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I'm not going to make the editions I'm expected to make any more.
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wagwan limmy is lynn ready
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• Get the migrants fed
• Get the migrants washed
• Get the migrants medically checked
• Get the migrants housed
• Get the migrants shagged
• Get the migrants paid
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>Mom got ‘rush’ from repeatedly suffocating baby, MO cops say. ‘Last time he was blue
Do you lot enjoy your toil? What do you do and for whom (keeping salaryposting to a respectable minimum)?
Get the James O'Brien watched
always amazed at how much darker my william is than the rest of me
*zips down a rope dangling from a hovering blackhawk helicopter and enters the thread*
*loudly and drawn out, like a fog horn*
Find ritual posters very strange. Wonder why they do it.
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This is the Mayor of Springfield, OH. Why do they all look the same? Is it the glasses?
drone warfare is much more scary than the pager explosive stuff
just found out i have a willy deformity that should've been fixed as a baby but no one told me about it
get your fucking willy out for the ira
ehh its ok, the actual toil im mostly kind of fine with but i hate having to get up, leave the house (EVER) and not having as much free time as when i was a NEET. i do boring finance stuff for the government
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Only the very best for my arsehole lads
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he has a toiler paper brand now?
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This is the greatest miscarriage of justice in British legal history.
new horizon game looking good
bob loblaw's law blog
I use to do it to make it easier to find threads I was active in in the archive. Can go back to 2018 and identify posts I made way back then. I can always guarantee that at least one post in the thread was mine and usefully I can identify which one it was. I stopped doing it when I got a girlfriend and stopped posting here daily and haven't been arsed to continue since I was dumped.
dont think they've invented a cure for having a teeny pink weeny
honeymoon periods don't exist after 25
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feeling rapey, might rape
elton's tapeworms
are paki pedo gangs still active?
leftypol: there goes grandpa
terrific post corr
Not a fan of using that word in this context
I do NOT care about women's football
anyone got that webm of the lad wearing gloves doing a cum tribute to this photo?
what about actual honeymoons
lot of shagging on holiday
stick to your cuck posts and we'll do the banter x
no its the one where the hole is in the wrong place
hes lost a lot of weight
went to Ireland recently and was surprised at the sheer amount of flags adorning houses over there, often on poles in the gardens too. Usually the county flag.
Was talking to a pikey the other day and he told me it was a way of showing support for the local chapter of the 'RA
He also said their most common method of punishment was tying you to the back of a pickup with your legs dangling over and blowing your kneecaps out
sent that freak flying
good post desu, given me a bit to think about for sure
work is offering to put me through the hgv licence for free. should i do it then fuck off and become a lorry driver?
mate its not a miscarriage when theyre alive also she definitely did it though
nun u cud do lil timmy
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fascinating thing to me is that he doesn't look like a deflated balloon
bloody sunday
there we go mate, stay in your lane x
sent him on a dinghy back to india
might as well

even if you don't become an HGV driver you'll always have that option in the back pocket. Also it costs a few grand to learn on your own
hairy gay virgin license?
Every single one of them. In.
poo bum willy
i work at cadburys world and have done for a couple of months. use to work in Big Four audit but ditched them when I got qualified. now I work fewer hours for better pay and sometimes they'll give us free chocolate. I'm reasonably happy, but I hope one day to retrain since this life is getting a bit dull.
this is britain under labour
Pickups existed during the 60s?
don't you'll become obese, it's inevitable
splendid post
absolutely fried that shrimp
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Fuck OFF gingernonce
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squashed that bug
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grandad had one like this til he died
fuck off yank you unfunny boring bastard
cleaved that fuckpig
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see i thought that but the problem is i like to get pissed every night so i dont know if ill ever be a suitable lorry driving candidate
Holy DONE HIM Batman

fuckign tune
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>stick to your cuck posts and we'll do the banter x
fucking dismantled that cunt
been here at least 20 minutes and this is the first foy i've gotten
what the hell happened to /brit/?
if you're sober enough to drive to work in the mornings now then you're sober enough to drive the HGV
throw another shrimp on the ol barbie there would ye edwin
he's talking about the present - the IRA are alive and well and basically operating like the Irish mafia
everyone pays protection money and anyone doing illegal activity donates a portion of it
if someone gets robbed they don't call the police, they tell the IRA and they just track them down and fucking shoot them
fucking look at this wee runt
such an ugly twisted little freak, he look sick
bender and adopted ukrainian too
just all round bad person the world would be better off without
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The Belgian cuckspam is going to come twice as hard now he just got owned, brace yourselves lads
Maybe you've been making good posts for a change. Could happen I suppose.
why is timmy so hell bent on replying to himself? even got his balkanoid vpn up and ready.
notice yanks hardly get any (You)s
everyone sensible has you lot filtered, perhaps I ought to do the same
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Need sex with a yakuza bird
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turned him into a pie
he was probably having you on and thought a gullible englishman would believe it
the county flags will be for the GAA not the IRA, which hasn’t existed since the 90s outside of gangsters fighting drug dealers and sending the occasional bomb threat to an army or police headquarters
imagine piping her from behind then giving that dragon on her back a facial

