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gyaldem edish
>i dont miss dating
>i do miss casual shagging
good post
"""" dating """"" is dire

best casual shags:
>girl down the corridor at halls
>drunk slag at the bar that you chatted up a bit at pres
>the girl from work at the christmas party (you've already handed in your notice and not told anyone)
horses are better boyfriends than black people also she fucks dogs
hate when women dye their hair
the natural color always looks better because it fits with the color scheme of the rest of your body, not to mention it’s authentic
why are you telling them at all
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this is your father, toby. go to bed immediately!
Meaningless drivel. Meaningless drivel.
been saying this down the pub (the pub being a few recent /brit/s)
couldnt agree more. bring an end to this terrible, destructive practice
women are putting toxic chemicals on their head, barbaric practice
grown ass man telling another grown man to go to bed (at 11AM)
any actual first date advice
and fuck off if you have a clever quip you’re not original mate, get a clue
alex phillips sex arse
i actually havent been asleep and its 11am

fuck my gay porn life
Eating partially dried apricots in the vain hopes of doing a poo
grab a coffee or something casual dont go full in for a quote unquote date with dinner and drinks and spending 100 bucks
horse fact
horses have big buttiful eyes
Couldn't care less about you incel takes.
sometimes they ask innit
obviously don't blurt out I'm a degenerate unprompted
humans not being able to go asleep at will is evolutions biggest fuck up
I've an actual Library of Alexandria at my fingertips yet all I choose to do with it is watch porn and shitpost on /brit/
>actual first date advice
bring out the clever quips
lmao even
Just get some caffeine in you
hate when there’s a song in which 30 seconds of it is god tier and the rest utter trash
ate my beef ravioli
make it incredibly low stakes
coffee, a pint, or just a walk in the park
ignore that other lad don't do a day time date get casual drink at a decent bar/pub
keep it light and flirty and after 2-3 drinks ask if she wants to come over
Strauss II looked younger than Brahms even though he was eight years older because he used black hair dye.
keeping a trim figure also helped.
if there’s a god why are you home alone every friday night
If she's white just go for a walk in the park with your dog.
you'll be able to use ai to generate the banger 30 secs into a full song that matches its energy
rolling for Djibouti slag
how does one entail the other
dont let her near dogs. thats because... well... you know
really not looking forward to my next poo
it will be very dry and hard to pass because i'm very dehydrated
woke up 2 hours ago
want to go to sleep again lol
sends me doolally mate
do you shag nipponese women
a clue. get it gotten.
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I did last time I was in Japan but haven't been trying this time
Asian women are the least attractive to me
tell her you'll be meeting in a strip club so she knows straight off the bat what you want and expect
walked up to the neighbours dog and when it came up to sniff me i turned my back on it from the torso down. it looked like i was letting it sniff my arse because it mightve bitten my cock off you never know and i feel (im an empath) it looekd wrong and creeped them out
reckon this is breaking a few rules

ahhh whatever
nowt to do today might drive to portlaoise and back
You can go to sleep at will if you're decently active and haven't taken lots of drugs
If you've sat still for the past 15 hours drinking coffee or staring at a screen you shouldn't expect to sleep well
need a good game to play
Dungeon Keeper
if u not grinding deadlock for the international 2025 idk what to say
you're there temporarily then?
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reroll x
might get eafc25
pretty grim without russian women
Real life
baffling post
the truth chuds refuse to accept is that they’re right, lgbt behaviour is the result of bad parenting. but not the kind of bad parenting they’re thinking of, ie being liberal and accepting, but rather the bad parenting that involves chuddiness and expectations of hypermasculinity that cause the child to rebel and become gay. being a chud increases the chance your children will be gay drastically. that’s the trvke of the day
question for brits, how do you feel about the class system in the UK?

