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Princess Leia Organa Edition

perky tist
>Verification not required.
i promise i wont waste another day on /cum/
But you're here
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i look like that
But what do you say
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I have to stay 4 hours after work cuz my fucking boss can't hire dependable people. Now I can't drink today because by the time I get home I'm finna hafta just shower make dinner and go to fucking bed
Where do you work?
Back in college I worked at a restaurant and the dish guy they hired didn’t come back from his lunch break so I had to stay until midnight to finish the dishes
A quick little 15 hour shift
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good post
I do corporate security, loss prevention, access control, that kinda dhit
Sounds like a security guard
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I’m so tired
Well yeah but I put that other shit in there to make me feel better. When I was a dishwasher I told people I was a flatware sanitation specialist
kek. dishwashing was a comfy job THO
That was one of the only jobs Ive had where I could openly drink.
Are you guys seriously posting in this one because it wasn't made by a Mexican? Genuine racism isn't cool.
I just found out about glacier tours.
Mexicans are part of /cum/ (unfortunately) so their OPs are valid, but he posted early and didn't link the ancien
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It’s goshpedo
And it was early with no previous
are you surprised
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I want to vacation in Antarctica
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I don't ever buy pork but I'll eat it if offered
evolution's perfect creature btw
it was made by a chicano
Maybe we can have a cum meet up in Antarctica
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How so
They're routinely eaten
Got banned, no reason given. Why are jannies so fucking lazy these days?
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I’m an unemployed poorfag that has no skill
What happens if I buy a one way ticket to the US and live there?
My potentiality shouldn’t be limited to this small island
you'll either become a millionaire or a homeless crack addict within 6 months
Here's the most perplexing riddle of all I've sown:

Why do immigrants strengthen our country, but not their own??
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good morning
had some very crazy dreams if anyone wants to hear
Just move back in with your parents in Wichita, David. Everyone knows you're not Japanese
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Go right ahead
Because they don't it's all bullshit
it strengthens the bank accounts of corporate billionaires
there was a giant polar bear outside that the neighbor kids were messing with and i went outside and told them to knock it off and stop throwing rocks at him. and the bear didn't like that and chased me back to my house where i struggled to lock the door to keep him out, he got in my house and i barely barely managed to get upstairs
i went through the gun cabinet and got a shotgun with some shells but i wasn't strong enough to do the pump thing (this is real i have to use both hands to do that) and i went back downstairs and set up and shot him and he ran away and i was able to lock everything up again and then i found a really big claw mark on my thigh and i got woozy and desperately tried to bandage it before i lost too much blood and i reached for the phone to call an ambulance and i woke up
it was really scary fiddling with the lock while a giant bear is on the other side of the door trying to push it in and im still a bit shook up by it and looking down and seeing this horrible wound on me was very much . i don't want to shoot bears i love bears but i was so scared and i didn't want to get killed and nobody was there to help me
im going to have some coffee i need to get my head straight after that it was very intense and i didn't like it
All roads lead to crab
>bro why do poor people of underdeveloped countries with corrupt governments beyond belief can't fix their country?
This is an actual riddle for people.around here
I wish i was a crab (with human intelligence)
Time for crab
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Sounds intense. Not being able to pump the shotgun makes you sound like a pussy, though. But dreams can be weird like that
better food
So why should we have to deal with people who can't remotely govern themselves? Why don't you take in the haitians; Mexico is better governed than they are.

What are you, a racist?
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my brother is the gun guy not me
there is a reason im not strong enough to do the pump but it's not important
That doesn't strengthen the country and we already have a billion Mexican restaurants.

i looked like this about 30 minutes ago
crab supremacy snip snap
Hey if you've got an injury or illness that's understandable. If you don't, it's a shamefur dispray
they're going to replace my broken SSD
What the fuck is this image? I went to a New York style pizza restaurant in Tokyo and it was really good.
whos they
western digital.
Yeah, that's the point. They didn't need to import millions of Americans to make a good ny style pizza. They just googled the recipe and didn't change national demographics
it's just making fun of japan because they have restaurants like that but not a lot of non asian people
>What the fuck is this image? I went to a New York style pizza restaurant in Tokyo and it was really good.
Libtards love to pretend that only people who grew up in a specific country are capable of creating that countries food; ie only Italians can make pizza.

