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time to work out but I don't have anything to watch or listen to aghhhh
Why does the goblina on the left have the mileage of a 40 year old, isn't she like 19
one eye stares at you and the other stares at the chancla she's about to grab and slap you with
do people vacation in guam
Red meat is bad for you
I wish people didn't reply with essays so often, when it isn't necessary
Honestly you can't go wrong with fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and lean-ish protein or eggs and dairy. Healthy and usually affordable. A few ounces of beef a few times a week alongside other foods won't kill you but if you eat it in large quantities or very often neither your heart or wallet will thank you.
She's 21 though
it looks nice so why not
My mom works there
pork is white meat
Epic reasonable-poster
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Black meat is good for me
sounds like a track while you are having sex
when you visit her, post here so we can see a legit guam flag on int
i palyed this while driving last night in my uncle's car
shit was so nice
I want her to sit on my face
Does Iraq have delicious kebab and falafel like they do in Jordan and Lebanon?
Wish i had a railroad job
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The 30s were crazy
Join the club
Let My People Go
Why not? I think giving a cohesive response is important if we want to have a complete and holistic dialogue. Some Anonymous users might be okay with simply posting "tl;dr" but where does that leave us? What is the value of /cu/ - Canada United States Mexico if not to allow for an open sharing of ideas across cultures and geographies? No, I don't think I will stop. I will continue to post the extent of my thoughts as necessarily. I hope you will join me in doing the same.
ain't reading allat
i regret reading all that
Reminder that Jesse Owens himself said that Hitler did not snub him at these Olympics but FDR did.
Where are the black kids butthurt about racism posting reddit like pictures about cops and shit at?
>What is the value of /cu/
We got so few mejicans we're just CU now
shut the fuck up man
I remember that. Cold shit
Stop telling people to shut up
Are you a centenarian
shut up bitch
That's fine by me. Mexico is North American on a fuckin technicality anyways, they're not Anglo, they're not Protestant, they're not rich and they're not white.

They should be south American
No, you shut up.
I mean I remember reading about it, I wasn't there. I'm immortal, but I was in Rhodesia in the 30s.
Puerto Rican women look like prince.
My mother's estate is finally coming to an end almost 1 year later. I will be getting around 35k in cash today
feels gud
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this is the state of German politicians in 2024
Because its supposed to be a 2-way conversation, not us lecturing each other.
Sometimes longer responses are necessary, but most of the time it's because the person doesn't actually know how to articulate what they're trying to say imo
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For me it's Jenna every time.
>it's because the person doesn't actually know how to articulate what they're trying to say imo
Truth is simple. Lies are complex
Her dimples are weird
This bish does absolutely nothing for me
Ugly little spic goblin
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so this is life without reddit huh?
>/cum/ - German Politics
top 10 overrated female of all time but still much better than Zendaya
>ywn take her cranial measurements with your phrenology calipers
Nobody here likes you
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cumpies, im drinking covfefe
Why are you lying
Just listen to the real shit.

White people listen to the weekend because they can't listen to Michael Jackson.
My name is John Jacob Jingleheimerschmit
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Grow a chin.
Nobody likes you irl, hence why you spend hours here every day
What makes you think you're liked here? You're only tolerated because this is the one site/forum where you don't get ostracized for being an annoying autistic shit
i like fk
she's mid
Based Dactopentalist
The iPad kid epidemic terrifies me
Those were my first two posts of the day and it’s 2151 hours here right now so umm obviously you’re very wrong and seething kiiiinda hard!!
benis con cum con sex
i had some earlier but i might fix another cheeky cup
iraq makes THE best falafel in the region due to our specialty Amba sauce, i can tell you that for sure
kebab? not sure but the ones i eat are good as fuck, we do have the best doner kebab though
>1 minute apart
enjoy your second cuppa
you could find millions of her in the hispanic countries, overrated
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I love dates with ice cold milk
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She's a handsome woman. You're intimidated.
I'll laugh at the weak jaws your sons will inevitably inherit (assuming you'd even get offspring).
it's really really bad
a lot of kids get really adversarial and even violent when you try to take them away, biting and hitting etc
it's worse than most people realize honestly, a lot of parents just let the tablet raise their kid for 8 hours a day to just make them shut up
>your sons
that will never happen
>Hispanic countries.

