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Puerto Rico Edition
Previous: >>202404961
I don't want a gf. I want a fwb.
The journey to 15% body fat is a long one.
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I hope they honor my warranty and replace my SSD.
Can you stop
Can you continue
whats the point of women if none of them will be my gf
Joe Manchin
You guys remember that movie where Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson have to learn about computers? Anyways there's a horny indian woman who schlicks to tentacle hentai in it, just remembered that randomly for no reason.
They’re busy being productive members of society, and paying the taxes that your NEETbux come from.
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I finally pulled my dirt bike out to give it a through inspection after the crash, pic rel seems to be the only damage, miraculously. That's a pretty cheap fix, I thought I'd have a lot more to deal with
Really want to move to Vancouver BC but I've heard it's really difficult to get a work visa.
why the hell would you want to move to canada
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russia lol
Free 'elfcare, great scenery, cost of living much easier than the US.
canadians are polite
>be a dude
>declare yourself as trans
>still have a guy name (it's his youtube name)
>did absolutely nothing at all to look like a girl
>doesn't even shave his fucking beard
so people just can claim to be trans and change absolutely nothing whatsoever and act like a normal guy, no name change, no pronoun bullshit?
just when you thought troons couldn't get any loonier
this from that ammunition factory they bombed?
>Free healthcare
>great scenery
much less variety than the US
>cost of living much easier than the US
ok that's just objectively false
This is pure American conservabrain rot. Canadian cities are generally much cleaner and safer than American ones. It turns out that European social democracy is actually much better compared to American rugged individualism.
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it was an ammo storage facility they built a few years ago
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>pure American conservabrain rot
>It turns out that European social democracy is actually much better compared to American rugged individualism.
Canadian cities are gay
I'd like to move to Canada but only B.C, Maritimes, Quebec or West Alberta.
Pure cope, anon let me assure you that the only people that want to leave Canada are those with a lot of money because they know (with their money) they can get a relatively similar quality of life in the US with much less of a tax bill.
why are liberals so fucking insufferable
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>rugged individualism
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Wednesday in the 4HL
Just replaced my engine air filter
Need to do this
trump is gonna win in a landslide
just farted
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>Need to get oil changed
>Fuck it I'll go to an oil change place
>Oil change place offers to change my filter
>How much?
>Laugh and say no thanks
>Forget to do it for a year and a half
Israel WILL survive
nobody gives a shit about israel outside of /pol/
Don't forget your cabin air filter. Or at least check it. Most people forget that one
leave your smelly bedroom
the idea of trump winning has been giving me panic attacks and i'm already on escitalopram
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i'm gonna be the end of my bloodline
ive got a half sister in canada that i discovered from 23andme
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feels good to relax after a long day of work.
i found out i have a really hot 3rd cousin that i share %1 dna with through 23andme
i dmed her but she didn't reply
ladies give me a chance
becky lemme smash
sex with stacies only
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Harley Quinn stopped being cool when she stopped being Joker's second in command.
47 days until if america collectively decides if it's based or not
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pretty good stream today
Its not based regardless of the choice.
even if i could vote i wouldnt
Nobody cares about comic shit anymore that's becoming weirdo territory again. Only manchildren like it. The normie wave is over.
lmao even
She was always best in small doses and as an mc she insists upon herself
do you feel a debt of gratitude towards people who have entertained you like actors, comedians, youtubers,etc.
election day is pretty fun DESU, last two times I stayed up late in some discord servers and just refreshing shit constantly to see the results
no they get paid monetarily, they have their own incentives
Maybe directors not really actors
yea i've donated a pretty decent amount of money to streamers over the years since they need the support and i like their content
theres this asmr girl that is the love of my life and is my soulmate and shes destined to be with me she just doesnt know it yet. no i dont stalk her i just memorized her daily routine and know all her acquaintances and family members and i know when she is on her period in every video
there's one streamer I donate to that does prank calls for you if you donate and another one is a smart guy who you have to super chat to ask questions
They removed erotica photos in the Dead Rising remaster
shant be pirating
I suppose comedians since they make me laugh but not really.
i'm ruined
don't make me pull out the machine broski
you talkin to me?
this $5 bill is smeared with some sus brown stuff
not you specifically but yes
finally got the ninjatrader simulator to work
go go gadget stable diffusion hentai
Just ate my OMAD
two turkey sandwiches w/pringles for crunch and jalapeno mustard, on whole wheat bread
wheat crackers and hummus
roughly 1700 calorie meal
just bought twitter premium
Good middle east is healing
not even a little bit
Penny was showing me Taylor Swift ai depfakes on her computerbook
Can I follow you?
