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bean_basics_(2).jpg edition
morning lads. Far too early to be up. Why are you here?
Activating my almonds
*visibly takes a step back because I am allergic to almonds*
made a devilishly witty post in another thread but no one has responded to it as of yet :\
Just woke up from a massive nap.
Reckon you don't really sleep when you drink innit
im insane
Well, /brit/?
My food plans for today:
Breakfast: Toast with seriously strong cheese spread and orange juice
Lunch: Tuna crunch roll with a cup of tea
Dinner: 14" Asda wood fire crust cheese pizza and a glass of ice cold water
Keep us posted
You have a very poor diet.
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>cheese spread
Look man all bullshit aside, can I please just have some ass?
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>The heavily decomposed corpse of a decapitated XL bully has been found in a shallow grave in a town in Worcestershire.
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Had a really vivid dream about a zombie apocalypse and we all coordinated our defence on /brit/ except one lad who was trying to get us all killed
corr just shagged a birds arse in a legally consensual way

not one of you itt has shagged a girls arse period
never tried figs. they any good?
been very clear that in the event of a foreign invasion, revolution or general uprising i WILL immediately become a camp kapo and betray anyone to ensure my own survival
girls arse period is just diarrhea mate not something to be bragging about
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my ex once told me I was too big for anal.
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Naa they're weird and gritty and the gritty stuff is literally dead wasps.
May we see your cock? Or perhaps a through the pants bulge pic?
very tastey if dried

aquired taste if fresh
>May we se-
*interrupts you*
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not good sign if your gf has an idea of whats to big for anal or not

filthy slag

dodged a bullet there

she probs talin it up arse somewhhere right niw
cute pic genuinely

he was alri in idiot abroad warwick
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Alright guys? Got toil soon. Keep forgetting to take my antidepressants lately which could be affecting my overall mood and sleep.
this is very 11 years ago
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Her bum's gone pooey.
Was surprised to learn that many women are under the assumption that men dab their urethra's with toilet paper after peeing
>Mood: 6
>Energy: 4
>Testicles: 2
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used to do this as a kid
probably why my willy is so messed up
probably dabbed poo on it
Waiting for all 4 of my dating apps to refresh
Stupid /brit/, be more funny!
Japan has fallen.
Being homeless in Japan looks quite nice honestly
Would give a go
Why not
Simple as
the willy is crying out to be wanked but I've already treated him once today
literally can not understand how people can work, I worked for one day and i'm quitting tomorrow, hellish stuff, I wasn't born for this
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taking a nail clipper to the teeth
had a dream the canadian found my email address and sent me a message reminding me to pay my phone bill
>In a text message to her friend she allegedly said “I be stopping right before he dies. Last time he was blue.” Another message reportedly said: “I really wanna kill him but I don’t want to go to jail so. It’s unfortunate. He’s just gonna have to pay for his existence
kill yourself pedophile freak
Give tomorrow another try. Don't quit already.
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>Mom kills her children then brings one with her to police station, Missouri cops say
a rope, a rafter, a footstool
It's peanut butter jelly time
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So, this is Rorke.
surely not the one with the rainbow leash
are nectarines based yet?
>watching bloody champions league highlights (BBC)
>they've only gone and got a tranny pundit

fucking FUMING
need to find a way to make neet income from my smelly bedroom, savings are running incredibly low
mumberg confided in me whilst drunk that post-partum she was borderline mentally ill and considered throwing my little brother out a window
she didn't though

women are insane
sex please
Waiting for toil to begin and the norms are having their boring mundane morning catch up
I tried to warn you
But no one ever listens to me
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I am bradley's udder lack of surprise
ST in da house
approach a tv producer about making a reality show about neets
sell poos to poo enthusiasts
feel like going for a drive but i'm 2 cans deep
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I have never made love to a woman lads
Talk Tuah
had a dream that one of the women at toil made porn of herself and sent it to me, then in the same dream exberg was trying to get back in touch, then also that there was a third unidentified woman trying to chat me up
absolutely unfathomable in reality and woke up quite upset from the whole ordeal
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Now thinking about the Jewish proto-gf that could have been. She could have been my wife, probably. We could have had a nice life together...
Yeah that type of fantasy dream is awful, far worse than a nightmare imo.
I had a dream MI5 agents browse /brit/ and know I watched this video on modified dreams
I didn't enjoy a single part of that dream desu
dreamed about fucking twenty four year olds again
Fucking NONCE holy shit
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go for a drive on the playstation then
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ive got forza horizon 3 on my xbox x
What cause I was wearing PlayStation shirt today?
Gangstalking goons
there you go, 3 is the aussie one isn't it?
feel rubbish today
bit snotty and too fat
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he's just like me...
ummm kitten what the shit?
The theme of my niecestein's birthday was some poop. There are literally a bunch of coloured pictures of poops everywhere.
What a fuck I never noticed this shit.
let me tell you chaps
being awake for sunrise and sunset is so kino

