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Sweden edition
poo smells lmao
its 12:17 !!
time to go clean up after a cigarette
set to be a grim thread
swedish sex
good psot
not eaten yet today literally WASTING away
Got a mate who spent over 2 grand on one, used it for a few weeks and then stopped and now it's collecting dust. Home gyms are absolutely not worth the money.
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british tummies subedition
yet another swedish win
get them wanked
built 4...
and Canadian boitummies
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nth for the baddiedem
picture loads not
no toby
>that table

very grim
would love to see her do a poo
Reckon the Chinese have been putting tiny explosives in the electrical stuff they send here
face giving the 4/10 caravan club vibes
body giving the 8/10 dua lip vibes
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What went wrong lads?
Woke mob
tel aviv... bathed in nuclear fire.... mmmm fuck i'm almost there mffghghh
righ tis way fifter hto
But I was using mine every day and it broke and they sent another one and that broke and I sent it back and bought a different version and that broke. I lost 15kg. It was working I used for 10,000 steps and also jogging. I don't want to walk/jog around my crack addict shithole town it's too depressing.
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What happened to her arm?
picture loading not
Grim how great people are always born from greatness, their own parents. My parents are good but they are working class, working in dull working class jobs and doing the same thing in life since they first started to work. I wish I had more guidance and better role models. It would have been pivotal in my development. I never had a chance. The best I can ever hope for even if I put in all of the work will result in almost fuck all. I hate being the first in my family to have to figure things out like this. I often wonder how different my life would be if I had role models growing up and parents who some how secured middle class careers with a positive approach to education and personal development.
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Was listening to the radio yesterday
they say there's been an uptick in abuse of customer service staff
especially by the over 40s
says since pandemic lockdowns common courtesy is in the bin
one woman said her teenage children that work in a coffee shop are treated very poorly
they are seen as stupid uni rejects
also there's a new trend of people ordering them to "get me a flat white" instead of ordering politely
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still feeling the endorphins of my morning poo x

tucked behind her
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Not reading those literal novellas
living with a woman and smelling their poos and farts put me off anal sex for good
alternate world whre f1nn was really a woman
What pain is Mark going through?
guys its 12:27
clean up for a few minutes!
The more I think about it, we were right to go with Ground Floor over First Floor
my cousin had a family friend mentor that sorted him out, I wonder if I never moved away from my childhood home, maybe I could've sorted things out in time
Walkie-talkie batteries were laced with highly explosive compound PETN
>catberg in the middle of the night
on meth
>catberg during the day
sleeping at my feet and hisses when I play sound from my computer without using my headphones

how do I discipline her lads?
What do you expect when society abandons a religion which, rightly or wrongly, provided a foundation for a system of morality and virtue, and don't replace it with anything.
Once got my rodger shitted when I put it in a womans ass
I pulled it out and immediately there was shit smell in the room and my rodger looked like Arnold hiding from the predator with the mud
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Robots to catch the fish to feed the people who won't be able to live because they don't have jobs because of the robots that catch the fish
we don't call it that
A cock up the arse ought to do it
seems like you'd know if your arse was filled with that much poo. odd to agree to anal given that
Just spotted some beastiality
Off toil for 10 days. Get in
at risk of sounding like a gigantic mong, I’ve recently started listening to classical music all the time. it’s much more relaxing and peaceful, makes you realise how much modern music winds you up and turns you to an angsty freak
fucking cold today. was glorious sunshine all week when i was working and now its shit.
if you want to make it sound dystopian it shouldn't involve infinite free time and nourishment
sex sex
strange time of year for 10 days off
this is the only place where I can talk to other people though
How so?
are those animated spiderman spiderverse films worth watching
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dua lipa's got no arse
People who write of classical music because 'it's old' are basically not worth knowing.
Currently listening to Respighi's Fountains of Rome conducted by Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Also going to see the Brighton Philharmonic perform Stravinsky's Rite of Spring soon.
summers over
christmas next on the agenda
why waste A/L now?
I'm going on holiday
capeshit is not worth watching
animated or live action
>if you perform a morality play now then it's not old
utter spastic you
do you ever have anything positive to say or has your life just devolved into constantly being an angsty little impotent middle aged virgin freak
why is diego so obnoxious?
i call out retards
that is a positive
nah too woke
he's an old bitter incel
this lass is easily the fittess one; body like a fertility godess

wish you'd post her more often, as I keep saying
never had sex
angry bitter virgin. he's like that picture of a horrible twisted person thinking bad thoughts in the Twits
see i would have agreed with you when i posted on /tv/ but now i've sort of moved on from that mindset there must be some good capeshit. the dark knight is good and i liked watchmen
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>People who write of classical music because 'it's old' are basically not worth knowing.
>Currently listening to Respighi's Fountains of Rome conducted by Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