There's millions of this bitch on the streets of CA and TX, better looking even

People will simply over anyone the media plops in front of them like good little drones.
Are you denying that you haunt this general every single day?
this nigga eating like an ancient sumerian haha
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You don't even have hispanic chicks around you. I don't see girls like Jenna in my day to day life.
it's brisk today. who wants to go out in the yard and toss the pigskin around
LOL Where do you live in America that you're not inundated with hispanics, cuz I'd love to move there
I’m not posting that regularly anymore
Real niggas know
Jenna Ortega's got a weird chin.
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>People will simply over anyone the media plops in front of them like good little drones
It really do be like that
>be Pete Davidson
>everyone thinks you are an ugly comedian guy
>"date" Ariana Grande, then the Kardashian Klan
>suddenly women are saying you are hot
NPC type reaction desu
If fk gets yous then I'm giving yous to Brian and nonce when they post
Based probably east coastwer
Pay some respect, FK and Jason FOUNDED this general almost 10 years ago.
His posts are shit, but he's grandfathered in.
Filler injections, you can look at old pictures of her and it changed a lot. Everyone famous gets a lot of filler injections now
why are you simping over a 6/10 celebrity
>faggots talking about schizos even when they're not here
This shit gets so tiresome just stfu about these losers
I don't like FK at all but he's at least better than those 2
If they aren’t willing to put in sacrifices to have kids then they shouldn’t have had them in the first place
Luckily I think that Gen Z is starting to become more Luddite by the day and they will be less inclined to give their kids iPads. For the kids that exist right now though they are a lost cause, unironically we might as well kill them
reading comprehension
>unironically we might as well kill them

That's a waste just send them to the mines
lmao he's mad about it too >>202443402
She just needs some burgers and my BWC
Incels are weird creatures. There's a better chance to understand the psychology of a chimp than understanding why incels get obsessed over the mildest whores
>You don't even have hispanic chicks around you. I don't see girls like Jenna in my day to day life

I thought you made a mistake. I'm in socal I do have these bitches around me everywhere I go. Even by goblina standards she's ugly
He's marginally better than Brian but not nonce
Nonce just posts too much when he's unmedicated
Her nipples are pink so I would racemix then she can show off our white baby in TikTok.
there are a lot of good and well raised kids in gen alpha don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
but the problem is really bad and i'm not sure what the realistic solution is, and i'm not sure what they're going to grow up to be is the scary part. if anything i've seen is an indication, they'll grow up to have a very short temper and little interest in anything that doesn't give instant gratification
Is today the 16th?
Let me know when it's the 16th.
>better than anyone
you are definitely the janny
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This one goes out to ALL the haters…
>this drives incels mad with lust
None of them would be here period if I was
There are special programs you can send to largely reverse the conditioning the iPads and short-form slop has done. However I highly doubt most parents will do it
I kind of liked fk but his taste in feet are atrocious
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Her toes lowkey suckable tho
I fuxx with Jenna again
can you link one i'm curious i'd like to read about their methods and what they do to 'deprogram' them
I like FK cause he did a custom “uh oh stinky” vocaroo for my brother
i'd take 100 nonces for 1 brian because i could easily filter them all
must... not... goon...
perfect timing
reddit's back up so i'll be leaving now
have fun my darling little cummies
For me, it's Isabela Merced

Nigga flew from Hawaii to Germany to attend a manchild meeting where they play multiplayer games on consoles together and packed a whole bag full of handhelds so he can play on his flight and during the trip
Idk how you can not grow out of video games
Shit just gets boring asf once you’re older than 14 just my 2 pesos tho ese
Report fk feet posts for off topic
I won't do it though because that would be announcing a report which is against the rules
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songs that remind you of high school?
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>Isabela Merced
Never heard of her but she seems to have the filler face as well. This trend must be stopped
You're a 40+ year old single porn addict criticizing people for not growing up
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>Waaaah she looks like le man
Gain test, pansy
Perhaps “special programs” was an incorrect way to put it, more like guides by psychologists on how to fix them

