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rabbit edish
built for a big black bull
Say the word brown guernsey cow!
please for that lad who went out by himself and was kissed
that's a goose
It's another one of those days in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island.
>four legs
>long ears
>eats plants
Scared that when I get in a good relationship that I will get bored of her due to the Coolidge Effect
oh yeah. Oh YEAH
>Northern Island
why did glaurung made nienor fuck hurin
always find it weird talking to old ladies it’s like you were probably quite fit when you were my age I bet
So, Rorke, tell me a bit about yourself
the idea is to figure some stuff out mentally so as to avoid the need to kill myself, not to die via drug use
familiarity breeds contempt, the key is to make sure you don’t spend too much time together. a lot of time for sure, but not every minute of every day
ket's an anti-depressant
have you ever heard of a game called Hearts of Iron 4?
rita coolidge?
had this for a bit but now it's just fleeting temptation too much hassle and I unironically enjoy spending time with the gf
yeh quite a few women vibed with and it was like if youwere 30 years younger we'd both know we'd be on it
where is the northern island
Keep getting spots on my lip. Don't know what's going on. No I don't have herpes. You have to kiss someone or something to get herpes
just take acid
never met a bloke who took acid and wanted to kill himself
got black eyed beans on
i've done lsd, shrooms, dmt and all that a few years ago, it's all shite compared to ket
you dont have to kiss someone to get herpes but are they fordysche spots?
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Ever thought about the Eye of Sauron being a flaming vagina?
>so i bet you're wondering how i got here
shut up you freak no woman has ever felt sexual tension with you
>thought Banksy was anonymous
>turns out his name is Robert Banks and that's been public knowledge for 21 years

so we just pretend we don't know who he is?
that's so queer
sir knicker sniffer
I'm just a collection of memories in a bag of meat babe, not much more to it
good meme diego!
Cant stand the way ket makes my limbs feel. Do you take enough to k hole each time?
that may well be true but my point still stands there was somethiing in the air
impressive, very nice
So here's the thing about using the word "queer" insultingly. Just because it doesn't offend you doesn't mean it's not offensive. I know that "words change meaning over time" and "everyone says it so it's just part of the vocabulary now" and "it meant something else before it meant homosexual" and "herp derp free speech derp." I understand that when you call something "queer," you're not connecting it to actually experiencing a same-sex attraction. I also understand that you believe that gleaning a "homosexual connotation" from your pejorative use of the word is just "oversensitive" and "vigilante thought policing," which you find obnoxious.

Here's why you shouldn't use gay or queer as an insult: it makes you sound like a douchebag.
>yaaaaaaaa we're polygamists. it's like, why deny human nature? we have all these evolutionary responses that make us reproduce as much as possible, why fight that you knooooooow?
also leftypol:
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had an awful dream a nuke went off outside and mumberg was screaming up the stairs to get in the car
found my scissors bros
a change that ive made to my experiment this time around is that i have clear bottles to do it in

i found an old seethrough bottle that probably hasnt been in the sun for too long, but the lucozade squirty bottle could probably vent gasses anyway. it has gone clear with some milky substance in int, and a beefy smell - this is likely some sort of amino acid/s
get your fucking ring piece out for the irish republican army!
asked the groupchat if anyone wanted to go bouldering later and they rinsed me and everyone agreed on going spoons instead. hate how nobody wants to do anything but drink in this shithole country
Women's reaction to unattractive VS handsome men [Comparison]

Diego's 80 year old sugarmama
except all those people who took acid and killed themselves
>robert banks
what? he's called robin gunningham you nonce
had to trim my nose hairs yesterday
ah hate those dreams mate hope youre alright now x
it's friday night you utter runt
Love is in the air du dud dud Dudu Dudu
fucking hell the building site across the road is being loud as fuck AGAIN
im usually quite niggardly with my replies, but bouldering is for man children
My girl is from a different race and culture from me.

