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>only 66% actually Belgian. In Brussels and Antwerp you see everyone except Belgians
>highest taxes in the observable universe
>7 months of grey weather
>1/3 of the country is on life support
>everything feels cramped and overpopulated

Can your country top this? I think not

The Netherlands are only slightly better
yeah Belgium is a shitskin central
Makes sense it is the HQ of the EU
walked for a bit through Charleroi last week during a layover and despite the city looking like shit I was surprised at how few darkies I saw on the street
it was VERY white
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>highest taxes in the observable universe
>Can your country top this? I think not
Uhmm no honey Finland has the highest taxes
Why would you ever go to Charleroi lol

Every other place in Belgium is better. Still awful, but better
had a short layover on that airport
Why can't you let me in then motherfucker? I'm a well behaved person with 11 years experience as a fine dining chef de partie at a 5 star casino resort in Las Vegas who will work, pay taxes, and not be a fucking nuisance but instead you will only take in filthy brown people and Africans who contribute nothing.
You’re too white for this country, sorry

Not but really, why would you move to Belgium from the USA? Everything’s more cramped here, we have far less sun

Brown pypo I guess you’re used to
I'm already a freakish outsider in my own country, at least it would be more justifiable on another continent and I could live a satisfying life daytripping in my free time to historic sites across Europe.
You forgot the worst part, which is that Belgium isn't even a real country
>everything feels cramped and overpopulated
Do belgians get claustrophobic in their micro nation? If you take the wrong exit on the freeway, you'll end up in a different country
why do you wanna leave
I read the novel Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald and it made me realize I've missed my calling by not being an architectural autist
I also don't give a goddamn if it's cramped as long as I have enough room for an upright piano and a bed I'm more than fine. My apartment is probably triple the size of an average Euro's and all it contains is fucking nothing.
>cherrypicking one of the poorest neighbourhoods as OP
This is highly misleading because it's just the top bracket. It doesn't look at the other brackets and the tax free income which differs per country. Belgians also get other benefits like cheap comany cars and meal checques.
>only 66% actually Belgian. In Brussels and Antwerp you see everyone except Belgians
they are belgians wether you like it or not, insufferable racist incel
That’s low key one of the better parts, you can experience France, the Netherlands, Germany by taking a 30 minute train
Your employer can just get you a work permit I think.
No MGM only cares about NA and China. My only option would be to immigrate illegally and Europe doesn't seem as accommodating to that as the US
>Belgium has to be the worst country on earth
Come to Great Shitain for 5 minutes and then apologise for saying this about Belgium
I mean your future employer in Belgium.
Europe is an overpopulated dying shithole. I would kill to live in america instead
Lmao you have no clue hiw good you have it.
Britain is much better than anywhere in mainland western poorope especially franceshit and lelgium
>first world country
>worst on earth
nigga go outside of europe for a change
Isn't it a pain the ass for visas though? Here most worker visas are for doctors and techfags. Doesn't feel like
>Eh can cook fish really well
Would qualify me>>202460127
Because ameroca, canada, australia, nz and the uk have an actual visa process that filters people.
Shitrope lets anyone in. Visas are barely a thing here
it's actually way harder to get european visa than american visa, america even has the diveristy visa program
most migrants in europe are illegal or refugees
if you say the magic words "i declare asylum" you must be protected for atleast 6 months and your application processed, the catch is it only works if you are already in europe
they usually land in malta or italy because of that
Kek no americans visas are impossible to get if youre white
Mon frere, the leader of our last three presidential elections has been a man who was the laughing stock of the fucking Howard Stern show AND processional wrestling. If there's no hope for France there's even less for America.
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The whole of western europe has no future maatje. Central europe is still doable and eastern europe is still decent. Get out
Just start the process bro, get a job and have your employer's immigration lawyer help you out. Or simply get your own immigration lawyer. If you do nothing nothing happens.
>>everything feels cramped and overpopulated
>The Netherlands are only slightly better