yeee don't edwin
>he hasn't posted since
fucking scremaign
no dragons

no peters
LOVE big massive tattoos on women
the new trend of having loads of little random tattoos doesn't look even nearly as good
Pack so loud 14 killed and more than 450 injured according to the Lebanese health ministry
get the fucking red carpet fucking well rolled out on every single fucking beach in this bloody nation
>everyone sensible
Opinion on lifetime ISAs?
you never see a shrimp frying rice
genuinely might kill myself if i can't have a dominos soon
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this dogshit reply is why people filter yanks
this only happens in certain neighbourhoods of derry and belfast where they act like a local police force because the actual police have been forced out
no one is paying them money in dublin or cork
Opinion on lifetime IRAs?
*rapes your mum*
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mate it looks quality dunno what you're on about
it pie night
wonderful duet of posts, had me a good chuckle
as you were gents
so fucking mongy looking
Doing poo
oiiii edwin

they're regulating the gulf shrimp supply

put another shrimp on the ol barbie there would you cobber
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what's for dinner?
Would honestly be kino if Belgium never posted again now after that lol
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Columbo catches a guy sending guns to the IRA in this episode
i'd just like to point out that that's a different yank and i fucked off when told
*disappears again*
love tattoos on women me but this is dreadful
whtt does the bible say about wanking
agree lad
like full pieces but having loads of tiny jew ink scribbles over you is just weird
her arse is that what you wanted me to say?
i'm having pot noodle x3
I'm pretty good at telling when people are bullshitting me and he seemed pretty sincere, he kept the conversation up about how the IRA operates for quite a while as well. Maybe it's not the true IRA any more but it's evolved into a powerful criminal enterprise?
it lovely
find a wife they said
Literally getting blackified
something about not spilling your seed
it's a no no
three pot noodles jeremy? that's insane
Tin of fish of some kind
Grain of some kind
shouldn't indulge in lust ennit
bible scholars have found zero textual evidence jc even once pulled the hog
2 would just leave me hungry again later and i've only got pot noodles in so it would mean eating just before bed and they're bombay bad boys so it's a dreadful idea to eat one before trying to sleep
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
Skyping the American gf soon got any good memes to share?
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
Thou shalt not wank
practically has
only larpers in a new organisation they dubbed the “real IRA” wanted to carry on the paramilitary struggle in the north after the GFA but there’s hardly been any fighting and they have a small membership
they shoot rival drug gangs and get up to mafia shady shit when their MI5 handlers let them. The IRA of the Troubles doesn’t exist anymore. It’s an Irish mafia gang with a paramilitary nationalist cause LARP attached
hope she cheats on you with a bbc
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The people here aren't anymore sensible you just relate to them easier because you've lived around them your entire life. Actual discussion happening on other threads like the German and Japanese general. Why don't you discuss something instead of thinking ragging on others is somehow helping improve thread discussion
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your date, rorke
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Gooned with 3 of my mates on separate occasions and we never discussed it again

I wonder how common this is
lover prospers when a fault is forgiven
envelope with a love heart
love is something something something
a snake
Female gender symbol
Cresent moon and a star
massive arse bruise from spankings
Crescent moon on finger
why dont you head for the hills you fat waster
might do a massive poo in the boston harbour
why is there tinfoil in her pasta
got about 3 stone to lose, me
Like all paramilitaries in bogland theyre scum who sell drugs and live in dole estates and very rarely shoot or kill anyone, and when they do it's shooting each other for selling drugs. They make the italian mafia look like a real classy outfit. Yet the irish would have you believe they're on the same level as mexican cartels.
>giant trough covered in gold
bit on the nose mr garcon?
Same although I am gay lol
looks jewy
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
1 Samuel 26:22
I'm not fat. As for your other claim idc
used to send porn to each other over msn messenger

were clearly all wanking together and reverted to normal convo after spaffing but never admitted it and never spoke about it again
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literal mousenonce-tier mental illness
scared to use my prostate massager in case mossad blows it up
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
it's got to be a bot
fucking yanks just fuck off
Do you get the gay porn on when you do that or just goon at each other gooning
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I'm british
alri charlie
Get the gay porn on
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Get the small boats ON our shores
Get the migrants IN our women
a recursive goon feedback loop
Holy mother of BASED
Tattoo Size in Tattoo Cost (range)
XS – Tiny Tattoos 1”x1” £60-£90
S – Small Tattoos 2”x2” £90-£150
M – Medium Sized Tattoos 4”x4” £150 – £300
L – Large Tattoos 6”x6” £350 – £550
XL+ – Extra Large Tattoos 8”x8” £700 +
good mate of mine lost his william to an exploding israeli abby shapiro sex arse he got off temu. stay safe out there lads.
based tinned fish and rice knower
Pooteronomy 5:2