Be brutally honest. Is it doomed to fail at some point?
eating an orange and reading c:
my look like vines poking out
yeah i do
>So why do you want to Such and Such Ltd?
>Why are you interested in the role at Such and Such Ltd?
>Tell me what excites you about Such and Such Ltd?
because I want money, that's the only reason anyone would ever want to work a job as a corporate analyst developer. this is not a passion project for me, and you know it. I want money - more than my friends colleagues, I need money to survive, I don't give a shit about diversity or dynamic work environments or any of that other buzzword bullshit they use to make 40+ hour weeks seem like a fun experience rather than soul crushing existence. I. Want. Money.
so? nobody can be depressed on cocaine and heroin

not true. i had a mate who was a kissless virgin and he had the herp lip
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Funny how my presence alone is enough to send loser incels here into a frothing rage
My deepest apologies Madam/Sir/Entity.
I was referring to queer in the archaic (admittedly, obsolete and antiquated) form, ie meaning odd or unusual.

I respect and celebate queer identities in Britain and would never even think of saying anything hurtful towards the queer community.
It was merely my intention to spotlight an oddity but in hindsight I had an ignorant white guy moment.

Deepest apologies!
imagine being so attractive girls turn away from you in disbelief momentarily
ket is specifically used to prevent suicidal thoughts. like, actually medically used for it in hospitals.
well hope you enjoy mate the hotel idea sounds comfy
Literally fucking itching to get back on the coke roll on 5 o clock
maccies delivery girl did this to me when I opened the door last week
play the game monkey
more of a pepsi man, me
yes your gold digger race play gf will leave you
blog on
Smell so good bitches turn their noses up at me to get a bigger whiff
Polygamy is less degenerate than homosexuality
you have an addiction
this week off has gone far too quickly
project on
ah, the poo de grace...
I'm looksmaxxing
just another day of being a handsome mentalcel
she's from a richer family than me
only because they aren't allowed to give cocaine and heroin
my penis smells like vinegar
you've certainly showed your true colours haven't you
what are your hobbies then?
bodied that cretin
i pull mine out with a tweezers
haha so you are the gold digger and she is the fetishist that pathetic my duderino
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Raining outside
No shit
holy cope
you know what to do
project on
sunny here
strange how that works eh
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WISH WISH WISH I was born in a small town in america I fucking despise living in this shit gay country
If I pretended that I think I'm really a girl and went through a surface level transition and just be like yeah I'm totally a woman inside, would there be any drawbacks to it?
caught a peng girl looking at me as we walked past each other recently and she quickly looked away. wonder if she was staring because she though I was ugly or fit. we'll never know
why are you projecting homie? i said she's from a richer family, not that she makes more money than me.

i asked a question in good faith. i'd like an answer.
penis scent notes
top notes: mint, lemon
middle notes: tonka bean, geranium
base notes: vanilla, oakmoss, jus de vagin de votre mère
eating a cookie like a yankoid
cocaine is absolutely used medicinally in hospitals
i get the plight of Timothy James Byrne more than ever
Going to go and cum on my kitchen floor
going from A to B
if they like you they go back to looking at you just fyi
not for menthol elf
hey baby its cold outside *rapes you*
Finnish this sentence
>Hey lil sis...
congolese chode cream cannons
holy cope
back to CK3
you couldnt move goalposts any further if you possibly tried
100% prawn cocktail skips for me
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why won't he take off that stupid fucking hat
we aint clicking that
fucking desperate for EU5 to come out
pint of laudanum down the hatch
ok fine. you are from different culture and over time it will be more apparent and cause friction that will doom your relationship.
and you are gay.
expired ca certificateberg preventing me from gitting a clue from the toilplace repo
teleported that sexless twat to the forsaken depths of morytania where vampires lurk in the mist
does she do any jungle bbc stuff?
Wish I could enjoy video games like I did when I was 15. They just don’t do it for me anymore
>he's bald and insecure
>he thinks it's part of his 'brand image'
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mine is like scampi fries
no one knows who this is
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thanks lad very cute xx
love it when diego gives out women advice
like taking flying advice from a rock
tim pool's hairline
mate if you love her who cares just give it a shot
feel this way about wanking
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we were both born here, when we talk there doesn't seem to be that big of a difference.
well I don't know who you are
what do you think about that you CUNT
no one knwos who that is
God I'm so fucking ugly
shut your gormless mouth, mong boy
i know who tim pool is
Dim Tool recently got outed as being funded by Russia
*opens the emergency /brit/ exit sucking all of the mongs out of the door*