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Beautiful night lads.
just playing around with it until the election to shitpost. the total cost is 1/4 of my hourly wage so whatever
just bought a premium buttplug

you can smell mine
Holy soulful map thread.
>America = Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri, Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois, Southern Ohio.
>If you aren't from these areas you aren't from America.
You didn't list Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, or South Dakota.
I've been thinking of buying stuff to put up my ass too.
I went to Puerto Rico once, much nicer than I expected
Remember when that guy went ballistic and started posting scat because of the maps
what steps do you take when you want to have sex?
I really don't like the name "Nikki"
It's very ugly, and I associate it with bimbos
It's not even conserabrain rot, because that anon wants to move to Vancouver. That's the west coast woke capital. Full of fags, trannies, junkies, homeless, and crime.
It's like how Joe Rogan says that he loves Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, but hates how woke Canada has become. Nigger, those are the sources of the woke problems.
I check Google maps for the steps I take in order to arrive at your mom's house
pay a hooker
Put a towel down
360 and run away
Vancouver is based when you live in one of its suburbs.
Get the CUSMA visa, much easier
bigly sad rn
>so people just can claim to be trans
Yes. Haven't you heard the leftist definition of a woman before?
It's "someone who identifies as a woman". It requires nothing beyond belief. Which is why trans is woman-face or man-face, like we used to have black-face or yellow-face.
What is a man?
do canadians males bleach females or do people stick to their own?
It's not free healthcare. Everyone pays for it, with their federal and provincial taxes. Universal =/= free.
>It's very ugly, and I associate it with bimbos
Some coomer did a statistical analysis of all Western pornstars and that was the most common female stage name
All cities are gay. They're always leftist shitholes. Doesn't matter how right-wing the state or province is. Cities are left-wing.
who needs em
Mental illnesses.
Be right back forum
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Harley was only good in the DCAU. Once she was brought into the regular DC comics, they didn't know what to do with her. Which is why they dropped her on the Suicide Squad, and triple downed on HarleyxIvy shipping.
The last good Harley story was Mad Love.
*lenny voice* hey homah
> Doesn't matter how right-wing the state or province is. Cities are left-wing.
The largest "conservative" city in the US is Jacksonville Florida, less than a million people. In Canada it would probably be some "city" with 20,000 people in the prairies lol
They're puppets for my amusement. When I click the X, they disappear.
it's grim
Nope Miami is conservative now. votes majority republican
for me it's Vanessa Rousso
unsettling gaze
Montreal isn't nearly as bad as the other two. Way less jeets, rent isn't as high. A lot of niggers but they seem to be mostly harmless (though I instinctually avoid them so I'm not too sure).
Make the chloroform.
the largest conservative cities are like miami and las vegas (at least during this election)
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fuck it we ball
Yes, but only the all time greats. Like when JEJ passed I said a silent thank you for the many hours of quality entertainment.
That's quite rare, and more likely to do with people exodusing other states, than people wanting to be there. Quite interesting though.
>In Canada it would probably be some "city" with 20,000 people in the prairies lol
lol, that or something like Thuderbay, since it's in western Ontario. I haven't looked into how they vote though. That would be my only non-Prairies/Territories answer.
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Going to make an herbal tea and read my book instead of browsing this shithole. night bros
Don't be mean anon. Those are all Barbadians and Jamaicans and the like, not thugs from Chicago.
i hate my life
just bought 4chan pass with my credit card. fuck
Montreal is a woke shithole, what are you on about? They always vote Liberal, and only on Monday did they vote Bloc. They're the gay French city.
>though I instinctually avoid them so I'm not too sure
They're not harmless, your instincts are correct.