Here's what I can infer from your post:
you live in a city as a beginning of career negative value male without a driver's license that doesn't do any sports and all of the above clearly is the immigrant's fault
central europe is a made up word, thats just eastern europe

living in UNBEARABLE in this shithole
What's the strategy look like dutchbro? Do I just overstay a tourist visa and try to find a hotel or whatever that's willing to overlook my immigration status?
>you can experience France, the Netherlands, Germany by taking a 30 minute train
Even Belgians don't acknowledge the existence of Luxembourg lel
You literally live in the tutorial countries, my dump is zero hope.
not at all, if anything you will have an easier time getting accepted by a company and getting the visa done
you probably just want to walk in and get free residency or something
Belgians live here >>202461038 and complain about earning 5k net as low level office clerks in Luxembourg before retiring with 0% capital gains tax as 40 year old millionaires
The reason? Belgian cities are crowded, this only applies to Belgium by the way.
if chud doesnt walk in and get the senior position immediately, he'll cry white genocide and blame brown people
there is nothing to do there and no one earns 5k after taxes in a low level office job, plus you'll be taxed on the capital gains just in a different way
At the bottom here. You've already done step 1, as you know you want to work in Belgium. Step 2 is looking for available jobs.


Good luck!
Your countries are almost perfect, how the hell are you depressed? Oh and no no no people here are not happy either depression skyrocketed here.
Anything beyond earning 400k as remote software developer that doesn't actually do any work (instead only makes tiktok videos about drinking coffee during work time) while living in a literal multi square kilometer mansion in untouched nature (hospitals, supermarkets, kindergartens, schools and online shopping delivery are all perfectly available though) where there are lots of things to do as well... just doesn't cut it and is proof that Belgium is the worst country.
Belgium is basically just a smaller version of Britain.
here is the thing, Belgium is actually not ugly when it's sunny... it's just that the sky is dirt grey 3/4 of the year
i think Britain is part of the club tbf
t. lived in Birmingham for 6month
yes this overcast autumn is hell





Belgium has basically the same climate as Germany so I know what it's like. It simply isn't as bad as you say
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It would be awful to drink a coffee with this belgian gf while it's not even sunny outside
Thats litteraly the case though. I am stuck in shitrope
France is an overpopulated third world african shithole dictatorship without culture history or beauty you have no idea how good you have it
Hell no, its much better than shit shithole
t. Lived in scotland for 3 months
genuinely, touch some grass
I just realized what's the problem here.
You're genuinely low IQ. The French flag as well.
I travel abit through western countries, but not all of them. While belgium is certainly not the worst country on earth, it is probably the worst country in western europe. There are many worse countries in EE and elsewhere. Brussels felt dirty, there were alot of trash bags left outside of houses. Many immigrants too. The architecture of the city was otherwise quite pretty, so its mostly an internal mismanagement issue i think, which could be fixed.
>there were alot of trash bags left outside of houses
because they pick them up the next day
I see how belgiums a shithole but u don’t see how other western euro countries are any better

Everyone has hordes of third worlders in major cities. The garbage garbage collection is a big issue of Wallonia + Brussels, but it’s no better in France or Italy
Wallonia is a small UK

Brussels is a small Paris/London

Flanders is better, it’s around Netherlands tier

(you will never be Gordon Ramsay)
Central Europe is such a meme dude. It’s just Europe with uglier cities and worse salaries

>but no brown pypo!
Read any recent thread about Poland, they’re all about Indians and their shanenigans
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Belgium is actually the sigma male amongst the western countries

>wealthy population
>S-tier architecture
>French influence, so our food isn’t as worthless as the Dutch
>younger demographics than most developed countries
>housing market isn’t as fucked as everywhere else

People complain about the immigrants and the taxes, and rightfully so, but it isn’t a Belgium issue, it’s a Western Europe
Is this nigga forreal?
Genuinly go outside you are delusional
Go back mehmet
Fr*nce is far worse in every aspect, its a genuine third world shithole.

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