good show, that
i'd beat you within an inch of your life with my ballsack alone
mogs me
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so true x
fair point
good show that
What race and culture? There’s a difference between some second or third generation Viet girl and a Muslim Somali from Somalia.
It is how he hypes himself up before getting drunk, going out, and making a fool of himself in front of women who would never fuck him in a million years.
Same as when he gives out fashion advice and you find out equivocates wearing extremely expensive socks with being well dressed.
>Fred Armisen, the most Jewish looking man in the world, is actually 0% Jewish

venezuelan, german and korean
produces a jew
honestly dunno how any grown men can enjoy video games.
>extremely expensive socks
and then he comes on the next day - without his name - and hashes out the same arguments with brick etc
bizarre life
good show that (which I'm watching rn)
>there doesn't seem to be that big of a difference.
give it time. you will see. or better still shag here and get rid.
arsehole is a complete write-off after that last poo
lass in my office just turned 50 and is fit as fuck from the neck down. was probably a 10 before the crows feet.
get her pumped pumped I said
not being funded by Russia directly. basically, he was being paid by lauren chen who had a company that was being paid big bucks by russia.

it's likely he knew what was happening tho, as one of his most frequent google searches was "time in russia"

she's a white aussie from northern beaches
insurance will cover it
your jewdar's on the fritz m8. nose far too flat and rounded. basically like a slightly inflated version of the mongoloid/amerindian type. hand in your phrenology license
>she's a white aussie from northern beaches
and you are?
It's so over
>she's a white aussie from northern beaches
i thought you said she wasnt a race fetishist? so glad i dont live in Australia your women are the worst.
so here we are then, another Friday spent suckling at the teat of /brit/
imagine being diego's girlfriend, he'd be such an annoying cunt to spend your life with
>there's no milk left
>"how so?"
>not sure...did you finish it off?
>"project on"
>"you are severely mentally ill"
i am brown

i don't think so. it's hard to know with girls anyway.
you are severely mentally ill
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nth for the gyaldem
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Imagine the smell of her arrrrse
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batty smiles like orange and bergamot after that shower
arses smell of poo and farts you weirdo
Not this one
It smells of orange and bergamot
i am severely mentally ill
I just can't take women's suffering seriously. I see advertisements for TV dramas where that is the main theme of the female protagonist. They'll never know the same level of suffering or complete isolation. You can only treat them like clueless children.
Hey 190 how's island how's the niece etc
two mistakes, his name's copealone and he'd have a boyfriend if anything
Project on
fucking had it - just going to go for a buzz-cut
sick to fucking death of having hair
hey dtfic
I didn't get the bottles of corona that I said I was going to get in last night's thread by the way
might do it tonight though
Don't know what that means
no its not hard to know with girls. it will be obvious to everyone around you and you just have the blinkers on because of infatuation. maybe you should discuss it with family members. your sisters and cousins have probably experienced it in reverse and might be able to explain women to you. maybe ask your mother lol
mental how comfy working in academia becomes the SECOND you go from postdoc to your first permanent faculty position, at least in STEM. for the rest of your career you basically get paid for researching novel stuff in your hobby and work only on ideas you think are interesting (and can get funding for, but grants are awarded based on the opinion of other "hobbyists" like you and you just have to convince them what you want to do is cool). and occasionally you have to lecture about your work to some young people while leaving most of the annoying parts like running practicals and marking to postdocs and TAs.