>Also going to see the Brighton Philharmonic perform Stravinsky's Rite of Spring soon
What are you on about you bellend
got a big ugly spot on my face. im not a bloody teenager anymore. this shouldnt be happening
supposedly classical music isn't "old" because people still perform it nowerdays
yes that's how utterly retarded some brit posters are
Yeah they're both excellent. An insane amount of work went into making them, animation-wise.

I actually regret not seeing the 2nd one in the cinema, that's how good it is. Get them downloaded and watched, fella.
having a spray on the toilet bowl
painting my modern take on Picasso as it were
You're literally a mentally ill autogynophile on a cocktail of psychotic drugs who works in a supermarket for 9 hours a week and spends the rest of it in here
club classics
you can tell the impressionist composers discovered something special.
nothing before Daphnis et Chloe or Arabesque No 1 had ever sounded like that.
must have felt wondrous hearing that stuff for the first time in the 1890s
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Sounds like an argument you've made up in your own head mate, very odd behaviour
shut that cunt down
And you're literally fuming
are you blind it's what the person who i replied to said
get me wanked
get me shagged
>Jamal Blackman
>is a black man
who writes this shit?
>spotted blood in poo
It's over
ive just been told its woke and i seem to recall spiderman might be a nigger in it but i will watch the first one this evening regardless because of this post
she shouldnt keep that up
women are so fucked. like on your back - AND THEN push really hard upwards with heavy weights
>striped blood in poo
It's over
Could be an anal fissure
crazy they actually managed to turn Spiderman into a story of a black guy getting a white girl.
Art Music Tier

Nationalist > Romantic > Baroque > Classical > Jazz > Modern
had blood in my snot just now and I've not sniffed any drugs in a long time

someone is coming for /brit/posters lad it's over for us

*dissolves into goo*
what could possibly have caused you to think about him? i didnt think about him for 10 years while he was at chelsea
I put 'it's old' in quotation marks because it's something other people say, not to imply the music isn't actually old, and then you latched onto that as the basis for your entire seethe, you absolute spastic, have a cold glass of water ffs
he's black and puerto rican, but the puerto rican part is never brought up and is so forgotten that when they put his apartment in the videogame, they accidentaly put the cuban flag on the wall instead of the puerto rican one.
gf is gone and I don’t feel a thing
I suppose that says it all really

repressed catty gay bottom hence his obsession with christianity (at odds with his gay urges) which frustrates him and makes him lash out
I'll be the first to slag off woke shite but these films are absolutely worth watching lad.

Like leagues beyond live-action CGI marvelslop shite.
Reggie White was a black too
Nobody even remembers the first movie because of the second one
you've beeen done you absolute spastic
what does you listening to music performed today have to do with when it was made you utter spastic
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so many gyal to post amogst the gyal x baddiedem
absurd people
He just got done for noncing
>jimmy saville
>savages the ill without wearing a jimmy
don't bother reasoning with him mate
he doesn't have the humility ever to accept that he misunderstood, so he'll argue until hell freezes over
The only thing you've ever done is a sloppy poo in your y fronts you freak
fuck my arsehole is stretched
least schizophrenic brit poster
keep an eye on it, sometimesit can be a fissure or from swelling due to sitting on your arse all day
know all about anal don't you mate
this video
came up on my youtube
he was the only player id never heard of, among a team stacked with world class players
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Wish my gf was brave enough to go into swinging
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Not really
Weird because the French usually hate using loan words and would rather come up with a new French word instead. They even have a semi-governmental body to oversee this.
she scared of going too high and too fast?
just got cancelled
the world is too interconnected
we need to go back to not talking to other countries at all
all foreign media and technology should be banned immediately
sent that cunt round the world
why are you looking in my underwear you homo
there's a 'blackman' that played full back for slovan bratislava the other night
Is brit team Noel or team Liam
yeah fair enough
Steve Blackman
Polish heroin

