiter than Israelis, fuck off back to your street shitter subreddit paki.
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It's over
my burritos were good today :)
>people born in 2006 can post here now
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>100k worth of golf
horse fact: horses are older than poppies as wel know them today (since the geome-wide duplication event)
have you ever seen a poo shelf in person? I have and it was in a public loo with 6+ toilets
the smell was indescribable, enough to singe one's nostril hairs off
germans really are a nation of scat fetishists, after they banned nazism they just redirected their virgin freak energy elsewhere
bet she shagged a bbc that night as well
scranulating a few red grapes if thats alright with you me lid
fake diego
he claims to have had a religions upbringing
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I was looking to get into it a few years ago and was looking at videos on youtube of gold bullion enthusiast and half the time they're aussie
is keeping gold part of aussie culture
Wonder if christians would reject jesus if he came to earth again contradicted himself like mostly it was the same but he was like yeah actually being a homo is okay but everything else still goes
it's alright with me mate
got the weather for it
100% suicide. He lived in supported acommodation.

Sad that his willful act was dismissed and instead a theory that he died trying to separate 2 burger patties was conjured from thin air. Just accept that some people want to die and do so.

Are we saying that he stabbed himself once in the stomach and died instantly before he could (A) phone 999 or (B) ring the buzzer in his supported accommodation? Give me a break.
For me?
Clean shaven. Always.
bizarre incel post
It’s either poop in my soup or poo in my stew. Poo in my stew doesn’t sound right.
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Gravy's good tonight.
tinder makes me feel like a replicant
what a fag
you are a replicant
Dave Grohl in the 19%
it does with an american accent because you lot pronounce it "stoo"
i don't have a partner
puzzled bradley face

>Mother-of-12, her husband, teenage son and at least four other relatives go on the run from police after 'one of the worst' street fights ever

keep your incel screenshots on /pol/ mate
ever shagged a tortoise?
me in the 8%
so imagine that you did
lived in a shit old flat in an ex-soviet country that had a poo shelf
didn't realise it was such a stupid thing until an Aussie flatmate suggested we replace it with a normal toilet, which we did. then I appreciated not having to see and smell fresh logs of shit every time I go for a dump
2.7 million years ago a geome-wide duplication event happened in papaver somniferum
let me tell you about my mother
but i don't
Wagwan Timmy

Is your sister ready? It’s time for our date night.

Leave a key out btw my yute. She’s not coming back until the early hours you feel me.
Gold will always be a good investment.

At the moment my focus is on building my Stocks and Shares ISA, but once my dividends start building up, I'm gonna buy some Royal Mint gold coins for sure.
watching the last ever episode of red dwarf
was 1000% convinced they would be of south asian heritage when I clicked it
close enough
We have a lot of mining
Its a shame were making the same mistakes you guys did and letting our corrupt politicians ‘licence’ the mining of trillions of dollars worth of assets to the americans for pittance in tax revenue and some under the table bribes
Wish we were like norway and just nationalised the lot and kept it in a wealth fun
This country would be so much wealthier if we werent letting the USA absolutely fuck us for profit

Chinks are buying our land and the USA is stealing whats under it and the rest of us just get dicked but at least our government just signed a free movement pact with India because thats not gunna go wrong
those long batons swinging freely in nike tech trackies and katy looking at dat baton
keep your incel posts on Reddit mate
I meant to say poo in my soup, not stew. Poo doesn’t end in a p. Poop works better for soup.
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Invest in Gold.
all of these moments will be lost in time
like tears
in rain
got my finasteride prescription lads, gonna be looking like robert smith into my 70s
it's nearly beer o clock (18:15)
get those indians in and get them housed you bloody bigot
Britain is a really slavish nation.
What is life like as a white man living in Birmingham?
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This geek is shagging and you’re a virgin let it sink in
Done him.
I understand it's to inspect the turds to look for signs of illness, but surely the godawful smell and having to physically view your shite every time you drop an otter outweighs not just looking at your poo through a bit of water instead?
then there's yank toilets which are an entirely different animal, those freaks fill the entire fucking toilet bowl up to the rim with water
Investing in Dividend Aristocrats is based.

