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dragons-of-middle-earth-size-guide-IKedzvK.jpg edition
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What does it eat?
He seems to be in a decent mood today
Much better than yesterday
Aha, the wally couldn't find me

Have you heard of Rolex Owner on 4chan's international board
ChatGPT said:
Yes, "Rolex Owner" is a notable figure on 4chan's international board, often recognized for sharing anecdotes about their experiences and lifestyle. They typically engage in discussions about luxury, status, and personal anecdotes, sometimes in a humorous or exaggerated manner. If you have specific questions or want to discuss their contributions further, feel free to ask!
You said:
Do you know what thread he posts in?
ChatGPT said:
Rolex Owner typically posts in the /biz/ board on 4chan, which focuses on business and finance topics. They often share insights related to wealth, luxury items, and personal finance. If you want more details about their posts or themes, let me know!
>the black
didn’t know Tolkien was a bbc enjoyer
>"Rolex Owner" is a notable figure
see, told you it was total bollocks
Don't know much do you
mental that we allow JFs to make new /brit/ threads. Back in my day we'd let them whither and die.
don't get the appeal of dancing. have never felt the urge to move around to music no matter what is playing
still can't get over how they made smaug a wyvern in those shitty hobbit movies
Back in your day brit was full of neeks
yeah for some reason he just stopped one day with his being a problem
You gotta let the rhythm hit you
none of the so-called personalities without trips are real
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Caring about the number of limbs a fantasy creature has is peak autism
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steak burrito suizo
Opinions on Rorke’s posts in the /brit/ thread can be quite mixed. Some users appreciate his contributions and find his commentary engaging or entertaining, while others might disagree with his views or find his style off-putting. As with many online communities, the reception can vary widely depending on the topic and the mood of the thread at any given time.
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I'm real
not gonna bother shaving and showering today as I won't be going out

no point
Just woke up, what did I miss?
im the realest though
and whiteys on the moon
hoss i replied to you in the previous thread but the new got made while i was doing that and i asked a question in it so i did but now you wont see it cause we're in the new
omds is such a smug way to say omg
try kys on for size you pompous bastards
Would hate to be famous, or even known to have a lot of money. If I were a billionaire I would buy stealth luxuries. Something that looks like a normal shirt, but is actually insanely comfortable. Apparen luxury stuff just seems like a whole lot more trouble than it's worth.
literal horoscopes
>they can be good but sometimes bad
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>“Employed Woman” is another notable poster in the /brit/ thread on 4chan’s /int/ board. She often shares her experiences and perspectives as a working woman, which can sometimes spark interesting discussions or debates within the thread. Like other frequent posters, her contributions are met with a mix of reactions—some users appreciate her insights, while others might be more critical.
it knows fuck all
if I was a billionaire everyone that looked at me for even a second would know I was one
wow that anon has 0 personality of his own whatsoever. what a life
yes I just said that
gyaldem is not a /brit/ gimmick. that's from instagram and tik tok where those girls post
who? for all the billionaires who post on /brit/ i doubt it includes Roman Abramovich or the Yank cunt

i dont stroke myself at the football. i care because its family tradition and a hobby that keeps me connected with family, friends, colleagues and my entire town that has nothing else but our club. i walk my dog near the training ground. i went to school with one of the players and beside him none of the team ever dreamed of playing for us, they would have dream of Man U or City or Liverpool.

Not a Chelsea fan. I like the club but not a Londoner i'm from the North. It's just we have also been bought out and fucked over. An all too common story, sadly.
Hypothetical subjunctive mood
they just don't learn
if I was a billionaire I’d hide random amounts of money everywhere, post clues online, and cause chaos in the streets among povvos scrambling over one another to find it, while cackling maniacally until I suffocate from laughing too hard
love boobs and bums me
if I was a billionaire ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
if i wasnt poor id pay some people to drink my piss to see what it tastes like regular and after doing stuff
Were a billionaire*
Hypothetical subjunctive mood
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me in a bit
-blog of a white boy
i can tell you're a prequelfag just from this post
no point engaging with such a degenerate
Keep spamming this everyone loves it
If I were*
Hypothetical subjunctive mood
reckon if I can get a 20k pay raise this year I can buy an investment property and exploit Indian migrants
hypothetical subjunctive mood poster getting thrown out of Fiddler On The Roof for heckling
>i went to school with one of the players
Which one?
hypothetically you should get some bitches on your dick. ever thought of that
Imagine the pain of a sensitive young man sitting in peace and quiet in his room, reading the silmarillion, creating these fantastical images in his mind, and then a longhouse harpy rips him out of the comfort of fantasy, pestering him with ”chores” he needs to do. Every 11 year old boy knows this agony.

