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Mine was extremely cold and abrasive growing up. She most likely has a personality disorder. Turned me off from ever bothering with women outside of hookups entirely
Idk how I feel. She's basically mindless and not very motherly. Took me a long time to realize it, I was very under-mothered. I thought total lack of care was just how life worked and it's probably why I'm hyper independent. Now I'm just not interested in being around her at all.
i got no love for anybody, i'm a DEMON
Mine is narcissistic. I love her out of familial obligation, but her love and support always manifests as making it about herself. If I feel bad, then she blames me for her feeling bad as a result of me feeling bad. If I do something well, it’s because I’m her son and she raised me right. So I basically can’t emotionally connect to her at all.
I don't. I tolerate her, but nothing more
I love meh mum :)
hate my whole family
hate my whole family
She was extremely unconsiderate and couldn't take responsability for her actions. Random retarded outbursts when things didn't go her way in the exact moment she wanted like a 10yo. Very manipulative but only could get her way with manipulation before I turned 13 because she was also too dumb to manipulate a teenager. Pretty sure she had and brain damage from an accident. Also very paranoid to a point where it gets tiring even for her.
Can't say I don't love her because I know she loves me in her own way at least but it's hard you know.
Tell me you post Interracial pornography on /Int without telling me you post interracial pornography on /Int
shes too kind and shelters me too much
but I didn't have breakfast today
I love my mom but she didn't teach me anything growing up.
I don't talk to her anymore
i love my mom. i appreciate her and hang out with her once a week specifically to make her feel good. i figure if there's one woman who deserves to be treated nicely its the one who put in work to raise me and all that. all other women can fuck off though
I thought this literally just happened in my cunt.
Honest to god, I don't feel much at all. Don't have strong feelings about it. We have a good relationship and get along, but I just don't feel that "love" people keep talking about.
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my mom is the best person in the world
I don't
I don’t i haven’t talked to her in 2 years
It has always been common in history
I love both my parents but for some reason can never tell them I love them. I don't know why I'm like that.
Same plus Physical contact with them seemed always hard to me with my parents and siblings
I visit my mom weekly and talk to her daily
And some moms don't love their children.
Only westoids because they're physically incapable of love
Brazil is western
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It seems like wyteoids don't love their mum

so glad I have internetz frens who can relate
you don't talk to your mom anymore either?

she is actually really torn up about it. I think my ghosting her may have actually mentally destroyed her. But she was already pretty fucking retarded and evil so not much really changed
She hurt me, anon.
All throughout my life she’s had this privileged position in my head where I thought she’d help me with my shit and could be trusted, because you know, she’s my mom.
All my life she’s squashed my hopes and dreams under her boot like you do a cockroach, and betrayed my privacy with everyone who would listen.
All my life I’ve been surprised by it.
It took me leaving home a decade ago for her to show some change but she’s still as quick, vicious and as deadly as ever, she just knows less.
I don’t doubt she loves me, she says so all the time but I can’t say I feel the same. Sorry mom, distance is what makes us work, much as you’d want to talk or see me every month, all it’d get me is more pain.
Sorry sister, for letting her take it out on you. You’re the stronger one of both of us.
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I love mine but I udnerstand why some people don't. I see my 7yo niece growing more fucked up (future psycho bpd bitch) thanks to her std dispenser whore of a mother who thinks her only motherly duty is paying for her nanny and feeding her

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