Cities, schools, even supermarkets are segregated by class, never seen anything like it in other countries I've lived in.
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>Volunteers dying as Russia’s war dead tops 70,000
yeah on holiday
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>if u not grinding deadlock for the international 2025 idk what to say
my balls smell like vinegar
city folk have never seen after they give it the nice food their dog go outside after a bit to go do a shit and then eat its own shit or a cows dried up shit
dontell harry
Oh look its athletesimp who definitely isn't also Spainmong (who is well known for spamming his /sp/ gimmicks here at random times)
>how do you feel about the class system in the UK?
1066 norman shit
we must restore SAXON LIBERTY
shut up 190
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definitely uses her husband's bollocks for target practice
just remembered that Anthony Joshua fight is on tomorrow night

I will definitely forget again so someone please remind me tomorrow evening thanks
Yeah? No private schools in Italy?
No rich towns?
Fuck off.
i need to move to Alabama or Tennessee
im a simp for med women
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Ivorians look like THAT?
he’s right doe, classism in britain is insane and the worst of any country I’ve been too. ironically muttistan has much more economic inequality but it doesn’t affect social dynamics nearly as much
shes pretty mid
coming from italy that literally has a line drawn across the country lmfao shtu the fuck up pedro
can you do the same thing as the process to make di or tri methylamine (or ethyl) to do that with just one methyl from methylene
Yeh just dont look at Ukraine's real figures if youre a ukraine supporter you might go into cardiac arrest
Private schools are mostly to make up after being held back a year
>ITT brits not realising that not every country is as obviously fucked as the UK

You can tell someone's class just based off their accent in the UK, you don't get that here
you know what let me take a step back - what do you mean by this
grinding to be a pro gamer?
it's very difficult to get into
to make methamine
which actually i think is the part of the song which is the camp fire lighters
and then you add cough syrup processed with the phenyll group. that using horse stable cleaner and phosphoric acid
>Private schools are mostly to make up after being held back a year
which only rich people can afford. think before you type
>class just based off their accent
>you don't get that here
lying again or you are just a sheltered little lombardino
Give some real examples of the difference between here and all of the places you've lived in
The UK's line is worse
Class system is dead, we’re moving to the Chinese system of ‘the party and the people’.
Labour will probably remove the final hereditary peers from the House of Lords and make way for more life peers (party loyalists) to take the places of the outgoing aristocrats.
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What's the end goal here? The idea of starting a project with your bros in high school and that thing being your income source at age 40 is insane to me. Is Mega64 still good or is the project's continued existence one massive cope?
I don't think it is, actually
Abe Lincholn made a lot of money when he banned moonshining when he did that
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wish mariya was on it


yeah I'm not adam
get on it lad 6 person teams so loads of players will be there even in the top 32 teams 32x6
get on it lad
get the grind on
the dota2 pros still on dota2
the csgo pros sitll on csgo
get on it lad you gona make it
deadlock 2025 let's go
go to sleep you fucking freak
>You can tell someone's class just based off their accent in the UK, you don't get that here
Hello larper
see I find it hard to believe people on 6 figures shop at povertymart
why are other countries so fascinated by class
i dont think "class" has affected my daily life in years, or even crossed my mind,
perhaps a result of living the the cultural hotpot shithole that is London but still