>Miami is conservative
2020 election had a very slight Blue lead, there's a reason they are trying to send non-Cubans there to to dilute the CUBARYAN vote
my goon rod pulsates when i see kamala
grim, woeful even
>goon rod
now gookmoot is gonna steal yo shit
>59 years old
>going to be 60 next month
That's some hardcore hagmaxxing, Zoomer. She could be your grandma.
Trump's absolutely cookered
Everyone knows his daughter runs his Twitter
Florida just had senator primaries a month ago and Miami-Dade county finally flipped Republican.
Both Nevada and Florida have shifted hard right in recent years
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nevada turning red is kinda weird to me, but I guess it makes sense there's a LOT of people leaving california
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real niggas supported trump in 2000
Nevada itself is a weird state because both their red and blue governors lean libertarian a lot more than any other state
mamala will win
I would bet it's partially due to the border fucking they've received.
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You can do that again? I don't give a fuck if gookmoot has my info, I fucking hate captcha.
I'm obsessed with women
nevada is a kind of weirdly libertarian state (prostitution is legal for instance) and the gop has gotten much more popular with those groups ever since trump came around.
yeah but their economy sort of depends on it. What happens in vegas, etc. Anything that would threaten the tourism and gambling dollars would be a nonstarter and also stupid
Canadians act like women lol
I want to fap but I can't stop thinking about that vericose vein commercial
How would libertarians ever vote Dem? I thought they always settled for the GOP, as they're closer.
Basado, Brown Chuds keep winning
I think it's less that libertards are very excited for Trump, but more just that the democrats are going to authoritarian that you can't reasonably support them if you're a libertardian.
incorrect, it is illegal to define a woman here
they would in the past if they prioritized social issues (gay marriage etc) over fiscal policy. not much anymore though because the dems are authoritarian and extremely puritan in many ways now
it's a mixture of both
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Stop fucking talking about politics I'm TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT IT WHY IS THERE NO REFUGE
i think women should have sex with me
>they would in the past if they prioritized social issues (gay marriage etc) over fiscal policy
That makes sense.
>because the dems are authoritarian
That's every left-wing party in the western world now though. Marxism is a hell of a thing.
I'm sorry *hugs* is there anything you'd like to talk about?
it's a month and a half before the election do you live under a rock
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sorry bud but I won't let womemes have sexos with you
We can argue about religion, if you'd like.
they wont anyways you dont have to do anything
sorry baby, u don't need to worry about those silly politics lol
what do u wanna talk abt :)
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I haven't had a single person talk about politics with me irl (thankfully).
I love Israel haha everything I've previously posted about Israel and the Jews has been one massive joke, a troll if you will haha
Long live our only ally in the Middle East haha
Please don't explode my phone
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my mom and I talk about politics sometimes
gonna go for a run, when i come back i want this thread to be poppin fr
How can it be cleaner with all the Jeets coming to Canada though?
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Because Canada started at a higher clean coefficient. So the jeet anomaly didn't bring it down to American levels.
I remember going to calgary like 20 years ago as a kid and thinking it was very clean. Kind of doubt it'll be that way now, heard it's just chock full of ayrabs and probably apoos now
Uh sir I thought you said poopin and uhh we got a bit of an accident....
Because the normie websites won't let retards be retards and they flock here, and this site really isn't moderated that much or the consistency is spotty. Better chans do exist if you look for them.
what is your gang affiliation?
I took 2 massive dumps today. I had been pooping the same amount as I normally did, and hadn't eaten more than normal. Still feels like I'll take a small shit later, but I can't believe there's still anything left in there.
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This is a joke.
those are ugly glasses
imagine drowning her in a toilet
kamala's cooked
Women need to stop wearing "women" glasses.
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I saw two flies fucking and it reminded me of human sex and then went to masturnate. Now I'm back.
im back
From where
has anyone been offered BBC immersion therapy by their therapist
was watching the tele
6 feet apart
2 more weeks
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>complain about the topics being discussed
>offer no alternative nor make any effort besides complaining
Classic /cum/
im out of bandaids desu
i'd like to hear about these marriages, no this one in specific but in general, with the collapse of western womenkind a lot of people are getting third world wives from sea countries and i haven't heard much bad things about it
>ayo how you know I was somali?
ain't that anon but I got an alternative: do I give up on pussy?
finna land myself a comfy public sector job

32 hour weeks with 5 weeks vacation, it seems too good to be true
maybe you should finna land yourself some bitches
Here in Canada the negro coloured ones are always on sale because nobody buys them
fucking mood.
