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Are you called incel by your own offspring in your country?
Isn't his "daughter" a dickless troon?
What if Elon sends a hitman after his son and buries him in a little coastal town in Ayrshire?
There's an abstract Pepe behind the son.
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This is the fate of parents and children
I don't understand why this board has so much for contempt for Elon. He is everything they want in a political ally. He is literally enlisting his billionaire status to help defend your communities and uplift the working man. You people are so spiritually caustic and nihilistic you have nothing to live for. You have no reverence or respect for any person or institution. Fuck you.
'incel' has finally lost all meaning, relatively quick lifecycle 2bqh
No because I'm not a terrible parent
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if it makes you feel better i was neutral about him till i saw you spam him and i hated him
That doesn’t even making sense. If he was incel, he wouldn't have any children.
i like Elon because he's autistic and trying to launch humanity into the space industrial age
he can be whatever the fuck he wants to be as long as he continues with this cool autistic dream of his
Trannies don't make sense in general.
Butterfly pepe. Like those /pol/tards who make abstracted art of yiddish merchants.
Why ayrshire
being celibate does not necessitate being a virgin
a celibate is one who does not have sex
a virgin is one who has never had sex
>inb4 ESLs don't know the difference between those two tenses
it's being used as an insult, lile "you fucking DONKEY"
you don't need it to apply to you
he is utterly retarded
Literally everything that leech proposes is to increase his own wealth and turn the average worker into a slave

>hurr visas should be easy to get so that i can import underpaid workers
>durr people should have more children so that line go up
>hurr everyone needs to work 70 hours a week so that I can make more profit
>durr everyone needs to return to the office because I want absolute control over workers' lives

Of course, being a jeet, your IQ is too low to understand even something so obvious.

Go back to the construction project, Rajesh.
wait he haa a tranny son? how come I am only discovering this now?
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holy shit
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you stupid retard we are socialists not liberals
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would have sex with her (he)?
He'll always be a low test STEMcel no matter how many whores he pays to fuck. The inherent beta-ness will never go.
He admitted to having multiple burner accounts and he'll even retweet those accounts
I would but only to sneak a pic of me plowing Elon's son so I could spam it under his tweets until he blocked me, which would let me know that he saw it.
puffy HRTitties
Musk should just tweet "neck yourself troon" or "-ack"
That would be a proper dad response.
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My mom said I was an incel earlier this week(there was mainstream media feature on "the dangerous incel community" on that day) and then in the same conversation complained my girlfriend was too loud when were having sex.
he is bourgeoisie filth and as a /his/torian I can easily see through his thinly veiled attempts at pacifying the proletariat.
I'm forevercel
Kys normie
Wtf you mom called you a incel???
My parents probably don't even know what that means.
How could a mom know the meaning of this word?
Chad would never
all 3 people in the picture annoy me for various reasons
4 including the """journalist""" posting about it
5 including the twitterfag reposting it
6 including OP
>He is literally enlisting his billionaire status to help defend your communities and uplift the working man.
That's how you know he's lying.
Why did you choose sucking his dick as your gimmick? Are you mentally ill?
>Even incels have sex and a gf in Brazil
You truly can't suffer there
sounds like the meaning was lost in translation
he's no tesla, he's more like edison
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>Wtf you mom called you a incel???
Yeah, I had to clarify for her what incel actually meant. I also made her admit the media lied and there's nothing wrong with being an incel even if I was one.
>How could a mom know the meaning of this word?
I just told you, mainstream media ran a retarded feature on a popular sunday program that basically said incels are mysoginistic terrorists.
Me and my gf are two abused, autistic, BPD retards. Believe me there's plenty of suffering to be had.
It's the same spiel the media will give anywhere.
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He literally explained how in the post you retard
Retard, guy literally has a gf and was called incel
and i dont understand why you shill him willingly and forcefully
Words mean nothing anymore.
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Rare pepe you got there, I will take it
He's an arrogant attention whore. I despise such people.
>He is literally enlisting his billionaire status to help defend your communities and uplift the working man.
LMOA. All he cares about is profit.
wasnt this after he, the richest most famous man in the world, decided to tell the press his son was dead to him for chud points
no, voice no good
Musk is one of a kind. So much money, can do literally anything he wants. And here he is hanging around on his platform posting chud content and being miserable. You could almost feel bad for him.
The European man is incapable of understanding greatness, they are the Nietzschean last man. The European is also too petty and narrow minded to understand the eccentricity in a great man.
I'd demolish Elon Musk's boy-daughter.