does anyone actually think class is somehow still relevant? how so?
jfs need not reply
In Italy accent and class are not correlated
put iodine in the drinking water desu
what number can't find her
you have convinced me, i'm gonna do it
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nowhere near as expensive proportionally
write a paragraph in italian explaining how the guy from milan would not pick up on and discriminate against the terrone for his accent so we can judge whether or not you are a larper
Source: British intelligence services which have been pumping out fakes since 2022
except region and class are and region and accent are
let's not pretend people think a Neapolitan accent isn't considered low class
untrue. the more regional your accent, the more you are associated with being poor/uncultured.
you're just lying now my nigga
I'm sick and I'm not talking about my choice of wanking material. literally have a sniffles. practically cumming out my nose
good lad good lad get on it
get the fooking grind on lad let's GOOOO
buying ranitidine and heating it up
it’s difficult to put your finger on it because Brits are so passive aggressive, but in general the accent thing is real, and also the idea that your class is something immutable and can’t be changed regardless of how much money you have is a very British concept. for example in Australia or America if you’re born poor but make a fuck ton of money you’re now rich, but in shitain it doesn’t matter how much money you have if you sound like you’re from some town in north England, you’ll always be considered an outsider in upper class social groups.
Focking HATE people who don’t put prices on their website and make you call them to find out
be yourself
Please listen to Gaburger by Gezebelle Gaburgably. Great friday night album.
buying ranitidine and mixing it with toothpaste and ascorbic acid
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haha incredible back pedal mate. so you admit you in fact do have private schools and in fact they are limited to people with the means to afford them.
jog on you dishonest prick
I mog every one of them and yet I am a virgin
i only think about it when watching tv
"this program is clearly for bennies claimers"
"this program is clearly for the cosmopolitan middle class"
"this QT audience has clearly been carefully curated to contain a mix of people of all possible backgrounds"
The ukraine has suffered close to a million causalities, at least 10 times that of Russia
mixing the powder from matchsticks into a box of soil at pH 4 and leaving it in the sun (under water) if russia ever invades
>it’s difficult to put your finger on it
Not a massive issue then
I love you mum but you’re kinda being a bitch today sorry
italy doesn't have classes because the entire country is so poor that there was never a large enough contingent of wealthy people to form a culture of their own lol,
there's just the megarich and the rest
going around stealing car batteries if Russia ever invades
Exploding skull caps
>it’s difficult to put your finger on it
yeah cos it's not real, nice one thanks for playing
bog stinks
>classism in britain is insane and the worst of any country I’ve been too
>it’s difficult to put your finger on it
are you aware of how unironically stupid you're seeming?
London's a weird one because you have tarqs living a mile away from illegals who are living 8 to a 2 bed flat
>but in general the accent thing is real
Real everywhere.
Old rich / New rich is real in America and Australia too. You're poor so you have no fucking clue.
There is discrimination against regional accents, of course.

What am I supposed to be larping as? Italian or British?

Certo che esiste la discriminazione contro i terroni io can, ma in inghilterra se non vai alle scuole giuste non sei nessuno. In Italia non sei nessuno a prescindere
going around stealing car batteries, harvesting algae from the sewers
wiring the car battery up to them and harvesting from this hydrogen+ generator energy to give to the algae. sealing all of my windows and doors for longer than 24 hours and feeding it my CO2
eating it
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Hi, I also lick the boots clean of all of my wealthy superiors. How can you tell?
you can just leave now fella. save yourself any further embarrassment
retard, just because something is difficult to precisely articulate doesn’t mean it’s not real.
>real everywhere
not to nearly the same degree
>old/new money is real in America and Australia too
not to nearly the same degree