don't have a sleeping pattern where you miss either
it's the reason why youi're depressed
Young children entertainment has some weird noncey satanic obsession with poo these days for some reason
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Like that video of a man shitting on a baby posted not long ago on /brit/
Strange times indeed
incompatible with modern life
brazilian gf soon
I should just kill myself
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where will it end?
... this place was like bagdad with g strings
I should more.
>diversity of people
rorke: eww gross!
>diversity of font types
rorke: *soyjak face*
Fuck no, queen elizabeth herlsef could come back to life and ask me to go there and I wouldn't
Favourite radio station lads?
radio free europe
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The goonverment electronically harassing me and gigglygoonstalkers want me to so fucking badly lol
come here for a minute please >>202455877
integrity 2.0
wearing a bit jumper today to hide my big flabby belly from all of yesterday's bread and cheese
wow a paranoid narcissistic american what a novelty
and what is that captcha meant to say then
Would /shit/ recommend Clarkson's Farm?
you fat bastard
how does one stop shohei ohtani?
radio 6, although they do play an irritatingly high amount of wog music
it's just a badly designed test made to make you overthink
don't worry about it
brushing my teeth
Nay 2 Hanging
fukcing insane how hot the average white south american woman is
just turned it on and they're playing some jamaican shite

I'm actually watching it right now, it's genuinely good
a small amount of it you can tell is staged but it's mostly just an interesting account of how difficult it is to run a farm
are you sure it's not an affirming message
maybe it says north americans, you're 2 hot
kek see what I mean
never used to be like that of course
aint BBC R1 Xtra 100% black music?
what's the need on putting black music on the other channels

Too hot to post in /brit/?
Well I guess that's true...
"America is fucking DOOMED!!!" -British person
It's mad that suburban soccer moms are the most powerful voters on planet earth
These bitches literally decide the fate of the planet

We should stop them before it's too late
it's the BBC, they absolutely cannot go 10 minutes without reminding us all that blacks exist
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If /brit/ formed a band LOL
Americans are subhuman, one of their recent pop culture celebrities is some woman who talked about spitting on dicks and giving blowjobs on camera in the street

Don't know why the fuck you're all obsessed with her but she was on the news and was at ball games and now has contracts with other cancerous people and a podcast

All because she described the sound of spitting on someone's penis

What a sick culture
Chad and Soyjak memes date back unto antiquity
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Former OceanGate operations director David Lochridge, who labeled the experimental submersible Titan unsafe prior to its last, deadly voyage, told Coast Guard investigators on Tuesday about a previous mission in which he clashed with CEO Stockton Rush that ended badly.

Lochridge, who was responsible for the safety of all crew and training pilots, said he was the only qualified submersible pilot within OceanGate. Nevertheless, he recalled, Rush insisted on piloting a 2016 voyage using the Cyclops 1 vessel to the site of the Andrea Doria shipwreck.

He said there were many system failures with Cyclops 1, and he was "phased out" after he embarrassed Rush by telling him that he should not pilot a sub.

Lochridge said Rush took three people in a submersible to the wreck site of the Andrea Doria despite his warning, and wrecked the vessel before Lochridge tried to take the controls from him. Lochridge said Rush refused to turn over the controls until a client aboard shouted at him. He said Rush then threw the controller, described as a PlayStation controller, at his head.
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It was all fake Jewish nonce sense, honest!
It's their Puritanism. They can't handle sex because it's evil so they have to distance themselves with unfunny "humour".

