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charles edition
I scratched a car in a retail park car park on my first outing after passing my test but shit myself and just drove off
Fucking dark enough to need the light on
It's 3pm

Fucking Hell, lads. I knew taking time off toil today was a mistake.
How convenient
Scared that when I get in a good relationship that I will get bored of her due to the Cooming Effect
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Why do third worlders love AI slop so much?
they're taller than the houses around here, the council do fuck all about maintaining them
because they're not office plankton primarily
wagies in developed countries are nervous because they know the day of the automation is at hand
Low IQ
The last guy to do that to me got caught on camera by based neighbourberg (who definitely only has the camera up to check if the police are still checking up on them).
somehow become completely dogshit at bay parking when I'm in a busy supermarket car park
what's the point of getting a job when youre on benefits
In the grand tapestry of existence, where the cyclical nature of temporal progression intertwines with the ineffable essence of reality, we find ourselves oscillating between the realms of profundity and banality. The convergence of abstract thought and tangible experience creates a kaleidoscope of possibilities, each more tantalizingly elusive than the last. As we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of cognition, it becomes evident that meaning itself is but a fleeting whisper in the vast cacophony of cosmic resonance, echoing through the void with a resounding silence that speaks louder than words ever could
ehhh uhhh zis EH AYE-uh eez a load ov uhh 'ow you zay, crap
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quite a thrill when you knock off someone's mirror though tbf
If the Earth were truly a sphere, we would expect to see curvature across large bodies of water, such as the ocean. However, when looking out at sea, the horizon always appears perfectly flat, no matter the altitude. Additionally, many argue that long-distance observations—such as being able to see landmarks from great distances—should be impossible if the Earth had a noticeable curvature. The absence of detectable curvature suggests that the Earth is flat, and the idea of a globe Earth has been perpetuated by institutions for various control mechanisms
get it put down
job pays about 3x more
>I just err on the side of caution and if there's something going on in front of me and I don't know that I'll fit through I sit there while the drivers behind me get angrier and angrier.
this is the best advice i ever heard for being a new driver. unless you're literally on the motorway, a correct response to any situation that makes you feel anxious or unsafe is just to slow down. fuck all the cunts behind you, they can be a few seconds late
Cleaning out my arse
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you wake up in an american council estate
mad how you can get different car insurance quotes depending on what time of the day it is
Wrong. If you look at the natural formations around the world, you’ll notice that many mountains and peaks naturally form triangular shapes, which could be the Earth's true underlying structure. The three points of the triangle represent the key regions of the planet—North America, Europe, and Asia—while the seas and oceans fill in the spaces between. The idea that the Earth is round is just an illusion caused by how light bends in the atmosphere, giving us a false sense of curvature. In fact, ancient civilizations often revered triangular shapes, like the pyramids, because they understood the true geometric nature of the planet. The 'globe' model is simply a conspiracy to hide the triangular truth from us
Probably am the most educated lad here (have a PhD from a top research university and work in academia) yet I piss myself laughing everyday at gimmicks posted here about poo and wanking and trannies

What does that say about humanity?
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two hotdogs down the hatch
would /brit/ shag the tranny from Match of the Day?
A mutt saved this thread
my aim is true
theyre the ones clogging up every search engine and video recommendation with chatGPT generated articles and videos to make pennies off of people clicking it by mistake
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*watches the detectives*
used to love speeding on the motorway when it was raining and I was heading to toil on an early dark morning, something so freeing about the fact I could lose traction and just die in such a cool and freeing way
that depends on her personality
>what's your address la?
>Milemarker 16, N Belmont Avenue
worth getting one of those dodgy tv sticks?
Sir Pierced Llama
doing some research on this 190 character on desuarchive. did he do anything worse than force unfunny memes and be a weird cunt on some gaycord channel
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hamsters are mental
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>have a poo
>can't see it in the bog
>wipe and there's no poo
I'm scared lads
I too have a PhD but not from a top university also I have only ever heard the opposite of what you've said regarding faculty positions, that they're hell on earth and you have no life outside of work until you get tenure
I went into industry and might go back once I'm older
i heard he nonced his niece
I've noticed 4 groups which seem to spam AI slop the most:
>third worlders (especially south asians and middle easterners for some reason)
>middle-aged right-wingers (reform supporters here or MAGA in the US)
>incel activists
>black nationalists (they use it to generate images of what they think wakanda or some shit looked like 3000 years ago)

