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desperate nonce
might replay system shock 2
Got some CLASSIC gaga on
might play chvalry 2
can hear dad wanking in the garage again
thinking bout booby's all of a sudden
Does anyone know how I can find someone’s DOB when all I have is their name, the date they died and the town they lived in. I’ll send u a tenner
its pretty mad how fruit flies steer clear of salts or brine and yet they drink piss
i bet that if i didnt flush my toilet and then poured bleach down it when they are done it would gas them
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never played that but I have played Bioshock
fake toby
Do you not have a government office that does that, lad?

Here we do
i fucking love boobs
cemetery search engines like findagrave?
The person I’m trying to find is in Ireland aswell
its always funny to see someone fall over. remember my dad fell off a curb 20 years ago and we all laughed.
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ai generated faces for players without scans in the new fifa lads
might actually buy it
debating with myself between leaving the bottles full of air (like they do) or squeezing the air out initially, which i have done in the past with bones
the patch on my garden that i put the bones on and fed some banana water too, has grown a new plant which ive never been before
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doing a wank
No results found
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>interviewer asks to give him an example of when I did something the "right way" rather than the "easy way"
>couldn't think of anything on the spot
>told him about the time I was working at Burger King and dropped a sandwich on the ground and made a new one instead of giving it to the customer
>he just looked at me with an expression of incredulity and disdain
I'm going to be a neet forever
i think that answer was pretty good
>debating with myself
mate this interview questions are SO FUCKING WANK you should have drop kicked the cunt on the spot
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You need the dob in order to apply
tobylad wouldn't say "debating with myself between" or "it's pretty mad how" he always just jumps straight into his thoughts with no regard of how to introduce a sentence for others to read
not mor elike
im ready to fucking meow
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pulled half my fingernail off at toil lads
it's so over
bit evil this
You can fucking ask for it you mong, lad
Give them all the other information to see if they can find the person first
I remember how shit my interviews were when I was trying to get my first proper job.
>Can you give an example when you've provided excellent customer service?
>Can you tell me a time you worked well under pressure?
>Tell me a time you've worked well in a team
Sat there floundering explaining how my newspaper round as a child was actually very high stakes. Should have just made up stories in hindsight.
i dont know whyyou wouldnt just say that in the first place retard baka
tinder needs a maybe option. like show me again in a week or a month or whatever. i keep getting the same profile pop up and i can tell from the name without paying that she has liked me. but im on the fence as to whether id match.
why has tobacco smoking made a comeback online in recent years? a rejection of vapes?
>changed my name
>had to send out like 15 letters to various government agencies and stuff
>going to change my address within the next 3-6 months
>will have to do it all over again
These fucks don't have online portals to do these things and you have to send fucking letters with cover letters.
jaffa cakes secured
screaming - but then again I'd struggle with that question too
I reckon I could heem this thing
You can fucking ask for it you mong, lad
Give them all the other information to see if they can find the person first
Just had to help a very drunk old woman who I think had pissed herself back to her feet then help her get home after I found her lying on the pavement
So that was fun NOT
how do any of you endure these humilation rituals, I'd tell the interview to fuck off if they asked me such nonsense
>>changed my name
>>going to change my address within the next 3-6 months
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it looks cool
not evil. its just a funny memory. ive seen other people fall over stuff and its always been funny. last year my former boss fell down some stairs at work right in front of me and she sprained her ankle. funny.
I made up a story one time and I looked like a complete arsehole - because he was able to immediately start poking holes in my story while I just got beet-red. Said that one of my friends faced "allegations" in sixth form, what I fucking twat I must have looked like.
How can I ask when it’s needed to apply it’s not optional. Have you been on that site?
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Emma did a bloop in the toilet.
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think im having a touch of the old mania, GF berg wont like this!
the vape jew got exposed as stupid
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smoking is grim and bad for you (and everyone else around you as well) but vapes seem even worse than that to me
dried shredded leaves vs vapourised flavoured vegetable oil/glycerine and goodness knows what else they put in there
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LG xx