Sensitive young men are the most oppressed demographic in existence
*dances a gay little jig as the puppeteer controls my strings*
the left puts things, like a portrait of a woman with a dove flying into her head (at the left ear), so that its vague enough (by the way this is what it meant when you wrote that down!) so that later on, when another commie talks, you can put your finger in your ear to itch it, and it reminds you of that - not just that its the idea (of freedoms) going into someones head and manipulating them as commies. i love Whygena
Yeah hope he reads it and keeps your precious club of gorillionaire foreigners kicking the ball good like you and your pappy loved so much
everyone who uses this term is such a freak
came up with the funniest meme. you know "billions must die"? i don't even get that one but anyway, i thought, hey, why not dress up the chudjak up as a mcdonalds employee and go, "billions must FRY"? aaaah so damn funny i cannot stop laughing
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nth for the baddiedem
But the song goes "if I were"...
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Mental how all you need to make package ramen good is add minced garlic and some seasoned cooked steak cut into strips
Doesnt even have to be expensive cuts of steak chuck steak works fine
imagine this was applied to anything that wasnt the same as dancing or feeling
You know what? I detest the royals.
I hope we end up a republic in my lifetime and the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family have all their wealth and assets taken and get forced to move into a council flat in Scunthorpe.
I'm not poor but i have to work. If i went on the dole i'd lose my savings and my house. Some lesser beings would call this slavery but then again i could have sat on my arse and not done anything at all with my life
sounds boring. id be sitting in the sun eating the finest food provided by a top chef and shagging some supermodel looking bint
who's this one then lad?
Yeah that's why I'm going on dates with three women in the next three days
unironically agree with this
inb4 bootlickers defending the unelected billionaire inbreds
Combined weight?
Mental how all you need to eat good food is to not eat packaged ramen
you could sell your house and live in a luxury caravan on the seaside and never work again
silmarillion is so boring. they did him a favour stopping him reading that shite
I'm moving to lithuania.
No 11 year old has read the Silmarillion
i hate the left so much but i want to sex them. sex sex
I'm closely related to a former premier league footballer but none of you would have heard of him
is it time to pretend "silmarillion" is a thing we all know?
what fun
Will he make it to trial???
can't even wake up at a consistent time and keep telling myself im going to turn my life around before its too late, so fucking grim, there's no chance
Yeah, can't wait until we're a minority-white socialist republic back in the EU under worse conditions with our defence handled by America
no one actually reads much of anything, in reality they read the Wikipedia synopsis. this post will cause seethe but it’s true
Only willing to date a girl who wears football shirts if she's a Celtic fan, simple as
I pay a mortgage if i sold my house and paid it off id have about 80k which is not really enough.
So what do you eat?
i try to not do this but go out and try to find actual information about squirrels (you wont but if you did you couldnt)
didn’t all this shit come out years ago, why’d it take so long for them to arrest him
ADHD mate
bloke sat in spoons at 8.30am saying 'i'm glad she left me actually'
Rorke under the bizarre belief that having a monarchy will reduce the number of immigrants
Cry more royalist bitch
You do eh? That's so cool! This thread is so awesome, it seems as if every day there just happens to be several exotic flags whose posters speak perfect English and they just happen to carry on the most boring off-topic discussions possible. Truly a testament to the enduring glory of the British Empire.
holden meltdown
Going to uni with a fever, am i evil for doing so?
bee rb
Canada has the grimmest future in the developed world
Nah. Him beating his gf came out a while ago. His weirdness was an open secret in the industry though
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What do you think of this, Jeff?
>Farrelly said: “The defendant then swung a powerful kick at her head and struck her to the right side of her head.