Very interesting but I can't seem to find the common link between all of them yet.
Imagine getting lost and not being able to find your house
yellow fanny got me acting strange
phantom poo. consider yourself blessed mate
what a greedy bastard
>I can't seem to find the common link between all of them yet.
low IQ
I regret not doing a masters 4 years ago after I graduated with an engineering bachelors. I feel like I've forgotten everything since, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my brain.
Poo goblins
Be careful
The common link is low IQ
fresh cut dale
was this played in reverse or were those things literally squeezed out of him
love the assumption too in that post that a faculty position is just something you can slide into no questions asked. dream on. literal music industry levels of competition for professorships these days
Saw one in tight yoga pants today bending over
Got a stiffy
Quite embarrassing
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downloading the new fifa trial
*scuttles off back down the ubend with anon's poo*
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Masters are a waste of time in engineering. Also you'd still forget what you'd done the previous years, I graduated last year and I'm sure I've already forgotten most of it.
Women really fidda be like dat doe
Any battyman in
Off to toil then
*raises willard*

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for boomers the firesticks are a game changer. for a millennial or zoomer its unnecessary
"impernance is the buddhaood... the uimpernanece of gras, trees, and forest is verily the buddhahood. The iumperanence of th eperons' body and mind isv erily the buddhahood. The ipmerance of the country and secenere is verily the buddhahood."
how do people pay for these
i heard the student loan doesn't cover it
Worked for a car insurance company handling claims for 5 years. A dashcam is a good investment if you don't already have one. You'll make the money back instantly if you ever have an accident where the third party disputes liability and the footage shows it was actually their fault.

Seriously, buy one. It'll stick in your craw if you end up getting shafted for X% of your several hundred pound excess (+ the extra several hundred quid on your renewal with the loss of your No Claims Discount and a Fault claim on your file). All because your bog-standard boomer psychopath refuses to accept responsibility for something he/she did, which happens every day I can promise you.

You can get dashcams with amazing quality video footage for not that much money. A lot of good ones out of China. I'd maybe steer clear of buying Israeli ones though...
when you're on a diet does the weight leave your body via poo? im losing weight but im taking more regular poos and they're much denser (make a deeper plop when they hit the water)
I met the candidates for a position I applied to and their CVs were three times as long as mine, they had no life outside of work and their extra curricular activities chosen to boost their CV, and they checked some EDI requirements I don't meet like being gay, retarded, or a woman.
I get paid more and work less than they, anyway.
wasnt worth posting the first time, you nonce
>when you're on a diet does the weight leave your body via poo?
yes but mostly CO2
Fuck the mods on /sp/ and their two tier moderating
It's a split between poo, water in your piss and extra CO2
what about for smokers? wont they just claim its our fault for smoking and the cameras will confirm it
>gay, retarded, woman
was 2/3 not enough?
>literal map of africa at the back
oh my days
good quote
attachment is the opposite of buddhahood
what if i'm actually at fault and i want to claim not to be
interesting thank you anons
Just started breathing fast as I can to exhale as much CO2 as possible
Very good
I was driving along once and a car randomly slammed the brakes on, then started to reverse at me. I just held my hand on the horn, I have no fucking idea what was going on, they stopped before hitting me and took a turn off ahead and then beeped at me. I'm not sure if they were trying to make it look like I'd hit them, there were plenty of people around to see if that happened but a dash cam would have helped had they hit me.
wanked off three times today, once before work twice during working hours
my willy is an absolute menace
Car insurance people called me up because I cancelled my policy after they increased the price for the second year in a row. Told them I had quotes for £30 a month from a dozen other providers instead of the £50 they were now charging me but they still gave me a whole spiel and tried to stop me. Didn't offer to match the other quotes once.
Do they really think people aren't going to go somewhere that is 40% cheaper just because they offer windshield wiper coverage?
talking to yourself is a sign of mental illness
>the ray of light shining on the only white kid
one should reflect on the doctrine of tathagatagarbha
*reaches out for a high five*
I am worried about. Diego.
Something is wrong with your keyboard
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only use that board for /180/, /box/ and olympics
i have sorted the bottles into 4, now with orange in them as follows
>2 bottles have the orange peel - one with toilet paper in
>2 bottles have 3 slices of "orange" in each - one with toilet paper
i am using a different (cheap) brand of toilet paper this time
>i dont think this orange was real. even the part with the stem on it was fake. it was strange
i have stored the bottles under my blanket temporarily, to get them out of the sun. maybe the heat will do something
the bottles - once filled with piss - will be stored in the dark at room temperature for three days