Just look at Americans on 4chan, it's all the same imbecile.
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im glad the ceo died as well in one of these cases of corporate manslaughter, normally they just get off scot free
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Say what you will but I'm looking forward to Jacob Rees-Mogg's appearance on Talk Tuah
doxxable info
Going to be honest with you lads this scottish cunt is really starting to get on my tits.
Mousenonce or yanks
You must choose
Too hot tbf
Shouldn't have worn my leather jacket
alri james dean
fucking hate office chairs theyre made for midgets ffs
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thoughts on the halal english breakfast?
if it's halal it's not english
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Get a larger chair that fits you
had one but i snapped the pivot arsing about on it lol
Or be destroyed
Based fat bastard
got frasier on
You may be interested to know I'm on my way to the train station
want to die
Going to stop drinking til Christmas
Going to stop eating shit til Christmas
Going to stop spending money I don't need to til Christmas

And then I'm going to really enjoy my Christmas
Mousey any day
Continentals be like
>mmmmm i love my maggot filled cheese

Fuck off with that foreign slop ill stick to my English Mature Cheddar.
soppy southerner shite
You can buy continental cheese that doesn't have maggots in
are those aigs in the tomato sauce
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he's been posting cravendale for 8 calendar years
White people be like "if you dont want white bread with faeces rubbed on it, youre literally a brown poojeet curry muncher"
pls come to india and pls have sex with indian women
Ironic that hot women, so valuable, are reliant upon others pursuing them in order to realise that value. Hot women do not pursue men, they allure.
After you were born she was post-fartum (because you're a lump of shit)
but poojeets love shit in their food
You can leave at any time
Incredibly comfy
I'll take a shit and I'll wipe my arse on your beard you fucking refugee
how's it /brit/'n lads?
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can you tell if someone is brahmin/kshatriya/dalit etc from their look alone?

do beautiful lower caste people exist?
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On the train me
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Well good morning
mad how she would be bleaching my genes
Rorke blud... them socks with those creps? nah man's tapped
Stop kicking the back of the seats you nasty little asbo
incredibly hurtful words

it's friday evening
why aren't you out fucking and sucking?
coming to the conclusion I need to lighten up and stop being so negative
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good lad
ah... hello lad
you generally can't tell. it has more to do with last name and/or dialect of language
don't we all
ah, the gaystralians are here
The Tian Mingjian incident was an act of mass murder that occurred in Beijing, China on 20 September 1994. People's Liberation Army officer First Lieutenant Tian Mingjian first killed his officer and several other soldiers at his military base in Tongxian County and afterwards drove towards Jianguomen, where he continued his shooting spree and indiscriminately fired at people in the streets. Seventeen civilians, including an Iranian diplomat and his son, along with up to 11 soldiers and policemen were killed before Tian was finally shot dead by a police or military sniper.

Tian Mingjian (Chinese: 田明建), born 20 September 1964,[1][a] was a first lieutenant stationed at an army base in Tongxian County, a suburb of Beijing. He had been in the military for over ten years, originally as a sharpshooter, and was highly skilled in the military technology field.

It was reported that Tian had a quarrel with his superiors because they had forced his wife to have an abortion when she was pregnant with their second child, in accordance with China's one-child policy. Tian already had a daughter; however, as he came from a rural area in Henan province, where strong traditional values emphasise having a male child, Tian secretly planned on having a son until someone in the army revealed his plan and the birth control officer forced his wife to have an abortion. By then, his wife was already seven months pregnant and died during the operation along with the unborn fetus (later discovered to be a boy).
do people ever caste-mix or is that still taboo?
I caste fireball!
>dialect of language

lmao they all go poopy poopy doopy poo in da loo no matter what
Why are jeetas so thirsty for BWC? The western ones over here are literally voracious and almost predatory for white men
good lad
off to the pub with you ASAP
Sorry mate, racism outside of /b/
Expect a knock at the door!
indo european offspring shall inherit white anglo saxon countries
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good morning lads it friday
we need British threads for British posters
arranged marriages are based on caste. But love marriages don't consider caste anymore. Inter-caste marriage is very common
Weekend starts in 10 hours
what's the nicest part of india
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forget flying cars and hoverboards
THIS is the future we get
Learnt a lot from this article
shall be on the whiskey sours from about 3 onwards
Weekend? oh you mean the 48 hour countdown to toil
no luck catching them Hitler's bollocks then?
Don't know why you would go to all that effort to prepare beans yourself when you can get ready cooked beans in a tin for like 40p
Don't think about toil when I'm not at it
Forget it the moment I leave the office or turn my laptop off
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Anglo sexo
good lad
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https://i9.ytimg.com/vi/YVSnhxRuALs/hq720_custom_3.jpg?sqp=CMCxtLcG-oaymwEcCNAFEJQDSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLD2Uq6jBmyOddOio7cUJ-JtD_DBzA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVSnhxRuALs
My bosy is fally apart
the airport departure lounge as you're about to leave
Eggs beans bacon and waffles covered in honey for breakfast boys
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVSnhxRuALs BRUZ
Coffee and a brisk walk for me
kerala, goa, maharastra, kashmir, pondicherry, northeast india. As developed or clean as southeast asia
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>and waffles covered in honey
you just had to ruin it
you're welcome
don't eat breakfast me
green tea and a niccy pouch for me
anyone wanna do a popin cookin with me ?
wanker wanking away
Emma Watson's toots smell eggy and pooey.
a what
You're missing out lad
bloody hell that looks way too sweet to eat first thing
Proto bf is coming over later
yankified twat
Really wish I'd thrown up last night
Would have felt much better this morning if I had done
don't like waffles, don't have a sweet tooth
I think your teeth are very sweet
can't eat a big breakfast me
just makes me want to sleep
Sam Pelligrino kosher lemon
No breakfast
No lunch
Big tea
>don't have a sweet tooth
good (french)lad
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oh shut it
might have a couple of pints with brekkie
a popin cookin
nothing wrong with it, it's a german breakfast
it's friday
basically weekend
Abortion in China is legal at all stages of pregnancy.