you’re delusional and are projecting your poverty onto me
what's his problem
doesn't cost a year's salary per term, unlike Figgletown's Boys' Comprehensive School for Underachievers
would floor that soft hand nigger in one punch
I am done
I am so done
>not to nearly the same degree
Explain then.
Severe undiagnosed mental illness. Never been to NYC?
he's a nigger
Dating is grim but for me I just miss having someone I can go and do things with.
'real' is a bit different to your description of 'insane' and the worst you've experienced
if its so insane and massive then you'd be able to give a single example of it. which you haven't.
Britain definitely is a more class stratified society than most but it definitely also exists in Italy and Australia
You actually wouldn’t though he’s got crack head strength he’d put you on your arse then stab you with a box cutter
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yes, pretty much. That's why class differences are less pronounced here
nearly did a gay porn dance but I gave myself a stern look in the eye in the closet door mirror
sexual emergency averted
Upper class: Land owners, will have served in the military, may have European relatives
they made graphene with cows milk (and also blood)
I just found an absolute bomb of a recipe for lasagna
>if you dont go to the right school you're a nobody
just get the fuck out or at least lurk more man you are embarrassing
now you're just resorting to absurdities. which means you don't have an argument.
i accept your concession.
bye Giovanni
united states law post
starved of human touch
right to bear arms (except for those who couldnt do it)
shall not be infringed post
don’t have time to write you an essay to explain something we both know is true but the simple fact is that self-made wealthy people in America, if anything, are regarded much more highly than people who were born into it, both by the general population and by other rich people, and in Britain it’s the opposite, they’re viewed as petty povvo strivers who will NEVER be posh no matter how hard they try
meant for >>202462051
yea i'm not cityboy
lucky I am anglo-norman ruling class
Again, you have no fucking clue because you are poor. I accept your concession.
Haven't wanked in a week and a half. My prostate is so full that I feel I need to poo all the time
off to the shop for some bevvies and vapes
drinking and suckling to commence on return
remember that time ANTIFA shot fireworks at the police?
thats a crime - in fact, the same as explosives
Give it a good rub
italy bros post is the the lower and middle classes have been so compressed by their failing economy that there is no longer any distinction
which is of course a complete failure to understand what class is. He thinks it is just net worth. rookie mistake
been wanking like a freak here
did some diabolical sexting with a girl in London
up to 6 days me. wake up rock hard and it won't go away for an hour. been on the noporn too. my consciousness has ascended to another level, I am better than you all
not talking about harming the police/government, or anybody, or giving anyone the means (they could go and get themselves if the internet was up!) the means to do so. this is if the bombs hit
which, really, everyone should be prepared to do if we get invaded
Last time I did that my bollocks fucking killed afterwards, and then on my next wank there was blood in my cum.
you’re either tarquin defending the indefensible or bazzer from nowhere upon shithole bootlicking and in either case you’re pathetic and not worth replying to anymore
i accept your concession
99% of British Prime Minister's went to one of 4 schools. The entire country is designed around keeping the network of Eton elite in power.
This is less stark in Italy and more insidious.
you gave yourself blue balls
had a wank before work and also a mid morning one whilst on the clock
probably have another this evening when I’m good and drunk, don’t know how the Willard continues at this pace despite already having been through 17 years of wanking
Anyone else have a dead libido some weeks and then others can have multiple wanks a day? Don't understand it.
rememer that time a guy had a literal cannon, and he pointed it at the neighbours? i think the federal police got involved in that
not wonked for a week but i haven't had any hard ons
id be willing to bet money all of italy's leaders for the last 50 years have come from wealthy families
I'm privately educated but ended up a full-time NEET
dem rangz. a powa