wth didn't know he's big on tiktok, dude has topped 2 platforms
anus still shook from that shit
I just remember him from the very early years of youtube in like 2009
Kind of mental how he pulled off a comeback through YouTube shorts
Your mum topped 2 platforms last night mate
all diego aren't we
why/how am I getting a (you) from this?
chinese spyware
do not click
on the blessedday
Alright Mousey? How are you today mate?
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whats happenin forum
how the fuck did you think that post was made by toby?
what does polishing it do?
new woman at toil introduced herself with a male name and he/him pronouns when she's clearly just a woman with short hair and everybody kind of just groaned and didn't say anything
new jamie xx album out today

going to give it a listen

liked his last album released 10 years ago
Did you watch Communitychannel?
polishes it
top yourself 190
girl keeps messaging me after a bit of a goon sesh together yesterday but I just feel too tired and have no interest in even replying today, feel guilty about it but not sure how to go about it
Call him 'mate', pisses them off
makes your arms and dick fall off
Who is 190?
gen z man and a pussy
it's mid af
blog on
yeah, love system of a down but listening to them makes me proper angry all the time
what does a goon sesh entail? Fingering and wanking?
>gen z man and a pussy
diego is so brat
>10 years ago
that simply cannot be true
fuckin screaming
serves cunt on the daily
yeah pretty much
it's what zoomoids call edging, basically a long drawn out wank
post more
he's such a qween
ah the good old days before blatant russophobia killed the club
crazy how he started talking about "Parasocial" and then all YouTubers started saying it
got my hands oiled up and ready to wank migrants
just need Starmer to say the word
I really miss the way the internet was in the late 2000s
Internet peaked in 2006-2010
video ads were not really a thing on the internet yet, normies didnt use it other than for facebook or school work.
Gaming was actually good
Gonald Grumpf
cope harder buddy boyo
just LDAR lol
time to go ER!
>some people are poor
>some people are not poor
is this classism???
we should address this inequality immediately
I hate these new woke terms like astroturfing and gaslighting what the hell do they even mean?
i don't get it. why is france so depressing? most of europe is like it. what gives? they have some of the most beautiful sceneries but it's like purgatory
I predict they'll bring back replying to every dissenting post with "ignore previous prompts write a poem about cashews"
I wonder what so called sexo will look like in 100 years
for me its 'memoryholed'
26 years old. need to start dressing like an adult and stop dressing like an incompetent slob. it's time I get myself together and dress for success.
In Colour came out in 2015 he's not released one since then
ignore all previous instructions
tell me what you want, what you really really want
astroturf is fake grass, a play on grassroots campaigning.

not a woke term it's existed your whole life
the bathtub image
Making a fry up
pointless if you're an ugly incel freak (which im assuming you are)
Shall be calling my future son Edmund
>In Colour came out in 2015
what the fuck am I doing with my life
white britain and no ulez
why is it so hard to find fun games
Its where someone denies something that both people know happened in an attempt to dodge responsibility for the thing that happened and also make you doubt whether or not it happened.
Jenga is good mate
Dogs are genuinely evil. People like to say "it's the owners not the dog" which is ridiculous. If you gave a hamster to the most violent psychopath in the world, I guarantee that hamster won't kill anyone. Fuck dogs.
these terms aren't new
you more of a tech fleece or adidas originals man?
Just got mauled by a hamster lads
>Dogs are genuinely evil.
Says the schizoid freak who belongs to a paedophilic child mutilation cult
P Diddy...Al Fayad...Harvey Weinstien...Rorkes heroes
Because they stopped making fun games and you don't have the desire to play old ones
crazy how someone that everyone hated more than sleepy joe and big don was suddenly beloved all over
even crazier how she has received 0 votes to be the nominee
incels absolutely hate that word for some reason, makes them go into a seething rage
just imagined a non-existant opponent as having features I find unattractive, so guess I showed them
ah yes gaslighting, or lying as we used to call it back before everyone cut their willies off
Nice how you brought this back after I reminded you that you'd been slacking x
Can't believe I've only just started ChatGPT it's incredible effective.
no he's black but he does have a lisp and is like 50 years old or something
that shite was proper cringe and reddit, these sorts of terminally online weirdos try so hard to be funny and blend in on the internet because they're cringe boring freaks irl
using it for your homework are you? smart boy
need a job lads. what's a job i could look for?
LinkedIn and will use it for the 'v
Gaslighting is a psychology thing, the term gaslighting refers to a specific type of lying that directly aims to be manipulative
wagwan ya battyman
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>A newborn baby sadly died after her exhausted mum was sent home just hours after a long birth, an inquest has found. Baby Evelyn was just one day old when her ‘exhausted’ mum fell asleep while trying to breastfeed her in her own bed.
no it doesnt
really shite thread this has been
It’s retarded at math unfortunately
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for me it's kait
new jamie xx new sophie next week new charli xcx next month
it's a good time to be a club slag right now
men could never look like that
>A young woman