I'm gay for pay
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>New york is having a summit meeting to see how to get rid of the rat problem
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shut the fuck up
reckon I shan't thougheverbeit
>i'd like to hear about these marriages
Faroe Islands are the world capital of SEA monkey mail order wives per capita. In the future the islands will be WMAF like how they are Viking Male Celtic Female descendants now
who do you think will win the election
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>Say, Lois. Remember when we pledged lifelong allegiance to communism and vowed to make the bourgeoise pay for the suffering they've inflicted upon mankind?
>As they say, today's golf courses will be tomorrow's billionaire graveyards!
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>do I give up on pussy?
What are you working with, KHHV?
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hmmm yes, big dirty port city people seems doable
What all are you referring to, Alain?
Andrew Yang
Zoomies seethe about golf courses
i think the black woman will win
very strange behavior gotta say
I'm more concerned over who will eat the county pie eating contest, because that is an aspect of american culture and language UNLIKE YOUR RETARD /POL/BRAINED BULLSHIT KYS IN ROBLOX FAGGOT
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are you dalit or brahmin?
It's a very tiny and very loud minority of Passport Bros. They're not going to talk bad about it on social media, that breaks the illusion of how people use social media(to glamorize their boring lives).
Anyways, those girls are just using the guys for easy citizenship, and not actually in a loving and healthy relationship. Those girls aren't going to be loyal wives, because the relationship to them is a means to an end. They'll cheat on you and then divorce you the first chance they get.
If they do however luck out, and wife up one that's not like that, she's going to be very traditional, where the husband works and she stays home, which won't be optional. She'll then have spare time to send money back to her freeloading family, and become infected with modern western feminism. If she doesn't get infected, then you managed to have someone that expects very traditional gender roles, and if you can't provide and protect, she'll start losing respect, and be a hyper nagging wife.
But if you can do some remote job, your money goes much further in those countries, so you can ball out, and be a sugar daddy to bitches.
It's not actually a successful long term relationship strategy, otherwise the mail-order brides wouldn't have gone away, but instead increased.
where he goin in such a rush
there's not a black woman running for president tho
poltics is american culture
rip based dude who said the gamer word
let me know what janny thinks
just brushed my teeth
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like janny is some sort of expert on anything besides hot pockets
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im tired
janny is a cool guy he won't ban me
which state has the best clam chowder?
>they wont talk bad about it because they're all in on it trying to keep up the charade
yea i dont think so, yea i dont think so, if they have a bad experience they will talk about it, much more than if they had a good one
golf courses are based, and a FAR better use of land than commieblocks to pack more haitians into.

sorry if this upsets libshits, but not really sorry
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There're two iron laws of human existence:
1. Nothing good ever happens.
2. Humanity is doomed.

These ever-present laws mandate a Trump victory, but probably a "victory" where he loses by like 7 million votes but rural, white America's giant DEI program dictates he still be given office anyway or else they'll scream and cry about how victimized they are by everyone and everything even more than they already do.
but haitians provide unique cuisine like cats
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Harris, she's the perfect representation of an american; a racially ambiguous opportunist. But then I see Trump, that fat jew loving retard and damn... he represents america perfectly too. It's a toss up for sure.
Jannies are rule worshipping faggots, when you go against their beliefs. If you're pushing trannies, fags, and other wokeshit, they'll look the other way.
If you're based and truthpilled, talking badly about their leftist beliefs, then they'll Global Rule 3 you into a 3-day ban.
Need a small but luxurious bachelor pad apartment to live in with a balcony
what's the difference between haitian and chinese cat? is it the amount of dirt they use as a filler?
Weird tranny post
Trump will win the popular vote though
damn that's a lot of effort you put into that bait but i'm not gonna read it
Puerto Rican aren't American
there I said it
Trump will win because he's the better candidate. He also won in 2020 but it'll be even better this time because his campaign is actually focused and has way better policies.
its insane how close the race is considering he tried to overturn the last election. do righoids not care about that
Nope. I watched hours of the Passport Bros videos. It's all about how they have remote jobs that let them be ballers to thirdies, and they're always hooking up with a bunch of golddigging 5s.
poor bait
Would anyone like to have a friendly debate about religion? :)
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who's your favorite character?