Obviously this is stupid and retarded, but they badly want more immigration so that's their only argument.
there would be no google if it werent for immigrants though
>there would be no google if it weren't for immigrants though
Sergey Brin.
No, it's poking fun at the Japanese English accent for comedic effect, but it's actually pointing out that the Japanese are famous for being able to make 5star versions of other countries food without ruining their own country due to immigration.
morning bud
Yeah but he's white.
i live in immense pain because i don't have a PAWG gf
>guy subcontracts my company to replace a school’s roof
>accidentally sent our estimate to the school
>says he doesn’t want to do it anymore because he wanted to charge the school an extra $100,000
This is why you don’t trust Mesicans
>there is a reason im not strong enough to do the pump but it's not important
you must be a skinlet. maybe try eating well and going to the gym?
I'm so glad I don't do construction anymore. It was great exercise but I was always sore
Quintessential brown post
Google is bad actually, but pretending we wouldn't have search engines if not for Google is both hilariously wrong and stupid.
why can't we just have sensible immigration policy?
why do we need to let in 450k+ TEMPORARY STUDENTS in every year?
how the fuck does that improve our economy overall?
I have soft hands now, I’m in an office or working from home all day
if liking PAWGs makes me brown then i'm the darkest charcoal nigga in kenya
**cums on your hands**
Me too. I couldn't beat up construction me, Id get flattened by construction me
they are looking through everything on your computer
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>Google's motto for years was "Don't be evil"
>remove the motto in 2018
Are you still gonna do the job
*enrolls in the Toronto School of Technolojeet with a degree Tim Horton’s Cashierology*
Being from Brazil is what makes you brown
they used to be good but they have become a twisted dark version of their former selves
>why can't we just have sensible immigration policy?
that would be racist, plus these very expensive private (((consultants))) said it's really good to have unlimited unskilled immigration.
They had a potluck here at work yesterday and it's still hella hot dogs and fixins in the break room
it is really like that
the government ignored for YEARS that this was happening and now that it has become public they're scrambling to make it seem like they're doing something about it despite the cap being "reduced" to "only" 435k this year
what the FUCK
are you planning on pushing the button?
21 year old me would absolutely kick my ass there’s no doubt about that
If it were after a certain time of the day he would be too drunk to stand up though
It's Singh Horton's now
just bee yourself buzz buzz
do you have any bunnies in bee costumes by chance
Bpd and ecstasy
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reading literature
It’s a good thing though
Who else would work those jobs? Teenagers who then spend the money in the local economy? It’s much better that 27 year old smelly Indians work there then ship 90% of their pay chequecks to India
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Already did


This fella
The point is governments in the 3rd world generally aren't legitimately elected
oh he's cute thank you
Do they have curry poutine and tandoori chicken wrap yet?
's the funny thing is many of them don't even work
There's Mexicans on 4chan?
Neither are ours arguably
A shit load of Haitians are actually choosing to hang out in mexico indefinitely. Tijuana has like half a million of them already
yeah what of it
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it's juiced up
Grim when moving to Mexico is an upgrade
Do they collect government benefits instead?
Every single country in this hemisphere is being flooded with Haitians and Venezuelans
I unno
no they just go to school and live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 8 other indians
How are they living without a job or government gibs though
Heard from some leafs they were getting gibs
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>flooded with Haitians and Venezuelans
Haiti is only half of an island. How are there so many of them
that's not what an accent is and you literally just said the same thing I said in a different way
So why would it be smart to import these people into a democratic government where they will vote the same way they do in Haiti?