once three days has elapsed i will "burp" them and allow them to sit for 4 days more

i will probably not be able to make enough piss on sugar-free energy drinks, so ill drink proper energy drinks - ones with sugar in them, to try and make enough

i am curious about how the vitamin C will affect the chemicals or urea
how bigs your willy
i always think people with bigger willoes wank less
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diego died months ago
off to the the Aldi in Shrewsbury
got a pooey arse and a smeggy willy
over before it started really, oh well nothing I can do
It's cheaper paying a lump sum
"I vow to thee my country" should be the national anthem
what thee fucks going on there
Got two (you)s out of it.
mental remembering there being literally 1 pakistani kid at my primary school
6 inches so pretty average
used to be 6.5 but I guess I wanked half an inch off it through the years
The camera is usually mounted behind the rear view mirror so there wouldn't be footage of you sat there smoking. Also the footage wouldn't cloudy with smoke unless you are literally hotboxing your car with cigs.

Also in any instance where you're involved in an accident that IS your fault, you just say "erm sorry the camera wasn't working" and that's it. The other party and their insurer cannot prove that your dashcam was turned on or working. It works solely in your favour.

"Dashcam wasn't on".

A dashcam would definitely have helped in that situation. The reason they reverse into you (or slam on the brakes) is that if the circumstances look like one car going into the back of the other then it's always the fault of the person behind. Also I can assure you that car was full of 4-5 Romanians or brown people.
very apprehensive about clicking webms with animals in them since spainmong's meltie last night
how's it going fake diego
No shit. I only pay monthly for the credit score because without it I'm a ghost
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Women are porn
>Also in any instance where you're involved in an accident that IS your fault, you just say "erm sorry the camera wasn't working" and that's it. The other party and their insurer cannot prove that your dashcam was turned on or working. It works solely in your favour.
when dogs have sex the bloke dogs willy gets stuck in the other dog
dogs mating lock together
You're safe he's too preoccupied pretending to be an insurance salesman today
mines only 5 i would give you 20k for your extra inch
its genuinely insane how much of life is just smoke and mirrors, reckon 99% of life is just utter bollocks
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Why did this happen?
I had a mortgage advice meeting recently and apparently doing stuff for credit is a waste of time, as long as you don't have bad credit you're safe.
leftists will look at this picture, shrug their shoulders, and ask what's wrong with it
went for a /toilpiss/ and didn't shake the willard enough and got a huge piss stain in the old chinos and had to race back to the cubicle before anyone saw
how do they fuck arse to arse
that lucozade genuinely sorted me out
proper gear that stuff
what happened last night

John Ive
sincerity became uncool in the mid-10s, so now everything has to be stoic and devoid of fun or character to avoid being mocked
youre brave
Shove the bottle down your throat and suffocate you boring cunt
Used to be medicine
then they marketed it TO THE EXTREME
trust me, I have done extensive research on this topic
ktim, mine has definitely shrunk by half an inch
he popped his VPN on and started spamming animal gore because he wasn't getting any attention
my mate said i should buy a car on finance to build up a credit score before i applied for a mortgage and i thought he was talking utter shite and turns out he was, got a mortgage with no monthly payments other than a phone bill
porjetc on
there is a term for it but I forgor
hannah fry sex arse
>Why do dogs get stuck when mating? A breeding tie occurs when the gland at the end of the male's penis swells up and is gripped by the contracting muscles of the female's vagina, preventing the two from being separated. A tie is often seen as a sign of a successful mating and is common among dogs, wolves and foxes.