Growth stocks are gay. The point of a company is to reward its shareholders.
was listening to an economist on the 'tube and he made a funny joke about rich people not being able to take all their wealth and assets out of australia if you tax wealth since it's buried in the ground haha
>was 1000% convinced they would be of south asian heritage
Why didn't you just say Paki?
walking past the hospital and hearing loud bangs
reckon some of those pagers were for doctors
well in that case I retract my statement, "poo in my stew" doesn't work
good lad, make sure to get oral minox as well. Loads thicker hair with no sides.
john honey lookin mfer
look at his jaw he mogs half the people on this board
he promised her a higher rank in order to shag, timmy never shags for free LOL
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Gordon Brown unironically sold all our gold at the bottom of the market
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wagwan limmy is lynn ready?
where's his george's cross shirt and roll up?
My mum has a tracking app on dads phone tho tracks him everywhere but tbf he is always fucking late so supposedly its cause he says hell be five minutrs to home and she plates up dinner but he was 20 minutes away anyway and it goes cold and she gets salty
Id be pretty against it myself just shows a lack of trust init but maybe if i had cheated itd be a concession i make to keep the marriage going. Shit way to do it tho leave your phone and work and go shag the mistress like youll be fine
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sent that sexless freak flying
i'm using the foam now, scared the pill will make me look like a gorilla
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tonight's nelson scrandela
big massive chebs
is that how powerful being in a high status role is? A speccy chud can chat up a peng ting?
woke shite
quiet down sir or everyone will want one
i am dirty indian bastard sarrr i am beneath dog and cat sarr super sewer rat
>those freaks fill the entire fucking toilet bowl up to the rim with water
what happens in you piss and poo a lot or it gets a bit clogged? cos sometimes my bog will nearly overflow when i wipe too much or whatever but then clears up just in time to flush before it overflows all over the floor
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Gordon Brown did nothing wrong and his policies would have got Britain out of the continuous stagnation after the 2008 crash, as per the other countries that adopted his policies
do they pay u to eat this
how about cooking ur own meal u fat freak
getting annoyed thinking about how exberg claimed I didn't love her
reckon i'll just volcel and rot in my smelly flat until I die instead of having another girlfriend
cor might have to try that meself
Who is this beaut
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>if you don't have a partner imagine that you did
lol lynn getting pleasured by bbc while limmy watches his cilla black on stream

I need to watch that again, been ages
Ww2 vets seeing inexperienced, young white angels holding hands with cronem in the street, knowing they fought for this (lol)
>getting annoyed thinking about how exberg claimed I didn't love her
What reason did she give for thinking this?
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that's a derogatory and highly offensive term in the UK

pooland lol

i dont like truffle 2bh so we'll see if its any good
looking around for the western countries that are genuinely better off now than they were in 2008
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tinders been a humbling experience, 2 days only 8 matches I’d have had about 50 by this time when I was 20. Bird I went out with when I was 18 from tinder now has kids. I think she was the only girl I’ve ever loved. Devastating. I told a girl on tinder today that tinder makes me feel like a replicant and she unmatched me. Heavy. Heavy.
why is this in the news? shagged loads of peng birds at toil and nobody puts me on the front page of the daily mail
there's all those reddit stories about people needing a poop knife [sic] to cut up shites too big to be flushed but I think their poos would slide away nicely in a proper british bog because the water batters it down
suppose it probably just overflows though which is a truly grim prospect
eyes were immediately drawn to her crotch and was instantly disappointed there was no bulge
yo yo yo spainooooo
mental how watching old red dwarf was a massive part of my incel adolescence but i disliked the dave series and never watched anything after back to earth and that first episode of X
rewatched 2049 the other week and it was good