Literal pajeet behind this post lads. I can tell because my country is literally swamped by them.
This post has to be bait. No way you made this unironically.
Nice one
wallahi this is amazing b8
Relative to wealth elon might be the single lamest person to ever exist. Hes so unbelievably uncool
Incel isn't the same as virgin. In fact, that's kind of the whole point. People used to say virgin as an insult, but realized it's not flexible enough because it's mostly young people that are virgins. So now you have the word incel that can be used for any age, even if your grandfather, who probably isn't getting any sex anymore because he's old and unattractive. Your grandfather is an incel.
yeah, i used to think this wasn't a thing but jonah hill is still a loser despite being infitely more successful than the common man
Jonah Hill is not a loser
he is retarded clown just like you :)
Jonah Hill practices Brazilian Jiujitsu and could beat your ass to a pulp, bitch.
fuck off, jonah
you could practice anything you want, doesn’t make you a man
i still don't get what is wrong with that screencap
He has been suffering from megalomania ever since he bought twitter. He was alright before he started tweeting 24/7. Now he just behaves like a 4chan poster.
he always had megalomania, remember the whole pedo accusations thing he threw at the team that rescued the kids?
he is just too tryhard
if he had learned to post less often and in a more subtle manner it wouldn't look this bad
he was great when he was just a money man funding tech, but now he's spends all his time talking about politics on twitter
maybe he just got hooked on attention
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Unironically think this is the case, he's going for a president run in the future, so he enlisted some PR and campaign strategy experts to give him ideas how to make him more convincing as a presidential candidate in the future
And this is what they produced...
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he cannot run for president, he is not a natural born citizen
How much does he pay you to suck his cock?
>he missed the part where 4chan/int became reddit lite
Musk is born in south africa he cant be president
>And here he is hanging around on his platform posting chud content and being miserable. You could almost feel bad for him.
You really think he's miserable? I think those that unironically call people chuds are miserable. Also Notch is a similar character, though far more of gamer.
>no one found my elden ring joke funny
Yes i think the guy who spends 8 hours a day crying about the woke left and taylor swift, scrolling on X with his 10 burner accounts is miserable
notch is miserable, he made a ton of parties trying to mingle with the rich and made 0 friends
i thought it was funny, i just usually dont write a post to tell you i found it funny
but here you go
What makes a person not miserable? Someone that bottles everything up? Or maybe someone that has no opinions on anything an is just a lobotomized retard? The Faustian man that speaks his mind and trolls his opponents whether digitally or in drunken slurs is not miserable but a man living up to the measurement of his creation. Perhaps if he werent the richest man in the world and were instead some Varg or Tariq Nasheed or Taleb or some bread tube grifter then maybe I'd think his shitposting was a sign of misery, but he's not. He can do anything and yet chooses to shitpost and troll and fuck with you.
I think you're a faggot poorfag leditor and musk is based