I did not want to know this
Old flatmate had 3-4 credit cards he'd fucking juggle buying shit because he was obsessed with his credit rating.
refinement culture
I use zsh
Don't worry about Diego, let me worry about blank
4chan are implementing mid-post advertising next week
pooject poon
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brilliant post
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mad how we imported so many wogs that we're not even allowed to be proud of our national heroes for fear of upsetting some uppity 70IQ poo
absolutely fucking shameful what's happened to this nation
stephen fry sex arse
For me, its got to be fish
imagine if after you were done shagging you had to spend like 10 minutes awkwardly stuck inside her like dogs do
I'd run out of small talk
went on twitch for the first time today and it's an actual hellhole. it's just thousands and thousands of people screaming single word messages or emotes into the void, being ignored by everyone else around them, including the streamer. and when the streamer makes any sort of actual conversation, twitch chat just spams "bro's yapping". it's actually mentally diseased.
nun you gon do
nah i wish Churchill had lost WW2 too
get the oil stopped and get the statues of white males torn down
dont see the point, would only consider getting a credit card if i found out i had deadly arse cancer and 1 month to live in which case it'd be a trip to vegas and then shoot myself
hi niggas
Knew a bloke who was a paramedic and this happened to a couple he attended and they had to get separated. It was due to her fanny iirc rather than his cock swelling up.
/brit/ is like of those classic Verdi operas
Aida or something
>this post
bro's yapping
Churchill was a drunken lout who combines the worst two elements of british culture. He's a nepo baby just without the dignity.
Hitler on the other hand...
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get the you-know-who you-know-whatted by the you-know-which women
>thousands and thousands of people screaming single word messages or emotes into the void, being ignored by everyone else around them
basically like /brit/ then
howling you've done that creep
They're all screaming trying to get noticed in the crowd and have their username read out because zoomers like that.
yeah its bizarre
even funnier when someone writes a big long post and it gets heemed into the digital-ether in less than a second
The same reason football teams all play pretty much the same way now. Its data driven, someone proved that logos work best when its a clear, simple font and everyone bought into it so now they all look the exact same.
rorke seething over churchill again
saw a black guy walking down the street playing metallica really loudly from a portable speaker
bit weird
>Wales considers 25pc income tax cut to tackle ‘brain drain’ crisis

welsh...brain drain?
I am genuinely concerned about the next generation, you no longer get bullied for being an eternally online shut-in because basically everyone is now, with 5 second attention span and no idea how to survive without a little object in your pocket that tells you how to do everything
in you go, don't come back until you're 18 and have grown out of your /pol/ phase
Here we can read and reply to one another thoughbeit.
streaming in general is absolutely mind boggling
My name? He Who Must Not Be Named
bro's yapping
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>try to wait 10 minutes
>get hard again because you're still inside her
>have to shag her again or you'll be stuck in her all next day and everyone at work will see the minger you pulled
was it something from the black album?
Born to a family which got its wealth from theft of Church property and constantly in debt to the point they were travelling across America looking for rich women

He then spent his entire life a slave to a constant line of Jews paying off his loans culminating in him destroying his own empire for them
Scotland was worreid about brain drain too a few months ago
i saw someone do a big long post and it became a copypasta and was spammed by about 150 people in a minute and the streamer missed all of it because he was reading something in the game lol

I understand it conceptually. Like me and my mates would hang out in one of our houses just chatting shit while one of us played Oblivion back in the day, but in execution it's so bizarre. The internet brainrot permeates too deeply.
>id's da jooooos
never, ever, ever in my life seen a white peson walk about listening to music out loud on a portable speaker of any kind.*

*this of course doesn't include the first year of sony ericsson's blaring basshunter on the back of the bus home from school
any of the lads here liek mudkipz?
i do it all the time
>have to hide her under the desk in the office so your colleagues can't see
>'Coming to lunch anon?'
>'Nah haha not today'
>have to wait until everyone has left to go home
rorke positively fuming
look at him go
dtfic on a madone:
mad how fit south american women are
They're closing everything and selling what's left to the Jews then wondering why people leave for work
he was playing welcome home sanitarium
*starts playing obnoxiously loud drill rap from a tinny phone speaker at the back of the thread*
Some twat at my gym plays music in the sauna on his phone, such an obnoxious thing to do. It's not bad music, 80s music and stuff, but I want to relax in the sauna not listen to some mongs music.
tune that
they're honestly not even. they've got about a 3 year window of looking good for 99% of them and then it all crumbles overnight.

t. shagged double digit brazilians in the past 3 years
Done him
Sorry mate I grew back into it.
Sometimes I’ll put my phone on loud speaker whenever I’m talking to my thirdie family back home
fuck off sex billionaire
nothing says "i shag" like shitposting on brit all the time
how are you meeting so many brazillians
I don't think I've ever even met a genuine latina living in this country let alone shagged one
Seen a zoomer playing some radio talk show shit on his phone in costcoid
Mental how 80 years ago people were revolted at women wearing trousers lkke men wearing dresses today