actually ended up enjoying it more the second time around
reckon vegans can eat truffles? since you have to exploit a fat pig out of its labor to get them
You did aswell didn’t you
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Enjoy your testicle pain
roadmen are basically overgrown kids when you actually speak to them
like they're in their early twenties but haven't progressed mentally past about 15
she had terrible anxiety about me leaving her and refused to get treatment, I tried to help her as much as I personally could until it wore me out and I had a breakdown of my own
left me quite bitter and angry for a long time, only now starting to recover a bit
Listening to depressive Russian accordion black metal
yute baton drainage
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what do british feet smell like
Didnt trudeaux do something similar to canada lol
Traitors desu
I hate watching us make the same mistakes as you but when someone says hey lets tax the foreign mining companies they bring out all the pollies to call it fucking communist so the supposedly right wing, nationalist or conservative nigger cattle chimp out
And the left wing, of course, are just owned and operated by those foreign interests and never try to do anything anyway. The last time a labor PM tried to end the mining rape of Aus he was immediately ejected from the party loool
And the one before that was unironically removed from government by the queens man in aus (governor general), thats how deep this runs and how profitable this is to those people
had the wife for years already mate hahaha
remember when I was a kid I would run through groups of pigeons and they'd all fly away
never see groups of pigeons any more
didn't know your mom worked with truffles
That isn't who I think it is on the bottom right is it
100% true
Austerity utterly ruined Britain
Tinder is shite hardly even got dates off it
like strong cornish brie
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austerity never works and isn't necessary. it's just used to line the pockets of the people at the top
timmy: roadmen are overgrown kids

also timmy: has no job, no friends, never held hands with a girl, posts all day on 4chan
The UK is virtually unchanged, actually slightly worse off, now than we were in 2010
please watch gay porn
Is weird when you're in a relationship because the foundation of it is that you have to trust each other that you're loyal to one another but you can never prove it but then when you feel good trust is when the relationship feels the best, but even then it could all be a lie
t. tranny speaking to kids at school
yep thank the crowke mob
Been taking it for over a year and got absolutely no extra hair on the rest of my body, and I'm a hairy lad (not Turkish levels of hairy but a decent amount), it's mad
red dwarf went to shit when grant left, not that naylor is a bad writer or anything but grant brought a lot to the table that naylor couldnt replicate by himself
nun lil timmy cud do
thankfully I’m an electrician so no hr to get involved with
Threads going too fast today. I look back from what I'm doing and there's a new.
Cool it down you lazy layabouts
Should I rape my alkie neighbour
timmy clenching his fists, tears streaming down his face at this
yeah I felt the same way, it grows on you
3am on a thursday suffering from the flu and filtering my own flag because spainnonce is being a cretin again
a tangy cheddar
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Get the gay porn watched.
How do you become an electrician
Get the moss balls vaccinated
only one of those isn't true
shan't be revealing which
t. obese middle aged incel who posts about "Timmy" and "BBC" on 4chan from his childhood bedroom all day whilst normal people have jobs and families
crap isn't it
don't get how it's supposed to all work, do you just keep trying until one day it all falls into place or what? feels like flinging shit at the wall until some of it sticks does dating and such
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my pager just started smoking lads should I be concerned
timmies rattled
timmy finna do this:>>202400455
Hes in a position of power over here
A man cannot have sex with women that have less authority than the man because of whatever the current bizarre reasoning is for all these one way gender policies these days
done him
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yes mate
england's number 10
doesn't do nudes lads nae bother
mad how pagers are still being used
my dad had one for work up until 2020 or so and I thought his was the last of its kind but apparently not
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Smoking rn
timmy replying to himself again with bradleys LOL
Done him, says Lynn after shagging the mandem
>on reddit
190s to autistic to use any site but 4chan
His post was copied from /pol/
Why aren't you investing in gold and silver lads
spainpaki launching his mother's curry across the room and punching the walls upon reading this
I don't have any money
Business idea: Migrant labour camps
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obvious discord raid ft various vpns

Pretty dire thread see you guys for the next one
I invest £25 a month into my Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap Stocks and Shares ISA
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I don't like pussy anyway
investing in golf instead
only thing I've found that works is always striving to reach the best level of transparency you can with one another
try to understand how they think and feel and express yourself to them as well as best and openly as you can
some of the best moments are just having good conversations where you feel like your thoughts are wrapping around one another
*pages you to call me urgently, then just farts into the phone when you ring*
RTHimmy is back at it
LITERALLY just created a DigiGold account cos of this thread
yes, and i think that applies to lots of countries that do a better job of fudging their statistics than the uk does
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strange how wafflejeet appears at the same time as all the other cucks
Prefer owning the physical gold
i love this place
more hassle innit
set you up for that one on purpose because you needed a w
I invest in casio watches