Kill yourself
Yeah well he's too smart for the average richoid.
Yeah this, I had zero interest in Musk but this saudijeet has made me detest him with every fiber of my being
>in the same conversation complained my girlfriend was too loud when were having sex.
kek based, gotta show her who is the dominance in the household hierarchy
A greek calling someone poor holy kek you better log off or youll have to sell your other kidney for this months electricity bill
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I've been stalking them. Studying them. They've slipped up on more than one occasion.
Musk isnt a troll or something like that hes a loser looking for people to stroke his ego every time he makes a public appearance people avoid him other than the "networking" wannabe entrepreneurs.
Bro, there's a 90% chance you're arab or some other mystery meat, if you wanna banter me try it with your real flag not the stolen white man's flag you're using now
What kind of comeback is this supposed to be?
He already had people stroking his ego for years by being reddit science man solving all the worlds problems. Most of the people that hate him now viewed him as their Messiah and showered him with endless praise. He could go to any route to make himself safe like Bill Gates or the Zuck but he doesn't care. He's a kajillionaire like drumpfler that genuinely doesn't care if millions hate him if him millions adore him. At that point you become a god, and how can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.
Uplifting the workin man so much that he is against smartworking and talk shit about people who work less than 80 hours a week, totally one of us bro! Then proceed to rant about traditional values fading away and yet not even bothering to stick to a wife, and spend time with his children.
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Lol. Come on.
>Italian thinks the working man is someone who shouldn't have to work
Ey I'm calling da union on youse
meant for
Sorry, Greece.
Just answer the question bro, what type of brownie kanak are you? Turkjeet? Arap? Paki? Some SEA mystery meat? Jesus, how many are you are in Germany, what happened to all the white people there?
Yes, being a working man is spending your existence slaving away constantly under your master. They had more dignity in the middle ages, insane to think that for you people it should be considered normal to work more than 40hours a week.
Kelly why do you insist on running the same joke in the ground over and over again
Probably yes, if I had one

ungrateful little hypocritical whore
>has atleast 12 children
says the sheman genetic dead end who lost probably all hope in love life due to trooning out and being a spawn of elon muskrat.
i associated celibate to being single, i don't think elon is single, is he
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While the socio-sexual hierarchy is inescapable indeed, the fact is that he reproduced more than most men, even than most cheiks with literal harems.

Is he a gamma ?
Did he win at life ?

You may kvetch about his jewish/mossad/cia connections, he reproduced literally dozens of times.
While his average opponents are cat ladies and vasectoboys.
So not only you're brown you also won't answer to my questions to keep your browness hidden online, kek Germany is truly lost
Do you expect me to send a pic or what
The whole working less in the middle ages thing is a reddit meme. You think they were constantly toiling to scrape out a meager existence? Even when they were breaking their backs in the field they were still processing things in the home retard. Average dago porch monkey mindset.
She is weirdly attractive despite looking like her dad
I'm not a chud, I'm a communist who hates the global north.
its not a meme, he is right.

agriculture is harder work than sitting at a desk for 8 hours, that is if youre used to only doing that kind of work. working a field keeps you fit and you get used to it fast. then, you need to understand that before mechanization things were clunkier but you had less acres to cover and less mouths to feed.

id you knew the lifecycle of crops, what kind of work is required and that agriculture is seasonal you would know that these people not only worked less hours daily, they didnt work for half the year at all.
Saaaaar pls let me work at tesla Mr. Musk saaaaar
i think it's just a particular vibe, nothing to do with having or not having sex at this point
>has a ton of kids
>doesn't raise any of them
Yeah the trad conservative way to raise a family is to shit out a bunch of kids and not learn any of their names. It's much better than secular leftist globohomo.
>literally made her
>on a breeding spree with random women
which one is it dumb cunt kek
Who gives a fuck about what a mentally ill troon says lmfao
it's just an insult. do you think you're *literally* being called an asshole for example?
Sorry i dont play transsoftware games
Weren't most of musk's children conceived with no coitus? He just sends his sperm to whoever will say yes

