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lavender edition

i prefer this thread
I slept for 11 hours last night. This is becoming a problem.
i do this every night what's the issue
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I dig lavender tbdesu
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this with a tylenol in the morning
what an asshole
Not funny Israeli savage
don't resign yourself to being alone forever because you haven't had any meaningful relationships yet
that's quitting before you've even started
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stop posting this whore
Weed man is about 30 mins out.
I like her
you will never pass bro
it's my favorite floral scent and usually what i smell like because i have so many products with lavender oil in it
I'm not a young man anymore, anon. It's pretty much over for me.
Haha good one now gtfo my thread
Lmao fucking based
relationships aren't exclusively the domain of young people anon, plenty of happy relationships people start in their 30s
the children yearn for the mines
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I don't blame countries for despising Americans

good article
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I smell like a sewer again and I don’t understand i only masturbated 4 times in the last few hours
Maybe, anon. I don't know. It depresses me to think about. I've never had any luck with women.
>average poster who chose the lavender thread
my life in a word: depressing
not making a coffee today, I'm making an espresso!
this is what i look like
Israelianon why aren't you serving your country and killing Islamic militants?
just don't close the door on the idea completely, i don't want to make you depressed so we don't have to keep talking about it
hate that stupid song
i already did my time
I hope spinster has a lovely day today
why are you so skeptical
i hope she falls down the stairs and gets paralyzed and can't call for help and lays there until she dies of hunger
Goodness gracious, why?
Okay, hail.
do people actually eat at arbys?
just don't like her
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Jason its not ok to envy and hate bio girls
nasty yellow soles
please stop
Well if that happened you'd feel bad
not a feet guy but i would lick these soles
Weed man is almost here ^_^
tell him i said hi
who would want a bunch of fat disingenuous brown retards waddling around your country. after soending time in japan and the netherlands you learn to know that most americans are as fake as they are fat
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cumpies, im drinking covfefe
I like lavender lemonade
i should make this i've never done that
i had some earlier i made it a bit too sweet on accident
Well, I'd like to change it, but I don't know how likely it is. I mean, really, right now, I don't have much going for me.
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I was saying "Boo-urns".





Some of your natural sweetness must have gotten into it
You're a fucking faggot.
I don't see why you homos can't just keep this shit on /lgbt/ where people actually want to see it unlike here
Weed man came and went.
Kit looks like a cow
>Weed man
>He doesn't have comfy dispensaries
I thought Canada was supposed to be superior to us
Faggots get off on novelty
you can work on yourself to improve your situation, just for your own sake alone but it would have the side effect of making you more ready for a relationship
don't put the horse before the cart though and just work on some stuff you feel like you could do better for your own sake, first
if youre gonna get banned at least post something better
be back later
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Lmfao thirdies on hypercope

rangeban mobile from posting?

You think this will stop me?

We won the war of lands and langs.

you will kneel to us
And learn your place

Moot himself is confirmation of this.

Barking dogs always learn to heel when beaten enough

And I will beat you into submission

You fucking barking dog.

We will teach you.
you have my attention........
No dispos in Richmond plus 2g vapes aren't legal. It was from a black market site.
Feet too big. I like feminine smooth feetsies and im not that much into soles
I can't wait for the day faggots hang just like in the good old days
this is what happens when you pay too much VR chat
>my gimmicks are shit so I’ll resort to shitting up the thread
janny needs to rangeban chimpcago already
Say what you will about ISIS but they knew how to deal with fags
Our government and military is full of faggots, no wonder Muslims, Russians and Chinese are taking everything over
Whatever happened to ISIS? Seems like they just went away one day
probably got their shit pushed in by the taliban
They still around but weak af
If you're a white guy with curly hair they forcibly assign you an Indian or Chinese gf when you get to college.
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German-American bros. How do we cope with this?
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BRIAN, stop ruining the thread
was that really his address posted yesterday?
If so I live by him
Do mods even see when one IP is receiving multiple reports across different posts? Because I think mods open those abhorent posts and think they're just one off shit posts and don't do anything about them, not realizing that they're all unwanted spam in one thread
i dont believe that
way too many krauts and paddies in the south
fuck baseball
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>pick the effeminate "lavender" thread
>Gets spammed by faggot retard

>Don't pick the heterosexual Anzu thread
>It 404s and you're stuck with disgusting fag shit