Thou shalt not crack one off to Jada Stevens’ ample backside
What's the concensus, that they hacked the pagers to make the baterry explode or that they intercepted them and put little explosives inside?
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Get the clappers posted
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>Try to support local businesses
>More expensive
>Opening hours 9pm-3pm Mon to Fri (Closed 2 hours for lunch and also whenever they feel like it)
>Worse service
>Worse products
Why do I have to support them again?
>MI5 handlers
obviously the latter
Got the Kpop on
assumed they made some sort of front company and sold them to the government through legitimate means and waited until they were in wide use before blowing them up
Uniberg building a great big brutalist "multi-faith building" in front of the best view of the city and valley
Says it all
Got the gayporn Kpop on
you don't just support the jews and paki billionaires instead
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USA is a shithoke
>hacked the pagers to make the baterry explode
We were watching straight porn at the time but I was more turned on by looking at my mate’s wilbert (didn’t tell him that though)
maybe you should get it off
>t. obese middle aged incel who posts about "Timmy" and "BBC" on 4chan from his childhood bedroom all day whilst normal people have jobs and families

>spainpaki launching his mother's curry across the room and punching the walls upon reading this

>unemployed obese incel sitting in his childhood bedroom with a pc, laptop and phone in front of him with VPNs and 4chan passes, whilst the lads who bullied him in school are out shagging and making money. LOL!

Whoever made these posts, I hope you're happy. You've made him upset and now he's going to have an incel meltie until tomorrow morning.
lovely jubbly
I used a local computer repair place when my laptop an heroed and they were really good tbf, they are very hit and miss
the trouble with big businesses is that you always get the same thing but it's seldom better than mediocre
you are severely mentally ill and will never have sex
the mutts of america never fail to amuse me
did you ever clip each other off or just do diy wanks?
Love gay porn and lesbian porn but straight porn is just gay and vulgar
It's just one severely autistic virgin who lives with his mother
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Leaked image of the Belgian poster
proper wronguns you lot are
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the 'f
It's pretty evil if you think about it.

Tiny explosives like that would only maim the vast majority of victims, it doesn't even do anything to neutralise hezbollah as a fighting force, just causes suffering.

Not to mention the fact that these were detonated in civilian areas where they could easily injure bystanders.

Israel cementing it's position as most deranged society on the planet.
same with two of my mates and literally never got mentioned again. not gay but been having gay thoughts recently and I'm kind of curious and I really wish back then I'd offered one of them a blowie because they were so horny they'd probably have agreed and I'd know what it was like
pint gfs desired
190 was like our version of Boogie2988
Never got to touch his dick but I really wanted to, never had the guts to try
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Israel is a paki country what do you expect
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open the fucking pubs
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Got a free sample with the old nicotine pouch order. It's actually not shit either. Been a good day I'd say
Made a shit joke earlier which fell flat
One of the guys I was with said kinda sarcastically "oh yeah that's funny" and then continued with the conversation
Proper blackpilling stuff
lil timmy when katy replies after 3 days
she can blow my beeper any day
your mum when a darkie whips out his bantu baton bbc
And the very latest from the Fucking Bitch???
This except for idiotic /brit/izens
I am a billionaire
Lithium ion batteries sometimes explode, not a stretch to suggest that malware could be used to make this happen
nothing gets past you does it mate
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*wheels you to the top of a long, steep staircase and gives you a little push*
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pub opened!
cracks me up when Scotch wear a kilt lol got your skirt on mate have ya
sex with big tits women with big tits
>it doesn't even do anything to neutralise hezbollah as a fighting force
you fucking spaz, somebody being maimed is worse for an army than them being killed, because they take up medical resources. plus now they will be obscenely paranoid about their remaining communications tech and are probably ripping open all the computers and gadgets theyve purchased in the last 2 years looking for bombs
also, detonating explosives around civillians? yeah muslims would never do such a terrible thing
I literally wouldn’t be able to face them again, that is fucking grim lad
Oh well. Another day on benefits tomorrow.
Lads what size of laptop is most ideal, 14" or 16" screen?

the 16" has more real estate but it hardly fits into my backpack and is a bit cumbersome. Also seems a bit more virginous to have a laptop that big.
if you cant trust your communication devices, then you can't communicate or organize
furiously rapping out a question to claude asking if the meal deals are going to be exploding next
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14" plugged into 2 32" monitors and a 55" TV
Virgin alert!
when's giro day lad? you can pay your tick at the offy then get more booze after
They planted explosives.