Also, being an incel is a state of mind. You can fuck hookers and be an incel.
Fuck off retard. I'm not working 80 hours. I have better things to do.
how the hell did this get so many replies?
Enjoy the (YOU)s
Inlcude me in the screencap
you need to not have sex for a long continous period to be celibate
otherwise everyone is celibate from the second they pull out
incel is the normie word for chud
woman-hating schizos, you know
I'm on your side, bro.
>spend $40 BILLION to buy a platform
>make your posts seen by more people than anyone else
>still end up deleting half your posts because people find them disgusting
>so dumb you re-tweet MAGA conspiracies
nah he's not happy. No one constantly on Twitter is happy, it's a soul-sucking wasteland
checks out, you're both fat LMAO
>He already had people stroking his ego for years by being reddit science man solving all the worlds problems
yeah and those same people turned on him because he's an insecure autist. He will ALWAYS be the smart, rich electrical engineering major who went up to girls at parties and talked about electric batteries. And he's an actual autist; they just don't get their fellow humans, and their fellow humans are put off by their weirdness.
You can be the richest man in the world and be profoundly, fundamentally unhappy. When you think about it, there are few lonlier things to be.
No billionare (and politician) cares about the working class, the only care about making more money and having more power
I own this but haven't read it yet. I got busy and never picked it up
Any good?
>Me and my gf are two abused, autistic, BPD retards
God i so not miss that
Who the fuck says "heinous" irl
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You faggots have absolutely no respect at all for the loyalty and hustle that it takes to be Elon. No respect at all for the amount of hard work dedication and sacrifice it took for Musk to achieve what he has. Fucking retards. Literally saving the free speech that has been stolen from us by the elites. Elon Musk is literally using science and turning dreams into reality making them come true to literally save the world and yet you people have no respect. It’s disgusting, literally despicable how much you people lack loyalty.
Musk will be remembered by history as the man who forced traditional automobile manufacturers and the world to embrace electric vehicles. He will be remembered as a leading pioneer in the space industry on top of that, what they are accomplishing at SpaceX and have accomplished so far is nothing short of amazing, things entire countries have attempted and failed. Twenty thousand years from now, people will remember Musk as the person who led humanity to Mars. On top of that Musk has revolutionized transport.
You might be remembered too though, maybe someone will find your silly comments about Musk through their Neuralink interface to point out to future generations even sometimes when people are witnessing history they are blind to reality.
It would be one thing if any of your criticism was valid, but it’s all clearly hyperbole. Musk has his downsides like any human, but you never address those because I doubt you even know what they are. They are public they are talked about in both biographies of him and by the hundreds of coworkers they interviewed so the literature is available.
None of the critiques by the people who know or have worked with Musk are remotely close to anything you describe. It’s almost like you are talking completely out of your ass and parroting stuff MSM has and does since he took Twitter away.
Get a life losers.
I'm Brazilian, you dumb fucking muslim.
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4chan is forgetting how fucking horrible Twitter was before he bought it.

Even if he's a complete retard otherwise he still deserves praise for murdering that abomination of a site

Remember when they took away blue checkmarks if someone said something unapproved?
He's the Indian with the VPN, he's using the Saudi flag now. He'll probably switch to something else in a couple of weeks.
I don't know because I never used twitter nor I use xitter
Xitter is infinitely worse than Twitter. I'm sick of seeing Indians, Kenyans and Nigerians at the top of replies of every post.
Did you also not use 4chan because this website has been full of tweets forever.

xitter is at least full mask off
I fully support X and Elon Musk in all of his endeavors.
Twitter was a turd
Xitter is a turd but with based and repelled cringelords
A measured improvement
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Not the same
This is just proof that transgenderism is the absolute worst possible thing that can happen to a child.
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>You can fuck hookers and be an incel.
Insane amount of cope
I love what he's doing with SpaceX and I like that Twitter isn't openly biased against and exclusively banning right wingers anymore. I think he should be sharing his political opinions less though, but the cat's already out of the bag and liberals/lefties will never like him no matter what he does.
but fr now what the fuck was he thinking tweeting this out
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so much this
Normalfag social media is iredeemable garbage, no ifs or buts. I look forward to the possibility that one day these websites get botted so hard that they stop being relevant for anything
Tranny's opinion: discarted
>x isn't biased anymore
it wasn't biased before, if anything it's biased now
that's not a right wing opinion that's just you being a lunatic

i appreciate that he turned twitter into a neutral unmoderated shithole, feels like a return to the unsanitized internet. watching him embarrass himself just adds to teh lulz
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Of course he is, no woman can stand him
>X, formerly known as Twitter
Choose one
he is
Musk will be remembered like the retarded spoiled rich kid with an inflated ego that he is, he'll never be remembered as a true humble man of science like the Tesla he idolizes
I remember something about Japanese Twitter always having some pointless news as trending, then as soon as Musk took over and they stopped curating it, the trending filled up with anime stuff and whatever
>reference the "childless cat lady" thing Taylor said
>reference having children that he always talks about
>reference the Haitians eating cats
It's pretty cleverly put together, but still sounds weird as hell kek. I think at this point he's basically just being like a pro wrestling persona
This also happened
Twitter was a massive psyop and our side won when it died