Can you fucking at least click through the fucking options you fucking mong, lad

Ring them up? Email? Fucking walk int?
>Appetite suppressant
>Anxiolytic/anti-depressant effect
>Social aspect
I think a lot of people are catching on that everything seems to kill you these days so you may as well pick your poison.
smoking feels good, smells nice and looks cool. its got nostalgia, its authentically counterculture, hipster without being cringe. its social. helps with anxiety and depression that is an epidemic in society today. a rejection of vapes is just a relatively small part of it.
yeh vapings great!
*has half a lung left age 22 because buying cheap unregulated vapes from corner shops is 'cool'*
not a fucking chance
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bi flatmate is bringing a lad round tonight
my room is directly below his
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Don draper vs this
Why do you think?
Threesome on the cards then is it?
Got to get trains for over an hour to get to the gf's house but I'm so aroused.
>smells nice
in what universe
sucking a carling but not particularly enjoying it desu
wish I'd got stella or camden hells instead
having a chilled can of Dr Pepper Zero
Worthless frogposter
Love it.
interstellar and lotr:fotr are back at the kinoplex this weekend
does she know you're coming for a shag or is she expecting a nice evening with her boyfriend who then won't stop nagging her to touch his willy?
wtf they have a second World Wide Web in Ireland
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Yeah who knows wtf you're inhaling really
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The one I need has a phone line for general questions about applications and purchasing certificates, they don’t have an email and they don’t offer walk in. I’m not trying to be annoying here m8
Both good movies, wouldn't mind seeing either of them on the big screen again.
into stella is shite
call your landlord and tell him about the homo buggery so he can put a stop to it
Muffin Man Kensington
1 week until GN show is back lol
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it friday dee lads lets get steaming
everywhere you curry stench pajeets arent already stinking the place up. pretending tobacco smells bad is a reddit pastime and you should fuck off back there.
Nice evening with me first x
decided to start using "accoutrements" in my daily vocabulary
I bought a vape, one of the mod kit ones, to see what it was all about. The coils kept burning out almost instantly, like after 25 puffs. They were the correct coils for the vape I'd purchased as well. In the end I gave up and chucked it.

I'm sure the disposeable ones are better and more addictive but I've been soured on the whole experience.
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This is what I look like when smoking fags
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bro watches Gay Niggers
looks lush, that

orange looks freshly squeezes as well. You some kind of millionaire?
the norwood reaper giggles everytime someone gets into vaping
clubs are better
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if you're going to smoke just do it properly and stop messing about, do roll ups or straights just don't fanny about and vape, it's genuinely homosexual as confirmed by studies from NHS and imperial college, look it up
when I was marathonning mad men I used to roll up a piece of paper, secure it with cellotape and then when characters in the show would light up I'd put the fake cig in my mouth and pretend to light up as well

it really enhanced the experience
smoke crack
Not funny
yeah same. depends how i feel after work on Sunday but im planning on seeing both.

ive only seen it the once but i seem to recall enjoying it. 10 years since it was released.
What kind of person uses the word accoutrements
ChatGPT said:
The word accoutrements is typically used by someone with a formal or sophisticated vocabulary, often found in literature, historical discussions, or specialized fields like fashion, military, or decor. It may be used by individuals with an academic background, people who appreciate detailed or precise language, or those who enjoy using more refined or elevated terms in conversation. It’s not as common in everyday speech but is chosen by those who want to convey nuance or add a touch of formality.
this sounds like something I'd do, please stop larping as me, it's quite uncomfortable.
I want to 69 a gassy and farting Emma Watson.
i've got 50p
fuck you
i'm an ex smoker
if you're currently a smoker you cannot objectively judge what anything smells like
everybody who doesn't smoke hates what you smell like but is too polite to say anything to you
I'm not joking it's just a thing that I did
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If only there was a solution to this ciggy/vape problem
poshos always ruin working class food
feel like niccy gum is the healthiest way to consume nicotine
the zyns ruin your gums if you use them enough
Yeah not really feeling it tbqhwy
Highest number of gays tho
>Can you tell me a time you worked well under pressure?
>Tell me a time you've worked well in a team
These are just virgin freak checks. If you've ever played team sports to a decent standard you can answer these.
I had a Scandi missus that I met online and she would bring this stuff to me when coming over. Gives you a proper mad rush in it.
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do like dogs me but for some reason dog videos never even come close to being as fun as cat videos, not sure why just cats are more fun to watch the little scamps
his nicotine gum has the properties of both nicotine and gum
lol what are you bnaging on abuot
Might go to bed
'za and 'ken tonight
friday can day is canceled
The strong ones are great when you're boozing, like having a poor man's bag
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Not my picture just from Google
not long before friday night /brit/ is in full swing
getting on the tins myself to celebrate the occasion
wrong. people love the smell of tobacco. its vapes that smell bad. all fruity and queer.
microwave with the door off
this evening i will be the mild irritant and weak poison ethanol until i black out and cannot remember what ive done. i will peak in my enjoyment after about 2 drinks and every drink thereafter will be me trying to get that feeling back even though it will never come
BIG fan of that webm of the qt italian girl getting embarrassed when she's on camera at the football game
Nah you didn’t
Yeah that's one of the reasons I went onto them after I quit the fags. Tried vaping but it felt like a shit gayer version of smoking and I ended up vaping all day long.
Much prefer something you carry a can of 20 of and pop in your gob when you need one like cigarettes
I did. Why does it upset you?
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erm it's a reference to Hisoka from the manga HunterxHunter as Hisoka's nen ability is Bungee Gum and his bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum I hope this was clear from my post apologies if not