Dont really see how its "evil". There have been reports of two civilian casualties, and thousands of hezbollah operators incapacitated.
Not possible to achieve a better ratio
chin up lad, keep the faith
what are you using it for
will be very surprised if my nofap streak doesn't end today. looking at too many lustful images
monster on film4 tonight
good film
is it /brit/?
I have some questions about Nothing Phones
So what does she plan on doing with the rest of her life then? NEETing it up in her smelly childhood bedroom? Worked for me
gay lustful images?
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Well said.
you've already lost the mental battle
There is a almost a higher percentage of Serbs in the ethnically cleansed lands of Bosnia then there are English in London.

Serbs in Bosnia: 31%

English in London: 36%
Was the joke that bad or did you just interrupt a roiling conversation to deliver some monotone quip and then snort to yourself
one Russian fashion blogger has long hair, makeup but calls himself a man and is a patriot of Russia
No that's Robert Maudsley.
don't know what that is
Oh fuck off
>Serbs in the ethnically cleansed lands of Bosnia
It was Serbs who did the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia.
autumn vibes
To me resorting to these sort of tactics when you are already the vastly more powerful actor is cowardly
bizarre movie
instead of casting an ugly woman they cast a hot one and make her ugly

don't understand Hollywood
shitposting, looking at stock charts, typing out notes, play a bit of runey, maybe go to a cafe and surf twitter
her dad is a multimillionaire so her mum has never had to work, she owned her first home at 18 from youtube money that she's been renting out since and she runs multiple successful businesses. reckon even if all she does is the same videos prancing around her garden and bragging about how many books she's pretended to read she'll still be set for life
Bet her farts honk.
Nothing Phone is the British iPhone
Got the peng gay poo porn on
Every time I read about events like the pager situation I once again get demoralised and feel like the Jews should rule the West - as they have for centuries. They’re clearly so much smarter than everybody.
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my boss
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britain's problem is that you'll never have a woman like this in government
Nah didn't do anything like that, joke just bombed was all
In bed. Farting.
she's a really good actress
was merit I guess
actually I use Samsung Galaxy S and not gonna switch it, but Nothing Phones look nice
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na nigggaa
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are nell
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*does a fortnite dance*
thinking about getting that honor trifold phone
it's Huawei
What was the joke and context
Cum in your pants.
doing a gay porn poo
What show is this??
12th September 2024

I am in love! Her name is Drusilla MacAvoy.

18th September 2024

Too hasty by far! The MacAvoy woman was not for me. I am planning to kill myself, and if the remainder of these pages are blank anyone who comes across this diary will know I succeeded.”
Phones for poors will have high fatality fragmentation cases while the newest iphone ultra + x will be explosive resistant
the first omen
movie not show
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im on that LCD liquid from the television ethanol pack
yeah that one
Mate I have enough saved up there’s no waiting for gyro day lmao

Faith for what? I don’t want a job lmao
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Wank them
thought bruces were meant to be funny

The Battle of Aljbulabrajajaburrito, fought between King John I of Portugal and King John I of Castile. King John I was the victor.
Get the meat rubbed
omds they're trying to cash in on the australia trend
posted it again award
The way I see it, is Israel doesn’t want a boots on ground invasion ala Gaza. This is their way of saying they want to destroy those who want to hurt us. The alternative would be a ground invasion as well as air force strikes which is not a quagmire that Israel wants to get into.
don't really follow the sport but wow that Man United win last night was amazing
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Got the Village Green Preservation on
hello Burger King CEO
mousenonce on a mad one in /cum/ nonstop since 5am greenwich time last night.

somebody poison all the Yorkshire pudding in Scotland please
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didn't get halfway through the trailer what were they thinking
israel wants to fight lebanon and iran down to the last american soldier
yea, because they know they'd get their shit pushed in
Despise Israel, if I were driving and saw people on the street waving that wretched flag I would seriously consider throwing it all away and plowing straight into them at full speed
are you the one they call fat? hes warned us about you
alright rasheed
*listens to Switchfoot*
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>Despise Israel, if I were driving and saw people on the street waving that wretched flag I would seriously consider throwing it all away and plowing straight into them at full speed
israel? i barely even know her!
rpg'd my teammates in hardcore search and destroy
listening to bach
pooed out my mouth again

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