kek true
maybe he has shitposting advisors
What was the childless cat lady thing
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>those all the two choices
i highly doubt what is trending with normies even in japan is anime, but dunno i never read about what you described
i think he posted this before the haitan cat thing
he just wants to nut in her, i don't blame him
It's an enuch son.
>i don't blame him
He really helps us defending ourselves against fucking Mordor. Of course people hera are praising him.
yes most women are not "natural beauties" anon i don't know what to tell you
she's hot
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That's correct
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based truth post
4chan is at least 40% leftists and antichuds, wtf are you talking about
>Are you called incel by your own offspring in your country?
I'm an incel so probably i would neve have offsprings though...
10+ children strategy has been a success. Imagine if this was your only offspring, or one of couple. If you're a richfag, you actually can't afford to have too few children.

Unlike all other billies who push tranny shit behind the shadows, he put his money into advancing spaceflight, and more than that, actually did his executive job by pushing the company's ass to deliver on all levels, so I'm not going to talk shit about him. I follow SpaceX with excitement and it's something to live for me unironically.
>but he said le this and that
I don't care, doesn't affect me, and I'm sure all you troons are so proper.

>You're rich now, so just like, buy a lambo, a villa, and shut up about bad things you don't like. Don't use your wealth to rock the boat, goy.

Completely made up assumption aside, no amount of raising in that culture will fully secure against the troon virus. Numbers is a better strategy at that wealth level. He own a whole fucking school and let the kids mingle at the companies. If they troon out instead of picking things up, it's on them and on the culture.

People don't get it. They fixate on singular muh controversial things. I made millions of these since childhood internet. People care too much about he said she said. I care about DA ROCKET.
What you didn't understand about what I was saying is that even when they weren't doing direct agriculture work outside they were still doing stuff inside. They weren't lazy fucks during the winter they were still productive by making things in the time they had when not outside. They didn't go inside and start browsing Reddit like you do.
>calling your dad an incel
wait is vivian and actual woman? I though it was a tranny? But this retarded logic fits a woman too well.
I can see from where you are coming from, but no. Rather, probably no. We are surrounded by lies at every level, it's impossible to trust anyone we don't know, specially when he can do so much shit and be ok. You can't be rich alone, you need friends, special friends, and if he is ok with tarnishing his image in front of half of the population he has something cooking up. We can't know for sure anything he says about wanting to help humanity is true or not, but the odds of him being different than any other that has said the same before are very low.
I hate her so much
What cope? How would incels even exist then? Anyone can fuck a hooker.

It's about being able to convince someone to fuck you without money, at the very least
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Put me in the screencap.
منشور يستاهل الدعم السريع
Nothing ever happens.
Deal with it.
>mentally ill """""daughter"""""
>offspring with 5+ siblings
>calling father incel
daddy issues faggot
oh shit good find
Americans really seem to hate their own family members. And yes I know musk technically isn't an amerimutt idc.
Never noticed the cables are attached directly to his nipples. What's going on? Are they transporting something in or something out? I'm not sure which is more disturbing.
he's sudanon, and the post is the most obvious bait ever just like he always does. I'm baffled at how gullible /int/ still is.
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I will not respond to the bait. I will not do it. I am better than that.
He's a successful self made white immigrant from Africa who values free speech, space travel and electric cars.
And this board is 90% either loves tyranny, dictatorships or communism, hate Americans, hate electric cars and hate spacex has burnt china, India and Russia off the track
But mainly it's they hate him for being a white American who was poor and immigrated here and became successful. You really underestimate how much certain groups from South Asian hate white men. It's insane. They can't shut the fuck up about us. I mean they are obsessed with blacks in general but with white guys they fucking hate us. Some of them are really nice but that's the outliers
The tranny is fuming because he'll never have children of his own.
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well baited
>It wasn't biased before
its literally just "elon bad lol" i don't even like the dude but the npcs will follow the crowd and shit on him because its the popular thing to do right now, and if you ask them why they hate him they'll just regurgitate some xitter bullshit and be like "see i told you so"
based, fuck leftoids
American moment lmao
based saar
>why don't you like the cringe gay retard billionaire attention whore!!?!!
Gee I dunno
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