In a post nuclear world people will be DESPERATE to tell the time
that sounds nice but just reading it all gives me the fear
have previously been encouraged/coerced into opening up on things I really didn't want to, felt better in the short term, but then had aforementioned things thrown back in my face later on
hope one day I can feel how you describe with someone, it sounds lovely
Haha ouchie! Niqquh got his head blown off from his pager
Fuck that, buy physical.
It feels very disturbing to see a human head mishaped like that, no wonder people in war are so desensitised to almost everything.
Baroness Blackstone >.<
mad how the you-know-what posting starts the moment mousey takes a break
the hero we need but don't deserve
are you being ironic? surely precise time would largely become meaningless in a post apocalyptic world
>but then had aforementioned things thrown back in my face later on
not him but don't think I could survive this with any prospective gf (khhv)
why is the captcha harder today
Tax wealth
Prime the pump
Build houses
Simple as
How much is your holding worth
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Imagine the drone PTSD from the Ukraine

Soldiers are going to break down into tears when a seagull flies down to steal chips
a pager did that?!?!?!?
The UK is done, get over it. We're in managed decline
Maybe if you keep bringing his nickname and drawing attention to him he'll go away (sarcasm)
Post your stack
Lmao the government even has a taxman position set up for this world

You can't escape toil
it's spainpaki on his VPN and devices
unemployed obese incel sitting in his childhood bedroom with a pc, laptop and phone in front of him with VPNs and 4chan passes, whilst the lads who bullied him in school are out shagging and making money. LOL!
Is that a scar?
Still remember getting out of the honeymoon phase with mine
Like we’d been together for under a year but it was probably 9 or so months and everything was fine but then she questioned my commitment and we had a chat
We did all the right things, communicated, actually changed thibgs, got through it and were still together 7 years later but its never ever been as comfy as it was those first 9 months because before that I just ‘knew’ wed be together forever and everything was amazing and never since that first proper question about it was raised theres just always been doubts that we have what it takes to go the distance for life, dont think its possible to unring that bell
Not to say im not happy just, not in that honeymoon phase and it makes me sad sometimes
they sabotaged them and installed an explosive in those pagers
weird how i posted about this earlier and now it appears to be happening >>202386427
are you stupid? i don't want him to go away, that was the point of my post
russians use all their potatoes for vodka
My mate sent me a bunch of websites and pdfs about this
I was concerned that he thinks I'm as retarded as he is
having it physically would feel great but speaking in hard facts is there any big difference
like are the returns any different
need to ask chatgpt this actually, as well as about capital gains tax on selling gold I think it can vary by types i.e. gold bars vs gold coins
Mad how until the 20th century every painter and sculptor had a Piers Brosnan taste for women
The big fat arses I understand but a lot of these women depicted didn't even have nice tits they were just pudgy, an easy 4/10 regret shag in Blackpool type of body

That coupled with the realisation that pre-modern women weren't keen on shaving (not even on about bushes- think legs and pits), and the feminine hygiene products were NOT as cleaning as they are now, it's a genuine miracle heterosexual men managed to procreate for so many thousands of years
this really set him off look at him seething and crying in the thread lmaooo
>Warning gore
Blueboard. Could probably get b& for posting that
once you've had a bad relationship the calm of being khhv seems like a distant dream, but then it's just two sides of the same poo barm isn't it
lonely and miserable or damaged and miserable
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The Jews are now claiming that using explosives around civilians is "antiterrorism"