So yes the trannies will win since all women todat are trannies
aaa what the fuck i got some orange juice on y skin, and my skin smells quite obviously like that other thing, but now it smells acid, or like oranges
There's a big conclave of them down in Galway and I go to Galway every now and then.
who's been done for corruption this time?
I'm a dole man, ladies and gentlemen. I have numerous benefits spread across my account. I have many payments flowing at many thousand pence per days. I like to think of myself as a dole man.
I keep getting this sinking feeling in my chest, like an ache, which is accompanied by thoughts and a fear that I'm going to somehow seriously hurt myself or another person, or even worse. I don't know what mental elf problem this is supposed to be. It's happening more and more. I have no intention to hurt someone or myself but I keep being scared that I will do it.
imagine making a gay little video of yourself just to say something inane and stupid
women are so cringe
my chest hurts when i sneeze sometimes
>1/3 residents of the Galway town Gort are Brazilian
>1.5% of Ireland's population in 2020

funny old world
why there of all places? how peculiar
Ralph Pootawn

We Will Remember Him.
Can hear some right little gobshite outside going
I would have got a fucking smack if I'd behaved like that as a kid.
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maybe that stupid bitch should answer him
She probably gets pimped out to African thugs mate stfu
Imagine if your whole family died in one freak accident and you inherited all their savings across all their accounts and it changed your life but you were ridden with guilt and killed yourself
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illegal to discipline your kids these days
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leg is twitching
Might sit on a dildo and wank myself dry.
Or just get a cup of tea. Idk.
He's still shouting mum, getting louder and louder
would rather not imagine that actually
sacreaming at this one for some reason
parents literally don't know how to raise their children anymore, they're raising an entire generation of entitled ADHD gobshites
ralph please leave
listening to this episode of joe rogan. apparently chimps get addicted to porn if you show it to them
the Jews and internet has raped your mind
Rorke mad he can't rape his daughter
do i look like a nigga who asked
Apparently loads of kids go to school without being toilet trained these days, fucking grim but not surprising seeing the subhumans that pop out kids.
All mass immigration into Ireland has been """peculiar""". Same way there was a very sudden influx of specifically Nigerians in the late 90s and early 2000s. There are politicians making a lot of money from it. The Brazilians are getting shipped into Dublin, but aren't able to work anything except 20 hours per week as delivery drivers, so they move out of Dublin and once a small group lands in one place then the rest all go to there too because "Well, I won't have to learn English there since I can stick to my own" and then you've got an enclave of Brazilians.
hello fresh bastards ringing me
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I think I'd off myself Leaving Las Vegas style. I'd be so loaded I could live like a king in some big city for a few weeks, only eating at the finest restaurants, unlimited coke and top end escorts while steadily drinking myself to death
ok you have convinced me. im going to do it. im getting a dashcam. thanks for the advice pal
the boats cant be sent to france unless france agrees, which they wont. rorke in tatters
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reckon there's this frontier romance to living in rural russia that you just can't get in this country
now they show a white
what the fuck is toilet training? don't even remember training for that
apparently you're completely wrong and the brazilians started coming to galway/gort in the late 90s to work in a meat processing plant x
might buy a faster motorbike
mine maxes out at about 100mph, which is fine but the acceleration could be better
what's even grimmer is seeing toddlers being handed ipads as a surrogate for playing/interacting with them, they're hooked on instant gratification from the age of 4
dont get it
toilet training at that is like learning to sit on the bowl. why is she teaching them about observing colour of urine as a monitor for health
cv: education: btec in toilet training
Coincidentally 1/4 of children are English
Yeah it's fucked, schools are banning phones now as it's rotting kids brains. Children have already been fucked off thanks to the lockdowns, they never stood a chance, the next generations are going to be complete morons.
probably some blairite noonsense about getting them to acknowledge their piss privilege or whatever
right okay then
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pic related was a meme in 2006

children conceived in these vans will be turning 18 about now
get them concentrated
get them gassed
get their ashes scattered
don't think the age makes a difference, mumberg turns into a zombie when she sits there playing shit iPad games for literally HOURS per day now that she is retired
know someone who did this. died in jail after getting syphilis and going mad wanking in public
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>A top Hezbollah commander, Ibrahim Aqil, has been killed in an Israeli strike on Beirut's southern suburbs, according to reports by both Reuters and the AFP news agency.