almost makes the precarious PhD and postdoc hells worth it.
mad that taking certain steroids turns you into a trannychaser. /r/ steroids is just full of roided out meatheads laughing about all the shit they've pushed up twink and tranny arses
Considering this every day because my hair is shoulder length and it annoys me, also I feel like it looks shit and immature. I realise that I have got some compliments for it though and I'm worried if I remove my hair then I'll plummet down to complete sexless twat who is invisible to women even more than I am now.
yer da wanks to the weather woman
lie on
Okay you are loved and your friends enjoy your company
we know
Must’ve been a different anon you were talking to
i actually live here now, haven't posted on /brit/ in years. not clued into the 190 lore. should peruse the archives
Laura Tobin? I'd be right there with him
shaking after learning that aus flags are all browns when I've been imagining them as cool 6'0+ guys with medium length golden hair the entire time
Ich bin ein based
Post proof then
Should be easy enough
yeah that's why i did the same lol sick of having too much lovely thick hair desu haha
That arse does look deliciously chubby lads
Now I get eating arse
started a supermarket delivery job earlier this week. its disgusting to see how people live.
i don't have any family. i do have a few female friends around but we're not close enough for me to ask something personal like that since i haven't known them for that long (i moved cities a year back).

i'll trust my gut. it hasn't let me down yet.
what's your phd in?
can't even do delivery jobs because I hate driving and it makes me anxious, grim im such a failure
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
worried about having my girlfriend stay over in case she wants to have loud sex and my parents might hear
post proof you arent a pajeet
Fucking hate old cunts joining a motorway at 35 mph
Last night I dreamt of Diego
Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song
project on
dont ge tit
nice legs
sir batty rider
Imaginary gf doesn’t actually make any noise though, you’re aware of this right?
Theres a slip road near me that merges into the outside lane.
Far too many mad cunts join at 50mph
I will never be a confident driver
howling done that creep
>and can get funding for

That's the thing though isn't it? Things go in and out of fashion. You hear researchers talk about years in the dolrums then some breakthrough happens, not even theirs necessarily but in their field or adjacent, and suddenly everything is getting approved where as before they had barely two pennies to rub together.
don't care to dox myself. british guy living on an island of 350k people, not hard to id me with a little info. happy to answer most questions about life here though (as i was doing last night)
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your gut knows it wont work out or you wouldnt have asked in the first place
road raged at a paki once and he followed me all the way back to my house, shit myself I did
ln a mixed relationship with an American girl
if you put me and fransiscow lachowski side by side to aleins tehy'd say 2 different spieces like difference between a whale and a slug
why are you entering peoples homes
been passed for a mere 3 months and it's shocking how bad a driver I have become

arguably I was always bad and never deserved to pass
blog on you fucking cretin
for me it's the people that merge into another lane but don't start merging at the corner but half way into the lane forcing you to slow down and cause a bottle neck where there doesn't need to be one
ere boys you ever get some deep phlegm and do a guttural cccchhhxx to clear your throat and get a bit of a Quavers flavour? weird that
>be prince
>be known throughout history solely for pieces of metal being shoved through peoples cocks
Wow, powerful
blog on you insufferably boring hypocrite
I like halo, he kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything
been driving for 10 years and always been good at it
staying at my mums is like
>can you get the washing in
>can you walk the dog
>can you empty the dishwasher
>can you show me this on the computer
every 30 mins