>“She responded to that by saying: ‘You have to try a lot harder than that.’ The defendant responded by kicking her with force a number of times.”
sickening. I hope you're happy Rorke.
hate the monarchy, chuds only defend them because they’re white and prefer that to a figurehead elected by the people who may or may not be brown. there’s no reason whatsoever why there should be a state-sponsored billionaire family that doesn’t do anything.
fit uni freshers getting bbc nectar from jet black bantu batons soon
decided my day is fucked because I woke up too late and didn't do anything already so just got a few /gif/ BBC threads fired up instead since it can't get worse
Why don't you develop some skills and move out of your grim childhood bedroom?
I don't want to say in case of doxxing. He was a few years ahead of me so I wont pretend we were friends but even still its a rarity to have a local player these days. There is another pro footballer who grew up on the next block over from me and was the year ahead of me. Bit of a journeyman, used to play premier league and championship and got 450 games in but now he is at the end of his career in league one. His parents still live in the same house, doubt it's worth 150k.
No seriously, can't wait for it, might convert to Judaism while I wait
there's one less poster here then
you know them office jobs you see on tv and that? what actually are those jobs? is it all just help desk shite?
>entrenched mindset of hatred
Dead country.
Speak up boy... I asked you, Roundheads or Cavaliers?
account management, sales, marketing, in-house development, accounting, HR
Republicanism is absurdly cringe, literally the only left-wing opinion that the media doesn't even try to push because they know there's no point
have to go to the atm at 10:30pm wish me luck lads. Dear god, please keep the you know who people away from me as I withdraw hundreds of dollars. Amen
>The prosecutor said the victim was treated in
hospital for her injuries, including an imprint of the defendant’s shoe on her face.
Was this hilarious detail really necessary to include
absolutely love fanny lads
This is the average Rorke. Hope he gets raped to death in prison, he's got the face for it.
If you got rid of the monarchy you'd become the 52nd state overnight
bros doing tricks on it
Not surprising. Prominent Democrats like Chuck Shumer have shifted their position on the conflict because of it.
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any london man in
on the bags are we lad
Enjoy defending paedophile billionaires on an anime forum do we?
Prove you're in Japan right now
and my grandad, and his dad, and probably his dad before him. my family have supported this club since Queen Victoria was the monarch. probably longer than your country has existed.
Irish diaspora spotted
Leftypol gay fantasy
tempted not to drink tonight but just know I’ll get to 6pm and do a steamingtoil out of boredom
honestly dont see the point of getting rid of the monarchy we'll only spend any extra money on council flats for black people in london and giving it to people on the dole anyway
eating an orange too
going to put a few segments in a bottle - and some peels in another
then im gonna piss in it
and im gonna add toilet paper to another 2 to see what happens
and THEN ill take the caps off and see if it catches fruit flies
im so depressed the last few days, feel like a woman and keep having random moments where my eyes just randomly start tearing up for no reason
Wow you must be so proud
It's called the Green Party because it's Islamic
toby!!!!!! :D hi!!!
What's wrong?
keep us updated
Everyone who serves in the parliament, police, military, and everyone given citizenship has to swear an oath of allegiance. i dunno who you imagine might lead your republic but it wont happen in your lifetime.
and through it aaaallllllllll,
rorke offers me protection,
a lot of love and affection,
whether i'm right or wrong
is it true if you grew up with brothers you used to actually fight each other? find it hard to believe you'd want to punch your brothers in the face
thats mn not toby
OK i will
expect an update in 3 days. hopefully i find my scissors
Rorke pledging his allegiance to Israel and the Tories
t. the seething King of Aborigines
mad that we're a tiny speck of the universe and the rest of it is out there floating about doing absolutely fuck all for no reason
well l was the younger brother so mostly he pushed me around and hit me occasionally
not sure so I think I have a mental problem, quite hard for me to stomach when I am believer of depression isn't real. I genuinely feel like my mental state is declining over the years
What's the rest of your life look like?
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>Vaccine horror as woman, 23, claims she was left temporarily BLIND and with agonizing bruises all over her body after reaction to 'superdose'
mostly wrestled but occasionally we would punch each other
Sucking a shite through a garden hose
Yes I am.
watch "I feel like a woman" by Shanya Twain, move your tushie to it. You'll be cured.
nothing really matters
Why do rightoids worship nonce grifters and nonce billionaires as if they're gods?
or, "contusion"