Where did my Irish brother go I still need ur help
feel like i need a poo but i just tried and it ain't happening
You're a weird freak and I don't like you.
nearly made a blacked joke in the mates whatsapp group forgetting i wasn't here
that guuy on YouTube making nitroglycerin said "im not a professional and i shouldnt be doing this, but i want to"
this alongside the thing i said before
slithering out of my festering hovel in search of sustenance
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ah yes fruit smells worse than tar
get a fucking clue you stinky freak
when is the earliest time acceptable to order lunch
I would like to see this
maybe you knew there in your post that i saw a video before that was from an advertisement expert, and he did one of the best intros to a topic ever in it. i was impressed anyway
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As a non-smoker I'll occasionally get a whiff of tobacco smoke that smells pleasant, but I can't imagine it would be nice having the smell stuck on your clothes
Knew someone who never washed and smoked heavily, probably indoors too. Foul odour emanating from him
not me, but some other lad made this thread >>202464314 which has the video in question
used to pretend to be a female online and do sex chats while wanking
wonder how many of those 'lesbian' chats were with another lad pulling his wire off too
Kill yourself cuckold
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>Teenager Rakeem Thomas cleared of train sword attack on Kyran O’Shea-Deriggs by a jury who accepted he acted in self defence
pooing my guts out, me
99.9% i would imagine
Would be honestly shocked if even one were a woman.
hmm plans for this weekend... hmmm
the irish are animals
uhh.. which site did you use
I did something similar once when I was 12 or 13. I pretended to be a girl and talked to a lesbian online. I used a pic of some fit girl from my area as my display pic.
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steaming all de way
Drawing a picture of this cunt would be a racially motivated crime
lowland gorrila lookin negro
bluds barber is moses
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>pull my finger
your confidence that it was a lesbian you were talking to seems misplaced given what you yourself were up to
get on a train and go rim your fat alky hero
got nothing better to do sad little cunt
Just found out I might have committed homosexual acts
good evening emmayank. how are you going to spend your weekend? imagining emma's smelly arsehole and poos no doubt?
Can't be bothered with old belt-drive tables desu
Linn would be nice but at a certain point the table spins at the right speed and the motor is quiet enough, I will be spending more money on the cartridge and tonearm.
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had a chicken vindaloo last night and woke up to have a horrendous chicken vindapoo. Whole toilet smelled exactly like vindaloo. Peng though.
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Yes and playing Skyrim.
She sent me loads of pictures and behaved like a woman. She wasn't anything special or anything so I don't doubt it.
this bint annoys me however that outfit is activating my neurons so fair play
Stupid bitch.
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Grey-Mane or Battleborn?
mad how she ruined herself with tattoos
I'm not particularly against tattoos myself but her's are fucking awful
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Can never let anyone send a text from my phone because if I type 'the' it suggests 'Jews'
the trandem
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who's this and why are the incels seething about her? she's fit
while pretending to commit lesbian acts?
KTWM when I was 13 and told my Latina crush that I had said "that's against my religion" when I refused to do something and she simply asked "oh really like what?"
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The lads as it were
it's a foal idiot
>we're here for the job interview
everyone who doesnt wash themselves, lives in an unclean house, and dont wash their clothes regularly will smell bad. thats not limited to smokers. people who smoke responsibly smell like fresh tobacco which is a pleasant smell far more agreeable than any deodorant or air freshener people are so fond of today.
she is so fucking hot but doesn't seem like she has any personality whatsoever
actually there is a horse that appears in frame on the right

>Bro don't get lung cancer
>Get mouth/oral cancer instead
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need my gf to lose 20 lbs at least ffs
damn now i'm the idiot
seems daquavious really was guilty after all
Is the blue haired lass not a trannard then? Unfortunate face if so
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>Dr. Rebecca Winderman is a pediatric doctor at Jamaica Hospital in NYC.
I'm going to play world of warcraft the war within. Can you believe I've played this game on and off since 2008? I come back to it every new expansion and play for a few months before dropping it.
wanking to feet
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Damn, Daquarious was guilty??
Is she meant to be attractive?
Does nothing for me. Grosses me out a bit honestly.
Israel has free healthcare (and the Americans pay for it)
shes a woman with a manly face i think she's cute
If someone doesn’t have you number saved on on their contacts, does it not show you their last seen on whatsapp ?
I believe you and I'm happy for you lad
Yeah bit tired of ennwords desu
I've noticed I'm aging considerably more gracefully that my peers
might be because I'm not necking pints till I black out twice a week
makes you think
back to harassing are we?
fuck is that aspect ratio
would love it if israel fucked right off

what a wildly unfunny pair of tweets
nigga u gay
Honestly mad how many /brit/cels don't drive or own a car. Honestly don't think I can respect anyone who can't drive or doesn't own a car.