and like I dont mind helping out Im just mooching here for free for a bit but fuck me I cannot focus and get anything done because I get 10 interruptions a day
I haven't used my car properly for about 18 months since NEETdom. In hindsight, it was a bit of a mistake because now I'm even less confident than I was before (even though I was driving most days) and I'm kind of shitting myself that I'll forget how to drive or just scrape a bunch of cars because I forgot how big the car is.
that's the safest speed to join at
that's a fair point, i actually don't have a reponse for that
few months shy of 30 and i don't drive
so the FCC won't let me be
hate giving my mum lifts anytime I make a turn she grabs the handle thing above the window and closes her eyes. Proper pisstaker
I get that worry sometimes but then I just drive and it's fine, the worry is never well founded, just relax
according to whom
Prince Albert
get it in
get it walked
get it emptied
get it shown
That's how mumbergs be
Even when they're staying with you
just giving you a taste of what it was like raising your useless neet arse
what vital projects are you even being interrupted from? furiously wanking off to a 2hr sissy hypno compilation?
its easy once you get the hang of it.

most of them i just deliver to the front door but i can see inside and some ask for their shopping to be put on the kitchen counter
Only if traffic is moving at 35 on the motorway
the good news is your battery is dead
yh exactly that
>forgot how big the car is

That's really the only issue. Besides that, you'll be fine. I often struggle with knowing how wide my car is and it's not even a big car.

I just err on the side of caution and if there's something going on in front of me and I don't know that I'll fit through I sit there while the drivers behind me get angrier and angrier.

Just yesterday there was a car ahead with its door open on my side of the road and a car oncoming on the other side of the road so I stopped and waited for the woman to close her door rather than zip around it, as this would have taken me onto the other side of the road. Arguably there would have been room for both cars but still, better to wait.
the research
mmmm very nice my dear
they manage with all that when you're not there though, they just take having an extra pair of hairs in the house as an excuse to slack off
Fuck off 190 you evil ghoul
and who conducted this research?
ok x
remember when I went into the back of a young girl at a roundabout at low speed (first and only accident ever) so no damage really and thought I'd get fucked by insurance, but she got out took a look at me and smiled then said sorry to me lmao, then I told her I couldn't see any damage and she agreed, smiled again, and then we drove off. I like to think my shagger appearance got my out of that one.
I would’ve just rammed you off the road you sound like a faggot
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why did you smell it?
the experts
>british guy living on an island of 350k people
350k is pretty massive
legdaytoil looms
There are a million ways you could prove you're in Iceland but you can't do it as you're on a VPN because you're a loser no friends incel freak whose whole life is this thread where no one likes you
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remember when i went into the back of your mum at your mum's house at incredible speed
interesting amount of blood when wiping my arse there
>get car washed
>lovely and pristine
>go home and park it
>3 days later it looks like its been retrieved from a bog
>most other people's cars look pretty much fine at any given time somehow
Really wish I had a proper garage to park it in so it doesn't get immediately covered in dirty rainwater, bird shit and misc detritus from trees
weren't you just trying to convince people you're not 190
>Arguably there would have been room for both cars
I remember thinking this when there was a parked car on my side of the road and an oncoming car too, the gap seemed huge, and instead of waiting, I tried to zip through the gap and my mirror clipped the parked car and took that cunt's mirror right off. Kept going, looking at all the glass on the floor in my rear mirror, and pretended I didn't even notice because I didn't know what to do and had nothing to write on. Somehow my mirror was completely fine. Shits me up every time now.
The “Hot Rodent Man” Trend