I tried to help you. You guys didn't listen.
Which anzu
From Yu-Gi-Oh?
not sure
No you fucking moron. Anzu. The queen of /int/
>do magic
>Still can't get anyone to like you
it's close enough that I could scope it out, possibly have a chat if he goes outside
One would think a powerful and superior person wouldn't even have a need to come here.
Don't talk about Dr. Strange like that
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had a salami and colby jack sandwich
maybe just to have a laugh
How come we never have 2 attentionwhores posting at the same time? Are they all the same person?
Oh Jesus I haven't had salami in years. I was gonna get some prosciutt and panchett but forgot it when I was at the store
Do it and record it
oh he gonna love me, and my fists and my boots
beware of getting jannied
They relent when they see someone else is already whoring the attention
It's like showing up to fuck a prostitute but you see someone's already fucking her, it's gross to just sit and wait so you can fuck her after, in spite of you already knowing she's a prostitute so it shouldn't make a difference
I've noticed this too
for what, paying a friend a visit?
Neither of you would do shit
Bro gonna pull out the coconuts of protection
janny might ban if you post the video or other info under the pretext of 'doxable info'
I would, you have no idea who or what I am
You're both bitches, and I will be proven right when neither of you do anything
somebody posted what they thought was his address, just going to check it out
LOL this fuckin kraut keeps getting banned LMFAO
looool get mad get confrontational get aggressive have a big mouth on the internet
No he doesn't
Wish he did though
>You're both bitches
If you saw me IRL you'd be too terrified to even say "Hi".
He does tho
He just got back from a ban
If I saw you irl, I'd rape you for breakfast
it was foretold in the prophecy
we all knew this would happen
I can you're full of shit just by how you posture
this shit is beyond pathetic
It really would not have made a difference . I don’t think the fag spammer cares about what the OP is.
>I can you're full of shit just by how you posture
Textbook projection
You are so weak
I guess you'll never know
I do know, because you live right near Brian and aren't doing shit in spite of saying you would
You're a pussy, always was one, always will be.
isn't spamming/flooding a thing here?
Yes but mods can't see it's spam by the individual posts and they're too obese to open a thread for context. That's like asking them to run a marathon
Is it a good idea to propose in public?
Report him
never have been, I so wish I could see what your pathetic ass looks like, so many angry children here
I like the other guys idea better, but I'm too far to kill the disgusting faggot
I can look pathetic, I'm not the one saying how I'm gonna do shit and then bitching out when I'm called out
Imagine being this faggots father. You come home from a long day of work and your only son is spamming pictures of men's feet on the internet site best known for hosting losers.

what the fuck do we pay jannies for.
oh well, time for vidya anyways
Janny needs a paycut
if posters here hate him so much, just try to imagine how much he's hated in real life, I almost feel sorry for him
His life revolves around delusion and gaslighting himself
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> Jerome fucked up the markets AGAIN
I will literally never ever ever forever be able to afford a home.
look at her she is so disappointed
holy shit

the guy's fault for proposing in public
Did you finish reading the money book?
it's staged retard
>This post doesn’t exist anymore
Brian has to wear diapers from being fucked in the ass too many times
just shut the fuck up about him
sometimes reality is too hard to deal with for losers like him
business idea: range ban chicago
he now needs a cork for his ass
Everyine here loves the worst of the worst.
They can't get enough of those shit people.
They'll interact with them everysingle time they show up.
You can't change that. People love to hate.
It's actually sad but I lose sympathy when degenerates have to make their problems everyone's problems
they want to reduce the requirements to become a judge because according to our communist president knowing more than one language or having postgraduate education in a foreign country is highly suspicious.
Mexican president when a judge speaks more than one language or has postgraduate education in another country
We did it guys, they banned the ricchione!
Quanta volta t'aggio ditt, just keep reporting the fuckers
Looks like they banned the kraut again too
What if the one language he knows is like Swahili or something. Is that ok
did i survive this deletioning
I think the president's plan is to have like-minded people in the judgeship and people who know more than one language or have studied abroad are less easy to manipulate.
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will be going to walmart in an hour
They culled mad niggas. Looks like we made it through, bud
making lunch
Whatcha gonna buy, friendo?
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Uh huh. I see. What what does Jah Rule have to say about this?