an dem black mesa wukangz
ignore the gimps pretending that classism in the UK isn't as insane as it is.
It is in fact much worse here than anywhere I've ever been.
manager said shes booking us a hotel room together to save money, am i going to get raped by a 45 year old woman?
you don't think there's a political class in italy?
one of the most bureaucratic hellish states in the western world?
oh my fuckin days
Money corrupts, power corrupts
there should be a STEM degree for explosives
get IN lad
please identify a single post arguing it isnt insane here
I've been off the booze a few weeks too which helps
Asking /brit/ to be honest about class is a fools errand they're all embarrassed tarqs. We had an actual lord posting here years ago.
Cor give her a good rodgering mate
Our current PM Meloni is from a poor background you clown. Stop projecting your country's issues onto mine.
Literally unable to understand not every country is like the UK
there is, it’s called chemical engineering
>serve one year in italy's parliament
>get a comfy pension for life higher than the median wage
yeah certainly not any sort of class dynamics going on here, move along
reckon it's the weather did 3 wanks a day at the height of summer but don't feel the urge now
Oh look, Toby breaking the U.S. law, again.
You're a gay lord and you still post here
the UK (people) would survive a nuke
no, you're about to be blamed for a raping
You have been done
Thanks, that's how it feels to me to.
nah chemical engineering is just gimp work
there are explosives expert degrees
foreigners trying to understand the uk class system
never happens
could sooner teach aquinas to an abo than get him to understand the british class system
I support worker's rights
ok thats 1.
i can also list 1 british PM from a poor background
I had two wanks yesterday which is unusual for me, but the previous week I barely had any. Maybe there's a storm coming.
claymores are legal if you are there to push the button
they have to live in denial because confronting it would be communist or whatever
i'm honestly amazed by the reacion. I guess they live in denial
John Major?
no thats just asking for an example (which you were unable to provide despite your insistence lol)
Australian women are bottom of the barrel personality wise
i would go fight for America if Russia invaded it
brit posters are the bottom of the barrel personality (and looks) wise
>worker is rights
yeah, Italy is a screwed up country as well. Doesn't mean the UK isn't just as fucked if not more so
middle class mongs love to pretend that they never had a leg up in life because then they don't feel as bad when they end up being failures
misery wishes it had company
US is already being invaded by every turd world country via the southern border
not me I'm charming and handsome
not my problem
had a similar situation myself when younger and did end up spunking in the girl I was sharing a room with so you should be well in lad
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that wasn't your claim or anyone elses. you're really fucking stupid mate
implying i'm not a wealthy brit who lives in Chiantishire
who is this
Making explosive poo sausages
hi 'go
deegz how do you not know who that is? they've been posted here for years
this must be how it is.
she doesnt look japanese
dont care about celebrities
click, click, poo
no im saying hi to you
you're 'go
Just found out you can't write "admin" in a thread subject.
government should give out free potassium-iodine tablets to everyone onetime
hows feebs doing??
>click, click, poo
oh hi
might open my delicious box of treats
dont understand this post
just report and ignore extremely low quality posts
actually i think that has something in it, in a related drug or something. that from the FDA
im gonna upload it and crosspost
why do people keep saying 'sweet treat'
if you acknowledge it then you might start thinking about how to change it. dangerous
It is, I frequented brit for a long time and I can tell you this place has had more than its fair share of lads who had rich parents and were privately educated yet amounted to nothing, they're obviously deeply embarrassed by it and try and play down the classism
never tell me what to do
*places a stool in front of you*
*gets on and drops trousers*
*punches hair naked arse into face*
early new
millenial tiktok
no you aren't
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so many benefit dossers on youtube showing how much of a joke the system is. they should scrap the lot
Just read every post in this thread word for word, and there's not a single thing worth replying to.
rereading this, I realise I might have dyslexia. awful grammar and lots of missed words.
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seasideMARK unbxong PS5, LG XBOOM speaker its lush
keep toiling toilfreaks
/brit/ not /advert/
Hey! What's your problem man what did I do to you
they got mennal elf they need full PIP lad
This is not an advert LG and Sony want no association or endorsement from that cunt
must be that. For context, there's literally no word for posh in Italian. Wondered what it was like spending your whole life such an inequal society, didn't expect so much denialism
had a yogurt. not had breakfast yet. ate too much last night. not had a ciggie since 10pm last night either. better start my day.
it's an advert for a youtube channel that has fuck all reason to be here
clicks are monetised
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They're gonna lose
funny that the only people that deny it are those that benefit from it
get every single drop of oil stopped right this second and get every white, brown, yellow or black refugee given a 3-bed brick and mortar home in central london for free
feeling very depressed, just entirely numb to everything its not very fun like drinking beer is
why are the japs so fucking litigious?
good. Ninendo / The Pokemon Company / GameFreak need taught a lesson

the pokemon games are shite and have been shite for many years. Too long they have rested on their laurels. Get the finger out, make a good game.
just filled my toilet pot with broon goo
bad news is time flies
good news is you're the pilot
wish the twitchfu would just get her rat out on onlyfans
bought 3 treadmills and they all broke within 6 months
I'm giving up on home gym life
Fuck off
beer depresses me. it tastes unpleasant. makes me gassy going in and out. makes my urine smell awful. gives me bad hangovers. nope, i dont like beer.
No You Fuck OFF
yeah been thinking about not
did you lube them up properly?
New thread
home gyms are a meme. just run outside
the most retarded piece of kit, just go for a run outside
get some weights or something

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