Oh boy I hope those insults and attention will make him stop coming
Push push push
Lmao why are women so retarded bros?
She looks like one of those porn actresses who are playing like a cheerleader or something but is clearly 35 years old
Im a terrible person
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Here’s a cute Negro woman
Kek am I right or am I right
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this looks like a 35 year old to you eh
wtf is that foam people use when shaving their faces? when i do what little beard i have i just use nothing
Name one thing not succable about her lil black painted LatinX toes
She looks older than 20 for sure
Shaving cream
I use shaving soap tho
shaving cream
it smoothes everything to reduce injury and friction
absolute bangers
this is all good stuff but i'm afraid that it's not gonna reach the target audience
people who read articles on how to be better parents aren't the type to toss their child to the wolves and just put an ipad in front of them all the time

i guess kids being raised poorly has always been a thing but i'll be curious to see how this current generation comes up
Shaved my cock today using shaving foam
I am incel: hear me roar.
what happened buddy
Please stfu
each generation in the developed countries is going to get smaller than the one before it so it's not a big an issue as you think
Dude, get some shaving cream. It's terrible for your skin to rawdog it while shaving
i was not made for this world i should be digging up potatoes in the mud like a minecraft guy
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live your myth in Peru
My absolute favorite actor and character in ANY movie is Steven Lang playing Ike Clanton in Tombstone.
let's see
Am Yisrael Chai
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i like john wayne
So we have less kids and they are retarded? Seems like a lose lose
No you don't
automation takes care of that
He talked so much shit and got fucking humiliated every time he fought someone but he kept talking mad shit which was hilarious plus he was always wasted
I love Israel
I've been creating beef at work between people by telling everyone who talks shit on who behind their back it was funny at first but now Im losing sleep over it and I think some are starting to notice Im the only one not taking sides
And who’s going to maintain that machinery?
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i'm setting up another excavation site
managed decline is our civilizational theme
fucking kike
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Guys look. That's a fuckton of sushi for $20. You know I've heard that these food delivery apps are basically Ponzi schemes and that they're eventually gonna shutter cause they keep undercutting their businesses and employees and undercutting and undercutting etc. and it's just not sustainable.
yes i do
they used to broadcast comfy westerns every saturday morning and i would watch them
Why does bread yeast smell amazing but vagina yeast smells like death?
The annoying shit about italians is how they seethe over the correct pronounciation of their words specially around food. "It's not bitccotionininini di paniiniolionini in this region It's called palioninitoicorrinalinha pressto di papa catolica when It's innprural but when It's uncooked and It's summer time It's called mamalemiapizzarolalola..." stfu Who gives a shit how you exactly call it just cook it for me bitch.
it's no good to be a gossip it always catches up to you, people talk you know
just stop engaging with it, i know it can be entertaining and even fun to stir the pot and watch them but it's never worth it when you yourself get caught up in the stupid drama
They got Italian foodie chefs in Mexico?
brushed my TEEF.
on that ORAL HYGIENE tip nahmsayin?
Enjoy my friend
Dynamite rolls sound like something tasty
There's all kind of people from many countries doing many things in mexico
yeah homie
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im trying to find new hobbies to replace alcohol
How do you feel about ABL (American Born LatinX) who have the thickest US English accent but then pronounce Taco or Burrito like a native Spanish speaker would?
Idk why but it pisses me off so much
(Never heard it IRL obviously but YouTube videos were enough to get me that far)
Canadians spell mold like "mould"
you really are a subhuman
have you been slowing down your drinking? that's great news anon. maybe stirring the pot and being a chatty cathy isn't the best replacement, but anything is better than drinking all the time
how much have you cut down?
Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree
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Wtf my delivery driver is a white guy!!!!!! Don't think that's ever happened before. I got a white lady once actually but that's it.
why does chocolate on ice cream taste good but chocolate on pizza taste bad?
words can hurt you know
>who have the thickest US English accent but then pronounce Taco or Burrito like a native Spanish speaker would?
Being American born doesn't mean you arent a native Spanish speaker
Regardless, it's how the words are supposed to be pronounced
i take it back
> leaf
> packages delivered by lettuce
pure pottery
I refuse to believe anyone here is actually an alcoholic or drug addict because you’d have to be extremely fucking stupid to be either one of those and I’d like to think that /cum/stars are smart folk and it’s all just an online act
>that pfp
have you ever dipped wendys french fries into a choco frosty?
This one and doughnut seem to be declining very fast. Once we are all jeets it won't matter anyway any local culture will be dead.
News reporters do this a lot. They'll be talking like they're from the valley and then say this is RRRROSSSA GUTTIERRRRRREZZZZ , kcla 5 news
>I refuse to believe anyone here is actually an alcoholic or drug addict
It's like the all homeless anons, maybe 1 of them is but the rest are just LARPing
Is there any canadian province that will never have an NHL team and will never be a candidate for NHL expansion?