According to the UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph, a quota of 20,000 abortions and sterilizations was set for Huaiji County, Guangdong in one year due to reported disregard of the one-child policy. According to the article local officials were being pressured into purchasing portable ultrasound devices to identify abortion candidates in remote villages. The article also reported that women as far along as 8.5 months pregnant were forced to abort, usually by an injection of saline solution. A 1993 book by social scientist and anti-abortion political activist Steven W. Mosher reported that women in their ninth month of pregnancy, or already in labour, were having their children killed whilst in the birth canal or immediately after birth.
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gf has metamorphisised into the ex-gf
just had a wank to some grim porn now that she's not about
every abortion should come with sterelisation
if you are stupid enough to need an abortion, you shouldn't be able to breed
Jav makes me goon tf out and gets me Grinched out of my fucking mind
I love that little yellow fuck machine Julia so much
sorry to hear lad
(8) my girlfriend's a dick magnet (8)
god isnt real
shame yours is the wrong polarity
Had a dream that I and the Mrs stayed in a castle Air bnb owned by some count and it turned out he was a vampire that could come through the walls and eat you. Woke up as he came through the wall to eat me.
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see you tonight, la
Ah no good, not a fan of those spooky dreams
drinking milk thats 10 days out of date and its still completely fine. those dates are a fucking joke
dates on milk are "best before" not "use by"
yeah depends on a few things
-full fat, light or skim
-temperature of your fridge
bit like your mum then
that's nice hun I drink 11 days expired milk though *blows nails*
self insert movies where the blapeppo wins is their version of the news
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did you know Bash, the most popular and widely used scripting language was created by a Black American?
never heard of it, can't be that popular
about they started pulling their weight
>18-year old I'm messaging
>30 year old me
>42 year old messaging me
Would need a fucking tow truck to pull your weight
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wish you'd groom me instead >~<
the best scripting language on a unix box is lipstick on a pig

embrace lisp
loved it
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i have been going to the gym recently so i'll take that as a compliment x
good for him i guess by the way or whatever you want to hear. keep it up
the word iconic is thrown around far too loosely these days
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been up all night again toby?
so true, what an iconic post, we needed this
shut the fuck up. get a life
all day is just you trying to suck my dick. fuck off pissant
bodied that nonce
lol knew it. fucking freak, go to sleep
qrd on this toby person?
morning melty
toby has just absolutely done you lmfao
ignore them they're not worth it
toby is mousenonce
Literally how does mousetwat never get banned
hm i dont feel he has 2bh
ah... oh
he hotspots his phone to his laptop and doesn't use wifi
he's been banned probably hundreds of times now
mousey left ages ago this is just a tribute
How do you "eat" cancer? Are you Kurt Cobain? The only thing that faggot ate was 20 gauge birdshot.
toby probably has very poor sleep
>feotid environment
>energy drink addiction
>4chan addiction
>fucked in the head
doubt he sleeps for more than a few hours at a time
How does spaedo? Oh wait he does kek
>toby probably has very poor sleep
>>feotid environment
>>energy drink addiction
>>4chan addiction
>>fucked in the head
>doubt he sleeps for more than a few hours at a time
Spaedo projection
he's speed running dementia. hopefully he'll be dead soon :)
never see a good post with a frog picture attached to it do you
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hum, yes you do, they're the best posts
you only live once so try to spend as much time on computer as it is possible
>it's a Bebe episode
yea, it's a good one
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You do when I'm around.

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