maybe the vaccine had platelet activity o.o ?
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not my problem
Mum did some family history research and found out my great-grandad ran an illegal gambling operation at the local pub
yes, all the time. i was the middle of three so it was constant fighting
mine would punch me and make my life hell any chance he got. kids at school didn't even know we were related he was that distant despite going to the same school
freezer is rammed, need to sort it out
yeah used to wrestle all the time and he would dig his nails into my skin still have scars I'd sometimes punch and kick him. Good friends now though.
all the bird vet videos are about parrots or whatever
so gay
do surgery on a magpie or crow
update me on crows with arthritis
But rightoids hate the EU and WEF though
my brother bullied the shit out of me and despite being a very well liked member of society i am still convinced deep down that everyone thinks i am a cringey faggot
Was it Boycie
yeah it does gods gonna ask you why you were a nasty bastard and you'll tell him oh it's someone elses fault and he'll say not it isnt you were a right cunt and then he'll burn you for a bit
Mental how badly he mindraped you lol
my great grandad killed Germans and Italians. a lot of them. he got the medals to prove it.
NEET with no purpose, desire or social life. Very physically fit.
i don't find repetition funny, sorry
you're still absolutely done all these years later
Rightoids worship Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Andrew Tate, Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson, etc
It's one big nazi paedophile grifter cult
There's your problem
>seething tranny fuck
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I don't have brothers so never grew up experiencing any sort of rough and tumble play activities or combat. My (divorced) father is a mild-mannered autistic man so there was none of that from him either.

At school I was uncoordinated and didn't particularly enjoy sports. These days they'd call it "dyspraxia" or some other made up rubbish but really it's just a lack of exposure while young, no opportunity for the muscle memory and neural pathways to develop.
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was in the east end actually
he was in the Navy during the war not sure if he got any confirmed kills probably not. His brother killed some Japs
hopefully piss and orange segments/peels doesnt make nerve gas
undergraduates rock vintage despite being young, postgraduates rock brand new designer despite being old
Your idols are literally paedophiles
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feel like britain should have occupied africa for another 1000 years. By the 60s, the british economy had recovered from ww2
Had a shite day at work lads. I brought 20 Sainsburys doughnuts and put them in the break room and sat by them hoping to strike up some conversations and offer them to people. Two people made really awkward conversation and ran off with a doughnut each, and then some cunt came along and tried to take the entire tray and when I stopped him he turned around and said "but these are for everybody." Fucking hate my new coworkers already and they hate me and its only my second day.
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France made that mistake and ended up in more wars.
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and they were roommates
absolute state of the left
>His brother killed some Japs
nice id love to kill them evil yellow bastards
not sure if i should do pubtoil or drink at home
Your idols are literal migrant cock suckers.
poo smells tranny meltdown
Hello, my name is Osman Gulum
off the muck me
You're the office creep
wtf Asians
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More like absolute state of the right
Don't look much like the master race do you?
the canadian really is a deeply unpleasant man at all times and he's always here he has absolutely no life, he's never once made an interesting post or said anything funny. a real charisma vacuum. i can't even imagine him being a real person he must suck the life out of every room he enters.
these all sound made up.
how many days are baked beans ok in the fridge? cant remember how long they have been in there. maybe monday.
I reckon we should have made more of an effort to keep Kenya/Tanzania/Rhodesia since they were pretty loyal to us and doing pretty well for themselves - but since the Anglo-France alliance fell apart immediately and both the US and USSR wanted us out of Africa there really wasn't much we could do
I job hop quite a bit so breaking the ice with new office colleagues has become second nature to me. The best way to do it is to lay low until the Christmas party.
Project on
average huns
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i just want to feel,
eel love
probably some clueless pajeet
no eels
ask me about them, I've worked in several offices
agree with your post lad it's crazy how no-nonsense and bitter someone can be in a nonsense thread like this
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>mug shots of george floyd protestors
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tell me about account management and in-house development
mental how that anon hates white people
thats all it is. he (a white person) hates white people
your mum sucked the life out of me
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ate a bag of penn state preztles and chased it down with 5 krispy kreme doughnuts and a big bowl of noodles w/ chicken last night