so it happened AGAIN
Muslimbros astagfirullah but why does Allah keep letting the jews defeat us so easily?
ktim when i open instagram reels
you still go mad from syphillis?
rorke's maw playing clash of clans on her 2013 ipad
The white child is being taught about hydration levels because they already know how to not piss and shit themselves
There was one single plant worth of workers who were brought over in the 90s. There are now more 60,000 Brazilians in Ireland. They come over on student visas and then once they're here, they change their immigration status so they can get to stay.

The portuguese do the same thing up here in the North.
proper grim to watch mumberg just fucking rotting away playing candy crush
>on Beirut's southern suburbs
wonder how much """""collateral damage""""" there was
bro went and found an arab wojack for his dogshit post no one cares about
prophetic post
Human porn?
>Israelis commit largest terrorist attack since the twin towers
>radio silence

Very odd
Lewis ham
proper grim to watch sonblatt just fucking rotting away posting on /brit/
thats not so bad. pretty advanced. didnt learn that until i was 30
could really go for a lebanese actually
ipads and all that are brutal for kids. have a couple of wee cousins who are "suspected autistic" and then you just take the ipads away from them and start playing football instead and they become normal children in under an hour.
you train a child to use the toilet to poo in instead of just shitting themselves
a standard part of parenting that apparently people are now too lazy to bother with or too dumb to be aware of
(8) it's fine it's cool (8)
same but they only go for other women
fingers smell like onion
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go on
>radio silence
the radios blew up
oat milk should contain yeast
i was never toilet trained. not a big deal
they made the falafels look like small poos! MENTAL
Rorke fucking pissed at technologies progressing
Should I move?
>al qaeda
>islamic state
Pick a name and stick to it. Not paying any attention to any of this nonsense nor shall I be attempting to learn any differences
bet you hezbollah and hamas are better representatives than our MPs
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do you think less of people who watch anime in public?
screaming when brownoids eat these small poos and think mmm yeah that looks great
Show some respect for other's cultures, you prick
get the articles written in pidgin rorke
I read Sweden is starting their school year a year earlier because the covid babies are too retarded now
oh my dayssssss
done him
Whenever I go onto rule 34 I just type dark-skinned_male

Feels gay but it's not because of the women
are deegz pictyured
falafels are peng when they dont look liek poos tbqh
i think less of people who watch anime in private mate so what do you think
every normie i know under the age of 25 hates israel
the underside of my foreskin contains yeast
>so what do you think
fucking dont ask me questions mate
once rutted on a half-palestinian roastie. fat enough that the inside of her vagina felt weird. fattest woman i'd lain with til the gf blew up
might lay down for a bit and zone out in front of the tele. Its like being dead in a way which is nice x
Depends on the kind t b h
If you watch slice of life/cute ones with teenage girls you are a fucking weirdo
personally not a fan of falafel its too dry
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mad this
I read you were bullied as a child
Hezbollah leader
On the front line
UK leaders
Haven't fought since James VII
seen videos of Japanese lasses eating that
leave it on reddit next time mate
they've shown they'll pretty much risk everyone's security
She blew up your girlfriend!?
project on
hezbollah = shia (10% of muslims)
isis/islamic state, boko haram, al shabbab, al qaeda = sunni (90% of muslims and ISIS was part of al qaeda 20 years ago)
taliban also sunni but deobandis (different ideology) and only care about Afghanistan & Pakistan
you eat it with hummus and tahini (and maybe some chilli sauce) you freak
*farts in your face*
but those are the only good ones
learning tinglish lads
finna smoke weed
Pretty sure you've made half those words up
>On the front line
if that were true he'd have died ages ago
Israel want nobody dead more than him now that Haniyeh's dead
unnecessarily rude
wrote this post a long time ago
the sunni ones are clearly orchestrated by the west
learning ticklish
u ignant
young people are ruled by passions, older people are ruled by wisdom and reason
hahaha? tehehe
project on
Toil is over
(If you want it...)
'kin ell who farted?
*opens a window*
Nah, the only people that watch those are pedophiles and trannies
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