I basically want a province of Canada where the NHL will never be able to reach.
from every meal to twice a week max, two cans of 10% lager a day or a flask of liquor
in the morning to not disturb sleep
half by half until straight edge
Most of them dude. Move to PEI.
Yeah in Spanish
Not in English
Its cringe
Same like sand people going “today I’ll make CHUMMUS” nigga just say hummus like a normal person
Why is a person of Spanish descent pronuncing words of Spanish origin with a Spanish accent somehow noteworthy to you? Are Americans this far removed from culture
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Delivery for Mr Sneed
i listen to kpop and watch k-dramas
"Taco" and "burrito" are Spanish loan words
i'm diagnosed with substance use disorder and a cluster b personality disorder
Formerly Chuck's cleaning
Do you guys mind when familiars do not call you uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma,etc and just by your name? is it supposed to be rude?
like 1/10th of my family doesn't mind, and the other 9/10ths fucking hate when i do it to the point sometimes they behind my back about it with other family members.
Mom and dad i understand, but everyone else?
Because when they speak normally they don't have the accent and they put it in just to pronounce certain words even though that's not the way they speak normally. They're acting and it's cringe
Reasons Why Prince Edward Island the Canadian province I am looking for?
i'm very proud of you anon i hope you keep making positive progress. alcohol is poison and it's so bad for your body, and you'll also be saving some money which is nice
have you found any other vices in the meantime other than gossiping at work?
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I am very sad probably if they pass a new law in 15 days, we will not be able to have a lot of weapons that were legal as ar15 semi auto.
It’s fucking cringe
Are you pronouncing croissant in a French way too?
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Welcome to the "It's OVER" club amigo
Respectfully, you are stupid and idk where to start
Like you presume how they speak isn't normal to them, as opposed to understanding switching between 2 languages actually IS normal to them. You're a dumb projecting monolingual.
>Pronounce certain words
Yeah, Spanish words. And then English words are pronounced with English accents. Do you think "Gutierrez" as in your example is English?
If I were French or grew up in a French speaking household I probably would.
It's the smallest province by far, is an island, and has few people.
>replying to Fernando
wasting your time
My fuckin niece despises me but whenever she wants something she'll call me "Uncle Anon"
Just played Bannerlord for like 2 weeks
it still sucks, wouldn't recommend, I wish Erdogan would execute the entire studio
what you don't know is that she is not a real candidate, she is the puppet of the current communist president and apparently in the next elections it will be the president's son who will participate, we are screwed, if things go on like this they will ban hunting not because they care about the animals but because they don't want people to have large guns.
In Canada we also have a gay female leader (Trudeau) and she also banned scary guns, not because they care about the animals but because they don't want people to have large guns.
Prince Edward Island sounds like my ideal province

You forgot that gun laws are getting even more cucked.
I'm not a monolingual, I speak several languages including Romance languages. If you're speaking English to an English speaker you say burrito not BURRRITO.
Reminds me of my cousin's back east who talk normally except when they say Italian words then it's exaggerated like manicotti, they're like "Yeah, mom's cooking tonight, she making her world famous MANNIGOT'

It's fucking cringe, they don't even speak Italian but all of them do it
>If you're speaking English, you BETTER pronounce this foreign loan word with an English accent
It’s tryhard
Even more tryhard when they expect others to do the same
You speak English, just pronounce the words like an English speaker would
Use the spic spelling when speaking Spanish
It’s not that hard
Nobody is saying “Mejico” either
It’s Mexico in English
And Jose is Hoesay
Taco is taco and not “Taahgco”
>If I were French or grew up in a French speaking household I probably would.
certified cringe take
Food is here.
Why wouldn't you? Why would you switch? It's so fucking cringe and tryhard-y. Yeah we get it, you're a beaner, great.
the funny thing is that they make these laws here with excuses like fighting crime, but no criminal uses a legal weapon.
idk, I really dont want to play video games or get into shows.
a dude here talked about steroids and I pictured myself cheating at fitness events like obstacle races open to the average joe. Having to depend on exogenous hormones for the rest of my life sounds very expensive and inconvenient. what do you think
you VILL embrace ze globohomo brownman!
mexico is the first 5th world country
>they make these laws here with excuses like fighting crime, but no criminal uses a legal weapon
Lol exactly the same as Canada. We had a massacre here because some boomer had a bunch of illegal weapons so naturally king cuck bans legal weapons.