I read a lot about Islam so I can critique it more
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the world isnt just passport bros and gold diggers, like in sweden where every male is either an incel or married to a sea wife, it's not like they're getting tricked or anything, despite what anyone thinks these women actually do prefer these men
what are your thoughts on the origin of reality
Wasn't that because of the temporary COVID rules or something? It's funny how we aren't allowed to have borders but when the holocough came we were lol
Jesus ofc
I just read the Quran today, "the cave" surah
Where do you even go if you want to just talk to strangers and make new friends anymore on the internet? Where do you go to just talk to women? I genuinely don't have a clue on how to make a personal connection with a stranger anymore. If I try to say hello to anyone, in any capacity or fashion, they take it as a nuisance at best or an insult at worst.
trump will win and it won't be close
Intelligent design
aqua sama
will chuds chimp out again when they lose
how did god exist before existence
I like the bit where God tells Muhammad you cannot plan or discuss doing ANYTHING tomorrow without saying Inshallah (if God wills)
the schizos will inherit the earth
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man these people are fucked up
antifa will probably have a bunch of protests
He transcends existence
He exists outside of space and time
Yeah and apparently makes up some esoteric stuff about Moses
i hope so
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>Where do you go to just talk to women?
Dating apps, unfortunately. Other option is just approaching them irl.
nigga way too old to pretend to be a woke white race hustler
>on the internet?
I use forums based on hobbies I have. Or like meeting people from shit I sell on facebook market place.
I'm going to japan for that one. At the very least I'm going to talk to maids.
>personal connections
I dont think i can make those outside of romantic interest/attraction ngl. I'll never trust people because they or I have never stuck around long enough, and I've seen and heard of a lot of horror story shit.
Do people use this word unironically on this site?
2% of couples meeting online in 1995 is actually high AF imo
imagine hitting an absolute dinger on those fucked up squirrel teeth with a baseball bat like barry bonds
I had eggs for breakfast. Your mom had sausage.
society is collapsing
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Bro your countries women are among the horniest in the world
if you're not fucking multiple 6-9/10s every week it's over
i must be the highest level incel the world
amazed that 2% of women even knew of the internet in 95
>Yeah and apparently makes up some esoteric stuff about Moses
You mean the Al-Khidr part right?
love takin a big smooth shit and having a little bit of precum dribble out
>i can't get laid
>society is collapsing
why are incels like this
I think you have a very narrow understanding of the world, anon. Most people don't race mix. If she's a 2nd+ Gen SEA, then that's completely different, as they've grown up in the west. If you mean Swedes are going to SEA wifing some woman, then coming home and living happily ever after, it's going to be a very tiny tiny minority.
I know 4chan has perma yellow fever, but just because WMAF is the most common race mixing, doesn't mean it's even close to WMWF pairing and AMAF pairing.
You bought into the illusion of the Passport Bros. I don't blame you, it seems like a great fantasy. Who doesn't want to work a normal job and ball out with a harem, and then wife up some dime? It's just not what's really happening.
As much as I can't wait for the behind the scenes of the V-Tuber world to come to light, I really can't wait to see what happens to the Passport Bros in 20 years. I fully expect it to be MGTOW 2.0.
If Passport Bros was the solution, then Eastern European mail-order brides would never have gone away. The internet would have made it easier. But mail-order brides are barely a thing anymore. It's because they all aged, and realized how fucked of a concept it was. Otherwise you should see thousands of Boomers/Gen-Xers telling guys to get themselves a mail-order bride. It'd be the #1 thing that MGTOW would have been pushing, when it first started like a decade ago. But they weren't.
Homosexuals get turned on by feces lol
If I wanted to see bullshit I would've looked at my toilet paper after wiping
>mail-in brides
do you even know what mgtow is lol
It fucking sucks never having gotten pussy, friend. Especially when you're at an advanced age.
i'm straight
found the incel
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I only use it ironically

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