remembering when this aesthetic was my whole identity, still cringing
hate driving me
i only use it for toil
wish i were a trainchad
I like em big.
Wonder how satisfying this would feel
I'm a car owner and driver but not owning a car is based, the bills are obscene
I mostly fix my own (replacing the clutch this weekend) but even then the time spent doing the jobs is better spent doing fun stuff imo
knew a bird in school who loved that band
Americans don't suffer
Name pls??
What reason do you have to hate driving? It's the closest you can get to full freedom in this shithole. Trains are slow and make you go by someone else's time.
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my gf back at school loved Razorlight and Kings of Leon
it's a trannois
Dave or Bryan I imagine
How low is the bar that not owning a car is 'bvsed'
Let me guess it's also 'bvsed' how you spend all day every day stinking up your bedroom
Poor people are the scum of the earth
Think I'd go insane without my car. If you can't go on an incel night drive and get a maccies what do you do? Sit in your bedroom the entire day? Walk and sit in a field for some peace and quiet?
just boring and shit
on a train you can daydream and browse /brit/ and really enjoy yourself
in a car your have to drive and that's all you can do
staying in a hotel for toil next week for 4 days

going to have plenty of big naked hotel wanks
never made it as a weismann
any john lennon solo career enjoyers in

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I thought you guys have walkable cities?
Smoking a cigarette while driving is the new punk rock.
what the clapmeats will do tonight with cronem juice x
making a paneer curry later
never cooked with it before desu
Right now I'm listening to Academic Agent commentary on Adam Curtis docs on my workly drives. Lots of audiobooks and podcasts to listen to. It's comfy.
thank u
how do you even become this large
isn't it very similar to tofu?
I spy with my little eye something beginning with N
NileRed >.<
i prefer Maccas solo stuff (including Wings, obviously)
I have cute feet
cars are objectively shite. they're expensive and annoying to maintain which I will concede isn't so much of an issue if you've got money to pay someone else to do it
the absolute worst position to be in (mine) is owning a car but only being able to afford an old one that breaks so you're constantly diagnosing or fixing an issue, either DIY or paying a mechanic £70/hr to do it for you
cars are obviously useful and give you freedom that public transport doesn't
but if they could be replaced with something equally as convenient but that didn't involve driving i'd be all over it
driverless cars can't come soon enough
imagine the size of the absolute elephant tusk jungle bbc you'd need to penetrate past those fat curves
They are, but public transport is vile and time consuming.
no you DONT !
Yes but we only have about 5 actual cities
>driverless cars
will never happen. as a professional driver i will burn any vehicle that is claimed to be driverless capable
Kill yourself cuckold freak. I've fucked 25 stone + women just fine with my 6.7 inch girthy dick.
actual slave
Spending money I don't have on things I don't need.
hate buses, trains are okay but only go to train stations of which there aren't enough, the ideal would be being loaded enough to have a driver or just get taxis everywhere
business idea: teleportation as a mode of transport
Yeah how much to the town centre then mate?
who the fuck would want to live in a city?
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>if they could be replaced with something equally as convenient but that didn't involve driving i'd be all over it
It equally has to be free for dolescum cowards like you
I only use the train, uber, or met when I need to travel far or need to go somewhere where parking is not worth paying for like the airport.
It's walkable
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this but it also gave me a stiffy
My car isn't a transportation method. My car is my own portable private safe space that grants me freedom to go anywhere.
i dont drive pakis
i hate the EU
I do
might invest in a laptop that has a discreet gpu
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Why are you acting as if 6.7 inch is in anyway small
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>please help me..
would you though?
Course not pal, your lot don't drink do they
i know you arent going to post them...
Feel like there are about 100 levels of mental illness between me and whoever this is and I'm quite mentally ill
and i drive
OK so theyre a nazi
if she was cute enough I'd like to watch her fuck a bio woman
business plan: monthly subscription with 500 teleports per month
im English of course i drink, you smelly curry runt
It is on internet incel forums like this.
Still, KYS cuck.
teleportation but there's a one in a million chance of getting stuck between dimensions

do you go for it?
Business idea: teleportation to the room of a 4chan poster that was rude to you so you can teach him a lesson for getting cheeky online.
is this some sort of nonce code
A dog born in a stable is not a horse
GPU means gay poo unit
Teleportation can't exist, it would just kill you and reassemble something that thinks it's you
some utterly diabolical things occurring in my guts
wish i could poo
>of getting stuck between dimensions
consequences of this?
still seething about how mcdonalds forgot my syrup with the breakfast pancakes I ordered this morning
impossible to know at this time
could be hell
could be basically not a problem
not if you stepped through a wormhole
once saw someone drink the syrup straight out of the container
Bet her farts could clear out an elevator.
*opens my arse a la nicocado*
jump in

you get to be like professor paradox from ben 10
black fuck meat

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