been eating healthy and doing yoga for almost three weeks and in one fell swoop i've fucking fucked it, so i have

probably offset my calorie deficit for the month in 3 hours of madness
been booted out of /r/casualuk again. back with you lads for the weekend i suppose
Really liked the new Jamie xx but just put on In Colour again for the first time in years and it doesn't compare to it at all. It must be so hard to make stuff again when you know you're never gonna be in that prime again. Credit him for doing it though.
assembling a shagger's wardrobe before I finally get my shagger haircut and develop a shagger's mindset, quite grim how much reddit tier "high quality" sexless twat clothing shit I fell for when I tried to dress better
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Lots of posters here like me I just call out the gay retards mercilessly which causes unending seething
getting sick of restarting bg3 because i keep dying in honor mode
Westminster voting intention via techne UK:
Lab: 33% (-2)
Con: 21% (-3)
RFM: 18% (+3)
LDM: 13% (=)
GRN: 7% (=)
SNP: 2% (-1)
what did you do this time, lad?
was thinking about booking a hotel from sunday to tuesday, 2 nights £100, and banging loads of ket down me to avoid a suicide attempt
BUT the price has gone up to £119 since i looked the other night so that's the end of that
hands up who likes me
Such as?
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
in-house development was referring to software development in small companies that have the budget to make their own CRM systems instead of using something off-the-shelf
responsibilities will be code writing, database maintenance, and often general IT assistance

account management is the person on the end of the phone, will use the CRM (customer resource management) system to record customer information and their ongoing orders
responsibilities include, delivering news to the customer, onboarding new customers from sales, chasing orders through production
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*keeps my paw unraised*
*thread fills with a pregnant silence*
hope you dont end up killing yourself
so you will be unaliving yourself?
*raises hand*
i listened to the singles the other week and they were all total dogshit compared to in colour
winder why he left it so long 2bh, must have been on loads of eccies making in colour and just couldn't do it again or summin like tha
>If you don't literally worship Trump, believe Elon is a superior genius, and refuse the support child sex trafficker Andrew Tate... You hate white people
Crazy rightoids believe this
If you actually cared about white people maybe you'd oppose capitalism so that many more get wealth redistributed from the billionaire elites and corporations down to them so they can build a better life
i drank a load of vodka last night and im still in bed fucked
tin of mackerel and an apple for lunch
oxford shirts, wax jackets, boots, and raw denim to name a few
why not book a nice airbnb nature pod instead
backed yourself into a corner and tried to go back huh?
fuck off
just take a bit of time to do something fun, how about a nice holiday somewhere sunny? I hear Italy is lovely this time of year, and the flights and hotels probably aren't too expensive. you shouldn't rely on substances to make life tolerable because more often than not they do the exact opposite, you've just got to learn how to find the beauty that's all around you.
replied to a comment with my point of view
You make no sense
Probably just an AI bot
Retarded freak paedophile
*marries you mercilessly*
didnt ask
you have to plan a binge like this when you're living the healthy life. get a few spare calories in the bank and make sure you've got a big walk planned the following day
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angry little self hater. fuck off
bye bye to Africa
yeah just take a trip bro see the museums and cafes bro
when I ate the 6 triple cheeseburgers, I had to plan and spread it across my next 3 days that week so it wouldn't be so bad for my deficit
time to suck a covfefe
what about that lad who posted here last week about going out on his own and actually having a good time because he met new people?
maybe let's see how it goes