Employed Woman

That’s it. Doors closed.
*falls to my knees in dispair*
Oh dont set him off on a 72 hour meltdown
where is the grass greener though? not a rhetorical question, genuinely wondering what you think
aint nuttin timmy gon do bout dat
The idea of gold is that's it's a safe store of wealth.
To me, having digital ownership defeats the point.
Plus as you say, a stack of gold always looks gorgeous.
Hence my sarcasm. I want him to go away, and you as well
Whiter, richer, more opportunities, less corruption, less involvement in global affairs, smaller population
Even 'Dolf loved large bottomed women
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well said
downstairs neighbourberg clattering about like he's moving furniture or something
it's half six in the evening, take the piss
Any of you watch that Jimmy Savile docudrama miniseries? Fascinating how every single woman he ever met knew he was a total creep but he didn't get caught til he died!
Reckon Rohm was a top or a bottom?
Mishima was clearly a top, that I know.
*tyrone steals it and melts it into a chain for your gf*
Mossadil is an Indian run fan-channel.
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>what a man
No porn back then, not as much wanking going on either. Testosterone levels were way higher
making a din so the mong upstairs gets pissed off lol
She sounds like a gaslighting cunt
Which isnt exactly the rarest type of woman but it isnt all of them
I honestly take the be stoic and never show weakness unless its absolutely necessary approach
Have showed genuine negative emotion directly to her a grand total of two (two) times in my 8 year long relationship, once at my grandfathers funeral where I cried and couldnt give a speech properly cause he raised me and once when we very very nearly broke up during all the lockdown bollocks that put a strain on our social life and made us as miserable as it did everyone else
Every other interaction I have with her that could be negative like if its a fight or disagreement or whatever I try to moderate myself cause god knows she wont.
Yea true that plus physically having it special, and with how there's few barriers to selling it when you want to makes it an attractive option
I thought the Dave series actually improved over time personally, several episodes I'd happily rewatch (some really ropey ones as well mind)
faggot owes his very existence to the west
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The 'oliday
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blog on poofta
Wow...you mean...women don't fight in war...wow
Have applied for 10 jobs now. Can't wait to get rejected from them all
mmh wheres the clip of her taking her first croydon meat
don't think she did it on purpose, but she's still culpable due to letting her mental elf issues go unchecked despite my pleas
does all of that work though mate? sounds like hard work to be honest. we all get grumpy/sad/whatever sometimes, best to be able to let it out as and when rather than swallow it I'd say
that said it takes a huge amount of trust to be able to do properly
The coffee does not look appealing
Man who has just spent 20 minutes posting about black penises just called me gay for posting about my missus
Pretty much. Had any other society apart from the West taken over the world and created modernity, someone like Owen Jones would clearly not exist
you're so weird
getting really worried about mark now
Please just ignore him. For the love of Christ won't you mongs just ignore him.
what zero pussy does to a mf :/
have you tried being related to a CEO?
what is the point fighting for a country where all the women have left? doesn't make sense
Have you tipped your landlord this month?
he's on holiday with helen
Went to a gig last night. Couldn't hear fuck all and now my ears hurt.
they're forced to
Pure Zigger hatred fuel
Ever heard that saying "choose your battles"?

Can guarantee you there will always be some idiot entertaining cuckold stuff here. Usually british flags said sadly
i would ask what blew up, but it's pretty obvious
if I ever read that he died I wouldn't feel even the smallest speck of sadness
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nun lil timmy cud do
can't say i had that experience, 7 years in as well
i don't see the start of our relationship as being so ideallic, i just see our relationship as a stream of nice (and bad at times) memories where we've come to where we are and know each other better now and are arguably closer
obviously there will still be bad times but the good times are worth it
oh yeah i forgot
still would've thought he'd do some hotel videos
up, it is
get the boats over
roadmen are deep and introspective
I fundamentally disagree

Basically Im not saying hide all your emotions all the time just moderate them
I dont think it is healthy to just let all your shit out all the time, some level of emotional control is a good thing. Its also just morally hard to justify lumping your shit on other people, especially if they cant help. Now if you cant help but let it out thats fine it happens but this modern idea that we should all be hystrionic women and that hiding emotion at all is this major crime is kinda stupid, stoicism has its place in keeping a relationship and a society healthy

Like for example if I have a shite day at work and some cunt really pissed me off by being a fucking retard and making my job harder because of it. I’m gunna come home and I’ll let her know I had a bit of a shit day and thats positive communication, but I’m not gunna just ‘let it out’ as you say, because what I actually wanna do is call that person a fucktard that needs to have their fucking head caved in by their tard wrangler so they stop making everyone else’s lived harder with their shit work (yes this is based on real events), but doing so is just gunna burden her with unnecessary stress of seeing me angry, so I moderate it
Can always vent to the lads over a pint cause theyll find it funny and wont do that relationship thing where they feel like they have to fix it theyll just let you complain and go yeah fuck him cunt and move on which is perfect

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