TLDR, bye .357
Luckily i have a .38 revolver and a 12g shotgun that are legal even after the new proposed cuck rules because where i live (Yaqui indigenous and rural zone) gun laws are laxed.
Oh the other hand the "Truckers and merchadise transport can now carry weapons" part sounds nice.
try gambling, I've been doing very well with the Rocketman gambling game
indeed, we are going to be a dictatorship controlled by a leftist party and narcos.
It isn't "tryhard" in the case you presented
>ABL (American Born LatinX
It comes naturally to them having grown up in a bilingual househouse
Because its the way those words are supposed to be pronounced
How can it be tryhard when the person is raised speaking that language? Even if they were doing it intentionally (they aren't) why would you discourage someone from saying words as they're meant to be pronounced in their language
This is such a weird thing to be upset about, like I understand there is frustration about being unwilling to assimilate but expecting people to not say words in their language with the proper accent is fucking backwards, this is like finding out your kid is learning Chinese and you start hitting them in the head to make them forget
the retarded part of the new law is the banning of air rifles larger than .22 and that holographic sights and lasers are now illegal.
how the fuck can anyone use or enjoy reddit? all of the users are completely insufferable and you get banned for even the slightest infraction
/brit/ has gone to total shit rn because it's full over people having autistic meltdowns about whether you need to eat lots of meat or to go vegan
Can I post here instead?
Because if feels good being part of the mob and receiving infinite validation for superficial opinions
of course you are like mexico and candad, you can only have shotguns and revolvers.
Who even cares in Mexico what little shootything a person owns in private when you have drug cartels with better equipment than the German army
Funny how that be
idk I don't even bother to go there
>how the fuck can anyone use or enjoy reddit?
Because they are also one of the users that are completely insufferable enjoy banning you for even the slightest infraction.
muchas gracias mi amigo
>Because its the way those words are supposed to be pronounced

Come on man. If you don't get it you're lost in the Chicano Matrix more than I thought. It's so simple
if you're asking me if you should replace your alcohol habit with a steroid one my answer is obviously going to be no
perusing fitness is a good idea though exercise is great for your mental health and it has the benefit of making your body more attractive so honestly it's a win win
but it doesn't really matter, just as long as it keeps you from drinking. if that means model airplanes or something so be it
No, i think you're just stupid and petty and associate Latins speaking Spanish in any regard with the ones who refuse to assimilate or learn English. Your displeasure is irrational and unfair
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>Who even cares in Mexico what little shootything a person owns in private when you have drug cartels with better equipment than the German army
this is how retarded our government is, they don't understand that the legal Italian ar15 are not the same as those used by the narco.
Latinx mating dance
This is someone's future wife and mother
They have always been illegal, the only legal ways to obtain them were Chink and Russian clones/repros.
The only real ones were obtained through SEDENA but 99% of the time the answer was "No" like anything from the Mexico Gun store, i remember wasting like 9 months to be able to buy a 3 boxes of Winchester SuperX.

Jews do, its illegal to defend yourself in half states.
>If you're speaking English to an English speaker you say burrito not BURRRITO
agreed, it's super gay when people pronounce just a single loan word in an accent
>implying she will ever get married or have kids
>implying the husband cares
>implying the husband doesn't get turned on by it
Jenna Ortega
But that happens all the time, everyone has different kinds of accents and (mis)pronunciations
Why is it "gay" to you?
How am I stupid? How is it irrational? Like the other fucker said, you don't pronounce croissant Krwasahn. You don't pronounce vodka wodka. You don't pronounce schadenfreude...however the fuck Germans pronounce it. I know several Latinx who just say burrito and taco without all the extra Spanish emphasis. Only the tryhard ashamed-to-be-latino-but-ocercompensate-by-over-immersing-myself-in-all-things -Mexican do it your way
>99% of the time the answer was "No" like anything from the Mexico Gun store, i remember wasting like 9 months to be able to buy a 3 boxes of Winchester SuperX.
I guess it's for the people who went to usa to buy them and passed them through customs without any problem, at least in the warehouses near my house they always have aguila but they are expensive and with these new laws I imagine they will be more expensive.
I'm also not a member of those ethnic groups who would pronounce those words in that way
Spanish people are members of ethnic group who would live in a household that pronounces words like taco and burrito with their original pronunciation
>Only the tryhard ashamed-to-be-latino-but-ocercompensate-by-over-immersing-myself-in-all-things -Mexican do it your way
This is so hardcore projection. I don't understand how the idea of anyone growing up in a household that naturally speaks that language is alien to you. Trying to pronounce the words in a way that doesn't come to them naturally, which is what you want, would be more try hard, because they literally would need to "try harder" in order to do it
her ass is amazing
>that happens all the time
doesn't make it not gay, it sounds incredibly pretentious and stilted in conversation
swapping accents for single loan words will always be cringe and unnatural sounding
ngl you do seem like the aforementioned try-harder
>doesn't make it not gay, it sounds incredibly pretentious and stilted in conversation
That's your problem, not theirs
>unnatural sounding
Unnatural for you, not for someone who speaks those languages. Surely you don't expect people to bend the natural way they speak to appease you?
Ok .... Sorry you feel that way I guess ....
Jenna Ortega looks like a 40 year old woman
>sleep a full night
>still tired the whole next day
I find it harrowing what latinx are doing to the English language. To hear them pronounce uhaul as YOU-HA or man as MANG or bailbonds as BALL-E BON