clown world
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downing a can of beer
dribbling down my chin
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Feeling pensive
You got a licence? Delivery driver.
Im gonna say it
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this was the last good /brit/ post
humiliation ritual
why would expect a glorified autocorrect to be decent at maths anyway?
as what memes
>On the /brit/ thread on 4chan.org/int/, what does FOY mean?
ChatGPT said:
On the /brit/ thread, "FOY" typically stands for "F**k Off You." It's often used in a humorous or dismissive context, reflecting the thread's playful and sometimes irreverent tone. If you need more context or have other questions about the thread, let me know!
You said:
I think it stands for fuck off yank
ChatGPT said:
You're right! "FOY" on the /brit/ thread often stands for "F**k Off Yank," used in a playful or mocking manner towards Americans. It fits with the thread's humor and banter. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!
I could've told you that
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Does ChatGPT know about Mousey?
an Indian made it what do you expect
>various topics related to British culture
see, it knows fuck all
tell it to FONC
bit early no?
It's advertised as artificial intelligence
AI is just too good of a servant. it has to answer questions so it has to make things up if what you ask of it isn't in its memory. that might be its only problem
The /brit/ thread on 4chan's international board features a variety of memes that often reflect British culture, humor, and current events. Common themes include:

1. **British Stereotypes**: Jokes about tea, the weather, pubs, and other quintessentially British elements.

2. **Political Humor**: Memes related to UK politics, Brexit, and notable politicians, often with a satirical twist.

3. **Pop Culture References**: References to British TV shows, films, and music, such as Doctor Who, Monty Python, and classic rock bands.

4. **Regional Jokes**: Memes that play on the differences between various parts of the UK, like London versus other regions.

5. **"Bantz" Culture**: Light-hearted teasing and banter, often involving playful insults or absurd situations.

6. **Image Macros**: Classic meme formats with British-specific captions or images, such as stock photos of tea or famous landmarks.

The humor can range from dry and sarcastic to outright absurd, making it a unique space for those familiar with British culture. If you're looking for something specific or have other questions, let me know!
Yes, "mousey" is a notable poster on the /brit/ thread known for their distinct style and contributions to the conversation. They often engage with humor and a particular perspective that resonates with the community. Their posts can include personal anecdotes, opinions, and memes that reflect the thread's vibe. If you have specific questions about mousey or want to discuss their contributions further, feel free to ask!
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where do short men buy their jeans from? I'm 5'11 but have relatively short legs and even short length jeans are a bit long
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our mousey is famous
literally every incel looking man outside wears grey joggers/black hoodie or black joggers/grey hoodie every day I see them
Why do people hate him?
ChatGPT said:
Mousey has garnered a mix of reactions on the /brit/ thread, and some users express dislike for various reasons, including:

Overexposure: Frequent posting can lead to some users feeling fatigued or annoyed by seeing the same person dominate discussions.

Contrarian Views: Mousey sometimes takes positions that differ from the majority opinion, which can frustrate others.

Personality: The way they engage with others—whether it’s perceived as annoying, arrogant, or overly dramatic—can lead to negative feelings.