Just kidding, that's crazy
Te quiero mucho
I have no idea how most technology works, but that doesn't stop me from offering knowingly erroneous answers to tech problems on other boards
its so fucking humid out that it's raining without fucking clouds
Strangely zoomery series of posts
Im 36
I started watching this anime because I was really bored, but it turned out to be alright. That is until the last few episodes where it's just been the 30min of completely insane screaming by the MC. I get that japs like melodrama but this shit is fucking unhinged
The plot thickens
>ask question
>>bro just learn [coding language]
>first few weeks of learning language is gay shit like "hellow worl!" and accessing random useless file bullshit
This is why I don't care that codemonkeys are getting replaced by jeets and AI. Douchebag boomers used to do the same with automotive and fabricating but now there's a bunch of youtube videos that show how to do stuff
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You got to be kidding me
bro is straight up (You)maxxing
milk and sweet potatoes
That sounds like a song
turkey panini with pepperjack cheese and some potato chips
pretty low effort i know but i don’t feel like doing much
i don’t have any jotchua pictures on my phone :<
>Eating yams outside of thanksgiving/November

Why would you tempt the gods so?
Women keep trying to take pictures of me without me noticing but they are so obvious I can’t help myself but loleing out loud
call them out on it
creepshots are wrong
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I like the editing on this video
I'm an idiot, I always leave my work for the last, and I don't understand why I do it.
She looks uncanny and inhuman
Guy on the right looks like an old jason kek
Has anyone ever taken a creepshot of you
Why are hapas so outrageously sexo
the mom is pretty but the dad looks really weird
good on him for bagging a hot chinawoman
That's a funny way to spell uncanny
regular potatoes > sweet potatoes
I’m thinking inaction is the move
Im sooooo mad about this opinion I'm gonna argue for hours about this and somehow I'm gonna make it racial and political
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I want to live in LA.
they are both good for different reasons
you're right, sweet potatoes don't taste good.
I hope you enjoy homeless people and fent.
You like that they look more white, aka better looking.
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movie theater food prices are also expensive in your area? here it's like 20 bucks for nachos and a soda.
outstanding news my hideous incelibate face did not disqualify me from getting a job. now i have the privilege of toiling away (humiliating bitch work) for 15 whole smackers an hour we're in the money we're in the money
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>tiktoks showing Zoomers losing their mind about this song
>omg he needs to be stopped
Zoomers would need therapy, if they heard the early album songs of Slim Shady.
happy for you buddy
Let’s fucking GOOOOO
what's wrong with the song?
yes it's outrageous
just a small popcorn and a regular drink is like 20 dollars
It makes fun of disabled people. It's like the tamest Slim Shady song.
Congrats, brother. Make good use of your money and of the extra free time that you get from being ugly.
Are my uocchie sbagliat? I thought they banned the kraut
Welcome to die. This will be the rest of your life in one incarnation or another
You'd fit right in, it's more Mexicans here than in Mexico