well pricey and just need somewhere to bang ket in peace

i haven't slept properly for a long time and have not got the energy for anything like that
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lmao - that'll do it
You have an IQ of about 80, no job, and worship the paedophile billionaires who are destroying the country
Every one of your heros is a grifter who has played you for the hatefueled mong you are
Lads, tastefully-trimmed pubes or clean shaven? It's important.
leftypol turning a blind eye to this
Magpie party: 6%
tv show idea: Mao Men
you're not going to be sleeping well if you fill your body with poison. As the saying goes, "perfection is lots of little things done well." no drugs, plenty of water, some healthy food, bit of exercise, bit of socialising, and you'll be right as rain.
Frodo should have thrown the ring into the sea
every day I wake up and check the news and it’s like today the Jews have committed yet another cartoonishly evil war crime
mine or hers? the answer is the same either way.

kek this was me when I was into men's/male/my [something] [something]
what does this mean?
even people who advise doing this shite alone are outgoing good-looking people so they inevitably make friends on their adventures. like people who recommend going on holiday alone only spend about 12 hours actually alone before they make friends for the week. this advice doesn't work for ugly autistic incels like me because I just end up in an unfamiliar environment, alone, feeling awkward as fuck and wishing I was back in my smelly bedroom
bye bye you going Africa now self hater
mate you sound like a complete clueless twat sorry
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>Downing Street fears it is to be asked to support the issue of an international criminal court (ICC) arrest warrant for the Israeli leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.
>There are concerns among some Foreign Office officials whether the position is politically sustainable.
>In the short term, No 10 is said to be most concerned by the explosive political fallout if the ICC issues an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, especially at such a moment of extreme tension in the Middle East.
10 downing street shitting themselves LMAO
>just let future generations deal with it
he wasn't a boomer
My friend the virgin neek loser wants to know if there are phone lines he can call to talk to sexy women, do your friends know of any, lads?
worked for that ugly autistic incel last week
imagine if they just cancelled all laws
lawless society
lmao and this after all the seething about Putin not being arrested
alright then - since you're doing so well, feel free to ignore my advice and the advice of those around you, and neck yourself
mental that you're seemingly allowed access to 4chan in your special school for the mentally retarded
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no sign of a thunderstorm metoffice talking out their backside again
wasnt a post about you mongooooooo. shut uppppppppppp
Me putting the ring of power onto my cock to see what happens and it gets stuck
which one?
kek this was me when I was in my early twenties
cut to this lad >>202466171
being comically swept up by a tornado
fairly convinced no human actually works at the met office anymore
the one who went for a 6 hour incel walk after lying to his parents about being invited out for a night out
witnessing some severe mental illness on display itt
sir pants pisser
Lmao your dick is invisible
if you see it in the flashback of the first movie he had 4 legs
also why did Glaurung make Nienor fuck her brother???
Kier has done nothing wrong so far
kek that was me when I was in my early twenties
please respect unser führer
before or after he put the ring on
No thousand-year reich?
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>you've just got to learn how to find the beauty that's all around you
.... *literally two posts later*
>alright then - since you're doing so well, feel free to neck yourself
some of you cunts crack me up
6 hours!? That’s insane
the world has a way of looking at people
There are cathedrals everywhere for those with eyes to see
Jordan Peterson cooked with that one
i don't need your shit advice for normies, i already stopped drinking and doing drugs in 2022 and i eat hello fresh and see my friends when i'm not working
my parents died and i had a psychotic break from the grief which has permanently left my subconscious battered
i probably will kill myself, thanks
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gum near my molar hurts
it's okay mate, he ended up hanging about with a random group at a pub and got a kiss
would never happen in incelstralia people are so insular here
thought you were all happy chappies up for a laugh
there is an idea of a cuckstralia projected for foreigners that is far different from reality
mad how we got Notre Dame up again
the white man isn't done quite yet
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he said the bird that kissed him was an aussie lmao
probably was a peck on the cheek
why ket? if going to top yourself anyway then shoot some cocaine and heroin
i did that last month when i went to London for a week and had a great time. might do Paris next.
That would just be handing Sauron the ring.
>i eat hello fresh
waste of money. you should just kill yourself instead of pissing away earths resources into a void and providing nothing in return
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