very happy to keep you stewing in this furious delusion actually
You'll stop using this VPN node in a day or two anyway I really don't care
bf was a bit rough was he?
whens it going to be our turn penguinbros
my da's had his cleaned today and he's parked it round the corner to avoid the shit off the trees
After I passed my test, the first time I went in my mum's car like the next day I hit someone's wing mirror who was parked on a junction within about 1 minute of leaving our house. He kicked off big time as well. Thankfully dadberg there to sort it all out as I had no fucking clue what you were meant to do.
yeah your dad was a bit rough last night
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Circled back 5 minutes later when the school traffic arrived on the same road, so they could take the blame for the damage, and so I could examine the damage up close before disappearing into obscurity again. Noticed weeks later they installed security cameras LMAO.
ive been there pal. had an oriental gf at uni. id moved away for uni, she came from hong kong originally. spoke perfect English and getting to know her was great. but truthfully in the back of my mind i knew it was off, she was wealthy and im working class background, that sort of thing. remember during a break i went home and showed pictures to friends and family. my male friends did chinky eyes and made jokes but weren't bothered. my family were polite and just gave me that knowing look that they are letting me make my own mistakes. but the girls i grew up with were laughing at me and not in that jokey way like the lads. wish id understood it and gone with my guts. then again the sex was good.
Trees are the culprit. Nice tree lined avenue they say - no its just bird shit and sticky sap everywhere plus no sunshine in your garden. Massive trees fucking everywhere round here.
fuck it, might get on the proverbial cans
Grim. I don't actually know what you are supposed to do when you don't know whose car it is since I never been in the situation. Also I don't know how angry people get so I hope it doesn't happen. Are you supposed to clean it up?
I hit a mirror once and drove off. Then a few months later, someone hit my mirror and drove off. Karma i guess
>my family were polite and just gave me that knowing look that they are letting me make my own mistakes
what mistake
>truthfully in the back of my mind i knew it was off, she was wealthy and im working class background, that sort of thing
happened to me too with a dubai/saudi girl I've posted about before, thought this the whole time through the multiple years long relationship and it did end eventually for a lot of reasons but I think just a fundamental difference like that was hard
home wifi got permabanned presumably because janny thought it was a proxy (annoying but understandable), he may block me off entirely with a rangeban so you may get your wish
For me it was going to the hardware store to get mason grinding wheels, getting a carwash and then grinding down some concrete in front of the side door to the garage
get a tarp for your car if you're that gay about it
>Horses evolved in the Americas around four million years ago, but by about 10,000 years ago, they had mostly disappeared from the fossil record, per the Conversation. Spanish settlers likely first brought horses back to the Americas in 1519, when Hernán Cortés arrived on the continent in Mexico.

just found this out
Think I would just leave a note with my details on it if they weren't there. Maybe put the wingmirror or whatever by their door or somewhere where it won't get run over. This one had a chav sat in his mini with his rancid girlfriend. Shouldn't have parked opposite a junction anyway.
in that instance it was being in a relationship with someone unsuitable. neither of my parents went to uni and werent enthusiastic about me going so turning up months later telling them all about this girl i thought i was in love with but to them was wildly exotic was in hindsight pretty daft.
its the same look my mum gave me when i told her i was building a treehouse when i was about 11. i assume when i called her up telling her about the breakup she then had the same look on her face as when i fell out of the tree and was crying for help at the bottom of the garden. sort of a knowing half eye roll half pity.

thats what im saying.
but what's the mistake?
being in a relationship with someone unsuitable then breaking up and crying about it
>someone unsuitable
dont get why class difference is unsuitable
it wasnt just class but that was one factor. it was race. background. outlook. all those things that influence the person we are made the relationship unsuitable.
do you think if she was from your suburb your family would be cool with it?
sorry i went to tesco
we dont really have suburbs like in Australia. at least not where i live, its all just towns, some smaller than others. and a city about 30-60 miles in each direction except north.
my current gf lives in a town 20 minutes drive away. its the posh town. my family adore her but she isnt exotic or too different, just a bit posh where my family is concerned. there isnt a racial element, there is a familiarity and ive not really considered it till now.
i never would have met my oriental ex if i hadnt gone to uni. the circumstances just wouldn't have occurred. ive only been to Australia once but it seemed a lot more multicultural than England.
there are lots of pakis in my home town but they keep to themselves and we keep to ours. i think if i was in a relationship with one there would be a lot of hostility. my family wouldnt bother being polite. the lads would make curry jokes but actually mean them. the girls wouldnt want one around the and id end up isolated from my mates, even my siblings and cousins. id expect the same from the pakis. in that instance i actually think the proximity would be the issue, rather than the differences

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