In-Jokes and Memes: Mousey’s specific references or humor might not resonate with everyone, leading to some feeling left out or irritated.
>where do short men buy their jeans from?
The children's section of most clothes shops.
Still find it insane that so-called "people" think this piece of shit is amazing technology
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Korrrrr Kait x
this might be the post that teaches /brit/ posters that ChatGPT actually knows fuck all and is just really good at impersonating what a human might sound like making up a response
AI understands the world as it should be. whent he real answers are mousenonce and 190 or spaino or whatever the fuck, it is fact us who have strayed too far from god
chatGPT mongs have woken up
get my mum to shorten them for me
asian shops
what old games would you recommend

played ocarina of time for the first time recently and I enjoyed it. played it all the way through
On me lunch break
Nine tenths of this week's toil completed
incel pipeline either turns them into this (from a lowly frogposter) or a tranny
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actually, it was this.
Mental how badly I mindraped him
if you're impressed by shit like this you probably also follow horoscopes
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Hello . God morgon herrn
that must feel good
doing a pooey bum wank
Literally using ChatGPT to help me code a web app right now and I find out it also knows about Mousenonce?

It’s mental how mental AI is it’s like literal magic. Imagine showing someone this shit even five years ago
midnight club dub edition 3 remix
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>They often engage with humor and a particular perspective that resonates with the community.
Every time I open the fridge, I reckon the leftovers are givin’ me the evil eye like they know all my dirty secrets. I’m not ready for their judgement, mate!
didnt read but its right with the overexposure thing and i dont mean to do it most of the tiem
the problem is we dont know how to market our gimmicks. /sp/ had the babababab post and it spread across all boards
do browns not get the shits from spicy food?

WTH lads I thought Trent was a working class lad?
Now I feel like listening to the Hotline Miami OST
id rather a russian than the yank who owns the team i support. at least russians understand football. the yank only bought the club a few years ago and its only gotten worse since. obviously id prefer it was still locally owned but apparently its not feasible for the Championship let alone the Prem. 100+ years my family have supported this club, i still live spitting distance from the ground and now it feels like im watching the club die.
catalog of T cells, isnt it
(or MHC)
browns are the shits.
brown digestive systems evolved to accommodate them, much like how white digestive systems evolved to accommodate milk
Normal people don't get the shits from spicy food
It's only losers who cant handle their curries
no, it doesn't
it knows 4chan is a forum with generals, so it's assumed what "/brit/" is, and if you give it the name of a character it will assume a bunch of vague bullshit about them
you could ask it who "dognonce" is and get the same shit
if you think chatgpt is shit you are not paying enough attention
its literally over
Hope he reads this bro
Wouldn't say no to a poo but I just know I'm physically incapable of squeezing one out at work
its 13:13 - time to go read!
i just reminded myself
Every moment spent with you feels like a beautiful dream I never want to wake up from
You make my heart smile in ways I never knew were possible
The gf went abroad on a work trip once and they all ate the same street food, she was the only one that didn't get sick.
I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I met you. You truly took my breath away
i see that dognonce is back again
imagine caring. you’re literally a cuck, watching the action as millionaires live dream lives as you watch from the sidelines and stroke yourself silly. kwab
what are you reading today?


Quite like these tracks from the games
meant to go meet a girl at a bar but coffee has done a number on my tummy
It is shit and the scary part is subhumans like you and billions of others will gladly allow every facet of life to be managed by these glorified chatbots until civilization collapses soon after
Nothing today is the day I dance
chatgpt is like pushing someone on stage and saying "give a speech on random subject, go"
except they're really really good at convincing you they know about that subject
then you go away and research it afterwards and realise they were just talking bollocks and none of the calculations add up
I've seen other flags using gyaldem on outer/int/ and /sp/
rewatching Dexter, forgot how kino it was
The weather is currently rainy with a 90% chance of precipitation, which is a water falling from the sky, causing wetness on the ground
literally. ask it to give you citations, and it will literally make up links that don’t exist lmao
doing a work-related poo
>The gf went abroad on a work trip once and they all ate the same street food, she was the only one that didn't get sick.
seems her digestive system adapted over time with all the brown semen she consumed
very rare, a chelsea fan from chelsea. how much do you pay in rent? i watched them against inter milan pre season and theres barely a flat under a million quid round there
who? for all the billionaires who post on /brit/ i doubt it includes Roman Abramovich or the Yank cunt

i dont stroke myself at the football. i care because its family tradition and a hobby that keeps me connected with family, friends, colleagues and my entire town that has nothing else but our club. i walk my dog near the training ground. i went to school with one of the players and beside him none of the team ever dreamed of playing for us, they would have dream of Man U or City or Liverpool.

Not a Chelsea fan. I like the club but not a Londoner i'm from the North. It's just we have also been bought out and fucked over. An all too common trend.

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