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why do Swedes look so weird? I was fooled into thinking they were handsome chads but a lot of them are fugly
they are hapa, please understand
They are handsome in real life. Camera can't capture the detailed facial features
how are they hapa? they don't have hapa bone structure
amerimutts truly have the IQ of the blackman and the chutzpah of the jew, what horrible creatures
They look like normal people. wydm?
camera = real life
why are you crying? i am not even american kek
they look ugly as fuck
i was told swedes are handsome and beautiful aryans
third one from the left in the first row definitely is, she cute
>I was fooled into thinking they were handsome chads
No you weren't. You seethe over the premise that we are so you went hunting for ugly swedes
Weird thoughts, weird faces.
swedes on average are ugly as fuck bro
you are seething because you have been exposed

Norwegians are the Handsome nords
When taking ID photos, people's eyes appear about 70-80% smaller, and facial cheeks look puffier than in reality. However, many people often go through life believing these photos accurately represent their appearance.

When taking ID photos, it's common to see a woman with naturally large eyes appear to have smaller eyes when checking the monitor after the photo is taken. However, customers often believe that the eye size in the photo is exactly the same as their actual eye size.

Photos are represented in 2D, while real faces are in 3D. 3D representation fully expresses the depth of the face and doesn't appear flat, but photos in 2D make the face look flat, causing facial dimensions to appear wider. However, people tend to think that the face in the photo is exactly the same as their actual face.

Q3. I really want to know for sure what I look like in real life. What methods are available?

Ultimately, the problem is the refraction caused by the focal length of the lens.

The wider the angle, the more severe the refraction, and the closer the object, the more severe the refraction.

The focal length of the human eye is approximately 50-55mm.
The focal length of a wide-angle lens (phone) is 18-35mm (based on the latest smartphones).

If we rank the images most similar to how others see me, it would be:

1. Reversed unfamiliar mirror > Unfamiliar mirror

Assuming the distance between the person looking at me and myself is twice the distance between me and the mirror.

Optician's mirrors use almost completely left-right reversed mirrors, so they can be considered the most similar.

Next would be unfamiliar mirrors like those in hair salons, convenience stores, etc.
And you say we look weird. Several of these women would fit right in in one of those "english rose" threads.
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here is a different angle of one of the guys in that image in OP

his name is axel björnström, he looks even uglier
Scandinavia shares 99,99% of the same genes. There is zero discernible difference between any of us appearance wise
Looks like the midwest to me.
He mog 99 percentage of South Korean btw
>Norwegians are the Handsome nords
they have giant foreheads
you lying sack of shit. Swedes have more EEF than Norwegians bvlls. Swedes are primitvate monkeys
koreans have great jaws. I doubt some long faced swedes mogs anyone
that's an aristocratic trait, a sign of high intelligence, class, and elegance. Something a swede doesn't have
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In order to refute the false statement, I conducted my own research.
Sweden for many is simply a catch-all term for nordic. "Swedes are beautiful" = nordics are beautiful. What this guy said >>202446542. There's nothing seperating us like that
>There's nothing seperating us like that
The girls on right are Finnish and that's the colors of an oatmeal brand, not Swedish flag :/
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most of the men in the pic look fine, the women look kinda trannyish toughever
I suppose it stems from some of the phenotypical traits? maybe the prominent brows
>more EEF
I don't know what this is. If i'm in Denmark people will assume i'm danish and vice versa
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swedes look like this
I look like this
All of them are Thai-Swedish hapas.
>Herre, they are Zainichi
You shouldn't post mexianons wife without permission
Meanwhile the average russian is cannon fodder
seriously, why are they like this?
Deutsche bitch 2nd on the left
shes irrelevant anyway compared to agnetha
You know, having more EEF means Swedish guys went out more and got themselves some brown punani at a higher rate? This is shameful if it's due to rape but not sexual conquest.
2nd from left in the 2nd row from top looks like a high elf kek
Here comes a TRVKE:
No one in Europe thinks swedes (or nordics) are all beautiful, in fact they're quite unremarkable to most.
This notion that they're living Gods appearance-wise first came to be from americans excursioning to scandinavia, who were flabbergasted upon seeing tall white people that despite their average faces, possessed fair skin and light eyes everywhere, a sight most unusual to those hailing from the Muttland. This contrast in turn made them forget the mundane features of the northern european people, and caused them to only focus on the exotic, which is not especially beautiful, just different.
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keep seething finno-swede. I can't wait until ethnic Finns kill you
BASED Medbvll
you are ugly lol and most models look ugly and have exaggerated features. Most attractive people in european are tanned southern europeans meds
I'm gonna go with judgement of the industry making money off of pretty people
mainly a height map
Models are facially ugly or weird most of the time; models are picked not only based on facial attributes, in fact height and skin color play a major part; biggest markets for modelling agencies are in the USA where blonde hair and light eyes are seen as desirable features, and are not deciding factors to determine whether someone's beautiful or not since that mostly depends on facial harmony, symmetry and volumetric relations; that map only proves what I said since american modelling agents are very aware of the average american consumer's taste; nordic traits are relatively rare (=/ beautiful) and are thus exotic, which brands look to exploit in order to sell status symbols that reflect exclusivity.

You are not any more beautiful than other europeans. Just more marketable because of american retardation. You are a whore without even knowing it, and are proud of it.
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Canonically the most impish Swede gets the brownie, though.
fennoswedes are ethnic finns dumbass.
mongoloid dna taints their genetics
The largest modelling industries in Europe is in France and Italy. Mainly Paris and Milano. That's the destination for nearly all European models. And don't get pissy after your long winded rant got shut down so easily. You're the one who opened up for such an obvious comeback
Estonia has most super models per capita by far, no other country get close..
I think it's Lithuania actually. We can say baltics in general really
Its estonia, lithuania is third.

>not deformed freaks
Have you even seen models?
Poor Latvia
they're headquartered there and have a regional history; but the biggest market remains the USA which they will always target first and foremost, secondly China; you can cope all you want about that but it's a fact (not to mention that the other points were disconnected from that one you claim to be structural)
its also on the list
They are welcome in Shenzhen, Guangzhou China
>all share the Baltic sea
brother if you took 100 random people from every country and examined them a majority would be "weird" looking regardless of anything
>you can cope all you want
Not once while typing this did you consider the irony of you doing so
Poked out of the top three though
you're deliberately omitting countering most points and highlighting the ones you care about to prove your (false) claim; you are coping, muchacho.
lmao @ the insecure Swede seething. Most Swedes are ugly af and most Swedish women prefer Mediterranean men over their own “men”
Most white blonde people arent good looking, if you look nordic countries too the ones with darker features are always considered more handsome.
Nordics with dark hair are still ugly. Stop coping and accept defeat
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Wait till you see the Norwegians
post face
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Or perhaps an Italian crowd?
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All look better than this ogre
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american women worship nordic people, always have and honestly many men too when our femobys look better than their women.
I'm sorry are those refugees or identitarians?
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finnish femboys>swedish women

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