Fun fact. I worked across the street from the tallest building in that pic
I kinda respect Eminem for never innovating in like 30 years. Just the same shit pumped out every few years
30 years? Didn't he come out in like 1999 or some shit
What are you talking about? He dedicated an entire album to wrapping with various accents, to make words that otherwise wouldn't rhyme, rhyme. People still bitch about it now.
Also, what Em was doing in the 2000s was so far ahead of the mainstream rappers, that some still haven't caught up.
Technically 96 was his first album, but 99 was when he got famous
I have a lot of green tea that my mother left in my house, I have been drinking unsweetened tea for almost two years now, when do I become chinese?
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someone tell this decrepit old busted old used up bitch that she's 30 it's time to put hello kitty and barbie away
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??? the south is the least kraut part of america.
I can’t believe Target would sell hot wheels cars in the kids section. Don’t they know that motor vehicles kill tens of thousands of people a year?!?
you say it as a joke, but some people are so weird these days that they really think that way.
I'm mocking people who are mad about the rainbow shirts in the kid's section at Target because it will make kids gay or something
Women should always be cute, stop wanting women to be men
how is a man who can't get videos to work on his website going to lead us to mars. i would have more confidence in hiroshimoot and i wouldn't trust him to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.
Yeah, shirts aren't going to do that, that's silly. It'll be the gays molesting them that does that.
So true but I also wouldn't trust the ideas of someone who can't type with proper capitalization so stfu
this post would hold more weight if you didn't miss the period at the end of your sentence
Pee pee
been having panic attacks about the election lately
why? they are all the same, nothing will change and if it changes it is always for the worse.
Is this the foid
i hate working class people. seeing them ruins my day.
and my doctor vinnie boombatz he told me
do people really wear youtubers merch? almost all of them sell shirts or shit like that.
I bought a pewdiepie mug years ago but i broke it like 1 month later
wearing my ksi sweatpants right now
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My girlfriend will look like this
my dream job is being stationed in some third world country where i can legally use my PURCHASING POWER on local women
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the beautiful CK
>unlimited data plan
>it’s only 100gb
the only good thing here is that the internet is always unlimited.
very nice anon
I've never voted because I simply don't care
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the what
I hope someone shits on your front door. Just a wet diarrhea dump.
lemme get uh.. BONELESS pizza
>Sees the price of charcoal
He cares now
i'm a jaded grizzled careworn old man
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
i don't think that's a thing
Only under certain conditions. Dinosaurs were mostly killed off, and couldn't survive in the changed world.
politicians do NOT care about you, you are a dollar sign
wake up sheeple
post booba
Imagine not being a man enough to eat bone-in pizza.
will i have a gf someday?
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quebec women
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im gonna take a nap
behave while im gone
playing devil May Cry 2. it's not very good desu but i'm going to finish it anyways.
I'm going to say the gamer word.
The first two DMC games were the learning process, DMC3 is when the series actually starts getting good.
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I did not care for Devil May Cry 4.
I got a new job where I have a lot of down time at my computer with nothing to do are there any good phone games I can get to pass the time?
pdf reader
why that lil bitch crying all the time
I just saw a commercial about "varicose veins" and I feel like I can't look at women the same way again. I swear they're only hot for like 10 years
Bayonetta is literally the greatest video game ever made, so I will at least partially agree with you here.
Having lots of varicose veins is actually bad, they're the small blood transfer tubes that get enlarged.
Bayonetta is the gayest video game I have ever played. Watching Rupauls Drag Race was more heterosexual
I would accept someone saying Bayo>5>4>3>1>2>DMC.
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>have to do jury duty in october
thoughts on UFOs?
maybe you won't get called
just show them your power level to get out
your honor i cannot serve on this jury because i am extremely racist
dispensary gave me the stemmiest weed I've ever had
fun, you have the power to ruin another person's life
Hopefully it was cheap as fuck
female police officers get my pudstick engorged
Especially when they're cunty... Fuck I love it
back from walmart. got milk but forgot sweet potatoes
Aren't any potatoes that you own automatically sweet potatoes?
They have weird pants that both compliment and not compliment their butt. Also they almost always have ponytails which is a plus for me at least.
i was in china, and some dude approached who was apparently born in china but was actually half french half persian. i asked what his name was and he told me "chin k. fagot-nigar"
fuck police officers
yes please, hopefully a blonde cunty one with a fat dumpy
I asked a girl named Merissa to go to the skating party with me in 5th grade. She said "I'll tell you tomorrow". She avoided me for the rest of her life.
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>get elected
>undo everything the previous president did
>get elected
>undo everything that previous president did
imagine grabbing her by the hair and sawing her head off with a handsaw
this happens everywhere, here the current government destroyed public health just for that reason and more poor people are dying.
She looks damaged
imagine smashing her kneecaps with a crowbar
Unattractive, sorry
she's mid but i need her
oh.. oh my. I don't to do that.
America = Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri, Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois, Southern Ohio.

If you aren't from these areas you aren't from America.
if call of duty made a new all ghillied out mission in modern day ukraine:
fifty thousand people used to breed here, now its a gay town
you just listed every state that should be deleted
Spinster make a new right now please
listed every state that invented all interesting american culture and all the good presidents*

You sound like a coastie
should probably include the original states if you didn't already
it's brian, he seethes all day about any state that isn't california
im not brian
The south is responsible for the worst aspects of america. It's an embarrassment
was going to make the new, but i hit "get captcha" and it's making me wait 300 seconds, even though i post here very frequently.
that particular institution were just... well just goshdarn peculiar I do declare
looks like one of my cousins
is she on sexmex
Greater Virginia isn't "the south", its the Chesapeake, and responsible for all American culture, progress, thought, music, literature and beyond.

New England is soulless, the Mid-Atlantic is soulless, and the Deep South is evil.

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