I guess this is how ancient Latin speaking romans felt watching barbarians butcher their language into spanish and fr*nch
gual-mar is funny to me
Truly is
New apprentice at work also has a majestic ass
Hard not to stare
god i wish i had friends
it's very easy to impress foreigners as an american if you know literally anything about geography
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Sleep Apnea
>this nikka feeling smart for knowing where his country is located.
You must be mr world wide in your neighborhood
True, the more irrelevant the foreigner the more they will be impressed as well
but like
real friends
no it's definitely their problem if they sound gay, not mine
not gonna keep arguing with you about it, sound gay if you want to it's not gonna affect me
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Take melatonin pills(DO NOT ABUSE THEM AND GET "GOOD" ones, cheap ones are either placeboo or 10x the dose for no reason).
Multivitamins and a deworming pill.
Buy a memory foam roll for your bed to make it better.
Sleep on shorts.
Drink a whole glass of water before sleeping, also wait 2 hours after dinner to sleep.
Get yourself a wedge pillow to lift yourself up, or atleast sleep on your left side if you have acid reflux, also start making diner that is more light and easy on you.
Like I’d never in a million years expect anyone in the US, while having an English language conversation to pronounce kindergarten, sauerkraut, schnitzel, rucksack or whatever the fuck loan words there are the “German” way
That would be incredibly weird and unnatural and cringe and most importantly GAY
Well it's going to affect you if me "sounding gay" bothers you to this degree
I'm the one saying who gives a fuck, you're the one who chooses to give a fuck
what do you consider a real friend


I'd expect it I were Speaking to someone German, or someone with living family members from Germany
You people really are a special kind of retard
Sleep apnea prevents you from falling/staying asleep. If I had sleep apnea, I wouldn't sleep a full night.
im gonna go someone else will have to make the thread at 310 make it a good one bye
it doesn't bother me, you just sound gay when you do it
no one gives a fuck if you sound gay, you just do
You clearly give a fuck though
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This has been a good thread
Nooooo don't go
it also gives you poor quality sleep that doesn't make you feel rested. No deep sleep = no restorative sleep
you're right i dont know either
It’s like Chinks going hey my name is Yu(third tone)ting(fourth tone) Wang (first time)
Yeah congrats you’re Youting Wang (no tones, American accent)
Deal with it bitch this isn’t china
I'll be your friend
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Why exactly?
just saying it doesn't make it true
still seething over the exe huh?
I would give you a wedgie and pull your thong over your forehead
i have decibed to go sicko mode :-D
i am a danber to myself and eberyone around me xDDD
well it seems that shotguns and their ammunition will not be touched, which leaves me wondering why it seems that they are unbanned all over the world? even the Japanese are allowed to have shotguns.
Pretty much this
Ain't nobody unnerstan your ooga booga languages, speak Anglish, nigga
Why does he pull down his pants so gayly
what was the best post?
>international culture
Why do women love baseball players so much when it's among the least athletic of sports?
Good discussions, no schizos

Sexy women dressed like chun li
If you don’t say vodka in a thick Russian accent or hamburger in a thick German accent you can shut the fuck up about pronouncing Spanish words in thick Spanish accents yet browns rage at me for not pronouncing Vallejo “Vayayho”
Actually at this point I don't think a /cum/ thread is complete without at least one active schizo
There we go
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>yet browns rage at me for not pronouncing Vallejo “Vayayho”
Is that what this is really about
Were you bullied anon
I need to kiss her
haha ok lol only if ur a fun guypxtv
No I dated an Indian girl who got pissy about her friend wanting her name to be said with an Anglicized pronunciation and then got butthurt at me for agreeing with her friend especially since I also have a foreign name that she pronounced in an Anglicized way

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