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>western philosophy was founded by an ugly bastard
How come?
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>eastern philosophy was founded by an ugly bastard
He kinda looks like Paul Verlaine, but probably had black nappy hair unlike that sculpture suggests
plato literally means "wall"
he was 6'4" and jacked. he literally just beat the shit out of anyone who disagreed with him.
That's a Socrate, teacher of plato
retard alert. Plato was a stud.
>How come?
neither plato nor socrates founded western philosophy
Who founded it then? Pretty much every philosophical works that west generated rely on these bastards
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there are many philosophers literally known as the pre-socratics and many people cite their works through the quotes that survived in Plato and Aristotle's work as most of their actual original writings didn't survive the ages
there was a culture of philosophy in greece long before Plato
>Pretty much every philosophical works that west generated rely on these bastards
I wasn't denying that Plato has an outsized influence on western philosophy, just pointing out that he wasn't the first and wasn't even the first influential western philosophy

Neurodivergents invented philosophy.
It's not about being first, it's more about generating foundations of certain thing. For example, yeah, Archimedes could be the first person who used calculus like calculations, but it doesn't mean he invented foundations of calculus
Everyone before Plato don't count, they were the plumberball era of philosophy
Socrates > everyone else (including platotard, and Aristotlemanlet)
Any one who disagrees is a faggot
It also doesn't mean 'wall', but wide.
>Somali flag
>generating foundations
Precisely, they laid the foundations of how philosophy was done, all its subjects, rhetoric and logic, etc..
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Sculptures used to have paint. The paint wore off over the years. Not sure why it survived on murals though.
All of this most probably was invented before greeks, but we can't know for sure because sources were lost. But Socrates and plato are considered founders because they passed these knowledges to later generations, and these systemic knowledges were used by later generations
I should point out that the pre-Socratics did write down and distribute their philosophy. It is simply that most of it was lost.
>All of this most probably was invented before greeks
Sure but nowhere else had done it all at the same time and to such a refined level.
The questions the Greeks asked an analyzed are still being struggled with to this day.
>nowhere else had done it all at the same time and to such a refined level
Yeah, their ability to systematize knowledge was their ace, but I'm absolutely sure that many questions are way more eternal than even greeks. For example, Aristotle's texts about biology were full of observations that person or groups of people in Greece couldn't physically collect
Parmenides' poem would've been kino if it were fully recovered.
There was a leaf who wanted to know about logic.

Basically aristotlean logic is just simple mathematics. The issue is what are the A B and C s that are manipulated mathematically in it. In Aristotle these are mental universals, which are then applied to the real world. Eg cats horses houses and what not. Logical relations are established between these universals, and then those relations are mirrored by actual reality. The question is, why? This basically goes beyond the brief of mere logic alone, and is metaphysics. The logic is incontestable; the metaphysics is. Later logicians questioned the metaphysics, and thus, the logic, IN ITS REAL WORLD APPLICATION. ie the logic ( = maths) is still 100% right, but since it's manipulating nonexistent concepts, it's useless. (unlike maths, which manipulates abstract quantities that are then applied anything by choosing the correct measure - inches volume energy, whatever.)

Later logicians then started coming up with new ways of constructing universal concepts. These lacked the universality of Aristotle's, and hence had to have a new type of logic, smaller in scope, to deal with them. It also introduced different ways of manipulating them. eg , Aristotle thought everything can be reduced to a 1 1 relationship: x stands y to z. This is mathematically true, but there are ways to treat concepts that can't be encapsulated in this way, if the concepts aren't universal enough.

This is called Essentialism. Aristotle was an essentialist, so when he treated a concept, all of its data was contained in it. Later logicians dropped this, and hence came up with purely logical ways of analysing concepts which didn't pretend to know everything about a thing.

Hope that helps. Probs won't replay.
philosophy is for incels
This is true btw

(I'm an incel: I want to fuck beautiful little Hellenic boys but can't because society and my ugly poverty (ugly and poor) prevents me.)
His philosophy is basically political religion that he used to justify rule of warlords. In other words useful fool
I'm personally not an incel though
Why did Aristotle not write anything as soulful as Phaedo or Timaios with the comfy narration of myths and the interesting settings.
I'm still very interested but he's too stodgy for me.
Because he was a scientist first, a proto academic(funny considering his education).
He did

They're just not extant. Diogenes Laetius gave a bibliography of all that Aristotle wrote; only the most important and academic have survived. Cicero 'the father of eloquence' said that Aristotle wrote the best dialogues ever.

(You can imagine how I feel that this hasn't survived: Aristotle is already the greatest mind of all time, and we only have like a tenth of his stuff. insane.)

what zero pussy does to a mf
Non reliable source, mr faggot. It reminds me how Chinese who worshipped Confucius the most were further away from him on the timeline
Western philosophy is older than Socrates, but he is definitely the catalyst that steered it into the direction modern western philosophy is going
having zero pussy makes you a wise nigger
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Because many of Aristotle's works are actually lecture notes by his students compiled by ancient librarians centuries after his death. Hence the prose is often difficult and somewhat unnatural.
Aristotle did actually write dialogues like Plato, but non have survived.
Beautiful people are too absorbed in the convenience of their life to dig deep.
Being miserable and discontent forces one to grow one way or another so ugly people have an innate advantage for depth of one kind or another, since appearance is not a valid avenue.
>This is mathematically true
not at all
Always loved the way Nietzsche trashed him for being so fucking ugly and psychoanalyzed his entire philosophy through that fact.
>but probably had black
what makes you think that?
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