That seems pretty stupid to me, right?
There are more people in Haiti than Cuba
How do you think they pay $40k+ a year in tuition? Their parents back home pay for it
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business idea:
Wooooooow I didn't know that
By not voting?
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I'm listening
Oops, by not having them here in the first place*
go on then gryffindor pepe
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I'm still pondering
because students are basically just spending money to stay in the country, unlike working visas where foreigners usually just send the money outside of the country
oh okay well let us know when you figure it out im gonna start on breakfast
Except I’ve seen videos and photos of them lining up by the hundreds to work at subway and Tim Horton’s though and I’ve heard lots of complaints about them taking all the low wage jobs after enrolling in “fake” schools
A shit load of HAITIANS are ON 4CHAN RIGHT NOW. You may be talking to one in your thread.
Haitians are just Francophone Africans that live in the Caribbean. More than any other group
what if im talking to one in my bed :)
It genuinely bothers me that the person I'm talking to on 4chan might be a woman and unless they made it known, I would never know.
there are no women on the interweeebz
their french is worse than american french
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i fuckin hate women that wont have sex with me
that's probably true I actually don't know haha
it might also be because they used to be able to get work visas after school if they worked there but now they're removing hospitality from the approved work lists or something
true but my point was all that money goes into the blackhole of these fake universities that give bullshit degrees and in the long run fucks the whole country as we already can see
the liberals clearly knew they were importing a gorillion unskilled retards and did nothing about it so now we have a skilled-labour shortage and a zillion indians that won't integrate
you hate your mom? grim
Couillon soi, I guess that depends on who you ask. I know they love to say "Sac passè" alot
curry poutine would be really good
nah i dont hate the women i dont want to have sex with
You make no sense.
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Who's your favorite weatherman? Mine is Dallas Raines. Such a sick stage name

I wanna become a weatherman, my stage name would be Goldie Showers
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>kill all the whites
>country is in perpetual chaos, poverty, starvation, and disease for centuries
>2010 earthquake kills hundreds of thousands and they still haven't rebuilt everything
Curse of Ham isn't re-
when i was in high school the school district turned french class into climate change propaganda class en francais. Now i never see shit about globohomo warming or whatever because people are too concerned about mr potato head and donald flintstone or their scooby doo laughing ass wannabe blapipopoiopo lady friend
black lives splatter
Clever. Did you make that up yourself or steal it from Reddit
I wonder if my tires would get slashed if I put "all lives splatter" on my car
>non-white man stepfathers white bastard for a relationship with a White woman
Many such cases. Yet the raceb8rs here ignore this but not the inverse. Curious...
I came up with it years ago
>Curse of Ham
never understood that story
The fuck does he care, he's gonna take off in a month
Shem, Ham and Japeth. How do you not know western (eastern) lore?
They were absolute savages too (not a surprise of course), but they deserve their generations of suffering.
>absolute savages
The white people deserved what they got, but the Haitian blacks were too stupid to build in their sucess
this is some shitty song I heard on a chinese amazon product
No they didn't, you just don't know what went on then.

But the absolute mind boggling poverty and terror the haitians endure daily does bring joy to my soul. There is justice in the world
lets just admit it goes both ways and stop with the muh dick posting
If you’re a white guy just starting out, you might want to consider opening a small business and discovering that you’re a “latino.” Just say you have a great uncle from Chile or something. The government will begin giving you money. You don’t even have to have a real business
It's not entirely clear from the original text, been debated for 2000 years for this reason.
Anyone want to play multiplayer terraria?
I know the lore, I said I don't understand the story.
Why was Ham and his descendants cursed because he saw his dad passed out drunk and naked?
The fuck does that have to do with him?
Eternal word of God and all that eh
I should start buying cherry juice again.
Union workers are retarded motherfuckers
They genuinely think they’ll keep their pay and benefits of the unions dissolve and continue to vote for anti-union candidates despite their unions always endorsing the other candidate
The American public in general is retarded about unions
We wouldn’t need all these shit government programs if we had stronger unions
The ideal America would have strong unions of all professions
We’re falling behind because we have none and our industry died because corporations were free to fire everyone and fuck off to China and Mexico for manufacturing
>be unions
>be against immigration from inception of the movement
>endorse candidates who bring in millions of people to undercut your employment
Really makes you think
It's good to see union workers finally voting for their own economic interests instead of bootlicking the billionaires they work for.
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>muh dick
UHHH that's not what this is thoughbeit
Democrats are for the billionaires and republicans are for the working class which is why the worlds richest man supports the Democra- wait shit Elon became a Republican after he became massively wealthy
American cops are megabased ngl
Also libtards:
>if we don't import infinity Mexicans who the hell is going to pick our strawberries and clean our toilets for slave wages reeeee
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Why do people pretend both parties don't get millions from corporations and rich people?
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I wonder which race kills the most cops
Drink turpentine faggot
>we fuck your women
>No WE fuck YOUR women
Neither of them are for the working class
Because they’re retarded but I was specifically replying to the post pretending that voting for the democrats is what your boss wants to do when everyone’s bosses are most likely Right Wing

What we need is to bring back the Federalist Party
because politics is just football and people will ignore all the bad things about their own football team and just say the other guys suck
the whole point of the "my wifes son" meme is you don't wanna be fuckin' the woman, yfm? Idc if the kid is mulatto or a Yakubian spawn I am not doing that.
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Sometimes I miss posting on 4chan, then I go back and the first thing I see is a cuck thread and i remember why I left
Didn’t say they were just that Republicans are preferred by Billionaires
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cuck shit becoming mainstream was one of the worst things to ever happen tbqh
me when I see a woman
LOL because I literally go out of my way not to walk by women
The worst offenders of it are Saudi flags
same. I avoid them at all costs
Tweaking off the crystal picking at my skin trying to peel little pieces off
I like dark souls
America needs more political parties. Imagine if the Democrats and Republicans each split into 2 new parties.
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>Saudi flags
half of these are jeets or some other kind of migrant worker. But gulfies are degenerate so maybe some of them are real
no they're actual saudis
cast that nigga into the furnace
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Remember this?
black bears are such fraidy cats
chicken in the background
Literally look up a list and see who has more billionaire supporters
The only ones who support Harris are those who want brownie points
I thought ayrabs were more into the poo based pleasures
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>he doesn't know
Bloomberg already gave her $10,000,000 in August alone lol
why though
Yeah I was there actually
I was supposed to make sure everyone did it first and then drink the Kool Aid but I never really liked cherry flavored drinks
no I don't
>Kool Aid
>Not flavor aid
My working definition of a Heritage American is you have to be able to eat a bacon cheeseburger. This rules out at least three demographic groups by my count, and possibly a fourth
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Jim Jones maxed out his charisma stats and got a shitload of people to an hero by force of rizz alone
sometimes I instinctively sage posts when I don't mean to
I am a hater
Ayo dis nibba ain't even know what sage doooo lmaooooo
Sage hasn't done anything since 2014. And yes, it does go in all fields.
My working definition of a Heritage Southwest American is you have to be able to eat a banana pepper without realizing it. This rules out at least three demographic groups by my count, and possibly a fourth
>no hebrews
>no mahometans
>no hindoos (or any subcontinentals really)
Who am I missing here?
I think /cum/ should make our own multinational centrist political party like the Baathists
Then we can rule Canada, the US, and Mexico while fighting for the freedom of Cummites everywhere
We could name it the Coalition of United Moderates.
>Sage hasn't done anything since 2014.
I literally JUST saged a thread and it stayed on page 7
You can’t be American if you get seasonal depression (too much melanin)
That's a good list on it's own, imagine not having any of them.

But I suspect the last bit is people who can't eat dairy
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am i allowed to join
i don't have to be a big part of the party or anything i just wanna be included
i look like this if it matters btw
I was told this lie and believed it for years but it's not true. Sage still works
niggas with absolutely no conviction or personal morals be like "yeah I see both sides :)"
I'm more moraly adjusted to society than you
for you
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I found a cucumber in the tank that I hadn't notice before. it's way smaller than the others, I think it's a juvenile. Not sure where it came from
I'm going to orally readjust your face (break your jaw)
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
True, if you have any sense of working morals at all you can't side with the blatant corruption and law breaking of democrats
he is really cute
i want to name him squirt is that okay
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Holy shit I thought people forgot about sage
she can't function without a teleprompter or script, it's pretty obvious. she is fucking retarded. every single time she goes out in public her polls tank
They are hoping people forget how useless she has been for the last 4 years. Seems to be working.
What do you think it's supposed to do?
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eating this atm
2 something a gallon? Now bad. Cheapest I've found is $3.99 in socal
I'm in New jersey, saw $2.89 today.
>new jersey
did you pump your own gas?
Not bump the thread fuck nigga, I be conducting research
Gm. Emptying my guts at the moment.
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ugh this is so cute they love each other they are both rescues so they’re cut from the same cloth and they understand each other :’)
no they don't. they are stupid animals
i know but i like anthropomorphizing and building cute narratives in my head is that a crime
very qt
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where are the messssssssicans?
he is literally just a boy
makes me happy to know that at tigers and lions are still just cats and they like scrubbins and stuff
i wouldn’t scrub on a tiger personally however
Sure, his name is now Squirt.
We only have that one mejican that seems to be always mad and asks rhetorical questions to himself
Yeah, they act exactly the same as cats, which is cute at first until you remember that sometimes cats attack you for no reason. A swipe from house cat will draw blood at worst, a swipe from a tiger would be devastating
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maybe he needs a good spanking
I made one post about my loud mexican neighbors like 6 months ago and he still brings it up sometimes
I saw a video of a lion in Africa that jumped on a safari jeep and the clas of his back feet sliced through the metal effortlessly, he wasn't even trying
nice he's kind of small and an underdog but he's got unmatched tenacity and determination that puts him on par with the other cucumbers
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yeah that's why i said i would never get that close to one cats are unpredictable and sometimes when they get carried away playing, teeth and claws get involved
i respect nature enough to know not to baby and anthropomorphize something capable of killing me i just had a nightmare about almost being killed by a polar bear
they lay on their backs so it's easier to claw
these are the type of posts that make me want to suffocate you with a plastic bag until you turn purple. shut up man
He will rise to new heights when he's fully grown, I can feel it
Would you rather we all doompost and incelpost 24/7? Grow up.
Where's the anon who posts guinea pigs in bee costumes?
stop whining, 90% of your job is browsing the internet.
you kind of got btfo, pussy.....
I'm taking a shit and looking down, I just noticed the skid mark in my underwear
Not looking good, very yellow, I should wipe more and maybe shave
No. About two years ago we had a vote that would allow people to pump their own gas if they wanted to and people voted no, even though we would still have attendants if you didn't want to do it yourself.
Don't listen to him, he's unhappy about his own life so he tries to make others bitter like him.
This seems to be a common thing
he switches between chuddism and being hypersensitive. Quite odd
Peruvians eat these lil guys, call em cuy. Or so I've read.
Wife said she doesn’t want guns around the kids
Me? I want to start training them on trigger discipline when they hit 3
Guns and kids don't mix
Spirit of 1776 lives on
my dad bought me a shotgun for my 12th birthday but i had to wear a shooting jacket with it because it kicked too hard
just make sure you lock them up good so they don't get into them
I want my daughter to be able to shoot kidnapping pedos and raging pitbulls though
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New op better be a piccolissima edie
I’m supposed to inherit my grandfathers house and he has a massive gun safe built into the master closet so I’d put them in there
Hopefully he’ll leave some of his guns to me too

Also I was just thinking that
you're a good father for that
modern feminists just pay lip service and complain about video game characters boobies too big where if they had any sense and they actually cared they would be telling women to arm themselves and be comfortable with using a gun
there's already a thread in the catalog what should we do
I'm a go-getter, a hard-hitter
Crashing this thread
With no survivors
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This is for Polar bear dream bro
Reddit is down :(
>The one bear does the "it's over" at the end and plops his head down

thanks for thinking of me
it was quite scary in the moment and when i went to the natural history museum they had a taxidermy of a grizzly bear standing on it's hind legs and it was like 10 feet tall and it was terrifying
it's paw was the size of my head and it's double my height
ok but seriously are we gonna use the other thread in the catalog or make a new one i really don't care it's up to you guys i just don't like splitting if we don't have to
Just use the other one, fuck it
Let's recycle
ok sounds good
Aaaaand fin.

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